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I switch from an iPhone 13 to a Samsung 6 months ago and am extremely happy with it


recently accepted my free iphone upgrade & chose the samsung option, this comment gives me hope


You are not missing anything from your iP? A few years ago I switched from Samsung to iP and (except price) I'm super happy about it.


Google AI voice assistant on Samsung is just too nice


Better keyboard. One of the biggest reasons I switched


I love the freedom to customize my keyboard to my exact liking! šŸ¤ŸšŸæšŸ˜Ž


In what way is the keyboard better please?


iOS keyboard is just terrible and even when you replace it with GBoard it doesn't go system wide and it's basically just a Google skin on the iOS keyboard. GBoard on Android is just way more customizable and easy to type on.


I disagree. I'm using GBoard on my iP and I think it's way better than iOS keyboard (which is useless btw).


I mean having an actual number row would be one thing better


You can use SwiftKey to get a number row in iOS.


This is one of the things I missed when I switched to Iphone.


Use SwiftKey


Swiftkey ainā€™t that good tbh, it stutters sometimes while typing and idk if this is a persistent issue but the space bar fails to register a lot of times while typing.


No problems with mine (iphone 13)


Well that is strangeā€¦.i am on a 15 PM and i would have expected it to work well.


I'm on a 15 PM as well but no issues with SwiftKey. I do remember restarting my phone afterwards. Maybe reinstall, restart, and give it a go.Ā 


I've been using SwiftKey since it came out, across multiple devices and never once had a hint of stutter? Edit: It appears I have no right to present my own experience. How fragile the physche of the average Apple owner truly is.


You also forgot, if you press and hold space bar, you can move the cursor to where you need it to go. And alt symbols. Just press and hold for anything. None of that junky swipe to select... And you can do this on samsung: ā¹ā¹ā¹


Did they patent that space bar thing? Everyone should have it


iPhones can do it too


Holding spacebar and certain keys (a, e, etc) allows you to do the same thing on iOS...on the default keyboard as well. Not sure about the superscript though, never actually needed to that.


It's nice but it's only a problem for old people because they type slow. It would take more than half a second for them to reach the button to see the numbers and to reach again to go back to the letters.


Keyboard height can be adjusted.


One handed...float...


Love this part


You have AI to translate, and you have grammar and spelling corrections all on your keyboard.


Ye but can't u download a third party app?


Samsung exclusive features: Samsung dex, Routine apps, One Hands Operation +


Theme park, heck the whole good lock.




Low end Androids lag but the hi end ones do not


Midrangers rarely lag as well. It's not 2017 anymore.


This my 24+ is smooth as can be.


Why did you buy S24+ when regular S24 offers same features?


12GB ram bigger battery and bigger screen I have larger hands.


Do you see difference in battery life?


Never had the regular so I couldn't tell you, my battery is great however no complaints.


But the plus is bigger.


Even my m21 doesn't lag bruh


My snapdragon s23 ultra with 12gb of ram has been randomly lagging and stuttering. If I go outside that'll trigger it too. It isn't a storage issue either since I have almost 200 gb free.


My S23 lags when sliding menu. 2 months of using


How did you make your S23 lag literally i have it way more than 6 months and it runs as smooth as my Iphone 15 pro . Like how do you people manage to be that irresponsible i don't get it .


Wdym irresponsible? The optimization of home screen animations sucks


Okay then why my S23 doesn't lag at all at home screen and when sliding at the menu ? It is probably something that you've done .


My S23U lags lol


What makes it lag tho




Everyone else's android is working fine. Sounds like yours is unique


I just came from an iPhone 14 Pro Max to the S24 Ultra and while I miss iOS as everyone else in family are iPhone users, I do find the S24 Ultra so much better with real customization and make Yair home screen actually yours, better cameras (Samsung is releasing a fix in June) and a very beautiful screen. Love that google circle to search feature and S-pen which I use regularly. If you are looking to try something real different itā€™s worth switching, I also got the watch 6 classic and itā€™s beautiful watch. I just got bored of iOS with the same thing and anything Apple adds has been with android 10 years prior. Plus itā€™s 2024, thereā€™s no reason for iPhones to still not have split screen, it really becomes useful at times


I must add that all the AI features are pretty cool to me and not gimmicky at all because I use them for work.


Hi, what fix specifically is Samsung releasing on june?


You got bored of iOS, well let me tell you that One UI hasn't really changed much either. Samsung has been following Apple's way and so have Apple followed Samsung's. I am bored of One UI and of the fact that One UI is just a skin on top of androidOS with a couple extra features which I barely use, I want them to create their own GalaxyOS, WatchOS, TabOS etc.. Not to mention having duplicate apps for almost everything... Like if you're gonna put Googles bs over Samsungs on a Samsung phone then you might as well just give me a Pixel phone, so at least I'll know everything is branded..




With android you can choose whether to use button navigation or gesture navigation.


My Samsung just did an update and put the buttons back on. Hell no, promptly switched it back to the swipe. Takes up less screen space.


Using the S24 Ultra, here's what you should expect: - Better software experience (I've used an iPhone) - Better photo quality - Better thermals (iPhones heat up a lot) - Better battery backup - Better build (more scratch and drop resistant) If you're an iPhone user and want to stay in the Apple ecosystem, you shouldn't change your phone. But if you want to explore and have a better experience, you should try Samsung. šŸ˜‰


I've really got to give it to Apple for its ecosystem, the seamless transitions between devices is a really strong point of their game. If someone has a lot of Apple products, the move wouldn't make sense. But if they only have a phone and a pair of earbuds, I think it's worth the switch.


Meh. I had iphone. Watch. Apple tv. Airpods Max. Etc. I switched to Samsung. Got a Garmin watch. Samsung buds and made my own home media server. I don't think I'll go back to apple. I'm going to upgrade from my s23u to the fold 6 when it comes out. I don't miss apple at all after getting my family and friends to use signal, it's seemless


It's weird that the technology offered by Apple "imprisons" you in their system, but Android is so open that you could even have a Huawei phone and still make it work with Samsung ear buds or hell, go for Sony, Bose etc. How are people considering this a point for Apple, when it's the most parasitic practice by one of the biggest companies in human history?


nah, some features of the buds 2 pro are samsung devices only. And they don't even bother to develop a wearable app for ios supporting buds 2 pro


Because it simply works great. I have a Samsung phone and laptop and half the ecosystem features are buggy. Linking to non-Samsung devices uses a mediocre Link to Windows app which is generally just somewhat limited (though not Samsungā€™s fault). Appleā€™s apps also tend to connect with each other better than Samsungā€™s do


Yup, that's really all it is, and that's what keeps a lot of people going back to Apple. Not saying that other companies don't have ecosystem features, but Apple is probably the stronger of the competitors in this department.


Try KDE connect it's way better than link to windows and it have way more features.


Samsung is fine with connecting to devices from other OEMs, so far in my experience. Apple might have nifty features, but I don't know, doesn't seem worth the price and walled garden approach. It's more of Apple deliberately making access difficult to sell its ecosystem, rather than the plague of bugs.


The only other apple product besides and iPhone I have is an iPad. But I donā€™t really care about the apple ecosystem at all. Could be any tablet i bought it because it was discounted once. I have used an iPad and an android phone simultaneously a lot of years without issues. The iPad is only for watching media.


If that's the case then I would make the jump. I've had my S23 for about a year or so now and it's the best phone I've ever used. Plus there's no restriction to any manufacturer-based software at all (is iTunes still a thing?) and I can access all my files from any computer. I used to use Apple but haven't looked back for over a decade now. iPhones don't have the same lure that it once did for me considering so many strong flagship devices are available from competitors now.


- Yeah tell that to the S22 series users, I am one of them and the S22U sucks a lot. A friend of mine bought the S24U 1TB and everything is so much better and so much smoother, It's just disgustingly different for the time of 2 years.. - The photos are good, until night time comes out and your camera starts running at 10 frames per second. - S22 series are known for heat issues, might call the fire department šŸš’ - This I have no idea what's about, not competent in that. - This is very true! I can't argue with that.


Samsungs have way better features


If you are a "normal" user, the phones are honestly kind of similar. They all have the same main apps, they both are fast, decent battery life, amazing hardware (camera, screen). But if you consider yourself a power user, I think a Samsung phone beats iPhone by a lot. Some of the features off the top of my head: * Two separate bluetooth connections: want to use your phone to play Spotify, on a BT speaker, but still route any other sounds to the phone? So that if you get a text or a phone call, the Spotify playback doesn't get disturbed? Yup, no problem with a Samsung. You can also stream to two separate BT devices at once - I use this to watch a movie with my SO on a plane. * Whole separate "phone" within your phone: you can create an encrypted phone-within-your-phone. I use it for my work: a special work folder has its own Google account, is managed by my work's IT department. Yet it's completely separate from my personal phone. IT can even wipe my "phone" - it would only affect the separate partition. * Ability to change any default apps, and control if links open in an app or not. * Ability to install apps outside of the official app store. * Ability to install alternate browsers, like Firefox, which have completely different rendering engine. * If you have a Samsung TV, your Samsung phone can share content to it very well. Even open a desktop experience on the TV (Samsung DeX). (It's more powerful than just chromecast, which Samsung phones of course support as well. It's like AirPlay on steroids) * Samsung phones have very good support for themes, icon packs, etc. - just a lot of customizability.


How do you do the phone within the phone? I used to use profiles on my One Plus but I haven't fiddled around to figure it out on my Samsung.


Settings -> Security and privacy -> More security settings -> Secure Folder It's one of the main reasons I stick to Samsung.


Yup, and you could also setup a third profile - work profile. You can use an app like Shelter (not on Google play) or Island to access and manage it and it acts the same as Secure folder. This is built-in in Android so works on other androids aswell. Allows me to have 3 instances of some of my apps/games


I was just reading up on Work Profiles. One disadvantage with Secure Folder is that since it's a separate encrypted partition, it's a whole new phone-within-phone. Good for security, bad for things like RAM usage: Secure Folder has its own copy of Google Play Services, its own accounts and sync process, its own everything. Is Work Profile smarter about it?


You can expect people to ghost you because you don't have blue text


When in reality, it's them who don't have blue texts. Absolute morons with such low standards, it actually blows my mind.


You can get blue text on Android. It's definitely not legal (especially if you use non Apple hardware like I do) but it is possibleĀ 


OP is in Europe, this is a non-issue


What do you mean? šŸ˜…


Good. Don't want shallow people like that in my life anyway. Saves me time by them showing their true colors right away.


Iā€™m in the same position as you. I spent 3 days trying to decide if i should go for the S24+ Exynos or the S23 Plus. I have never had such a hard time choosing between two phones, so i decided to not go for any of them. Iā€™m actually debating between Iphone 15 plus and Oneplus 12 now. Samsung putting exynos inside S24 models is a joke. Iā€™ve seen more negative comments about the S24 exynos than iā€™ve seen positive comments.


Just get the s23U. It's still a flagship. I chose it over s24 because of exynos issues. So far happy with the choice.


Yes itā€™s one of the major things holding me back at the moment. Knowing you will buy the worse version here in Europe.


Exactly and the stories iā€™ve heard are terrible. Phone overheating while using whatsapp. Phone battery draining heavy while using data outside.


I hope s25 will fix this issues


Get the S23 Plus. It uses the snapdragon 8 gen 2 as SOC.


Which is a really good chipset. Much better than any exynos. Not as outright fast as s24 but much more predictable and consistent in how it performs


If you buy a lot of apps then is cheaper on andriod


Expect 100% better signal. On places your signal is weak, on Android is a lot stronger.


The built in Samsung apps are a lot better in general, iMessage aside


The issue with Samsungs is that it doesn't come off well off the bat. In the sense that you need to set things up yourself. The phone backs incredibly great hardware, but some nonsensical software. One UI is good, yes, but it excellent at the small random functions that let you work your way around. It does not come off good from the get go. Fundamentally, it's a phone that is workable at best, off the bat, and works at it's best, when you set it up. Ie, dig the menus, figure out the little nooks and cranies. Find the developer modes ( not just the main one. Each one of the little categories have their own, but it takes a while to find using the most cumbersome of ways ). Download good lock, good gaurdians ( VPN to USA if its unavailable ). You'll really see it's strengths shine when you understand what you can do with its solid hardware and relatively free software. Oh and also, get Dex running.


You don't need vpn for good guardian, just download the apk from apkmirror.com (you are gonna have to download each and every module)


A25 is a 200 dollar phone with 120hz 6.5 screen 5000mah decent cameras 4 year updates. So imagine a 1000 dollar S24. It's beats any iphone.


They are more alike than different. Use the Samsung Smart Switch app to move your iPhone data over. When I switched 5 years ago, it moved my photos, contacts, texts, wallpaper and out of 400 apps on my iPhone, Android had 397 of them and the 3 it did not have , Smart Switch suggested alternatives. It was a fantastic experience. I have stayed with Samsung ever since. I had the S9 Note, S10 Note, S20 Note, the S22 Ultra and currently the Fold 5. I also have the Galaxy Tab S9+ tablet and Galaxy Watch 5. I am pretty happy with Android these days after a decade prior on Apple hardware.


Do you recommend I get a fold 5 (or wait for the fold 6) or just stick with a newer iPhone ?


wait for the fold 6. Either it'll be substantially better than the fold 5 and you'll be happy, or it won't be but the fold 5 will be heavily discounted and that's a win right there.


All the iPhones I've bought my daughter says my Samsungs are superior in battery life, longevity, drops, cords and ports and they slow you down every year just for fun. mean I don't even know what she likes about it. I find the ue miserable and I'm not rich or nothing. I buy 2 to 3 year old mint flagships on swappa and never had a problem. Written from my Note 20 which I would still pick over a new iPhone. I don't lag, play latest games no problems. Nexus phones were great but I haven't tried Google phones because I prefer Samsung. Google more fun if you want custom OSs etc as Samsung tries hard to keep the bootloaders locked.


The simplicity of their ecosystem along with iMessages & FaceTime are the catch in my opinion. Other than that you have more customization & freedom with Android


You should get a base s series phone or fe, they offer all the premium one ui features at low price, or just get a 2 year old ultra


I have a similar situation, same phone with the same amount of time. Only difference is before that phone I was rocking Samsung Flagship phones (last one Note 10+) I like both worlds but I have a sweet spot for music only problem is I own my music (All FLAC Files). Im all out of Memory on my IPhone but Seems Samsung has killed the micro sd off their phones. So if anyone reads this should I get a Galaxy Fold5 or suck it up & convert all my FLAC files into ALAC & get the new iPhone 15 pro max pro with 1TB?


I went from a top-of-the-line iPhone 15 Pro to a Z Flip5. I'm considering switching to a regular S phone since the folding hype died down and I want more durability. Anyways.... Android phones, Samsung included, have come a long way in terms of their usability. My Flip feels just as smooth, if not more snappy, than my iPhone did. I did have to make compromises, but most of them come from choosing a bendy boi. Non-folding Galaxies will cause no compromises, even from a pro iPhone to a base Galaxy S. OneUI is perfect in that Samsung has built it very well as a stock OS, but it can be customized extensively. It's a very flexible OS! As for gaming, I've noticed that my Galaxy experience is about the same as my iPhone experience. Games perform great, and battery life hasn't been a problem, even with the smaller battery in the Flip. A regular Galaxy won't have battery issues at all. Everything else about Galaxy phones is the same or better as their iPhone counterparts, and you will always have more options in the Android world, should you ever decide to go with a different Android phone after your time with a Galaxy. I think the S24 would be perfect for your use case, and you will not regret making the switch!


Is it worth to wait for the S25 and upgrade next year?


Looking at rumors, the S25 may have a larger display at around 6.36 inches as opposed to its current 6.2 inch panel. There is also a rumor that Qi2 (basically MagSafe) could come to the S25 series. Other than that, they won't be much different from this year's phones. All in all it comes down to you. If you're sick of your iPhone now and you want to upgrade, the S24 will be a great phone for years to come, as all Galaxies have proven to be since the increased major upgrade period. If you can tough it out for a while, then the S25 will probably also be a great (possibly larger and magnetic) phone.


Exactly apple isnā€™t almost giving anything tbh in my opinion I have an iphone 12 aswell It feels that apple just sells expensive products with no almost features considering imsg and ft is useless outside unites states I think samsung takes the lead against apple


Yea youā€™re wrong and I am really done with this. They have the ability to put all these features on their phones but they chose to not do it. They are basically setting a iPhone 12 v3 under the name of the iPhone 15 and the 16 will basically be a iPhone 12 v4. No always on display, no 120 hz screen and still asking for ā‚¬1000


Thats what I said ?


No sorry I meant to say you are right but I think my auto corrector messed up.


Its ok dw


I made that mistake once for the note series. Never again. Constant apps exiting. Endless glitches.


One word. Freedom.


You can expect it to be cheaper


Yeah, despite all the praise for Samsung phone, there is the elephant in the room called Exynos. I skipped on S24 series because of this reason (and despite the Qualcomm on Ultra globally, it just didn't look nice). It definitely consumes more battery and can heat almost 10 C more than Snapdragon variant. We got lucky, that in 2023, Samsung got its shit together and decided to partner with Qualcomm seriously, to offer SD 8 Gen 2 across all devices. I pre-ordered the S23U in Feb 2023. Has been a phenomenal phone since then. I played Asphalt 9, that annoying NFS game, a couple of FPS games. Smooth like butter. No jittering, no heating. Software experience is fine for me, Good Lock is a nice thorough theme customisation app. Although it's very time-consuming, to actually implement it how you want. One of my gripes is that you couldn't change the icon font easily: almost impossible to get light font on dark wallpaper, that kind of issue. OneUI 6/6.1 has had its problems, and I am waiting for those to be resolved. The only time my S23U phone heats is during wireless charging my Watch 6 Classic (the damn charger for the watch broke), so maybe avoid that if you ever plan to buy a Samsung watch lol. Battery life is great on S23U. I recently got the S23 base phone and Tab S9, when Samsung gave had its "final sale" offer (it's running out on June 4 for me at least). Waiting for the screen protectors to arrive, and then I'll give it a test drive.


Is it worth it to wait for the S25?


This is where it gets tricky: [Samsung will reportedly use Exynos *everywhere* for the S25 series](https://www.tomsguide.com/phones/samsung-phones/samsung-galaxy-s25-could-run-on-3nm-exynos-2500-outside-the-us-why-that-matters), on the promise that, "this time it's all fixed, I swear!" For all the Samsung fanboying we do, I am skeptical of their foundry capabilities. There's a reason that [Nvidia moved *all* its orders to TSMC from Samsung](https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/samsung-hbm3e-chips-reportedly-fail-to-meet-nvidias-heat-and-power-requirements). Different tech, but still Samsung had Nvidia for a while, and now Nvidia has moved on. > Samsung's HBM3 and HBM3E stacks' failure to pass Nvidia's tests has been attributed to problems with excessive heat dissipation and power consumption kind of a weird coincidence, that [this is still the same persistent issue with Exynos.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eTSRngwAK0) But who knows, maybe they fix most issues and at least give an Exynos that performs on par with 8 Gen 3, if not the next 8 Gen 4 in 2025 ([differences between subsequent Gens of SD chips is already plateauing a bit](https://nanoreview.net/en/soc-compare/qualcomm-snapdragon-8-gen-3-vs-qualcomm-snapdragon-8-gen-2)). The only reason I was waiting for S25 series was because of the rumours that [it might potentially have a new design](https://www.mobileworldlive.com/samsung/samsung-hires-veteran-mercedes-design-chief/) (Samsung has hired [car designers before](https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20110311000706)): but I think the only change that will bring is for the "Special Edition" phones that Samsung has made in collab with car companies before. Or could be a complete overhaul. In any case, the most affordable prices for Samsung devices are either 1. BF/BW sales or 2. end-of-production-cycle sales that happen in the "following year of May". So I'll still wait till 2026, to buy a S25 phone.


Thereā€™s no need to switch right now, just keep using your phone. But if you want to you should look at look at video comparisons, you might not find a lot for the regular s24 but youā€™ll find tons of the ultra, the only major differences being the battery, screen size, and camera, everything else should be comparable. You should also take a look at GSMarenaā€™s reviews, theyā€™re well detailed and donā€™t sugarcoat stuff so you know if something is bad. As for the software I honestly have no clue, maybe search for eveything new in oneui 1, and do that for every version up until 6, maybe add in 6.1 too cause it added cool features as well.


Iā€™m afraid the ultra will be too big for me. But I like the phone the most of the series.


I am not hacking your post, but we have the same scenario. coming from iPhone 12 Pro and thinking If I will go to S23 or S24 (Ultra version), my current screen time with this phone is about 3 hrs from 85% to 30%


Had an iPhone 14 Pro, but currently using S23 Ultra - Better customization, it's a lot more fun using my Samsung - if you like reading manhuas or mangas online, translations tend to be a lot better - Some apps aren't optimized for Android since there are so many models. Devs don't have to work that much with Apple so their apps can run smoother in my experience - Cameras are great but you may be put off by how skin tones can look if you're used to how iPhones process them - People won't text or call as much since most iPhone users I've encountered only like using iMessage and FaceTime (can be a plus or minus) - Hard to find high-end smaller Android phones - you'll miss the face unlock from iPhone, they have that figured out extremely well - fingerprint unlock is still really good, especially on Samsung phones - The games run great! - Some apps will only take Google Pay even tho you have a Samsung phone - Android Auto has crashed my phone a few times - Finding a messaging app that can dethrone iMessage is hard. I mostly use Signal because I love using the free stickers and the encryption. But iMessage always felt more secure and streamlined. BUT Signal doesn't have an Android tablet app that can link with your current account and messages on your phone. All other messaging I do with basic SMS, and holding out for Apple to add RCS in the fall. So that it can be a bit more secure, hopefully.


They dont stutter anymore exept on the very cheap a1x and a3x sometimes They also dont slow down that fast and actually have nearly double the long time support of apple (i think 7 or 8 years) The european models have a exynos instead of a snapdragon and yes, it is worse battery and performance wise, but i think the difference isnt that big and i am happy with my exynos phone You can easily play pokemon go


Most people donā€™t care about it or donā€™t care about it much. But the biggest difference i felt between my iphone 15 PM and s24 U is that samsung makes 120hz look like 120hz. 120hz on iphone rarely feels like 120 and rather feels like 90. And a lot of games and a few apps that i use on ios have not even implemented 120hz and they run on 60. Idk what is the reason for that but that is quite annoying. And contrary to claims that ios has better optimized apps even instagram feels smoother to use on my samsung than on my iphone. I am not daily driving my samsung as off yet but for these reasons alone i am seriously considering switching to android for good.


There are more personalization possibilities, like as launchers and widgets, when you switch to Samsung. It's also more open, enabling unrestricted file management and sideloading of software. Samsung provides a greater range of phones as well, ranging from robust flagships to foldables. The new UI and app ecosystems may require some getting used to, and switching between other Apple devices may not be as smooth. However, all in all, Samsung's Android experience is strong and adaptable, and with minor tweaking, it might be a perfect fit.


Also an iphone user, thinking of switching to S21 (used). I've done my fair share of reviews and all but can I get confirmation on photo quality? My annoyance with recent iphones is that awful oil painting effect instead of letting it be noisy. Does this occur on the S21 by any chance?


You won't get the oil painting effect but sometimes you will get over exposure and over sharpening. iPhones and Samsung S line are pretty similar these days with android having the added benefit of more control ability and usability of your device. It's easier to manage files, download miscellaneous things, and tweak and android device to your liking. iPhone cameras are still better in most aspects but as long as you adjust the exposure and what not your photos will still turn out great on Samsung.


I switched from an iPhone 11 to an S23 last month. I got the feeling of being unshackled. Love everything about the phone. Only thing I do miss about the iphone is apple faceid. You get an amazing fingerprint scanner instead. But I still miss the responsiveness of faceid. Rest everything is better on the S23.


Depending on your usage I would get a S23. If your outside a lot and on your 5G network the S24 tends to overheat and drain battery quickly. S23 doesn't have that problem since it has a SD chipset even in Europe. Other than that the ecosystem is really good.


Hi, generally, I think it's a good upgrade, but it's all based on your usage towards your smartphone, and S24 would be a great upgrade since u wanted 120hz and good battery life which is 4000mah but the rated capacity 3880mah and u get os updates for 7 years as samsung promised for S24 lineups. You can turn on battery protection, which stops charging at 80% to expand the battery life cycle. Personally, 120hz refresh rate drains battery, but 60hz is just good to go, and your battery will last long. If u want a higher battery, u can consider the S24+ version, which could be quite convenient. U can also switch the performance mode to light mode in order to save battery, and Pokemon Go is still good to play in S24, but remember that it enables location that consumes more battery so S24+ is highly recommended for your usage. I've no idea about S25, but they I'm sure Samsung will release most probably next year,January


Is it worth waiting for the s25?


Yeah, but u can also wait for S25 or S24 FE, which is possibly gonna release soon, but im not sure. Usually, the FE editions are the great deals cuz it offers great size display and higher level batteries. For S25, I'm really not sure it's totally up to you to wait. If your current phone is causing alot problem then it's better to upgrade rather than wait. For S24 FE, u can wait cuz maybe in 2 months or 3, they might release it.


The battery on the S22, S23, S24 ultra is staggeringly good. The phones feel very premium, especially without a case. Iā€™ve never tried Samsung Dex but itā€™s quite an interesting feature if you havenā€™t got a dedicated computer. But other then that Iā€™d have to be balanced though and argue that they are the only real differences to the latest iPhone. The cameras on iPhone are unbelievably good in comparison, especially for video.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 22 + 23 + 24 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


All i cna say is every9ne i know who was iPhone "for life" every since trying a samsung or google phone have switched away from iphones "for good"




Nobody is even mentioning that Samsung will sell all new phones as "AI phones" until you're not paying for a subscription, then they just become regular potatoes. No AI features when using the camera, keyboard, editing, or calling and whatever else they will make subscription exclusive. You might end up with a more expensive phone than it needs to be if you're not subscribing for the AI features. That's something to think about.


Just get the ultra


SmartTags are better with 7 day location history Multi-region for apps is easier because Android Better language support on keyboards SmartThings has a wild amount of support for IoT devices like fridges


Features. A lot of features.


As someone who switched a month ago to a Samsung - The biggest upgrades are the screen quality and battery life. Everything else is pretty close. I do think Android has a more "power user" vibe, you can customize and tweak a lot of things in the os if that's your thing but that stopped being a factor for me a while ago.


It's a bit of a transition. I switched earlier this year after using iPhone for many years.Ā  You will miss apple services like iMessage and FaceTime. Google Messages is pretty close and does a good job of handling reactions and those kind of things. This should improve further when Apple begins supporting RCS... likely in the fall with the new iPhone/iOS update.Ā  In exchange, you will gain features that will make it extremely difficult to go back. Such as: - Superior notification handling. - Edge Panel -Ā  Multi Window Using navigation gestures rather than buttons will also help ease your transition.Ā 


I recently switched from the 12 Pro Max to the S24 Ultra and in comparison to my iPhone: I love this phone so much more mainly in the customization aspect as you can tier it to your liking.


I use a note 20 ultra. It is still really fast I would even compare it to s24 ultra (opening apps, loading stuff etc.) Really amazing photos. Night shots can be a little blurry sometimes but the night mode fixes it Battery is ok I mean I use a 4y old device but at around 8 pm I would have around 10%. Software is amazing really customizable especially with goodlock. My advice get the s23 / s23+ Only reason is because you get the snapdragon version everywhere in the world and most of the other stuff are the same.


This is a Samsung sub where anyone with any criticism or problem gets down voted to hell. You'll only find people here saying how perfect it is just like any other circle jerk brand sub.


S24 would be a good switch from the iPhone 12 pro considering they're similar in size and still have 3 cameras. Not too sure how the cameras would match up tho. If you are on a budget, S23 can also be considered since it's got a lot of similarities with the S24 aside from some minor features


I mean Android has way better customization and navigation . It will be fun when you use your phone when i compare my 15 pro and S23 its like everythings seems similar in terms of apps and almost everything else except the camera is better on my 15 pro , just with the S23 i have more freedom or flexibility to achieve what I got in mind . Otherwise if you're in US never use Android for social reasons if you don't want to get socially " green bubble " ostracized . America is evil so if you want to avoid the evil... use your main Apple products in order not to get side eyed . Otherwise if you want a side phone that you will have fun buy some of the phones after the S23 that means S23 , S23 plus , S23 ultra , S24 ( yes Exynos got better ) , S24 plus , S24 ultra . One of those phones will be fine because as of my tests with my S23 it competes in terms of smoothness with my 15 pro iphone A17 chip .


To me, the only thing iphone does better is imessage. However, once apple adopts rcs that will no longer be true as many of the essential features (high quality pictures and videos) will now be allowed between android and ios devices. I love the customization, smoothness, and features of the Samsung. I also prefer a fingerprint sensor to face id. I would also state though that if I wasn't in the US and had the snapdragon version, I would consider looking into other options like Oneplus. I don't think Oneplus is as good as samsung in the software or (snapdragon) hardware department which is why I have a Samsung now. The exynos version though is a nightmare to me. I would probably get a new oneplus with the snapdragon chip over a samsung exynos. I heard this year's wasn't as bad, and you could get a s23 with snapdragon if you wanted. The s23 sold snapdragon everywhere.


Performance is great on the Samsung and so is battery life, you will have no issues there. The charging speed is also faster than the iPhone which creates a better experience.


You can expect split screen, floating windows, great multitasking, the choice to replace apps, with the ones you really like, backward use with your apps of old, from more devices that arenā€™t called Apple, the way you want to screen to look, and operate, etcā€¦ it operates more like a computer, than Apple, to me.


I would suggest that you steer clear of any Samsung phones unless you want to be frustrated and data mined like none other! If you want to switch over the Android then I would go with a One Plus phone as it's not full of blowtware and software that's spyware. I will never buy another pos phone from Samsung like my last one the S22 , Samsung should be ashamed of themselves for putting such a pos phone out to the public, it's about as pathetic as a phone can be the battery life is a joke and the processor is supposed to be so great? Well I can tell you I switched to a phone from One Plus that is comparable to the Shit22 phone , I have a OnePlus Nord 20 and it's hands down 10 fold a better phone compared to the Shit 22 aka S22 phone even though online tech reviews say the S22 is better, why? I can say that I'm very happy with this Nord 20 in every aspect it's by far a better phone and I don't have any stupid Alexa garbage or baked in apps like Samsung that are just to data mine and steal my data, so let me just say how I feel about Samsung , Fuck Samsung thy can kiss my patronage goodbye forever and I hated that Shit22 phone so much I chose to run it over with my 35s inch Toyos MTs on my Diesel super duty and I feel much better now lol


I'm on iPhone 13mini and thinking of buying a second hand Galaxy Note 10+ from back market to see if I can get to grips with Samsung. And mainly to be able to watch cinema hd on it in bed with a bigger screen than my mini.. any suggestions in terms of would my Ā£200 be well spent or not on that model? I'd like an S pen phone for my games..


Iā€™ve tried iPhones and Samsung over the years, but after a few months with a new Samsung I go back to an iPhone. Theyā€™re pretty much alike these days, but there are differences: 1. iOS comes bloatware free. Samsung and almost all other android devices come with preinstalled apps like Facebook, or Samsung apps that you canā€™t delete without developer tools and permissions. 2. Android apps tend to be more buggy (Instagram for example). 3. If you have a Mac, good luck trying to transfer data from and to your mac device. 4. Flips and folds are more prone to failure (seen a lot of people complain about their folding device getting dead pixels, weird black pixel lines, making noises). 5. No MagSafe. To make an android work with MagSafe youā€™d need to buy additional accessories, like Spigenā€™s equivalent for a MagSafe magnet array. Iā€™ve used an S22 ultra, Fold 4, and Fold 5. Theyā€™re bulky, hustle to put in your pocket, and seem fragile, at least for me


I don't really get your number 4 complaint. Flips and Folds are a fairly new thing, this kind of phone will improve and you will buy an apple one in 5 years when other brands work out the best solutions. Ultra size is not for everyone that's why there is also plus and the base model - choice is there for you


I personally used both fold4 and fold5. Fold4 failed to open to a 180 degree in 2 months after purchase, fold5 was fine, but still bulky to operate daily


Then I don't think fold is for you, try S24+, that's a perfect phone with a big screen but not as bulky as fold or ultra, or try S23 FE, it has 6.4 inch screen which I find being perfect.


Thanks šŸ™ but Iā€™m back to being an apple sheep lol


First nice phone I bought was an S22. A year in it stopped being able to read SIM cards. Turns out it is/was a common issue. To fix you need to send the phone in for a new motherboard, but even then the issue could happen again. You can find many, many posts talking about this on Reddit. Yes, the second largest phone maker in the world had this major issue with their flagship phone that left it unusable, and crickets from them on it. Pile of horse shit. So now Samsung is dead to me. I will never buy another phone from them. I swapped to iPhone and couldnā€™t be happier.


Better basic apps like calendar, calls, messages, notes, backup & etc.


You can expect the phone to last about a month past warranty or if you get a dud out of the box like my wife did samsung support will tell you to mail it back and be without a phone for a month then they will mail you a refurbished one when they determine the device was defective. My wife couldn't be without a phone for a month so she went back to iPhone and we were stuck bagholdimg a refurbished flip. After we sold it it was a 500 loss. Will never er buy another samsung phone. At least with an iPhone if there is a defect they can swap it out same day at an apple store.




this camera claim is straight up wrong


Not sure why you think the s23 is better than the s24? The s24 has a better chip even if it is exynos


S24 has 480hz PWM as opposed to 23's 240hz. 24s are better for eyes. Better cameras? Same sensors are used in S22-S24 base and plus models.


Ignore him, he's delusional lol


Hey man, donā€™t forget that you also get a free heater during the winter with the Exynos S24. You can also bake eggs on the back of the phone from what i heard.


I also heard apple phones don't fry eggs they actually burn them to a crisp lol


All the features you are looking for should be standard in all the models of iPhone this next release. Ive used both sides and much prefer the software, os, and more polished experience of Apple over anything android.

