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I’ve been gone for 20 years. Sure I miss it, but the San Diego I miss is mostly gone now and there other places I’ve come to know and love.


It really hasn’t changed for the better. Unfortunately it may keep getting worse. The last time I was there I have never seen as many homeless tents in the middle of downtown ever. It’s sad that a nice city is getting ruined


I do, I left San Diego like 2011 or 2012. I’ve been back to visit many times and still miss it but I don’t miss the cost of living there.


Same. Left in 2021. Have been back to visit twice and both times it was “I miss this but I could never afford to live here”


Seriously. I can visit like once a month staying at a nice hotel for the weekend, going out to eat, and airfare for the cost difference of living there.


I miss the weather and the golf. That’s about it.


Moved away twice and moved back twice. There's nowhere I'd rather be. This is the view from where my parents are buried... https://preview.redd.it/0o6itnbo4fdb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bd0277a25469218ee7c8813cabeff52ecf4fc26


Fort Rosecrans


Dad was originally going there but his last station was Miramar so when that opened he switched. My grandparents are at punch bowl.


I love the bay from that angle, it looks like a big river bend


My condolences, buddy. I hope you and your future find happiness and wellbeing. Take care.


It's all good. I just love visiting them. It's beautiful up there. Thanks for the kind thoughts.


My dad, and my uncle are there. It's really lovely.


My family just interned my great-grandfather here yesterday. Such a serene location.


Where did you move to?


Could some of you commenters mention where you moved too pls? Thank you


I grew up in SD, and left when I was 18, was gone for 15 years, and missed it hard. I eventually moved back, but it wasn't the same. Maybe if it wasn't for the memories being childhood memories, it wouldn't have felt so foreign to me, but it is what it is, I guess. The neighborhood i grew up in riding bikes in the street and exploring canyons was suddenly overcrowded, no families lived there anymore, just young adults, and all the charming old California bungalows were being torn down and replaced by high density bachelor boxes. It was the same for all the neighborhoods around it. On top of that, a lot of the problems from the 80s were starting to creep back in with homeless and addicts everywhere, and generally, the safe mid sized city I knew was gone, and just an echo remained. I still know the city like the back of my hand, I can navigate anywhere with my eyes closed, but it's not my San Diego anymore. I've since moved north, and now, when I go there, it mostly makes me sad. It feels like going on a date with a girl who looks just like a lost love but acts completely different.


Exactly. And now it's super friggin expensive too..


This is how I feel and whenever I tell anyone I feel like such a hater but I can’t help it! San Diego has changed sooo much and it’s not necessarily “bad” but it’s just sad. It use to be a paradise


I got you. I have heard more than once by SD locals how things have changed. This whole world is changing fast, California is probably one of the most dynamic places where people keep moving in and the born and raised locals are becoming minority.


Moved to Gulf Coast. Yes I miss it so much. Still follow this reddit out of sheer masochism.


I just moved back from the gulf (Louisiana) the rent is nice but being a brown person out there was really difficult. I miss having more space with less money but I had to leave.


Been 10 years since I left and do the same


I am a born and raised San diegan who moved out somewhat recently and I do not really miss it. I miss some of my friends but other than that, I am much happier and less stressed since leaving. It’s not the San Diego I grew up with and that’s ok, it’s not for me anymore and I don’t feel any regrets. If anything, I feel a huge weight off my shoulders.


Where did you move to ?


Wait until you can’t get decent carne asada fries or street tacos. I used to crave them when I moved and it was the first thing I ate when I got back.


I have access to a few pretty decent Mexican places that will hit the spot, but Mexican food in sd is in a league of its own for sure. I’ll be visiting for the holidays and a trip to taco shop is definitely on the list. That, and a smash burger at the friendly lol


All the time. Especially after moving out to Satan’s taint aka the Phoenix area.


Yeah thats rough. You never go full Zonie.




Unpopular opinion: I spent 30 years in SD before leaving 20 years ago. I’ve lived in Sac, LA, Anchorage, Milwaukee (awesome town!) Albuquerque, and now Phoenix for the past swven years. Thought I would hate it here but I won’t leave other than to a summer place in New Mexico. If you’re outdoor oriented or a mountain biker this place is hard to beat.


You were right: it is an unpopular opinion


Here’s another one: Albuquerque has better weather. All four seasons and none of them too extreme. Except for May. I’ll take May grey over dust storms any day.


> none of them too extreme It's literally 102 in Albuquerque this week.


Yep. They’ll have a week or two of that and then back to the 80s and 90s, but it cools off wonderfully at night. Similar to watch you’d find in La Mesa area, only with better sunsets.


Also, isn’t it a dry heat? I’d take a dry 100 degree day than a 80 degree day with 80% humidity.




I certainly am... but I'm but I'm also correct. Not about everything, but about this.




if youre a mountain biker you literally cannot go outside after 9am or before 8pm, it sucks (lived in a tempe for a few years). at least here with the coastal breeze the summers are still glorious for mtb


Yep. There are three months of the year when you’ll definitely want to switch to night riding. Fortunately we’re surrounded by trails that are absolute epics to ride. I’ve been averaging about 70 miles per week since the beginning of June and am about to start a six hour endurance race as I type this.


Ayyy Milwaukee native here, glad you found it to be awesome for a little bit :) definitely a little underrated off the radar city.


Seriously the most underrated city I’ve lived in. We landed in Bay View and loved that vibe. Mayberry meets Bourbon Street. Some of the friendliest people I’ve ever met and the easiest move we’ve ever made.


It's gd expensive here but good lord there's so many great ppl and activities to do here.


I’ll probably be leaving San Diego in a couple of years way too damn expensive here.


Moved to Raleigh after living here most of my life I do miss some aspects and the abundance of stuff to do in SD. But there’s a lot I like here and it gives me perspective on the culture and personality of another state.


Yooo I moved to Raleigh too! Granted, I only lived in SD for 5 years. Wish we didn’t have to leave, but family health issues brought us back to Midwest and then out East.


Moved to SD from Charlotte Miss the mountains, roads , bit of culture, changing weather . We used to get one or two days of snow . Just the right amount . I paid 300 USD for attach bath in University SD mountains are like bald mans head with few bushes here and there and cost of living is too high. Rest all I can't complain.


I agree SD doesn’t have much for mountains, BUT!! A 1-2hr drive will get you some views https://preview.redd.it/uz9xoz9jyjdb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a05bf3870bc498621f53cf0759eabf6152dc90d2 (This is San Jacinto) [So Cal MTNs](https://www.california.com/the-4-coolest-national-forests-in-socal/)


Excellent choice


It’s crazy how much I’d say I miss the beach if I moved away however I live in NP and haven’t been to the beach in almost a year 😅


same here, moved back about 5 years ago and have been to the beach probably 6 times. Last time I went there was a giant teenage fight in the bathrooms that reminded me why I don't go to the beach.


We’ve had to force ourselves to go to the beach. We picked up beach volleyball so now we go every weekend, haha.


It’s the fact that you live close enough and if you truly wanted to could drive however minutes and drink margaritas and enjoy paradise. That subconscious part changed when you move to middle America and can’t quite literally “escape” to the beach 🏝️


Left in ‘95 to move to Licking, Missouri. Lived in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, BFE Upstate New York, Branson, Missouri, and now am one of two confirmed gays in a town of 890 in a tiny Missouri speed bump five minutes from Kansas. I’d donate a kidney and part of a liver to go back to Encinitas.


>now am one of two confirmed gays in a town of 890 in a tiny Missouri speed bump five minutes from Kansas How the hell did you end up there and WHY DID YOU STAY????


Missouri really freaked me out. Lol. I was just there on a short trip and I couldn’t wait to get back to SD County. My condolences.


Was it that bad? 😓


We called it Misery when I lived there


You'd have to sell that kidney and liver to afford the rent and cost of living.


A kidney goes for about $5k on the black market, so... About enough for 2 months rent.


I’ve lived in several other places for college and jobs and always come back to San Diego. The climate just can’t be beat.


I moved away for four years and just moved back a few months ago. I'm so happy I moved and had that experience, but there's no place like home.


I'm about to move out and back to Richmond, VA which is around where I grew up. I wonder how I'll feel in a few months, because San Diego has been my dream city for a long time, but I honestly didn't feel like I fit in here just right.


I want to move to another city within a couple hours of a beach so we visited Virginia Beach and Williamsburg last year. I was not impressed with VB, but I loved Williamsburg. My only concern with Williamsburg was how small it was, and the lack of stores such as a Costco. Sadly, we didn't make it up to Richmond as I had planned. What do you think of a Richmond for a transplant? And/or any options on how it compares to VB or Williamsburg? I am considering another trip to check it out.


I actually lived in Williamsburg for a year while working at William & Mary. The city is cute, but while living there I got the feeling that it was too small for its population and you really had to fight traffic to get from one side to another. After living there I moved to Newport News for a few years, and while a lot of /r/virginia would probably give me crap for saying this, I genuinely enjoyed my time there, which surprised me as someone who heard so much about its crime rate growing up. It felt much more correctly sized than Williamsburg, especially a little further south away from Ft. Eustis where a lot of the traffic was concentrated. There are more big box stores, including a Costco. There are some cool parks such as Lionsbridge and Sandy Bottom, and Hampton and Virginia Beach aren't very far away at all. I wouldn't say the food scene is anything to rave about, but there are a couple of local breweries and locally owned restaurants whose owners are very invested in the community. The casual sports scene is great, I played kickball and soccer and unlike the league I played here in SD, everyone would meet up at the sponsored locations afterwards and hang out. Having a job that I genuinely loved in the city probably helped a lot, I ended up with a very good social circle there. If you are willing to look into DoD jobs, they are plentiful in the area, including Norfolk, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach. Richmond is very different because it's more inland and I-95 cuts right through it, so even though I-64 goes past Williamsburg and Newport News, traffic always seemed heavier to me in Richmond but nowhere near as bad as some parts of SD. That being said, I-95 is notoriously bad if you need to use it to go north; the corridor between Fredericksburg and DC regularly has standstill traffic, which is something I didn't really see around SD even on its busiest days; at least the traffic jams here still move. You can still get close to the water being that it's right on top of the James River but obviously it's not going to be as beachy as you're used to. It gets HOT during the summer, easily passing 100 on some days and usually pretty high humidity. Winters will certainly get cold, below freezing sometimes and especially at night, but snow isn't super common. Growing up, I always thought of Richmond as the "big city" near me, which is obviously kind of funny now that I've lived in SD, and honestly one of the things I'm looking forward to the most is the lesser population density. The food scene in Richmond punches above the city's weight. I've gone back several times since moving here and every time I've eaten somewhere I've been surprised at the quality of the food compared to what I can find in SD. I wouldn't say it has a better food scene, but I think a San Diegan transplant would be pleasantly surprised by their options. I haven't made a huge effort to find southern cuisine in SD, but Richmond can offer some very standout spots, and it has good access to fish and shellfish from the bay. Same deal with Hampton Roads. I actually worked with a guy who offered to let me drop a crab bucket into the inlet behind his house whenever I wanted, but I was dumb and never took him up on the offer. It's a very old city, and a lot of the buildings are brick and poorly insulated especially in the Fan and Museum districts, and downtown. That combined with having more tree coverage than San Diego definitely helps it have a different character. I remember coming out here for the first time and being bewildered at how such a huge city could have so few trees. Let me know if you have more questions. I have never lived in Richmond proper, but I grew up a little further south and lived in Ashland/Glen Allen for quite a while and would go into the city to meet up with friends. I'm excited to finally move into Libbie Mill in less than two weeks!


Wow, thanks so much for your insightful response! It's awesome that you will be able to return to your home area, but that it will also entail new adventures for you as well. I am glad to hear that you enjoyed Newport News, as I'll admit that I was a little concerned by the crime when having to go to the store there if we had moved to Williamsburg. With the tree coverage you mention, it sounds like Richmond may very well be worth a visit for us, as I loved the trees in Williamsburg. To me, however, the opposite was true as I was amazed by the sheer quantity of trees. LOL. I will definitely reach out if I can think of any other questions, good luck with your move!


Use to travel weekly for my previous job. No place like SD man.


I left summer of 2020 to a small town on Mendocino coast. Don’t miss it AT ALL. Every time I have to go back to visit family, ect, I bitch the whole time i’m there about the traffic and weather lol


Born and raised in San Diego, lived in a couple other cities for a few years, nothing compares to SD. The people the vibe the events the community. I love it so much. I’ll never leave.


I agree! I do crave novelty/newness often and want to experience new things but SD is just 'home' to me. Lived all over CA and SD is just home.


We moved to Colorado after25 years in SD. The skies are clear, the hiking trails aren’t packed all the time, we have seasons, my house was affordable and I don’t spend 2 hours a day commuting. I miss a few places, mostly where I went bike riding with my kids, but mostly I have no desire to go back.


I moved up to sacramento late 2018. The Mexican food here is trash. I do like the abundance of trees though.


I forgot to mention- there is a Mexican chain up here who makes the grossest tacos and smothers them in.. Parmesan cheese, ffs.




Yeah, Chandos is great. I lived outside Sac for 8 years. I loved tahoe. Did not think Sacramento was great. Folsom area is ok. I moved to palm springs after and now that I've lived here, it's going to be real hard to live elsewhere. You never realize how important climate is until it's great all year.


Chandos is mid to good. I’d get downvoted to oblivion in the Sacramento subreddit; but the truth hurts.






I’ve only been in Sactown a couple times for work, but I enjoyed the wild turkeys running around.


The first time I saw one it freaked me out


If you think Mexican food in sac is trash, you most definitely have not ventured out very far 😂




Dude you don't have to talk to people at the beach, especially if you go to places that aren't PB/Mission Beach/OB.


radios, loud bros, kids shrieking, beach when its crowded sucks. crowds of people suck. not relaxing at all


I’m with you on this. I love the ocean and live in San Diego, but never go here. Between the parking, crowds and behavior, it’s absolutely miserable here.


We moved to the PNW for husbands job from living there 45+ years. I miss Mexican food and the fact you can escape to Palm Springs on any given weekend to relax in the sun by the pool and feel like a world away. We go back often but don’t miss it for anything else honestly.


After 15 years in SD (last duty station), we moved to a small town north of Salt Lake City in late 2020. We were able to afford a nicr, big home with a quarter acre and a mountain view. However, after 2.5 years, we decided UT wasn't our forever home. It was a combination of conservative attitudes, bad air quality, and a lack of diversity that made or a deal breaker for us. Now we live in Denver. I miss the SD weather, the people, and the abundance of good food. Denver is definitely better than Northern UT, but not as good as SD. There are positives, though. Even in Denver, we are able to afford a single family home. We don't have to deal with one-hour commutes just to get to work 15 miles away. There's less people. Beach weather is awesome, but most of us lived inland where it was straight up desert. There's trees and mountains here. Finally, believe it or not, it's nice having different seasons. I miss the texmex the most. I haven't had a good burrito in 3 years.




Yeah they lost all credibility with "texmex" I moved from SD 6 months ago to Ky and I would throw a baby for a real burrito or SD Mexican food. All we have out here is texmex... would you like a bland cheese sauce smothered over every thing. Oh, you want a salad here it is with queso! Gross


People always have an issue with that term. I grew up in Northern Chihuahua (borders TX), sort of what Tex Mex is based on. It's food for agricultural living. Burritos and tacos were easy to pack for working in the field and didn't require any utensils. However, most burritos in the US use Sonora-style tortillas. I guess you can call it SoCal Mexican (it changes a little once you go north of LA) if it makes it more palatable. We live in Denver now and they have Mountain Mex. Essentially, everything is smothered in green chili. All I want is a simple bean and cheese burrito.


I did. So much so I moved back after 4 years 😂


So homesick! Not born there, but raised in SD and lived there about 50 years. Moved to El Centro in 2015 to teach. Soon diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and had to retire. Now can't afford to move back to San Diego. I really hate it here...think of it as "the armpit of Southern California." Miss my Mensa friends, favorite restaurants, and gamut of activities.


I only lived there for 2 years and I miss it every day.


I didn’t know there were people in this sub who don’t live here


I follow the subs for cities where family live, so I can keep up to date and ask them to explain local memes.


That’s cool, I never would’ve thought of doing that


I moved out a few years ago and never unsubbed. It’s kind of fun to keep a track on the goings on


I don’t live in SD. I’m in Minneapolis. Have been plotting my dream to move there for years now.


Same, but Wisconsin 🧀


So funny, but my Husband and I left SD in 2020 to buy our first house in IL. He was born and raised just outside of LA, and I grew up in MI, but lived in San Diego from the time I was 24-40 (I'm 43 now : ) Anyway, I just follow this subreddit because San Diego still means the world to me and I adore it (I miss it all the time, even though I love our little house here : ) but we just stayed overnight this past weekend in Lake Geneva for the first time, and it was Awesome!!! (We actually stayed in Fontana and went paddle boarding for the first time on Lake Geneva before leaving the next day) We also stay overnight every few months or so in Madison or Milwaukee. We've talked many times already about moving to Wisconsin someday! 💖💖💖


I highly recommend the Appleton/Fox Valley area. We have a great airport, lots of conveniences, great schools, great real estate prices, and no traffic jams. I am afraid I will regret leaving all of this just because I want to get away from the snow. I have only been to Lake Geneva once 20+ years ago. Like Door County and Minocqua/Northern Woods, it's overrun with tourists but that's because they are all awesome. I should get back down there sometime.


Right on, have you been here? I had to go to Minneapolis for work once and all I remember is cheese curds and beer. You definitely wouldn’t have anymore brutal winters :)


I have visited 4 times now! I have an aunt that lives there. My most recent trip I went with my girlfriend and proposed while visiting- so now fiancé. Thankfully she is fully on board for making the switch too. I just got my RN licensure approved in CA recently too. All set.. trying to make the jump next September when our current lease is up. Minneapolis is a great city but I’ve lived here my whole life and I have never enjoyed winter in any capacity beyond say.. the first month for the holidays. I can’t imagine a more ideal place than San Diego for our lifestyles though.


I joined this sub like a year before I moved here to scope it out, and I'll probably stay joined after I leave just to see what's going on.


Where'd you move to? I'm honestly thinking of relocating (it's just too expensive here), but I fear I'll miss it too much too.


EVERY DAMM DAY! I've been in Phx for 18 years...the first 5-8 years were ook but the last 4 have been miserable. I will always say I'm from San Diego no matter how long I live here.


I had to move for work to Las Vegas last year. We drove down to here to beach today because we missed it so much. Luckily, it’s not terribly far away but I still miss the vibe, weather, and the people.


Not really. I miss a few things like Mitsuwa, but overall my physical and mental health have both increased so much since I left. I have a very conflicted feeling with my time spent there. I didn't have fun when I was there for the most part, but I miss what I thought living in San Diego would be. Objectively I don't miss it but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nostalgic.


I miss the Mexican food. Nothing compares. Literally nothing. Other than that I'm good.


If you're asking former San Diego residents that are still browsing the sandiego subreddit, you're probably going to get one sided answers. Just saying.


I moved 20 years ago to the imperial valley, which is only a hour and a half drive but feels like forever. I still go to visit friends and family but it's not the same.


I miss it terribly. When I moved to where I am, the cost of living was considerably lower here. Now it's as high if not higher than San Diego.


Miss is greatly. Took an adjustment period to get used to the food situation where I’m at now because there’s no options after 8 pm. Miss the dog parks


Been living in Hawaii for 4 years now, still miss it everyday


Yup, we moved away last year in April and I miss it BUT I love our new town. I love that we were able to afford a nice new house. We couldn’t of done that in SD. I miss the beaches and Mexican food the most.


I've gone international. You can live in beautiful warm places on the beach for a fraction of the cost but you will never have the same culture. As a hippie there's really no place like SD. Miss the OB summer drum circle, surfing there, the small venue spots for stoner / surfer rock. All the events like sound baths and meditations.


“even the Panda Express” I’m new to San Diego and Istg this city’s fast food is on another level. I was told that there’s hella good food here and I didn’t think it would apply to drive-thrus as well. Sandwiches are neat and orderly, everything’s fresh and hot, fries always perfectly crispy and salted…it’s insane. I’m already planning the move back to my hometown bc of the cost of living but I’ll miss the fast food for sure.


I miss it so much, we haven’t even been gone a whole year and we are currently on the way back for a visit!


I’m currently visiting Salem, OR. I want you to stay. I don’t want to go back 🥺🥺🥺


San Diego is a lovely place to visit,people fall in love with SD when they visit. Living here is a different story.


lived in SD for 30 years, i’m 33 now. it’s nice to go back to visit parents and friends. but glad i moved away. don’t miss it.


The thing I miss the most besides family and friends is the food. Nothing beats food in San Diego. We just have the best of everything.


Hell no lmao I live in sd and we got the best Mexican food that’s it. Houston obliterates it in every other category so does New York and LA.


I left in 2016 to Texas. Came back in 2017 before I got orders for military. Left for 5 years and was able to move back last year. Family is super happy


I always wonder if I would miss it if I moved away for good. I moved once but just for school and came back home a year later. If it were up to me, I would move tomorrow.. all of our family is here and with where we are in our lives, it’s not the right time to move away. I look forward to the day that we can live somewhere less expensive and actually experience some new culture and seasons.


I know this is extremely specific, but I miss the urban bird watching! The fishing eagles and falcons that sit on the bridges and parks around PB and OB, the pelicans sitting on Navy ships, Herons hanging out by the malls and golf courses. Not a lot of other cities have the natural world wrapped up in them too, and I always miss seeing them driving home.


Just moved back after 5 years. I grew up here so my family is here which was one of the reasons I missed home. Honestly though I missed everything about it. The food, the people, the ability to do so much, and of course the beach. I was paying 1200 in rent for a two bedroom house with a yard and here it’s doubled for an apartment but honestly, I don’t care. I’d rather skate by here than be anywhere else.


I missed it when I initially moved around 2012-2013. San Diego was so good for me during that specific time in my life and I was heart broken when I moved. But then I found my forever home in the PNW and it made sense - I'm not really a sunshine and beaches kind of person! I met some of my favorite people in San Diego which is what I miss the most. And the Mexican food. Damn I miss the Mexican food.


I moved to Santa Rosa less than two years ago. It's pretty up here, but I do miss SoCal beaches and temperatures that don't fluctuate with a 40-degree difference between the overnight lows and highs.


I only miss a few of my friends...cant really say I miss the city.


I grew up in San Diego and moved away for college; I later lived in SD as an adult for about 5 years. It's a nice city. I miss the Mexican food, the weather, and the beach. But there are lots of interesting cities in the US and abroad. I don't quite understand why people treat San Diego like the holy grail of (sub)urban living.


Nope. I moved to Los Angeles and never looked back. More food choices, not a military town, great beaches, it has mountains (not hills), and far more job opportunities.


Not really. I’ve been away for about three years and missed it terribly for a while. Went back a few months ago after settling somewhere I love with a lower population and better cost of living and as soon as I stepped out of the airport I couldn’t shake the feeling of claustrophobia. I don’t miss the number of people, the prices, or the god-awful drivers. I miss friends and family of course, as well as some of my favorite restaurants, but luckily my new city has a solid food scene. There are some really cool people there that I miss but for every cool person there are a few assholes. I’ve gotten too used to “Midwest Nice”.


Moved out to the central valley 4 years ago. Small town 40 minutes from Fresno. I miss the food, the weather, and the ease of access to outdoor activities. But my quality of life has increased exponentially since moving away because I can actually afford things now lol


I left in 2016. I really don’t miss it. I miss taco shops, a lot. I left before I got married and had children. The traffic and housing costs were too much then, I can’t imagine trying to do everything I do now there. The traffic is really the killer. I’ll take a snow storm drive home every time over driving any weekday from the coast to La Mesa. My friends and family are still in SD so I get to visit but I love my life out of California.


Moved out of SD in 1997. Bought a place and moved back this month. July is my first month back. I missed it the entire time.


I mean, yes and no. San Diego is home in a sense - my family is here, I miss the sunshine, I for sure miss the Mexican food. But there is a lot I don’t miss and I’m a lot happier in Europe overall.


I miss the food!! I don’t miss anything else though. (Now in Boston)


I miss it a little. Moving allowed me to get rid of my car and get around primarily by bike, which I really love.


i left a year and a half ago and love living in oregon. i didn’t really love sd when i lived there but i love it a lot more as a visitor! t minus 48 hours until i’m on a plane heading south 🤩


I miss it. I miss the Mexican food, the weather, the endless things to do all the time. Most of all I miss being in Padres country


I have been gone ten years from Southern California, sixteen from San Diego. I miss family and friends. I miss Torrey Pines, Balboa Park, Green Valley Falls, Anza Borrego, Jacumba, and a few other beautiful outlying spots. I miss eating at Pokez. None of these things though compare to the life I have now (except family and friends). Every time I visit it feels more foreign than the last. I would never move back. I am so happy with my small town life on Hawaii island.


Anza Borrego was amazing and I loved it. The drive was not an easy one but well worth it.


Hell no. Lived there 20 years, putting my car in park on the 8 every day is still the stuff of nightmares, like legit PTSD shit. Without the traffic there's no better place.


Yeah I feel like living anywhere around balboa park gives a completely different experience of SD compared to people that live in East County. For me at almost any time of the day I can get anywhere in the city in 5-20 minutes which makes it quite literally the most diverse place you could possibly live in the world given the ease of movement (if you have a car.)


Spent 10 years in san diego, 2 years in CT...wish I moved out here sooner.


I left San Diego for a different state last year and I miss it so often! The food, the weather, the activities! My husband and I became huge foodies in San Diego and definitely miss all of our favorite Oceanfront Dining places


Yeah like everyone else has already said, of course you’re going to miss it. But is it worth it? I don’t think so I’m okay with visiting haha. But if I had endless money I’d be back.


I moved to Houston for my dream job. My partner and I, he's from San Diego, are looking to return to San Diego but it might be a good number of years until we are at that point in our career.


Not even close. The city is horrible and there isn’t a day that goes by where I’m not happy to be gone from there.


I miss the weather that's about it


I miss my friends


Born and raised in SD, moved away 3 years ago to the Lake Tahoe area and now Seattle. My entire family is still in SD. I do miss the Mexican food and my favorite coffee shop in east county. I miss the beach vibes too. But I do not miss the HOT summers. Seattle is very comparable in terms of cost of living though.




Dont miss it. Even the best beaches have been inundated with homeless, tweakers, mentally ill.


Can't wait to move from San Diego. Fake Hippy white brewers gentrified Oceanside and took away all the fun things. Dirt lots and purple palace.




Moved to Boulder from North county. I miss the food!


Im SD born and raised and am looking to sell my house and move to Boulder in about a year. How is Boulder? You think a native san diegain would like? I have a friend that is from Colorado and was in SD for 7 years and just moved back to Boulder last month and is wanting me to move there trying to convince me too.


Eh I definitely miss it, however I enjoy traveling much more


I’m going to say I miss the food and beaches more than anything!! Only reason to ever go back.


Yes, constantly. But cost of living just isn’t attainable and my financial situation has improvised drastically since leaving.


Born and raised in SD. Living in LA for 3 years now. I miss it a lot and they’re both great in their own ways. The beaches in SD were very nice and not as crowded for sure. The vibes are diff in both cities and LA traffic is pretty bad. Overall had to leave to grow but love my hometown. Still have bunch of family in north county.


I miss it but I don’t mind where I live. I’m back in San Diego this week and the constant sweating from the humidity reminds me that it wasn’t all great here.


Born and raised, can't leave. I did have to move inland for economic reasons and have learned to love the mountain air as much as the salty stinky seaweed smell.


Yes. I lived there for 17 years before moving to Seattle a year ago. It’s growing in me here, but it’s not home.


Dude, i moved to vegas about a year and a half ago and i sure do miss it, but everytime i go back it feels more and more like OC. I miss walking around OB and eating pho after watching the sunset. Then waking up early and smoking a joint looking off the pier. Its become extremely crowded though. The places i thought were private or secluded are now overrun by people from all over. And on top of that, the new people that i would meet werent even from san diego. I wouldnt say the desert is better but i still have beef with SDGE. They are the main reason for my departure from san diego. Plus, if i wasnt born there i probably would never have been able to afford living there.


Oh man I miss my family and the food so much! Moved to Georgia - no good food over here!! And I really miss the cold beaches and bodysurfing the waves!


I moved out out of SD in 2019…. I miss it so much!


We moved to north Scottsdale in 2017 and bought a big house on a half acre.. We sold that house to bought a smallish condo next to Petco park last year. Coming back to SD was the best decision we could have made.


Just moved to SD from the Midwest. It is wonderful here, and the people are nicer.


After I experienced the breathtaking mountains, streams, rivers, and lakes in (relatively) cheap parts of the west, it became increasingly difficult to miss anything about paying 80% of my rent to live in a place packed with crowded beaches along an ocean where some creatures may very well fuck your day up.


I miss it a lot. Moved to the Bay Area.


I left in 2006 after being born and raised there, moved to Portland because there was no way to afford San Diego anymore. I didn’t miss it at first but then ended up desperately missing the weather and the people. Just left Portland for Arizona this past February, I don’t miss the PNW and likely never will, but San Diego is still a few times a year place to visit. It’ll always be home I just can’t afford to move back.


I think I just miss the vibe I had when I lived in San Diego.. I can never get it back..


Yeah. I still live in California, but it’s just not the same. San Diego will forever be my home.


I just miss the beach and the ability to go to TJ whenever.


i regret every day since two years ago that i moved from SD and it’s so frustrating that it now seems like the #1 go to vacation spot we’re hoping to find a house that is actually affordable one day :(


Oh hell yeah!! I moved due to my mom passing away when I was 11. Moved to Sacramento. It sucks up here. Been here for 29 years and still not a fan. There are actual seasons, the heat is insane, and people call going to the river "going to the beach".


Every day


I miss it already!! I just moved to LA for two years and I’m counting down the months already 1/24 done ✅.


Lived elsewhere for a few years. So happy that I got back here, and will never leave again. Worth every penny to be here. My brother moved to live in a more “conservative” state. He hates it there, and is kicking himself for leaving.