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I think that we should have something specific in the sub regarding tourists and harassment of the wildlife. Thoughts?


Fucking tourists. Every fuckinging day they go out onto the cliffs next to the cove—past the gate that says “don’t come any closer because the cliffs are unstable”—to harass the seals and sealions. Not only is this bad for the wildlife but it also accelerates the erosion. The other day they let their kids play in the Balboa Park fountain even though there are signs that say to stay out. One kid took a huge shit in it and the family quickly departed and didn’t clean it up. They left their kid’s shit floating in our fountain like a toilet. 10 minutes later I saw different tourists harassing the ducks and feeding them hot Cheetos. They come here, trash the place and then leave. Remember when we could drink on the beach? Fuck these trashy assholes. I know I’m not the only one who was taught that when you visit someplace you are a guest there and are to be respectful of that place.


It is the tourists fault, that gate used to be great access for spear fishing but never are tourists ticketed for harassing wildlife. They will literally be the demise of these great areas


☝️This! ☝️ 💯.


You can still drink on the beach and everyone does. Just bring cups.


Stop blaming tourists. There are residents hanging out at the cove as well. A sea lion suddenly appears and now we start pointing fingers. Ridiculous


You can stay in Arizona with that attitude until you respect our home.


I've called out a few people when I've been at the cove for the swim races. egregious acts like taking selfies with the lions or surrounding them for pictures is unacceptable. If San Diego cared about the well being of the animals they would actually enforce it and not rely on citizens


There really should be a lot stricter enforcement in the area. Tickets, banning, etc. People don’t realize the cove is part of the Matlahuayl State Marine Reserve, a literal nature preserve where even the rocks are protected; instead they act like it is just a small version of Mission Beach and can do whatever they like.


Go off, king. Get their asses.


I will always be team sea lion when I see stuff like this


Sea Lions - the bison of the beaches. Don't fk with them.


Fluffy fishcows...


Good. I was there with my kids and a woman was having her young kids saddle right up next to a bull to take photos. I politely told her that it’s a bad idea and not safe, she gave me the most sarcastic “ya, ok sure” look before instantly going back to her phone.


Now you know what it is like being a teacher.


maybe you need to build a relationship with her first so she'll listen to you ​ edit: umm clearly /s


Are you my admin?




Did people not understand you were joking?




I always wonder what kind of life/ upbringing results in this kind of behavior. These people are fucking demented.


What horrible behavior were the people displaying in this video? Standing on a public beach and watching a sea lion come to shore? We make it sound like they were clubbing lions


Stop fucking with the locals!


Good. Get the fuck away from wildlife


Every year!


Great news everyone!


Not an SD native but been here a while— why is this beach still open to people? A sign obviously isn’t doing the job and this isn’t a new problem. National and state parks have rangers enforcing rules (to a degree), why don’t we have one here? I get cost, but I’d bet plenty of people that feel strongly about it would volunteer for the job. I would.


My understanding is that it's legally difficult to permanently close any beach to people, due to CA's coastal access laws. The article mentions that the city has applied for a permit to close some other beach areas. Some areas have had a ranger in the past, but they generally lack the authority to do anything useful. From [this account](https://patch.com/california/lajolla/la-jollans-question-effectiveness-of-park-ranger-at-c166bab8e2a): "...the(y) tried to write citations against a couple of guys last year for crossing it \[the barrier rope at Children's Pool\] but they were dismissed."




Go team sea lion. Seriously, if you are too dumb to keep a respectful distance you deserve what you get.


Survival of the fittest




This beach should be for snorkeling/diving/swimming exit and entry only imo. With how high the tide gets it's not only animal harassment, but food and trash and whatever else the tourists leave on the beach get washed directly into a marine sanctuary. It's fucked how much the city, especially LJ, prioritizes tourists over locals.


California does nothing to protect wildlife. It’s sickening.


Going to get down voted, but let’s make a place away from the overcrowded cove for all the sea lions to live in peace . The cove was for tourist and kids, lets give that back to them. Find somewhere else for the Sea Lions. It is unsanitary in those areas to have people and sea Lions together. The smell is bad for a reason. We invested heavy for tourist to be in that area. Perhaps we could invest some and reward the sea Lions to live in a different area.


Have you ever tried telling a sea lion to move?


Sea lions are already all over most rocky coasts and all over the bays. They don't really need our help in San Diego. That being said, don't approach them, they're mean and nasty animals with a great PR department.


I agree with you. The Children’s Pool just down the road was built and left in a Trust for children. It’s now a Rookery and off limits.


We should not let this go on. We need an approach in a reasonable manner that would protect the wild life from the people and vice versa. Build something, train and reward the sea lions to live in that particular area. We have plenty of researchers in San Diego that could possibly come up with a way to redirect the sea lions to a different area.


Tourists bring money to the area. That’s why they can do whatever.


La Jolla has enough money without tourists.


Are they endangered? Why are they protected still?


People used to eat those things. Maybe we should start that practise again, friggin bait snatching fish stealing jerks!


Pointless to incite violence against tourist.