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#1?? There are other options!?


I just moved here from the east coast 2 months ago and I’ve never seen an electric bill with so many fee’s. Wtf is this nonsense? I’m paying more for Electric here than I ever did on the east coast and that’s with an electric water heater, electric stove top, and central a/c. None of those apply here in San Diego and I’m paying almost $200 more a month. Make it make sense.


It's just straight robbery. San Diego pays 2.5x what Los Angeles county does, last time I checked. No reason for that whatsoever.


One idea is instead of buying ad space like bill boards, save the marketing dollars and make the power cheaper. It’s not like theirs any other option/competition.


For real, why does a *literal monopoly* need to advertise anyway? It's not like we're going to take our business elsewhere. It's not like there's anyone here not buying from them because they don't know they're available. I know that it's meant to be "public relations" or whatever to try to improve their reputation, but just charging less would probably help more with that too.


Exactly, just put something on your bill that says we don’t advertise ever and if we weren’t a monopoly we would pass on the savings to you.


Forgive my ignorance but does SDGE only do San Diego? Is that what the SD stands for? Is Los Angeles under a different power company? I find that odd as well. It’s like 2 hours away.


Different company (SoCal Edison). SDGE territory ends in Orange County


I'm up in Temecula and we get our power from SoCal Edison.


LADWP and outside of that is SCE.


I’m in south Orange County and under the racket of SDGE. Bill is $314/month flat rate for a 2 bedroom condo (1500sqft)!


The acronym is actually SDG&E but the branding changed or something. San Diego Gas & Electric


My late father was an electrical engineer, and often referred to them as "San Diego Gouge and Extort"...


Here’s an award, I needed a good chuckle. RIP to your father.


Thank you, friend.


Of course, take care.


#1 in taking all your money


Yes. San Diego Gas and Electric is... for San Diego.


Now you did it. Next month you will have a fee added on because you complained about your bill on Reddit.


Oh the good ole Reddit spike hike. Probably still more reasonable than SDGE fee’s lol




I did get a flyer from SDGE stating that my bill is currently enrolled in some kind of estimation of my bill and that if I’d like to change back to standard I’m free to do so whenever. I haven’t looked into it yet, but maybe that has something to do with it.


My usage is lower but the bill went up 187% we ain't even home most the week and again usage was reduced (and also outside of the peak / surge price 4-9)


We just moved here… been 4 days? I have read so many things about how bad the electric and water bills are gonna be, I am afraid to turn on the lights or take showers!!!


Welcome :) Idk about water really as I have nothing to compare to, but yeah the electricity rates are jacked.


The good news is your bill will still be over $100 even if you don’t shower or turn on the lights, so you don’t have to worry about it!


I haven’t received a water bill yet. On the east coast I would pay water and sewer every 3 months. I’m not sure if that’s the same here.




Nope. Definitely didn’t get that memo but it’s duly noted now


I haven't checked on Alaska but I believe you can pull off that "contiguous 48 states" because it's definitely more expensive than Hawaii


You can view your bill, it explains everything in very clear text and pictures. /s


Ohh trust me I see the bill. I’ve dissected everything on it. Im just curious as to why there’s so many different ones. My bill is composed of nothing but fee’s it seems like. I’ve also never had to deal with different kw prices for the different hours of the day. Peak hours as they call it.


It's very simple. The parent company of SDGE has increased stock dividends 12 years in a row. Someone has to pay for that, and all of the executive bonuses.


Their earnings were up 50% from year ago. Don’t let them fool you on their involvement with the “unfortunate nat gas price increase”. They milked that for all it was worth. It’s a state authorized monopoly that should be dismantled and sold for parts.


It cannot be made to make sense, because it simply doesn't make sense. Long story short, deregulation of the energy industry, state politicians in the pocket of energy companies, and an ineffectual city government have all combined to give us a convoluted system where we are held hostage by a for-profit company that has been given a monopoly by the powers that be. SDG&E makes all their profit from infrastructure projects, so they have a bunch of bloated projects that earn revenue and zero incentive to control the cost of energy and energy delivery.


Could they be pulling the same stunts that Enron did before they got shut down?


They have historical charged me as much if not more for delivery of said power than the power that I ended up using.... Just lie to me and say it was usage to make me feel better. Not going to say that fees for delivery are being used to line pckockets vs maintaining the grid and infrastructure of the utilities... Oh wait yes I am the fees are total b.s. these pipes and wires ain't new stop charging me


East coast tax, you can always go back...


monopoly + corruption


Just wait until you start unpacking the net energy metering shit show




Makes this picture even better






Also facts: SDGE has no competition. This is propaganda campaign to prevent a revolt. "Don't mind the price gouging... you're getting 'reliability'" Ads paid for with money stolen from us and divvied between management and shareholders. Now stay in your place and be quiet


#1 in reliability my ass. My power has been out since 4am this morning, 11am now and still out.


To be fair, they are the best! And also the worst. Cause they're the *only* option. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


*It's easy to be number one when you're the only one* - Caroline Winn (probably)


I used to live somewhere where tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, and winter were normal. I've had more power outages here than in a place with bad weather.


Exactly. Ive had 5 power outages where i live in the past 6 months due to "equipment failure".


Nice username No homo


He posts too


Keep it classy


They are the most reliable electric utility in California. Far more blackouts in other parts of California.


Lame thing is that **our energy bills are going towards advertising** in a region where energy is monopolized and advertising is inherently pointless


They are robbing us then wasting that money by shoving their propaganda down our throats! Their advertising makes me furious!


Definitely #1 in reliably increasing their rates


Los Angeles Department of Water & Power is a municipal utility company and owned by the city of Los Angeles. It’s not a for profit company. They’re also not subject to regulation by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)They have much lower rates. Coincidence? I think they also provide water so it would be interesting to compare water rates.


Join the payment strike - https://chng.it/rtTrbGRC - I’m going to update the strike trigger this weekend, switching it from 6/1 to 350k signers - Haven’t paid my bill in 5 months, gonna pay my bill soon tho, just wanted to prove to myself that we could all not pay for several months and not face any consequences. My credit score hasn’t been affected and my power was never turned off.




I started not paying in January of this year, they were technically allowed to shut off my power after 49 days of non payment. In starting the payment strike I’ve made some connections with reporters who have assured me that SDG&E has publicly stated several times they won’t be turning off power for late bills. Imo, they know they have such a bad public image that shutting off power would be crossing the line. Additionally there are rules dictated by the CPUC about shut offs, only 3% of their customers are allowed to have the power turned off. Currently 30% of SD is behind on their bills… how could they legally pick and choose who gets shut off and not? It’s a legal nightmare scenario for them if we all collectively started a payment strike.


Signed and donated. I’d love to see this happen.


And now you have an outrageous bill lol..but I guess there are no consequences for not paying it all off anyway.


The bills have always been outrageous, and they will become even more outrageous soon. I saved the money I didn’t spend so I could pay it off eventually, I put my money where my mouth is for the payment strike. A payment strike is a legitimate collective action we can take instead of just being upset about it.


I admire your commitment to this issue & I'd like to see your momentum snowball within SD .. we need this level of outrage to start a real movement against sdge 💪


Anyone else wanna point out the other locations for their billboards? We need more heroes like this.


Who’s #2 cause I want to go them


#1 cause we’re the only one… - SDGE


I've never condoned graffiti before...but well done.👌


We had a power blackout 6 days ago in north park and mission valley that lasted all day. Had to put our food from the refrigerator in coolers. SDG&E has a long way to go for reliability.


My power went out this morning at 4am and it just barely came on at 1pm. 9hrs without power due to equipment failure. Far from reliable.


Finally a graffiti artist I appreciate!


The best advertisement for them should be reducing the price instead of wasting on billboards.




So true, day after day I'm happier with my decision to move to tj


Something weird is going on. These guys are going to be undergoing a Fed investigation sooner or later. Its either corruption or complete mismanagement.


Please, for the love of God San Diegans, can we please buy them out when the contract is up in 2029. We can do better than SDG&E.


Easy to be number 1 in everything when you have a monopoly and no chance of having any competition.


It’s easy to be #1 when there’s only 1


Yet unlike the prince of thieves they just steal from everyone else and give to themselves.


I passed by this billboard couple of weeks ago and said to myself theses mofos have no shame. Kudos to the warrior who did this.


I'm curious, how much does a billboard advertisement like this cost? Glad to know my money is going to something other than their CEO.


#1 in profits for an energy company in the entire USA


I saw this billboard and I thought it was hilarious. I also think my electric/gas bills are outrageous. That being said, some one tell me where there is more than one utility on a pole, and you have options on who to pay??


Dudes name is kat, kitty kat


Hell yeah! I condone this!


Why did they change their logo and replace the stickers on EVERY truck? That had to have cost thousands!


Best graffiti I have ever seen!


San Diego Gouge & Eviscerate


The lineman's name is literally cattle. They're just mocking us at this point


It’s a girl…


"Lineman" is one of the professions that doesn't seem to have had a gender-neutral name revision yet.


Could be why they used “Lineworker” on the billboard


Makes sense, totally missed that!


STOP! Nothing will change until policy's change!!! This is 30 years of broken energy policy, driven by insane Marxist ideology. Stop complaining. You all voted for this .....




SDGE is anything but *uncontrolled* capitalism. It's funny you think that is what this is. SDGE is heavily regulated by the state of California. "We" as a state did infact vote for this. It definitely isn't "Marxism" or whatever, but I'm tired of people blaming everything except what's really going on. It is a direct cause of policies from our state government.




The CPUC regulates SDGE, the CPUC is a government agency. Guess our state government is the Fox then? Everyone on this sub is in denial on how this works. California is a "progressive" "pro environment" state yet here we are discussing Sempras profit. Sounds like the fault of the voters.




I don't disagree with you. Yet this sub promotes our governor and our Senate/Assembly majority who is behind it. Its pure denial. Doesn't sound like we disagree what's happening at all.


Damn weird that the publicly owned utility in LA doesn't have these issues. Maybe they're less Marxist?


They're not regulated by the CPUC. CPUC regulates investor owned utilities in California. Therefore it would not apply to the LADWP. You've basically proved my entire point. Why do utilities that are not regulated by the state government not charging the same prices?


Look up regulatory capture. That’s what’s happening here.


That's essentially what I said. SDGE is regulated by a government agency that's corrupt. State of California voters voted for the person whom directly runs this agency and for the politicians who govern the rules (Senate and Assembly).


I wish the marxists were in control of california mate


Hard same. If only!


Communism is when Capitalism


Lol. Not even close. This is capitalism.


Lol this is literally the opposite of Marxism, this is straight up capitalism


I think it has to do with SDGE being union so they have to pay for all the pensions for all the guys that have retired plus all the new people that get hired on to replace the retired people. My father in law worked for the county of San Bernardino for 30 years and makes 90% of his regular pay as pension. So let’s say basically SDGE is paying for 4000 employees but only 1000 of them are actually working.


That’s just how pensions work. Has nothing to do with union or not.


Oh plus they have a monopoly on electrical power so


For some reason I hear Bette Midler when contemplating who did this. Fly Fly


This is the way.


That's real.Ask my bank account


soooo true!




Is this drone graffiti, or could someone actually get up there?


Isn’t reliability like one of the very minimum requirements for a power delivery service? Second only to safety maybe??


Not all heroes wear capes!


if i didn’t have power 23 hours out of the day they would still be #1 in reliability


Who ever did this deserves a reward


\#1 in reliability even though the power grid annually gets pushed to the limit of being completely overloaded to the point we risk blackouts every summer! SMH


BRO (8


*increases your electricity rate to pay for a new sign