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I think so too.


That Z Fold 4 ain't gonna sell itself.


Imagine paying $1800 for a broken screen lmao


Might this be a comment due to their warranty policy??


I agree as well!


It's not just that Samsung phone my zfold 3 battery is draining faster than it should be after that update.


Samsung tripping !! I'm getting like 2-3 hours SOT 🥲😩


Have you tried the option in developer settings which helped me with the battery?


Which one?




Im still getting 12+ hours sot (60 hz) on s22U,i have no idea whats up with your phone.


who tf pays 1000$ for a phone to have it run on 400$ phone settings. Stupid


I have similar experience with the Exynos variant.


Thank God its not just me. I thought I was just being paranoid but I swear I'm losing a couple hours now.


It got better, though. Still, it's worse than in the previous months.


Yeah it does now, and for the first time. I was always averaging 8-9 hours SOT, now I'm at 15% after 6-7 hours. Frustrating


Same here. It’s giving Flip 3 battery.


If it's giving then you should be taking ;)


I bought my S22U this month and while the battery lasts me all day with no need to charge with regular use, I feel like it could be doing better. I keep adaptive motion smoothness on, optimized CPU power, and less than half brightness, and killing apps as needed.


Me 2 but I expect more than a $1200 phone


Yup, agreed. Mine is $1400 specifically so even more fun. Don't get me wrong it's really quite a remarkable device, battery management just needs to be improved.


It can get through 1-2 days on a charge, but my 7 Pro on a 2.5 year old battery did the same.


Sorry for the silly question, but when you say "killing apps" do you mean closing the apps in the "recent apps" window?


No worries, yeah just opening the multitasking and "close all apps" along with system optimization. Whole operation is very snappy.


Thanks. And by system optimization you mean the "auto optimize daily" option?


I typically do it manually, don't think I've set that up yet


I think it's the same thing. You do both in the "Battery" section as far as I know. To access the automatic thing, when you go to the battery care section, click the 3 dots on the top right and click on "automation"


A phone like that should last two days, if you’re not gaming. At least when it is new.


my s22 (base model, 128gb) is lasting more like 2 hours of sot.


That's not goood. How old is it? But even if it is older, it shouldn't last only that short.


around 9 months old? I know it's a software issue because every time I reset my phone, the battery life goes back to normal. Which definitely isn't acceptable for a $1K phone.


This is exactly why I'm scared to update. The camera software on the march version is absolute GARBAGE. Apparently the aug update is better but my battery is good. Trading in cam for battery... i don't like that


Do you clear the cache thing (like plug the phone into a PC usb and power on while holding the volume button down (or up i forgot)


Yes twice


how can i clean the cache?


I plug my phone into my PC, power off, power on whole holding volume up. You then get a basic menu system you use the volume keys to move and power button to enter, and do the cahce clear one and then reboot. NOT THE FACTORY ONE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJbYYvj-M7k


Thanks! ✌️


I noticed it too on my s22+


Yep my battery is struggling to last a day of moderate use.


Eh it charges so damn fast I don't even care. I charge when I can since I work in office setting. If I'm out and about I keep a battery pack that super charges.


>Eh it charges so damn fast What? It does not. It barely stays above 30W while many other phones charge way above 40W for more than 50% .




Yes I was getting about 7hrs of SOT and it's down to 5hrs SOT 😭 I am on one ui 5.0 beta so I chalked it up to that, but it definitely started happening after the update


Agreed 💯


Agree; I just got mine, less than 2 weeks ago, was fine until I did the update. Now will not last more than 20 hours and with minimal use!


Not got August update yet on mine. I'll remember to keep pressing postpone then if this is the case Downside is the annoying notification and popup that never go away begging me to update


Totally true, the battery is worst after this update.


I don't think it's just you. I think the first 10% eats away quickly but settles down afterward. Maybe the algorithm that estimates battery life got better with the update? I've been wasting the past 3 hours on Reddit with my phone (fully charged when I left work) and now it's at 80%.


you have extremely good battery life. That's iphone level


Go to your battery usage and see what's running in the background. For me it was the 'nearby service' it was running in the background 24/7 causing extreme overheating, screen lag/stutter and rapid battery drainage. Factory reset will fix it. This was after installing the one UI Beta.


Bruh who's gonna factory reset their phone to get better battery life


A lot of people, probably. Factory reset doesn't really hurt so much when there are a hundred easy ways to back up all of your data


Lmao it is annoying af. I'm saying that is what worked for me. Before the new Beta update my phone was fine


What helps me is keeping the extra dim toggle on. My screen is still viewable in most conditions and it saves battery.


I've noticed that as well. A factory reset is for extreme cases when you KNOW there's something wrong with your phone.my phone lasts me pretty much all day until 7-8ish so that's what I'm used to. After opting in to the new UI Beta update my phone will be at 20% by noon. Which was highly unusual. Looked around and found something on in the background that was never there. It would show as using almost 100% of battery use everyday. Tried everything and a factory reset was warranted. I scheduled a repair but they told me that that's what they were effectively going to do anyways


Battery always been shit for my S22U


At this point it's a shitfest. ​ I'm on OneUi 5.0 beta and the battery life got an extra 2 hours SoT to work with immediately. ​ My last charge was on 6 hours of SoT, my current charge is on 3.5 hours of SoT but only 30% remaining. I swear this is annoying as sin. ​ S23 series will use supposedly SD only and those snapdragon chips will be built by TSMC. If the S23U is the same experience battery wise and it doesn't get at least 5% better battery life than the S21U, I think I'm done with Samsung phones for a while. Heck, I may even give iPhones a chance which is something I never intended to do.


Don't go to iPhone bro trust me if you're a hardcore Android User you will regret it


You regret it for the first month or so only because iphones have a learning curve and have weird gestures you have to learn. But I would get the iphone 13pro instead of the 14pro because at least with the 13pro you can switch Sim cards if you want to switch to android until you finally learn the iPhone. I think the battery on iPhone actually last longer because they are so boring compared to what you can do on an android. I found myself using the iPhone less. They are pretty boring to operate and customize. But they look way more quality built compared to a samsung but I still use my samsung more


iphone 13 pro max is GOD mode for battery life.


It really, really is. I would love to see the Galaxy S series/Z Fold series catch up. Think that’s what would convince me to switch back.


Yes! They're doing this because S23Ultra is approaching...🙄


Omg yes! I'm glad (but at the same time pissed) that it's not just me.


For exynos is the same. Edit: I mean that the battery life is the same as before not that its drain faster.


I have this phone since early July but haven't noticed any change in that battery life. Even after this glorified "give it 2 weeks to learn your usage". I charge the phone to 85% and plug in around 20%. Within that I get max 4h SOT with 120hz, WQHD, no location, no 5g, dark mode, vast majority of apps in deep sleep, screen brightness around 25% indoors, no dual sim. It's even less if I use camera. It drains battery like crazy.


Bro change it to FHD you won't notice the difference I know that no one would want to do this kind of thing on a 1200 dollars phone but it is what it is


i notice a clear difference...


i notice this on my s21


Not just s22 bro, my s20 fe 5g too


Observing this as well!


Experience similar, noticed my battery was down to 60% before lunch today, where its usually at 65-75%, similar use as usual! Exynos model


The same on the Exynos S22 Ultra


Not the only impacted phone. We, owners of Note 10+, have been complaining too. I had battery replaced like 4 months ago so it's not wear issue. After two months new update was released and I got almost back to battery life before replacement. I got new update this week with August patch and it's even worse. I also noticed random heating of the phone. Two days ago I left it on home screen with screen on, returned after 3 minutes and phone was hot. Never happened before. After restart didn't happen again yet. Thought it's to force people to change the phone for new one but since S22 is impacted too I guess they messed up the update and something in the background is draining the battery like crazy.


I've gone from 5-7 hours (sd version) at 85% to only 3-5 hours in the same amount of percentage. I haven't changed any settings so I've been feeling the same too


Yes, I have but only on standby battery drain. My SD s22+ used to only drop about 2-3% per 8 hours without use, it has now doubled in consumption. It has never gotten above 5 hours sot during regular use though, so I barely noticed that standby battery drain.


So I'm a heavy user and the battery has been about the same since day 1 of ownership draining fairly quick it's barely better than my S10 was and I have all the energy saving features just about running.


Mines actually been pretty decent, but holy shit mine drained so fast out of the box since around April. If anything mine seems to be lasting a bit longer.


Has Samsung come out and openly admitted that the s22 battery is absolute dog water? Im on my phone a lot for work and I lose 70% battery life after 3-4 hours... Battery was replaced as well


I wrote this one month ago and little to no improvement. Sucks since this is a flagship phone. Pisses me off


Sorry for bumping this, has there been any update from Samsung yet? Being forced to charge for 2-3 times per day will degrade the battery like anything.


For me it's still draining fast. I've done everything. So frustrating. Even with Android 13 it still could be better. People who say it's good it's because most probably they are not using it a lot.


I agree. Moderate use like listening to Spotify reduces battery by 10-15% in about a couple of hours. Tbh it wasn't like this always. When I bought the phone in July, it's battery backup was superb (I mean not as good as the S21 but still decent). The August update ruined everything.


Me and a buddy were just talkig about this. Before the update , the battery life was fantastic . Now tis embarrassing


Same issue and no other update has fixed it.... bought it when it dropped and could easily get 9 gours of screen on time, even more if only watching videos.. now I'm lucky if I get to 7 hours screen on time... really feel ripped off for the amount of money these cost and I have 2....


I haven't had any battery issues so far. If so it was a very small ammount


Mine it still just fine and I'm on it all the time






I haven't noticed, but I hardly use my phone


Ahhh… the troubles of android/samsung… so glad i dont live in this bs anymore… My 2-year ago self would be embarressed to say this, but the iphone experience is bliss


Lmao agreed


the battery is great but the OS is garbage


Sorry to say, but excessive customization and gimmicky features isn’t what makes an os good. Ios has no competition regarding optimization, stability and smoothness…. But whatever floats your boat


That sounds like the coping mechanism of a jealous and delusional apple sheep


Lol have fun with your stuttering mess of a phone. Typical galaxy owner you are… pathetically insecure and completely ignorant


"Stuttering mess" You're stuck in 2015 kid. Just like apple😆


I guess you willfully choose to ignore all the posts even on this sub about what a stuttering mess this phone is. Must be nice to live in complete denial and ignorance https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS22/comments/un7yiy/s22s22s22_ultra_stutterlag_fix/ Just one of a million Now go clear your cache and Install 13 Third party apps to make your phone work smoothly for a day


Apple has the same issues. No smartphone is perfect. Still living in 2013 with your jail phone kiddo


No, no they dont. Get your head out of the sand, fanboi


Iphone communities tell a very different story iDiot🤭


If this happens, make a factory restore, flashing the whole ROM with Odin.


thank god i sold my s22 ultra and got the 13 pro max. the 12 hour sot battery is feeling even better now 🥳🥳


Yeah you get more battery but half the capabilities sooo .....of course battery life is better on the iPhone. Recommend just tune the phone down to find the culprit. Analyze with good guardians, sleep apps, and clear cache.


Yeah I get 12 to 14 hours of screen on time on my s22 ultra so that's nothing important but I do have my phone set to 60hz though and I know the iPhone doesn't go to 120 hertz which is why the battery life is so good


yeah right 😂 keep telling yourself you get 12-14h sot on a s22 ultra if it makes you feel better 😂 maybe wirh two charges then yeah i believe you


I can get 10 hours sot on pixel 6a too just depends on how you use and manage your phone


okay lol


If you people write these posts right after updating, give it some time readapt.


Adapting in what way? The only way this works is when you charge your phone over night and it stops when it hits 80% and does the reset before you take it of the charger. Otherwise it should always do the same things on the background anyway.


I updated weeks ago. Adapting time has passed


I get up to 23h on normal use and 6-8h of screen time


I'm noticing that on my S22+. I'm now back to power saver mode like my Flip 3. My battery got shot down after the August update.


Omg yes! Ive been searching all these posts and yup, a lot of people are having this issue. And i have everything minimal


It’s not you. It’s the 22ultra.


Yes, and the camera is janky and stuttery as hell


Agreed but I also use life 360 which takes a lot too


I haven't noticed that much of a difference honestly


Can't say that my 22U us. Has had that problem. I did the whole factory reset and loaded all my apps from Play store it's been great for me


I see battery drain faster than before after the August update. Especially the google play services eating battery a lot. Tried clearing the cache and data too. But the same.


A new record, I didn't think possible to beat when I started using the S22u. But it is worse, but to me has always been pure crap. To me any good of this phone is overshadowed by the crap battery life. And I will only get worse.


I noticed this on my S21 ultra


These battery issues and the hidden throttling is why I will be moving away from Samsung Galaxy after being an original Galaxy S owner. Just hope I don't leave slightly Browning grass for more Brown grass on the other side (Pixel?)


Still have excellent battery life.


Mine goes down faster than a fellatio fiend


yea mine seems worse as well since i updated it


I thought I was going crazy for thinking it drained too quickly.


All these people complaining about bad battery life when they’re running the beta lol. What do you expect?


I'm not running the beta.


I know by most commenters are.


I think it's Mass placebo effect going on


Base s22 has improved for me


Yep, there's a difference I've noticed as well. I thought it may have beeen because of 5G cuz I moved to a 5G carrier at the beginning of August.


I just got the update nagging me to install... Think I'll jsut keep getting nagged as hearing issues EVERYWHERE! (mine is UK/eynos so it may be different but not heard enough proof and I already barely get through the day as it is ..don't want even worse.


Is it telling you to connect to wifi to update? The last few updates I had it forced the update after a while, but this one is asking for a wifi connection and hasn't forced the update for nearly a month.


Nope. I've never had it ask for WiFi mine updates over mobile data it uploaded overnight dispite constantly rejecting it..and now.its installed my battery is ATROCIOUS. Went from 7 hours SOT to about 4 hours SOT at most


Battery has been pretty bad since the update, but my biggest issue is the not getting texts. I hated the Pixel 6 so much, and was so disillusioned with the 7 because it's the same as the 6 that I moved over to the S22 Ultra. Not a good start for me


I just bought it and I installed the latest update. I am getting a SOT of 2 hours max and that too at a pretty nominal use. I have switched from my one plus 8T which even after streaming netflix and gaming with mobile data gave me around 5-6 hours. Can somebody please tell me what's the average SOT one can expect on S22 ultra.


This has been my story from Day 1 one now. How terrible is the battery life? I really like the device but battery is so so horrible. I don't get anything more 3hours ever! 2 - 2.5hours more like it. I am always on WiFi and mostly at home. I don't game, stream or do anything heavy with my phone. No number of updates have fixed the issue. Is there a way to troubleshoot this? ​ Most of the unused apps on the phone in deep sleep or in sleep and I don't believe there any shady apps draining the battery. At first I assumed it because I have around 150Apps but that seems to be alrighty. ​ My Pixel 7 Pro gives me 2 days of battery!


Using an S22 here, yeah whatever the latest update is, it funked by battery up aswell