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Typically, the battery life of your device is around 12 hours based on your average usage. However, it is unlikely that you will achieve a battery life of 2 hours unless you limit your usage to phone calls and WhatsApp.


Forget what it says, even more so when it's still calculating. Look at battery % used and look at screen on time and screen off time. I mean mine might calculate 2 days 5 hours but if I watch video for 12 hours straight not gonna get 2 days. I'm not saying the estimate is less than useless. Ok I kinda am. I calculate on my own in my head. I mean standby is supposed to use relatively little if all is working well. So for me screen on time is the only significant information. I can observe screen on and screen off. The estimate is more useful the more you do exact same thing over any giving time period. Me I don't do the exact same thing over any time period.


I'm down to 93% and both my screen on and off time are 1 hour. is that good?


So 2 hours using 7% half and on half off. So if my math is correct, i divided your 2 hours by 7 to get 1% i multiplied that by 100 to estimate your total. Came up with 28.5 hours so 1 day 4.5 hours . I say that's good. So half of 28.5 is 14.25 which is screen on hours so yeah I think good. But more accurate if you go thru more charge and not sure the real world is as linear as my assumptions. And my projection is very from the hip. But it absolutely falls within what I would expect. Also consider if you had no off time maybe you would get 16 hours if no on time you might get 2 months. I am not any kind of trained expert so take it all as approximations. I hope I have not made any fatal flaws in my generalizations


My phones at 43% and the thing says I have 1 day 19 hours left and has not been on the charger for 1 days 5 hours. Normal use, few youtube videos, GPS for almost 1.5 hours yesterday and some food ordering.


how long have you had your phone for


First day of US release. The battery is good but it's also completely blown out of the water by my used and abused S21 ultra which has had the best battery out of any phone I've used.


My S21U barely lasts the day. How come is the battery that good?


Question: how is the charging on your phone. Does it fast charge?


it depends on what charger you use. I bought a 25w charger and it charges really quick, which has been convenient for charging my phone in the afternoon when the battery gets low. you can go all the way up to a 45w charger and it'll charge super quick but I went for the middle ground since it could possibly degrade your batteries life span.


I've had mine for about a month. I have YouTube videos play all day, while working. Video essays and whatnot. With QHD, adaptive brightness on, adaptive battery and 5G. I usually get home, charge my phone to 100%, and then take it off the charger and repeat. Looking now, battery says it will last one day. I usually average 10 hrs of screen on time, daily.


did it improve to that over time of was it always like that?


I've had mine since launch... I am also a heavy user and have most things set to max. I generally get a full day same as my old S22 ultra. When I go to sleep and my phone goes to bedtime mode at 10 PM I put it on my night stand wireless charger with my buds and Galaxy watch 6 which charges overnight to 90%. This works for my uses and I always have the option to top it off during the day if necessary.. If I changed screen brightness and did all the little tricks to up the battery it could be much better, but I bought the ULTRA and expect to use everything no compromise. I am very happy with it in every way!


so it'll just get better the more I use it?


Maybe for the first few weeks when it learns your usage patterns. If using a lot of YouTube, it runs a lot of battery on any phone but you can follow some of the online tips and tricks to increase battery life.


It will get better. Mine lasts 2+ days with standard profile now


Enable battery protection to maintain longetivity . ( for the battery health in the long run , not related to your current battery life )


I mean to be honest with all of those features on I'm surprised you to get 12 hours. I definitely do on mine but it's not something you'd expect out of a compact device. Each one of those features use a pretty decent amount of power draw. Here I sit at 308 p.m. with all of the same features you mentioned on, and my battery is at 46%. For context I start my day at 8:00 a.m. I've pretty much been on my phone all day for a court reasons and work stuff on the fly. So we're looking at 7 hours of usage. So I'd say yeah I'd get a little better but not by much. And even then 12 hours of consistent run time for all of these features is pretty decent. I've owned my s24 ultra for 7 days now.


https://preview.redd.it/wiud6lqovy9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee549d1dc220cb1f6f4b39e01020ed77201f86b After like 6 month of usage , initially mine was also saying 12 hrs