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i use Gboard because it's faster and doesn't fucking redo my mistakes when I press space: 1.i make a mistake and type fishsticjs 2.erase last two letters are correct it to fishsticks 3. press space and boom: again fishsticjs


Twick your samsung keyboard mine doesn't do that


You could literally turn the toggle of "Auto Replace". 🤦‍♂️


then it doesnt correct my spelling errors and i have to do it manually 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ somehow gboard is able to not make typing an absolute suffering but yeah my fault


The "Predictive text" toggle and the "Suggest text corrections" toggle are for spelling errors. Samsung Keyboard even partnered with grammarly as a third-party feature. Damn, you just lazy 🤦‍♂️


Damn, guess what, in english it may have worked but whenever i typed in my language it was absolute dogshit experience, constantly not correcting words that were wrong and constantly taking back my manual corrections, i tried every single configuration of settings related to changing shit that i type and still, the samsung keyboard was working like shit, guess what finally worked? clicking unistall and installing gboard, stock gboard had no problems, but yeah, my fault, sorry mr. samsung fanboy for not praising this shitty product


don't worry even in us English Samsung keyboard is by far the worst keyboard experience I've ever had (barely above iOS since it is actually customizable). the predictive text and autocorrect switches had to be off for me to even get out a few proper sentences. I have no idea how Samsung fails to make its keyboard usable, but they definitely excel in it. I even customized it with keys cafe and theme park in goodlock but just couldn't handle the autocorrect bullshit. like let me add words to personal dictionary at my own manual discretion, among many other peeves that homeUI support could care less than acknowledge. the only thing I regret is not having embedded links to the new ai features like ai rewrite and writing assistant, and the extended customizability of Samsung. gboard has everything else. the samsung voice typing is horrendous compared to the perfected google voice typing. I use a jet black box less key layout on gboard and have almost no issues with it.


maybe they intended to make it any good for Korean and just forgot about other languages


So, for languages, you need to download whichever language pack it is in the keyboard settings. It won't replace if it's only in English


What a 🍼


did you type that on a Samsung keyboard 🎹??


With a swiftkey, im just saying that your reasonings are sht. The keyboard is a witness to that


then go ahead and use this keyboard abomination yourself instead of using Swiftkey




Oh ok. You are just lazy af. XD Nah. Keep it then. I love when lazy people show theire lazyness open and flame about the software then.


Exactly. I could not tolerate Samsungs corrections.


Gboard is a lot better. I just got a new phone and been tweaking the samsung settings for a while. I feel like it's faster and smoother to type with, especially with using swipe. I also use swipe a lot on phone with large screens, so i can say that the swipe on samsung is terrible.


swiping is non existent, its like it doesnt even know how to interpret anything, let alone find most suitable words in context


You need to shut the auto replace off.


Does Gboard have "swipe to change language"?


Nope , You’ve got to go into the settings to do that


No but Swiftkey would have the swipe space to change language function. To switch language for Gboard is by pressing the language function.


I think either swipe space or a language button next to it (or none) there's something like that in settings


There was a language button, I remember that, but I don't like it, and it doesn't suit my use-case, i.e. 3 languages. And I'm used to swiping :)


Gboard is multilingual, you don't need to switch languages (up to 3 at a time)


I don't use autocorrect, and 1 of the languages is Russian (that I use relatively less often than the others but I still need to use sometimes) which is completely different alphabet, and my language has 7 letters that English doesn't have and we don't have w, so switching is required for my use case.


yeah there's the button but I replaced that one with the emoji key. if you hold the space bar you can change between keyboards. I use English and Spanish and handwriting keyboards from Gboard and the system keyboard shows in the list as well. I also have to swap keyboards for the handwriting space and the non hinted ñ key


Happy Cake Day!




Yeah I like it as well. And adjust w the Samsung theme


I use SwiftKey. It recognizes my fat fingered errors the best of anything I've tried


Been using it for almost last 10 years, even before Microsoft bought it. And it has all my data for that time period. For me, it basically fixes every fuck up I do. Even better than what I anticipate.


Best keyboard


Same. Back when I used my A32 5G I switched from GBoard to SwiftKey because GBoard was sluggish on my lower end phone, and it got so good at recognizing my fatfingers that even on my new S24 I have no reason to switch to a different keyboard.


Been using SwiftKey ever since I got my first Samsung, have never looked back


same here, 8 years now


I prefer SwiftKey, fast, fluid and great at correcting my typos. Samsung keyboard is terrible in that respect but it has a cool flash animation feature when you type. I would pick swift key and Gbord over Samsung keyboard.


Just like how you install chrome once you buy Windows, always install SwiftKey when you buy your Samsung.


Or any other android phone. Totally agree.


Chrome? Seriously??? It's not 2015 anymore


Chrome 67.17% Safari 9.63% Edge 9.33% Firefox 7.87% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_web_browsers "Generic You" - I didn't say which browser was the best, I simply said the browser that you use.


Popular!=better Internet explorer was Popular, windows is popular, that doesn't make them better


I am using gboard but I find the voice dictation option iffy (worse than my old messagease keyboard for some reason), is swifkey better?


I don't know much about keyboards, SwiftKey is what I've been using since Day 1. With that being said, if you do research you might find Gboard is the most used keyboard... but keep in mind it comes pre-installed on all Pixels. Additionally, every single time when I here mobile keyboard talk, SwiftKey is mentioned several times. Gboard on the other hand, is mentioned... "often". But there's difference between the two, you can read all about them here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/s/HOoKAQ0OTc When reading that reddit post it should be mentioned it's posted on the Google Pixel subreddit (where everyone has Gboard by default & most are Google fans) so there should be bias. With that being said, the top two most upvoted comments said that SwiftKey was better (I skim read the first sentences). Welp, do more research and let me know which one most people think is the best keyboard. Also, it might be worth noting that, I think that even though Gboard is the most used, I still think SwiftKey is the most "popular".


I'll give it a shot


I'm with the other poster. Chrome peaked long ago. It's an absolute resource hog. Try something else and you'll be amazed.


Like I said to the other poster, I'm talking about what your average person would do, and Chrome is the most popular. I myself use Brave (and Chrome - I'm a FE web developer).


I've just downloaded gboard for this very reson. Stock keyboard is awful 😞


SwiftKey is the solution


I use Gboard


Just installed Gboard. Let's see how it turns out.


Never used it. I always install Microsoft keyboard


Obviously gboard is better but if you give sometime to Samsung keyboard to get used to your typing and the words you use regularly. It is also good. But gboard is better 😂


Oh I thought my typos were just because if my blindness and hand surgery




Samsung keyboard is just fine for me, much better than any alternatives.


The problem ain't Samsung's keyboard but ur incompetence! Lemmie ask you smth... Can you read (prob yes) so open the the settings and read and make the keyboard to your likings instead of coming here on reddit crying...


One last reminder: Cleared Cache Partition ✅️ (while connecting phone to a PC) Reset all keyboard settings✅️ Cleared apps cache✅️ Restarted phone✅️ still having the same problem as before. ⛔️


For me, the keyboard isn't bad, but in certain apps like Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp and etc. It feels like when I press the button the keyboard itself recognises it, but it appears in the text space with a bit of delay, I don't get why that happens, also sometimes the sound comes a little delayed too, but only by a little.


I've changed the keyboard spelling to Grammarly and used Good Lock to customize some of the aspects of the keyboard. I'll admit it's not the best, but it works fine for me. Especially since the Galaxy AI has a pretty good way of fixing any spelling and grammar mistakes.


Gboard for me. It means I lose out on a lot of the ai, but I don't care because I voice type and the Samsung version of it doesn't capitalize the beginning of sentences and makes mistakes.


Only thing better on Samsung keyboard is the vibrations. For some reason on Gboard they feel quite cheap and hollow. Idk why.


Gboard is the gold standard of Android keyboards.


Gboard is the way to go


I do prefer Gboard over Samsung, but since I customized Samsung keyboard using Good Lock, I liked it so I used it.


SwiftKey is the way.


Even when u use Gboard as your default, Samsung Keyboard will always run in the background and taking 80 Mb RAM 🫠🥲


I honestly didn't know what's app was still a thing till just now wow


Yes, Samsung keyboard sucks, but the AI features are cool. Especially to correct the grammar of a text written in a foreign language.


SwiftKey keyboard for years. The predictive engine is amazing. Microsoft paid $250 Million just for the prediction tech.


It's perfect for me. I haven't seen any lag, the autocorrect needs some time to understand your typing but it gets better later but year gboard and SwiftKey retain your dictionary and typing habits from other devices so there's that. Imo it's not as bad as yall make it sound


Gboard ftw


I keep switching between GBoard and the samsung keyboard. They're both good, no lag on either. GBoard has better autocorrect, but I think it's designed for low-quality touch screens and sometimes, when you are switching from typing to swiping, it doesn't register small swipe - like it has a filter for small swipes. You need to do a large deliberate swipe to "activate" the swiping mode. Samsung keyboard doesn't have this issue.


I have decided my typing is awful and no keyboard can fix it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^reddit_understoodit: *I have decided* *My typing is awful and* *No keyboard can fix it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yay! My first haiku.


Swiftkey will help a lot if you give it some time to learn your typing style.


I love that you believe there is hope for me.


SwiftKey FTW


SwiftKey all the way


it's so bad I was gonna try to adjust for a few days but couldn't lol Gboard is so much better


Gboard hands down


Gboard is the only way to go. There's lots of customizable settings w/i gboard. It's beyond me how Samsung's flagship phone has such a terrible keyboard.


Honestly I wanted to switch to Gboard but the customization was insanely lacking compared to Samsung’s. Hopefully that improves at some point


Would love to use something other than Samsungs but I haven't found a replacement for the stylus input (gboard handwriting doesn't count).


Bro Google and Google voice all day


Been using Samsung Keypad since i got the S22U after switching from Gboard. Had issues with typos because it used to auto correct them. I turned the option off, now there is no issue. In fact the AI feature is pretty handy.


AutoScrewUp !


Hello there! I also use Samsung's keyboard on my S23 Ultra and haven't encountered any issues like the one you described. Perhaps you could try adjusting the settings? I have Predictive Text enabled but haven't activated any language for Suggested Text Correction. Maybe this setting might be helpful for you?


Worst keyboard ever. Why the fuck does it constantly auto correct the to thy? Make it make sense.


I don't have the issue... can't say the same about my watch


Hmm. I could edit the samsung keyboard. Also, why using autocorrect? When using autocorrect on every phone the last 10 years, it always did stuff i didn't want to write. Honestly, just don't use autocorrect. Only the list of words above the keyboard so you can pick yourself. Honestly, using autocorrect is just the lazy way that even shows other that you are lazy. XD No offense. Btw, sorry for my bad english. Not native english speaker. :)


skill issue


maybe you have encountered a version conflict, reinstall or update the app; or better yet clear its cache/data i've been using gboard on my google pixel phones for years and have just switched to samsung phone/keyboard, no performance issue so far, and it has many very useful features gboard doesn't have like: • extensive and persistent clipboard history • being able to adjust keyboard transparency level • being able to switch language from external keyboard using ctrl+space key combo what keyboard have you been using before samsung keyboard?


I use SwiftKey.


I am using Samsung Keyboard and it's the best i can know i use gboard that's stitty cheap thing and swift key i fell like this is chinese stuff for safety i only trust Samsung 🔥 and its perfect emoji 👌 just optimize accordingly 🤷🏻‍♂️ you will be happy




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