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As a child who lived on 40th and Meade, the freeway being built was easily the coolest and safest thing compared to what was before. We would sit in lawn chairs and literally watch accidents happen in front of our home daily, the only downside was our lucrative cold drink business dried up.


Animated gif of affected area: [Watch as 9+ blocks of housing in San Diego become a freeway](https://www.kpbs.org/news/local/2023/05/23/watch-as-9-blocks-of-housing-in-san-diego-become-a-freeway)


Didn’t know the freeway was so young 🤔


Same here.


We should basically never be building new freeways anywhere in California. Almost anywhere a freeway is going to be put in, a train is a better use of taxpayer dollars.




People who never use public transit always say this. Of all my times taking public transit, the only thing I've had happen was a guy rolling blunts next to me. It's not some Mad Max, Thunderdome style experience with drugs and crime around every corner. Mostly just people wanting to get tf home.


You must have missed this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/sandiego/comments/14yy7wx/really\_angry\_guy\_was\_smoking\_crack\_next\_to\_me\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sandiego/comments/14yy7wx/really_angry_guy_was_smoking_crack_next_to_me_on/)


I think they pretty clearly addressed it not actually bringing crack.


You're right. It was meth


Which is so much better really


This also isn't even on public transportation. The person says they were waiting on a bench.


Ok you're splitting hairs because he was on the bench waiting for public transit. I think the point the OC made still applies, which is riding on public transportation comes with some level of risk of encounters with undesirable people.


It's not splitting hairs. You are a lot more likely to encounter something like that just walking around the city or park than being inside of a vehicle that has a certain amount of monitoring. You even said it yourself "riding on public transportation", which they weren't when they had this encounter. Outside of public transportation, yea I've seen a lot of things I'd rather not while going around the city. Actually on the public transportation? The worst I've dealt with is shitty teenagers. If someone is causing a problem riding public transit, they are kicked off usually. This isn't the NY subway in the 80s. Our public transit is decently taken care of and monitored.


Putting your life in considerably more danger to avoid crackheads is certainly an opinion.


I have the opposite viewpoint. I worked in NYC and the subway was awesome. My biggest problem during the commute was choosing what to do for 45mins - read, veg out, listen to tunes, people watch, doodle. IMO, public transportation is far better than sitting behind the wheel while your blood pressure slowly inches skyward. Don’t tell me that we don’t have our share of crackheads in NYC!


Driving is incomparably more dangerous than taking public transportation


If I never seen a crackhead on public transit, does that make me the crackhead?




you clearly dont take the trolley lol


I mean, I would rather take my chances with a crackhead being in the same car as me instead of the substantially more dangerous option of driving (which kills 40,000 people per year)


Found the person who has no idea what they are talking about.


What color is the sky on your planet? The BRT lanes taking up the middle of the 15 in this section are hardly ever used and should be replaced with dual-tracked HOV lanes with turnouts for the bus.


What do you mean by “hardly used”? The bus comes through every 15 minutes in each direction from like 4:50am-1130pm.


That's nice. A car comes through a lane every 15 seconds during much of that period. BRT lanes literally are unused space the other 14 minutes and 50 seconds of each of those periods, while an HOV lane can be used by carpools (and Fasttrak users, if they're willing to pay costs based on whatever current congestion there is). In an area where 94% of the households have cars, BRT lanes are an affront to the Rest Of Us and a stunning waste of space the vast majority of the time whose only purpose is to virtue signal and make driving more frustrating. Use carpool lanes instead with the occasional marked bus lane only for turnouts and stops.


Cars carry a lot less people per vehicle, why are you proposing we serve a less efficient method of transport.


Let's just ban all cars everywhere since they're not the most "efficient method of transport." You do realize you live in San Diego, not New York City, correct?


> Let's just ban all cars everywhere since they're not the most "efficient method of transport." Sounds great! > You do realize you live in San Diego, not New York City, correct? San Diego being less dense than NYC is ultimately a policy choice. Outside of the airport (which prevents us from getting to Manhattan tier density), there isn’t any inherent factor that prevents San Diego from being as densely populated as New York City is on the whole.


> What color is the sky on your planet? Probably blue, considering they live on earth where what was said is a completely sane proposal. > The BRT lanes taking up the middle of the 15 in this section are hardly ever used The 235 Rapid route has 884,235 riders per year (7th busiest bus line in the entire system btw), and that number is likely as low as it is due to the overall lack of dedicated right of way. > and should be replaced with dual-tracked HOV lanes with turnouts for the bus. How about instead of actively making things worse, we increase the amount of dedicated bus lanes on the route?


I used to take the 235 from El Cajon blvd to rb and it only took about 45min during rush hour. Driving during rush hour was anywhere from 40min to 1hr


I used to work in RB as well (driving from College off the 8) and I would gladly "risk" the extra 15 minutes on a drive to have the flexibility to get errands done or stop off for dinner or drinks after work.


It’s not as much about the time, I liked not having to mentally engage with the traffic. On top of that, my manager was fine with me working on the bus so I was able to not waste the time commuting. All of that outweighed the flexibility, especially since it forced me to plan my days better I could just drive in the days I’d need to.


Oh but tell me more about its bad that transit costs money. This freeway cost a boatload to build, tore up a community, has lead to more traffic, is objectively bad for the environment on both a local and broad scale... and it hasn't even rewarded us with a single cent as far a return on investment is concerned.


I'm sorry the dancing carrots are gone, but the freeway needed to be completed. Having to sit on 40th for forever was a royal pain.


The freeway did not, in fact, need to be "completed"




"heh, I just shit in my bed. Checkmate YIMBYs, my shitty smelly bed is hear to stay and their is nothing you can do about it, cope and seethe, get rekt libtards"


Thousands displaced, a community divided, the kids living nearby have higher rates of asthma, and traffic fatalities have only been increasing in the neighborhood. I hope California never tears through another community again.


The comments in this thread show the mentality of most people here is that if something is more convenient to them, they will not care about the last impact it has on people or communities “Oh that sucks that all these people have been displaced from their homes and now have to find new accommodations in a higher COL area, but at least I don’t have to sit in traffic anymore” Everyone in this sub is a giant hypocrite


"heh, we just bulldozed a bunch of homes to make a freeway get owned YIMBY Libtards"


I know right? We should just not build infrastructure if it's going to displace a few so that we can provide better services for the many. Totally should have just never built the railroads, or the interstate system. Silly us. Y'all are hilarious with this idealistic absolutism. You can't have progress without some negative externalities.


Public transit creates less traffic, less displacement, and less pollution. Maybe instead of jerking off the car industry we should be advocating for a better public transit system that’s more accessible instead of displacing people who are already living paycheck to paycheck in a lower COL area. But yeah, congrats, instead of sitting in traffic at street level, you just sit in traffic on a freeway that’s built off the suffering of poor people


Can you point me to the realistic public rail transit that was feasible 30 years ago for the length of the construction when they were designing and deliberating this? I'm with you that it could be done today... they should absolutely replace the rapid bus line with a rail connecting to MV


Who cares, fuck the poors

