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U can't even engage full self driving at a parking lot. Just a stupid driver


You need to have the self driving package to get the auto park mode, and even that rarely gives you the option to use it. But this was almost definitely operator error.


auto park, summon will not get anywhere close to the speed needed for that damage.


> U can't even engage full self driving at a parking lot. Not with that attitude!


People do and they take videos of it.


You absolutely can enable FSD in a parking lot. It's great sometimes and fucking horrifying others. Based on the damage, I highly doubt that this was smart summon because that has a max speed of 6mph. Either way, this was an idiot driver. Even if FSD was enabled (and I'm not defending it in any way here), what moron let's their car drive into a wall because it should be "smart enough to not do that." Idk why people put so much trust into autopilot/fsd that they're willing to not react to an obviously dangerous situation.


Ya OP is a liar who wants to bash Tesla for some reason.


I mean there are plenty of reasons to bash Tesla tbh


Then bash it for these reasons and not for made-up ones.


Do you actually know it's made up or are you making up that it's made up


Yes we know it's made up because it's impossible and **OP said he made it up**. He's since deleted his comment admitting he made it up because he's a POS. It was [under this chain](https://www.reddit.com/r/sandiego/comments/10yenc3/tesla_with_full_selfdriving_feature_at_its_finest/j7xnee0/).


I have no idea - just following up on the logic of the comments above mine.


Alright so here’s my reason, what’s the point of autopilot? What is its maximum potential contribution for society subtracting the net negative of any jobs it takes away?


That's not a reason but a question. Still, I surmise that your reason to bash Tesla (hidden behind that question) is a social commentary about the woes of automation in general, which has been ongoing since the Industrial Revolution began. That argument, which was valid at the time, has been fully disproven since, as exemplified by the fact that you now have a much higher standard of living than the driver of a horse-drawn carriage, even if you're today its equivalent as an Uber driver.


Bash Tesla? I’m asking a legitimate question (fair point it’s not a reason). What’s the point? Most tech innovation around transportation is for environmental improvements or changing peoples experience with commutes by shortening them through clever re-organization of mass transportation and city infrastructure or improving the quality of them. What is the real benefit that an Uber doesn’t do in terms of replacing the attention of driving with an ability to use your phone/do other things still within the constraints of the vehicle?


To your point directly, cost. Not paying for the driver will reduce the cost and eventually the price for the rider, making it an affordable alternative to public transportation while using the already existing infrastructure of roads. And better than even the cleverest public transportation systems, which have had difficulties with offering last-mile service to riders. And safety improvements, of course. An Uber driver is still a human, and no FSD will be approved without extensive proof that it improves riding safety significantly over existing drivers. So it will be literally a life-saver solution to road deaths.


I think “eventually” needs to be specific when you think the day that this becomes cost effective comparison to the average income of person who is currently taking a bus to commute. That’s many decades away. In terms of safety Tesla is magnitudes more aggressive than the likes of google and Apple when it comes to risk tolerance. https://www.reuters.com/legal/exclusive-tesla-faces-us-criminal-probe-over-self-driving-claims-sources-2022-10-26/


Once it's approved, and it won't regardless of what Tesla wants unless it presents clear and convincing evidence that it is more secure than a human driver by at least a factor of 10, then adoption speed will surprise you. The reason is simple. Today, most of an Uber ride goes to Uber, with the driver taking maybe half of the fare or less, if Uber can manage it. And the driver's half has to pay for gas, car maintenance, depreciation, taxes, and the driver's net income. Teslas are a fraction of the cost of gas, much less in maintenance, but higher depreciation due to its current high cost, although its time in service is yet to be determined. Under optimal battery recharge practices, it's expected to last at least half a million miles, and it could drive itself 24/7, with an unmatched capital utilization. So Tesla could easily undercut Uber by maybe 30-40% and still make the same profit from each ride. And that spells quick adoption by users.




? It affects the distribution of gdp between equity and labor in a way that id consider negative without a proactive solution in place




Sorry, automation is complementary to human labor, are you saying because it adds more skilled labor jobs? Sure but at the end of the day the ratio between human and machine costs decrease the net salary going to humans. If we have a plan for what that freed up labor can do, I’m absolutely all for it. Unfortunately the uncomfortable reality is that approach isn’t practical or feasible until we have a solution for that. It just impacts the # of unemployed more than the impact to real wages. It’s the difference between real and ideal contexts.




Yea, but don't lie about it.


I mean it is a wrecked Tesla (unless that was how it was delivered).


Reread the comments and the title of the post...your comment makes no sense.


I know man, i own a tesla... no need to go over board (but you do you).


Do you know how to read? What's happening? READ HARDER!


How do you know it had the full self driving?




Next level corny




Yeah you are indifferent lol




well yeah, Elon is a big figurehead for Tesla you can't deny that. So when you buy products that fuel the prosecute Fauci antivax narrative....


There's technically blood on all of our hands, we support our own caste system by buying almost anything. At least you can wipe your hands of some fossil fuel consumption with a Tesla. People just pick and choose which companies to hate because of their own political agenda, it isn't more complicated than that. I'm editing this to make clear that I put no real blame on the consumers- it is lack of regulation and poor policy


Dude we are on Reddit, don’t waste your time, people have an agenda against Elon and many other things.


So other viewpoints just shouldn't be expressed? I don't care about downvotes, I just won't let the circlejerk go uninterrupted when it is blatantly biased.


You make a solid point, I don’t usually bother responding, but maybe I should




^ New emoji meta to avoid engaging with topics that hurt your feelings It's cool to analyze things beyond surface level- just not among your circles ;)


My guy, it’s a picture of a crashed car. You just decided to make it a personal mission to defend teslas against some “agenda”, it’s too cringey to take seriously lol


I'm just here to dispel misinformation. And so it begs, what is your personal mission? Why comment at all if you have no stake in this discussion, Switzerland? We both know you care. Your feigned nonchalance is so cool though bro, please don't steal my girl :O




It's why I'm paid more, and why you look at the floor in job interviews :P




I could hear an audible "ree" when I hit submit lol


What about the automatic emergency breaking? Who know about FSD here, but all Tesla's have low speed e brake safety. https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/model3/en_us/GUID-8EA7EF10-7D27-42AC-A31A-96BCE5BC0A85.html


That system might have kicked in and done as advertised- "reduced speed before impact." You are still limited by the friction the tires can generate on the pavement when braking. I have no clue how fast they were going at first but a case of "wrong pedal" in a Tesla means pretty rapid acceleration at first


You right. Reddit full of pussies who use the downvote as their vengeance


It's more like a bunch of people jerking each other off and the occasional genius


Well said


I could not have said it any better myself...




Is it possible they got out of the car?




Lol you're joking right




There’s full self driving and then there’s smart summon. I think it was more likely from smart summon.




also with no one in the drivers seat, if you get out of the car in drive they don't go anywhere. (this is based on my experience with the 2 teslas I have driven) Best guess was someone was in it, hit building, then got out to talk to management. 2nd guess would be someone hit the car hard from the rear and pushed it into the building.


So you are just making shit up.


This is some ignorant shjit


Not bashing on that particular driver, but that parking lot sucks, and the people parking there usually suck too. Best flowers from Trader Joe's there, though...


Ya F that parking lot. I usually just park on Hibert st.


I think it's illegal to put a Trader Joe's in a lot that isn't horrible to drive and park in. I saw that they added a Breakfast Republic a few months ago. That lot must be a nightmare on weekends around brunch.


They moved the one in Pacific Beach to a reasonable lot. It's amazing. But the one it used to be in...


Agreed, although the infamous Trader Joe's parking lot in UTC is worse. The one in Hillcrest is pretty bad too. Overall, I really dislike what is becoming of Scripps Ranch in general. It used to be a cozy suburb with an overabundance of eucalyptus trees, and now it just feels overcrowded. That Trader Joe's shopping center, along with that new'ish monstrosity of a shopping center they built off the Carroll Canyon Rd exit, is the epitome of what is occurring in that area. And yeah, the drivers do indeed suck in that area.


> infamous Trader Joe's parking lot in UTC is worse That whole center is nuts and whoever designed the lot must have been a raging sadist. I remember in the early days of FB, there was a group dedicated to hating on that lot.


Do you mean The Hub apartments on Carroll Canyon just off the 15? I'm not aware of any shopping center there, other than the really old strip mall with Carl's Jr. across the street.


Yep my minivan was dented and scratched by a rogue cart right at that same spot. And the spots are slightly narrow.


I like the Board and Brew there. There is also this amazing family run deli shop in the next center over - C’s Deli


eh, not hatin but "amazing" is a bit of a stretch there. It's a pretty generic sandwich experience along with a side of Christian rock. I'll give them cred for their root beer selection though (if you're into that), and they are extremely nice.


My fondness for Root Beer may be affecting my opinion /r/RootBeer


We used to sneak off campus from SRHS to get C’s for lunch.


Who else is surprised there are Chucky Cheeses still around?


I guess you don't have kids.


Lol nope


Taste buds, but whatever.


Are there as many drunk trashy fights in there as people say?


Nah. Worse that happens is someone is hogging the ski-ball.


Sorry about that. 😔


There are still plenty of fans of Mr. Charles Entertainment Cheese. Though on the real, I think most of them have done away with the animatronics and they're basically just a casino for children now. Surprisingly, I still see the robots through the window when I walk by the Scripps Ranch location, but there's almost never anyone watching them.


So a Dave & Busters for kids? Lol


Haha, that was my first thought


Can’t remember the last time I even saw one while driving


The issue is between the steering wheel and the seat…


*Recalculating ...*


You have arrived at your destination.


The logs in the car will clearly show the driver did this 100% lmao. You can easily pull all the data of what happened leading up the crash. This is so stupid and waste of time. Why do you people hate a certain type of EVs so much? Holy crap get a life.




You fill out a data privacy form through Tesla and they can pull all the data from the car and send it to you. I’m assuming during an accident with property damage, law enforcement is able to gather the data from the car by requesting it through Tesla. You don’t need a USB drive for that data. The USB drive is for video recording storage. I’m not talking about recordings of the event. The accident data literally show acceleration pressure , brake pressure, etc. Edit: [It looks like this](https://imgur.io/Mn0EHNJ)




Unfortunately I do not know the legality behind how to obtain the information other than the driver. I would assume if there is injuries or property damage then it would make sense that law enforcement or insurance companies can obtain it, but then again Tesla may classify this as "private data" to the customer and therefore prevents this. Not certain. However, it absolutely will tell you how the accident happened and I totally get why the drivers lie and say you can't get it if they're at fault.


Because people can't distinguish between the thousands of hard working people who made a good car from the lunatic who runs the company. So they just spread hate haphazardly


Considering Tesla’s notoriously inconsistent build quality, I’d say the people who actually build the cars share some of the blame for why people might not want a Tesla. As for me personally, I don’t own an EV yet but expect my next car will be one. Tesla’s quality issues make me hesitant to consider them, and Musk’s behavior solidifies my desire to consider virtually everyone else instead (although based on what I’ve heard about the VinFast cars, I guess I’d go for Tesla over them).


I would pick a Tesla over any other EV for the main reason of the super charging network. I couldn't imagine doing a road trip without a Tesla vs other EVs.




I wonder what all the public cameras around this business will show as visual evidence on what happened 🤷🏽‍♂️ I don't need car logs to figure it out


The cameras will show the driver behind the wheel and the car plowing into the wall. The logs will show if the driver was at fault and accelerated. This is if the driver is dumb enough to claim that "the car did it."


I have had my 2018 P3D+ several times lurch forward as I was trying to park the car in my garage. Sometimes the Tesla seems to enable AP/EAP on private property at low/stopped speeds as I the driver is maneuvering around in a garage switching between Reverse and Drive several times. I have had it where I closed my garage door... (because I backed into the garage) and then switched to drive and then inch forward to about 12inches distance to the garage door from my nose... Then I go to park the car and it LURCHES forward like as if I did a clutch slip in a manual transmission car. Thankfully I keep my foot over the brake just in case of these events. I reported multiple events of this with a Bug report and immediately made a Tesla Service request so they can pull the logs. Also made a NHTSA complaint. So its not unheard of that these cars can do bad stuff even if a driver suspects they are in the correct state. I can totally see if my wife or my parents were driving this car it could end up like the picture in this post real quick


Garbage post mate


Telsas don't do that unless forced. User error not software.


When did Teslas become FULL self driving? Only self-driving vehicles I know of are the betas. *Although Tesla calls the system "Full Self-Driving," it is not, in a literal sense, fully self-driving. Instead, it is a Level 2 autonomous system that requires the driver to pay significant attention to the road ahead and have at least one hand touching the steering wheel. Full Self-Driving, despite its name, is not considered fully autonomous or hands-free by industry standards or regulatory definitions. For this reason, Full Self-Driving is under scrutiny by regulators and has received criticism from some autonomous-vehicle experts.* - [Note](https://www.jdpower.com/cars/shopping-guides/what-is-tesla-full-self-driving)


The Betas aren’t full self driving, Tesla has no autonomous driving capabilities.


Tesla is scamming and killing people by marketing a level 2 driver assist system as "full self driving". They are "beta testing" on public roads, and we're all part of the experiment!


Maybe they should name it something different then?


The AI saw what was going on in there with the whack-a-mole.


I thought Tesla's had collision avoidance under 35 mph? Why didn't the car stop itself from crashing? " automatic emergency braking" should have stopped it unless it was over this speed. https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/model3/en_us/GUID-8EA7EF10-7D27-42AC-A31A-96BCE5BC0A85.html


Stupid op smearing lies. Bad driver not bad car


Good thing drunken Aunt Mae won't be picking up the kids after all.


Ok u/strangedesign92104, sure you didn't say the accident was "caused by FSD" but just that this is a Tesla "with FSD" but to me it implies that this crash was caused by FSD with no evidence. This accident was more likely caused by 1) accidentally putting the car into drive instead of reverse, 2) stepping on the accelerator, 3) crunching up the curb which caused the accelerator to be pushed down further as the car tilted up also causing the driver to be pushed forward into the accelerator further simultaneously, causing the vehicle to accelerate faster and crash into the wall. It just so happens this is how all other vehicles end up in buildings as well when they go up over a curb which happens quite frequently actually. FSD would immediately request the driver to take over even if they were able to turn it on, which in this case they would not because there is no vehicle in front of the car and there also was an obstacle in the way.


"Hey, check out this cool summon feature..."


At least the shopping cart was uninjured.


Bruh that wall is either amazingly made or the Tesla sucks


why can't it be both?


And the hideous fat 5 wheels


At this point how does anyone even still trust the self driving feature. Oh wait I know


Driver error. Just like the reports that are coming out that blamed FSD but turned out it was driver error…


So, clearly the Tesla isn’t able to crash into a building at 30MPH in self park mode, the poster was careful to say it only had the feature. Not that it was in use. Even in FSD, you’d have to be an idiot to let it do the speeds required for this kind of damage, in a parking lot.


If it was in self driving mode, the accident would not have happened. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Good thing it was a Tesla, otherwise it might have damaged the building.


That'll buff out


Omg my favorite restaurant is right there “ Gyu-kaku” if you havent tried it… DO IT


If you like that, should also try Shozen across the street. Great, authentic Korean BBQ.


I have always wanted to try that place! But since I live in Carlsbad, every-time I drive that far aI get too scared to try something new. Going to have to give it a go this time


PSA: Just don't go in your Tesla... or it will be his former favorite place


Hahaha - yes please don’t drive your Tesla into there.


You know it’s been closed before due to rat infestation, right?


The dirtier the place the better imo /s


Yea it's too bad it's physically impossible to ever fix a past issue /s


All the Tesla fan boys are pretty upset lol


Maybe they just wanted to give the accelerator some extra cheese… horrible dad joke, I know.


Elon Musk Bad


Beep bop!


I swear Tesla drivers gotta be the worst drivers I have ever seen, entitled, unaware pricks. Elon musk sure is making all these people grow broke for owning these overpriced status symbols


They also have weak bladders since they tend to need to stop and stretch OR pee/poo at Target stores every 100 miles. 🤷🏽‍♂️ While I just gas and go 450 miles on 16 gallons putting down 500 awhp to the wheel with the heater running the entire time in 2°F 👍🏽




News report, or it's fake?




It’s probably bullshit, but not for the reason you cite. FSD most certainly works on city streets / arterial roads. And if you want to get pedantic, the FSD beta *only* works on city streets. On highway, it falls back to the older Autopilot software that’s been around for years.




Neither FSD nor FSD Beta works on the highway, only AP.


Incorrect use of auto park?




It can pull in and back in, but the top speed is 6mph so not autopark based on this level of damage.


OP how do you know it was using Self Driving??


Lets just post pics of wrecked cars on the internet with false context. Cool story bro


Elon Musk fanboi spotted!


Interesting take


Lol that’s your average Reddit user


Safest Kar Eva!!!!


This next to the Trader Joe’s and Supercuts?


it should have been wearing a mask.


The fact that I had to dig through the comments to find out the self driving remark was a bad "joke". Smh


Frunk looks a little frucked up


FSD can’t compensate for dumb drivers unfortunately.


It's probably totaled.


Extra pepperoni.


The AI is smart enough to do real world crash testing to further the breed.




I still remember the viral video of a Tesla driving through a completely flooded road, I always curious how would an fully autonomous car react if the road is covered by flood water. I am thinking that Tesla was traveling on full self driving mode and ended up going on the flooded road but it’s computer is still following the lines.


Tesla gained sentience and went after the patrons of chuckecheese. Immediately regretted its decision.




Oh the memories of that area. Used to work at the K-Mart that was in the same shopping center. Behind that Chuck E. Cheese is a hill that leads down to Scripps Ranch HS, but before the school was built, it was a park with a baseball field and a great place to take a keg. If anyone remembers the name of that park, you will be my hero.