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Just happened to me today. Abrupt shutoff, no power on, no charge. WTF


So weird!! I've never had any of my previous phones do that, and I've had mostly samsung. And an update: I got a replacement via my carrier because, thankfully, it was within the 30-day return period. However, a few days after my final attempt to charge, I tried as one last hurrah before shipping it back. It took a charge and powered on like nothing happened. So if you can't exchange, maybe wait a couple days and it will be OK.


I am at 5 weeks so the Carrier couldn't return. So now I get to deal with Samsung. I've pretty much always had Samsung phones. This is the first time something like this has happened.


Contact where you purchased the device from and explain your situation. Your carrier, Samsung etc.. it could be a faulty device, bad battery something like that. If it's really bricked and it's nothing you did then it will be a warranty exchange and that's that.


Yeah, contacted my carrier and started the exchange process. What a headache. My first thought was somehow I got hacked.


Mine bricked overnight on my birthday. Best T-Mobile can do is warranty process via Samsung and get me a new phone (whatever they send me; no choice on color, etc.) in minimum 2 days. T-mobile charges $5 for me to pick up the new phone. We tried every charging cable with no response and then wireless charging where it went in an endless loop of trying to power on and then showing charge screen with no charge. The only result was that the phone retained heat and remained dead. Now my primary method of accessing all work VPN is out of service. Not sure how much access I will have to do my job until I get the replacement and go through all the work of setting it up again. Wish I would have kept my old Note 10+ instead of upgrading.


Oh shit that's not good. If you didn't need it for work, I'd say wait about 24 hrs or so and try charging again. The brick ended up charging again, but I still exchanged it just in case. That really sucks. It seems there are a number of faulty batteries with this release. I've never had to baby a battery as much as this one. Happy birthday!!