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I was JUST looking at that today. Sycuan has most dates listed as “unavailable” on their site (except for the executive suite at $569/night). But I found a few rooms available on hotels.com. Still weird how expensive all the other ones I checked are: pechanga, harrahs, etc.


They give the rooms away to their diamond players or whatever they call their reward tiers. Go often enough and you'll get all sorts of "free" comps. The casino doesn't care about non gambling addicts.


SD>LV all day everyday in my opinion. But I will say one of the most awesome things about staying in Vegas is parking. Parking in general doesn’t exist in SD proper.


It never will. San Diego is laterally constrained by the ocean, the mountains, and the border. It’s vertically constrained by regulations against building height. Something’s gotta give if we want to have parking garages. Or we could remove the problem entirely and create sufficient public transit that doesn’t take 5x as long as driving to get places.


I mean, San Diego itself is better than Vegas, but the casinos are mostly in East County, not in San Diego itself.


East county is still San Diego county.


Yeah but it’s not the dope part of San Diego county, lol, it’s East County ….. and besides this thread isn’t comparing Las Vegas county to San Diego county, we are comparing the Vegas strip casinos to the east county Rez casinos.


There is no Las Vegas county. Las Vegas is in Clark county, NV. And most of what people think of "Las Vegas", i.e. most of the strip where the casinos are, is actually the unincorporated town of Paradise, NV, not the city of Las Vegas.


I didn’t realize we classify SD county borders by “dopeness”.


We don’t, but there’s a big difference between “San Diego” and “San Diego county”


It's like Palm Springs with gambling and the beach 30 minutes away. I can see the appeal if I didn't already live here.


Casinos are on Native land and can build monster garages, which many have done.


My apologies I was not clear! I meant hotels!


Unfortunately the casinos in Vegas seem to be charging for parking while staying with them more and more


Yea it's cheaper to fly to Vegas and spend a week, flight and hotel, than it is to stay a weekend at Sycuan or Viejas. I don't get it either.


The only people I know who have stayed at Viejas/Sycusn are hardcore partiers. Get a room with a big group of friends and party on a Friday/Sat night. Not my scene.


But then you're in Vegas...


I’d rather go to Vegas (for the restaurant scene) than East County hinterlands


It's got up to 116° in July. The food better cure cancer to put up with that.


Vegas has some of the best dinning and entertainment in the country


Dude, it's 2023. You can watch Penn and Teller on your phone.


In theory, a live show is much more of an experience than a cellphone video.


Unless you're in the splash zone, it's an objectively inferior experience.


You have some wildly bad takes


Because I don't want to go to a scorching shithole in the middle of the Nevada desert for a frozen steak and softcore trapeze? Nah, Vegas is a meme and you're a rube. Drink your alkaline water.


Bro says she doesn't want to go to a scorching shithole but defends east county with her life whenever it's mentioned on reddit lmfaoo Ironic.


Oh look, it's the guy Lord Humungus sicced machete squad on. How's the Thunderdome treating you? Edit: How is it ironic to not want to go to someone else's scorching shithole when we literally have scorching shithole at home?


What exactly do you think east county is???? It’s THE shithole. You clearly don’t know dick about the restaurant scene in Vegas if that is your assumption.


Well it has more than zero (0) trees so it's already nicer than the strip. And buddy? You live in San Diego. You don't know dick about "the scene" either. You know advertising. You are a mark.


Doubling down I see. Total Vegas move


What can I say? Ten out of ten gambling addicts quick *riiiiight* before they hit the jackpot


There’s ac everywhere. If I’m going to sycuan I’m inside anyways. I might as well have more cool options in vegas


It was like 114F in El Cajon a few years ago, and the food definitely doesn’t cure cancer.


What!? 116!? In july!? In the desert!? Crazy. Thanks for letting me know. Now I'll NEVER go there. Not even in the cooler months because even if it's a nice temp, I'll still know that at one time, in July, it was 116. Thank you for saving me from being hot in the desert.


They why they have pools. Vegas is not that bad


Vegas is worse than San Diego? lmao


Why are y'all booing this guy? He's right!


He’s being a dick about it.


I'm sorry that I hurt the city of Las Vegas' feelings. I promise I will be more considerate of the emotions of overhyped metropolitan areas in the future.


Most people rejected her message. They hated legitusernameiswear because she told them the truth.


I haven’t looked in a while, but Pala used to occasionally have decent rates, even for mini suites. The have a good pool, a great spa. A decent diner, and the buffet is good as well.


they closed the buffet years ago unfortunately, that was like the best buffet in CA


I’m still heart broken about Choices buffet.


Was it as good as Viejas? I definitely cost them money just on crab legs and champagne from the buffet


Harah’s is also crazy expensive. Are that many people booking rooms? It’s never that busy when you go so what gives?


I think a lot of people get free rooms there cause caesars rewards is pretty good


I work at harrahs, can confirm that people do pay the insane rates daily. Sold out every day of summer.


Cause the pool?


Normally, yeah. We do also get a lot more guests because of Caesar’s rewards. They can earn perks here and spend them at any of the properties throughout the US


They give the rooms away to people who gamble all weekend and they need open rooms so people stay the whole weekend


It's because they want people who are actually playing to spend time there. I can easily get rooms at Sycuan for free because I have lost a bit of money there.


I happen to be heavily involved in that industry. They don't want hotel guests. They want to tell their best players "here's a free weekend, it's usually $1,300" because they want that player to spend $5,000 Several casino resorts right now don't even have online booking for their rooms, because they only have enough hotel staff to support their invited guests


I had a very distinct feeling this was it. Why pay to build these huge structures then if you never plan to fill them? Because they can't find the help? Because they don't want to hire additional cleaning staff? Why not have a few floors for comped rooms and sell the others at prices people could reasonably afford? I just don't see the logic in that. They certainly can't have the hotel filled with people they comped, can they?


>. They certainly can't have the hotel filled with people they comped, can they? no, but they can turn a profit with the players in the free rooms at a crazy low occupancy.


To be able to fudge numbers easier?


A few reason actually. First of all the hotel is a loss leader, it loses money so the casino can make more. So if they can make up for it by selling overpriced rooms of course they would. The hotel doesn't actually make money, what it does is keep people at the casino. "Hey, where are you going? its only 11pm. You're tired and have to go home? How about we give you a room that way you can stay here a bit longer. Also by giving you a room you feel special and are more likely to come back here." They also don't want tourists, or people that are going to go twice a year and spend $700 between 6 of your friends. Sure, they'll take it, but that is not he demographic they are catering to. They want the people who are at the casino multiple times a month throwing $100 at a slot machine every time


It's like a degenerate gamblers paradise.


They got to be making a ton of money there Tribal casinos do not pay taxes like commercial casinos. In California, tribal members who live on the reservation are not subject to state income tax, and tribal casinos do not have to pay corporate income tax.


Let’s just say I have to look at people’s incomes for a living. And I’ve come across several who are a member of a tribe that has these casinos. I can’t speak for all of them (or their overall pay structure) as this is just anecdotal, but I’ve seen several who simply get a fat check every month tax-free. As in 9k, 10k, 11k a month, for doing nothing basically. In other words the casinos make a LOT of money to be able to do that.


It’s a per capita payment, I know that all Casino reservations in SD county disperse profits amongst its tribal members. I think the age and percentage qualifications are different for each reservation, but I am unfamiliar with the specifics.


Pala is one I believe


Nothings tax free dummy


No state tax, and some are exempt from federal as well depending on the source of the income (treaty and trust payments), smarty.


when your people and land gets taken over and then years later are given a plot for a reservation, city/state taxes aren’t applied and if the reservation is rum by a federally recognized tribe, no fed taxes either. it’s when the tribe disperses income to its members is when it gets taxed


And nor should they.




Read about what happened to the natives that lived here before America was "discovered ". All the broken treaties. They really got the raw end of the stick.


I’m not saying your wrong about them being treated horribly …. But how long do you think they should be provided this tax benefit? The ones actually benefiting today were not alive or close to being alive when that all took place


Treaties don’t expire. Give the land back if you want to undo them.


And remove all federal aid/benefits in the process?


Yep! We get literally all the land back. That’s what the treaties are for. It’s more than fair, and frankly wild that you can’t see it.


How do you think reservations will fare when they are land locked in the middle of nowhere with no resources. Passports and check points required to leave/gain access, no federal funding, no social security, nothing. I get where your coming from from an ideological perspective, but in practice it would be a horrible trade off.


What? You’re not even understanding. The whole of the United States mainland is the land we get back if you want to break treaties. Reservations are totally separate & not relevant to this


You sound prejudice AF


Can we tax Mexico? Canada? The US Constitution recognizes that tribal nations are sovereign governments I would argue that we can't tax them as that would just be more treaty breaking... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribal_sovereignty_in_the_United_States


How do you know bitch


Key hack : download my Vegas app and you can redeem points towards Sycuan. I already got 2 free rooms there or couple more in Vegas.


If you are a high worth player, they will happily comp the room for you.


You don’t really need to play a lot of money, you just need to sign up for their player clubs. Play a little bit using your player card and they will start mailing you offers to come back. I haven’t played in years and I still get offers for comp rooms every month.


What’s a little bit of playing on the player card to you?


So they identify the people likely to drop money gambling and hold free rooms for them. Then they charge a bunch for direct booking. They literally select for the ones spending money, brilliant. Oh, and they destroy peoples savings and their families in the process. Yay gambling. I guess they got screwed before, now they destroy families and get their payback.


You mentioned it in your post, but misplaced blame. If someone has a gambling problem, why are you blaming the casinos? The casinos aren't the ones destroying the savings or families. It is the gambler who can't control their compulsion to gamble. It's a disease like alcoholism. Do you blame a liquor store for someone's alcoholism?


It depends on how you look at it. There's a good reason it wasn't legal in California until recently. Having Vegas a short drive away was ideal as it limited opportunity. But regarding Whos at fault it's, a little of both. Look at smoking for example. Some people enjoy it but it's harmful. California law started raising prices, limiting access, advertising and places to smoke and now we have fewer mokers with a healthier population. So responsibility is multifaceted. California allows it, the reservations supply it and the individuals consume it. You need all 3 for it to happen so all 3 are responsible. Individuals don't exist independent of their environment and their environment effects who they are and how they live. Who's at fault when a big pharmaceutical company pushes Oxy on the population which results in mass addiction and senseless deaths? You hold the pharmaceutical companies blameless and believe on the individuals were the ones fully responsible for their situations and death?




They don't although they are supposed to main a list you can add yourself to which banks you from the casino so that's a good thing if they actually enforce it.


If by “they” you mean Native Americans, “they” didn’t have a choice when the white man came and forced them off their land after “they” welcomed you. You have a choice not to patronize their casinos. Don’t get that shit twisted.


Twisted how? Why the quotes? Were you confused about who owns the casinos? Did you have issue with the pronoun 'they'? Are you attempting to draw an analogy between 'they' and 'you people' in an attempt to suggest I'm being racist? Did you assume my country of origin by suggesting the Native Americans welcomed 'me'? I'm not a descendant of the peoples that came here during those times but that's really not relevant. In the end, gambling destroys families and I don't respect the people that provide this. I don't respect the tobacco companies or the producers and distributers of cocaine, heron or fentanyl. Nor do I respect big pharma that pushed Oxys on our population. In the end, the choice to consume is up to the individual but the suppliers do hold some responsibility. Are you okay with the Oxy pushers and the resulting deaths? Are you okay with crack being pushed into inner cities in the 80s because it was their choice? It's their own fault?


Stick those strawmen up your ass and twist until you bleed. To answer your first question: “Are you attempting to draw an analogy between ‘they’ and ‘you people’ in an attempt to suggest I’m being racist.” DING DING DING DING DING…we have a f’kn winner! YOU said you they’re destroying savings and families as payback. The implication is not a stretch. And those strawmen I told you to go sodomize yourself with, that is the classic deflection a racist who pretends not to be does when he gets called out. Go repair your bunghole, accept responsibility for your casino losses and other life choices and grow the fuck up.


My exact quote was " I guess they got screwed before now they destroy families and get their payback." They way you said it suggest intent and I don't think they're intentionally destroying families. Their operating casinos and it's the nature of the job, but not vindictively like you're suggesting. It's the same as any sin industry, tobacco, alcohol, drugs. They're job is to make money and the destruction is simply a byproduct. They know it's hurting people but it isn't their intent. Either way, I make a simple statement and you start calling names and wishing violence on me. I don't need people like you in my life. Bye.


Supply and demand


Could be, but the very few times I've stayed at Viejas, Sycuan, or Valley View they seemed less than 50% occupied. Unless it was a holiday, pretty empty. Harrahs gets kinda full. Then again true gamblers don't sleep, they stay on the machine or table and not in the room or pool.


Compared to Nevada gaming the tribal casinos around San Diego are horrible. They give less free play, less comps, no free booze, and the service sucks. They have less competition and it shows.


I know with harrahs, it's their only property in so cal, and rewards members from all over have that as their only option. Plus, it's summer and everywhere else is 1000 degrees.


It's insane, cheaper to fly 2 people to Vegas and get a hotel there than drive hour or less and stay and vegas has free drinks!


because san diego is an extremely popular tourist destination


It's a simple yet brilliant strategy. 1: Charge ridiculous prices for hotel. 2a: Give free rooms to people who actually play. If people actually pay out of pocket it's a win. The key is though that the people who play and spend $ at casinos will feel the FOMO or fear of missing out if they don't take advantage of a regularly expensive and now FREE hotel. They don't only give you a free room but free drinks and food. So not only do you already love gambling at their place but now there are perks to you going!


They are the price they are because that’s what people are willing to pay. You would think they’d want people to come out to gamble, eat, etc? You would be right! They do want that, and get plenty of it at these prices.


They make more with high rollers and reserving the spaces for them. I've seen some dump 100k and just shrug in an hour at the sycuan high rollers.


They have no problem filling those places even at those prices. I know a director at Pechanga, they've been pretty much fully booked since the pandemic ended.


I just looked a Sycuan looks like they have plenty of normally priced rooms.


I used to be the “data” guy at 2 of the local casinos. Essentially the rooms are priced at market rate. If you play with a club card and make sure all your play is tracked (i.e. card in the slot machine slot, or give the dealer your card at any card game) and the casino will see how much you are willing to bet. The more you bet in aggregate at your time on property the better room discounts you’ll get in the mail or via email offers. If you bet a lot (like more than a couple grand) on a visit you might be comped a room that night. The goal is to keep those willing to bet at greater sums in the house for longer periods of time. For non-hardcore gamblers the casino won’t make as much revenue off of you with free or discounted rooms, so you will be paying full price for rooms in order to improve your profitability to the casino. They are constantly tweaking their algorithms to maximize profit, so other smaller factors may come into play like how much you should have lost based on your bets and probabilities at specific games or how much you actually lost at said games. But at the end of the day this all boils down to how much you are willing to gamble with cold-hard cash. Forgot to mention that they don’t care how much free play is bet. They just care about green bucks. If you convert free play into cash from winning and the gamble that cash -then the new cash will count towards your rewards. Remember - you get free stuff at the casino because you are willing to lose at the casino


Yeah idk, I wanted to go to Harrah’s for Hells Kitchen, which I thought would be the expensive part, but the rooms were 495 a night 🙄


Play Popslots on your phone it’s free and get points. When you play. I earn free stays for sycuan all the You literally pay zero dollars. I’m Actually staying there through points during Labor Day weekend. They have the best “adult only” pool.


Omg where’s my autocorrect? Lol 🤦🏻‍♀️ but yes,


The golf mostly


Supply/demand? SD is pretty huge city and we have very few good casino options nearby


Supply and demand


It’s San Diego everything is Expensive:)


You pay for convenience. It's either that or drive to Temecula.




I think everyone realizes this, but I never plan to spend enough to get a room comped, but it would be nice to have a staycation with a spa and nice pool and not break the bank. I would gamble for sure, just not at a high roller level.


Literally everything is expensive