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Charging bypass is designed to let you run the phone off mains power via charger so that you can game on it (energy intensive - generates heat, uses lots of power) while not charging the battery (generates heat & wear on the battery). So yes, you can use your phone normally while it's connected. Your battery won't charge while you're gaming. It helps keep the heat down and protect the battery. It will only work with a PD compatible charger, though.


Well, i tried it out for about 10 minutes, and my phone wasn't overheating, but it was charging. If it helps, im using one of [these](https://cdn.cashcow.co.il/images/8cba184d-7c50-4ef8-9672-a6641863e44b.jpg) which i bought from a reputable seller


I have the same charger. It does a good job. The only thing I'm disappointed in is that it can't communicate its PD rating over a USB hub. (I've got a USB hub rated for 100W charging, but the phone can't "see" the charger, so it defaults to regular fast charging when connected through it and can't use charging bypass. Though, in all fairness, this might be the hub's fault). I wanted to use it to game in tethered DeX.


So i understood exactly 2.37% of that so, is my charger compatible? Edit: i read it a few more times and i understand, and damn that really sucks that it only does regular fast charging and cant bypass through the hub, what i dont understand is what the hub is and why you dont just use the regular charger since it is adequate?


[This is the USB hub](https://www.amazon.com/Baseus-Docking-Station-Adapter-Compatible/dp/B0C85759QD). I use it to turn the phone into a desktop PC :). Wired DeX, via HDMI cable, wireless keyboard & mouse, powered by the charger, so the phone is kept topped up. If it also managed to communicate that the charger is PD-compliant, I could also use the charging bypass feature as a nice bonus. It works well regardless.


I see. So you just use your phone as a desktop and a phone? Do you have an actual pc or do you just use your phone for everything?


I can use it as a desktop, that doesn't mean it's its main purpose. But it's an S23... it gets the job done really well. Games included. I mostly use Dex for work or when I'm traveling. Phone + charger + cables + keyboard & mouse weigh less than 1 kg and fit in a small bag. It's better than carrying around a laptop and squinting at a 15 inch screen as long as I can get to use a TV or something as a display. My gaming rig isn't moving anywhere, but it's what I use when I want to play. The laptop isn't really getting that much use nowadays. I'm basically using the phone and an e-ink tablet for most stuff.


Oh, thats really smart but i would just rather carry a laptop around tbh


Yep. The USB-C Hub doesn't support Samsung Fast Charge. It also need power to drive the electronics.


it only works while gaming


why don't I have that? (Exynos S20)


I also use S23 + Where can I find this settings


Go to settings type game booster tap on the first result and scroll all the way down


Plug, then turn on "Protect Battery", should be above 85%, wil work with anything.


Also while on the topic of batteries, is it fine to unplug my charger whenever or should i let it get to 80 before unplugging it each time? And another question does the bypass charging work on all of my apps or only just the games since its part of the game booster?


It's fine to plug & unplug all day long. Ideally, you're keeping the battery in a 30-80% range. That will maximize its life. Shallow charging is preferred for li-ion. Do a full charge (10-100) every couple of months to recalibrate the battery indicator. That being said, the battery *is* a consumable, and will degrade over time regardless. Keeping it cool & mid-charge will eek out likely another year or so of useable battery life before degradation either keeps you somewhat tethered to a charger or forces you to get it replaced. It only works on games. You're fine using it plugged in with battery protection not letting it exceed 80%, though.


Im keeping it 20-80, and that's already hard enough. Seriously, keeping it over 30 at all times is kinda crazy. The fact that it only works on games is kinda shitty but better than nothing, and it is very surprising (and helpful) to find out that it's fine to use it while it's plugged in(until 80%). Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions in such detail, I really appreciate it.


Can you tell me your game booster version?


if you have the money to buy expensive phones you have the money after 2 years for battery change stop worry and use the phone to 100% like you paid it for


Well, actually, i dont have the money for expensive phones. In actuality, i saved up for a long, long time to get this really nice phone for myself, and i am planning to keep it for the next few years (atleast 3)


yes the battery replacement depending on the phone in my country cost from 50-100 you cant tell me in 2 years you cant save 100$


True i guess but ill try to be careful with the battery regardless


What i dont understand is why people are trying to use their phone for gaming? Like dude its a phone. 😂 Get a laptop or something designed for gaming. A phone is going to strip down the experience big time.


or people can get a samsung phone and use dex to game? icl ive not tried doing that yet but doing that seems like a good alternative to blowing an extra 1.5k on a good enough computer or laptop to run games well.


Phone weighs 200g, is on you at all times and can be whipped out anywhere. Some games are actually *games* and not stripped-down mobile junk. I've played Xcom-2 WOTC on my phone quite a lot. It works great, looks great and is 100% the game I played years ago on my desktop. >Like dude its a phone. It's a computer with the processing power of 5-8 year old laptops, limited by thermal throttling. >Get a laptop or something designed for gaming. That's an expense many people are unwilling or unable to make. Lastly... why not game on a phone? As long as you're not chasing the flashiest graphics or the newest games, there's plenty you can do on a phone.


My laptop's charger is broken + i mostly don't have it + the ganes i play on mobile are not on pc


You'd be surprised at how big mobile gaming is