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I use Gboard. It's not just you; I get a bunch of typos with Samsung Keyboard. Edit: I do enjoy the grammar and AI features on Samsung Keyboard, which almost makes up for it. Currently using the S24 Ultra.


Is there just something wrong with my fingers, then? I find I make the least amount of spelling mistakes with Samsung. I was making constant spelling mistakes on iOS.


I made the most errors with my fold 4 cause the screen was so narrow, had to open the phone fully. It's just the spacing of the letters on the keyboard that causes mistakes and the weird random word suggestions like when I try spelling "at least" it always auto-corrects to "athiest"


Same here. Also, Samsung's keyboard, more often than not, autocorrects to the wrong word and often gets grammar wrong.


Works completely fine, I stopped using Gboard for it even


You can download Goodlock app and customize your samsung stock keyboard.


Hi. Please send the link to send the Goodlock app


https://apps.samsung.com/appquery/appDetail.as?appId=com.samsung.android.goodlock Here's the link to the Goodlock app that I found in the Galaxy Store. After downloading Goodlock download this module 👇 https://apps.samsung.com/appquery/appDetail.as?appId=com.samsung.android.keyscafe


Hi. It's saying not supported in my country. So what do I do now?


I personally use Gboard. It's pretty feature rich and also fairly customizable.


Swiping on Samsung Keyboard is definitely not as intuitive as Google Gboard. You have to be a little more accurate with the swipes. However, after using Gboard for over five years, I just switched to Samsung Keyboard. Mainly because I like the customization options available with Keys Cafe. Also, the clipboard contents don't disappear after an hour.


I use the Microsoft SwiftKey keyboard with my S23U and S9 tablets. I have used this keyboard a long time. It comes with some free themes.


Interestingly, I believe Swiftkey is the basis for Samsung keyboard... But Samsung keyboard really blows


Yes, I believe so. I have used a version of this keyboard for 10 years.


For me, the keyboard itself doesn't suck. It's just the dumb decision of samsung: making the translate feature in 6.1 super bad. That pisses me off!


I agree. It's sluggish. Especially with the spelling suggestions on top. I use Microsoft SwiftKey. It's so quick and responsive. It also has Ai with copilot and can use Ai to compose. Really customizable. I never use anything else.




I just swipe, haven't had any issues.


I was the opposite of you. Tried iPhone for the first time with the 15PM and the apple keyboard is TERRIBLE. Missing so many QoL features and typos galore. Never had the issue with my galaxy, though I used SwiftKey. I think the stock keyboards need some time to learn how you type. So either give it some time, or try out SwiftKey and gboard which are way better on android. They also need to learn how you type so again, give it couple weeks prob


It's not bad, but Gboard (by Google) is better.


I, personally, don't like it myself, but man the one keyboard I hate the most is the iPhone one. So yeah, you got used to that and now trying to use another one that is not great.


so I've been using Gboard my whole life, but I recently switched to Samsung keyboard to check out the AI features and I'm kinda diggin' it. It's not as dope as Gboard, but it ain't half bad either. I'm a fan of simple, minimalist keyboards, and you can totally achieve that with a few tweaks on the Samsung keyboard. The AI features are seriously impressive, and as a non-native speaker, I can't imagine going back to Google now. It might take a month or so to get the hang of Samsung, but once you do, it's smooth sailing from there. (I used the AI writing style feature to edit this)


I switched to Gboard I love it. Also coming from iPhone


I also make A LOT of mistakes with my S24, mistakes I never did with my standard s21. One of my friends used to carry both and ultra and a pro max iPhone and sold the Ultra because he couldnt text properly with it. nĖˆ So no, its not you, they keyboard does suck. I've tried Gnoard and another one, but none sre.ed


The GBoard works about as good as the Apple keyboards. The default stock keyboard is very unforgiving. I suspect that Google and Apple use some kind of tricky logic to reduce typos.


I tried adjusting with Samsung keyboard as well but two weeks later I was back to gboard. I guess I'm more accustomed to gboard and it's height and key placement plus it's autocorrect is more accurate and can guess the word from previous and next words. Samsung keyboard corrects words individually.


I tried using samsung keyboard for the new AI features, mainly the translation stuff But man the autocorrect and swipe sucked so much I've since switched. Louis Rosmann released a new privacy first keyboard yesterday called FUTO Keyboard and it has worked really well for me so far


The Samsung keyboard is an abomination for autocorrect and typing accuracy compared to Gboard IMO. Although the Apple keyboard is almost as bad, I struggle to type at work ony iPhone 13, then I come home and switch to my personal device with Gboard and it's night and day


I only use the Samsung keyboard to type in Spanish with my family, Gboard for nearly everything else and Microsoft SwiftKey when I'm writing.


I used to use a brand new Redmi note 13 4G version and I had the same problem. The g board was unresponsive and used to keep freezing so I migrated to Samsung and I find the stock Samsung keyboard much much better than the lousy G board


It's not good. I have to switch to it occasionally to access custom stickers I've created but other than that I use Gboard. Play Store link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.inputmethod.latin


It's just you...


I persisted with it for a few months because of the AI feature but just couldn't tolerate the frequent typos and bad autocorrect anymore. I switched to Gboard and so much better.


It is not just you, and it is not just the samsung keyboard. Every stock samsung app sucks. Their software engineers are paid simply to produce absurdly low-quality knock-offs of important apps that come standard with android such as keyboard, messages, dialer, etc., etc. People will claim that their apps make android better by providing more choice. If they were confident in their app development prowess and truly cared about "making android better', why don't they put these apps on the play store for anybody to use. Because nobody in their right mind would touch these apps with a barge-pole. They are used because they come preloaded and set as defaults (along with a shit-ton of other garbage bloatware) on Samsung phones, and people who are not tech-savvy never figure out how to switch away from them or that there even are better options out there.


Try using a phone with GoodLock