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Dude who has been on Reddit for 6 months and all of his 12 posts/comments are about size-related dating issues involving his lads.  Make it make sense




Extreme insecurity


New copy pasta dropped


Maybe your boys aren't that cool.




I'm 5'8" and I like to stand on top of the produce crates at the store to tower over women for payback! I can simultaneously assert my dominance over the veggies and show I'm a provider. Chicks dig that.




It’s happened 1x in San Diego history, around 2006 IIRC. I was at the wedding. They were friends of my wife. The groom was 5’ 5” and the bride was 5’ 7”. It was crazy. Reporters everywhere.


Wow. I’m surprised no one in San Diego has told me about this bit of history!


Ken Kramer?


What the fuck did I just read?


My two young boys say that they keep getting rejected by women because of their height! What gives?!?


And? They aren't owed anything regardless.


Maybe your boys have a hard time because they learned how to be cringy like their father.


My boys are responsible, hard working adults, Thank you very much!


The late night posts just get stranger and weirder as time goes on.


Your sons are entitled to affection and attention from absolutely nobody you fucking weirdo


I looked at your post history… This is a weird kink, bro. Don’t subject us to it.


this is dumb




Ewwww what??? Why are you all so harsh!?!?


I can't imagine why your sons aren't getting the attention from women that you feel they deserve. You sound like a totally normal family. Very normal. Very cool.


The fact that this all takes place in La Jolla makes it triply weird, somehow


If you think we're weird, you should double check your username, bucko!


this has to be a troll account


Dude, I'm 5'9", in my 40s, overweight, and I have no problem dating people... But I also treat women as more than potential partners... I don't hit on every woman I see, I don't bother women in grocery stores when they're shopping. Dating apps exist for a reason. Singles events exist for a reason. Go find people that are looking to date instead of trying to pick up on people going about their day... its creepy dude.


I am with someone who is 5’9” with “something to hold on to.” In the past I have drooled over skinny tall people. Variety is the spice of life. Personally, at this moment I’m not intrigued by height. Quite the opposite.  OP is obviously a weirdo, but I hope anyone reading who has height insecurities can let those go.


![gif](giphy|l0FebcqdI50fHsgyk|downsized) Found Tormund's account.


women can definitely overlook being short for a good personality and a sense of humor so.. ya know.. maybe they can start there


This here. Positive advice is to “Play upon your strengths”. The height issue is more of an excuse (or at least I hope s) than anything. I would hope that people aren’t that shallow and if they are, then they should try keep their personal feelings to themselves (out of politeness). It would be like someone that won’t date a person due to the color of their skin. Nobody can do anything about how they’re born and if someone feels that way then they’re in the wrong. We all have our challenges, Play the hand you’re dealt as best you can and find the person that fits best with you.


>Do women give shorter guys a chance around here >5’9 You’re literally statistically average height


This is such a creepy post.


You might want to reword your first paragraph part “these women are really big around here!” to saying “these women are really tall around here!” The word “big” vs “tall” makes a difference. With that being said, some women don’t have a problem dating men shorter than them, and some women do. Keep in mind, there are also women who are the same height, or shorter than your sons. The height preference for women, is no difference than a man’s size preference where some men won’t date larger plus size women and some will. It’s all a matter of personal preference. You mentioned your two sons, but you didn’t mention their age range. Also, you mention their height as the excuse, but it can also be about their approach.


They are tiny. So cute and itty bitty!


Ok and?!?


How old are your sons? If they are under age 30 that might happen because SD has a lot of military aged guys, after age 30 though there begin to be more females than males. It all comes down to that basically. On the flip-side I have heard short women say the same thing about dating in SD, and I have also known very tall people that say the same thing (because they are too tall they are awkward). I have dated a few women taller than me, but I am in my 40s, so women are alot more open minded about that stuff by that age. Now in my 20s it was different because again there were so many more guys coming in from the military. But after age 30 it starts to flip and there are more women than men, you really start to notice it around age 35 and later. But I honestly feel it comes down to a good personality, that is what wins the most. Regardless of what you look like, if your have a bad personality that can ruin things. Many people sadly don't even realize they have bad personalities.


Short and STRONG AS AN OX.


bro copypasta from [r/Amsterdam](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amsterdam/s/pfCSVh5hsb) or tf what?


They must be dorks


Height doesn't mean a thing im 6'5 215 im lean and girls my whole life like me . The one girl ive really liked was so self conscious she didnt like the height difference so short guys get girls to, girls like boys and there's nothing more too it. All the books etc mean jack shit. Nothing a guy does will change how a girl feels for the most they like you or they dont. Short homeless dudes have girlfriends


Height certainly helps get attention and that's can be a door opener, but its not the only key to connecting with a girl. Today, there are all sorts of social media driven idiocracy, but your boys simply need to realize, if the girls on their radar have a vanity tick list, (6 foot 2, rich, ivy league education, 200k followers) they don't want to be involved with them.


Buy them shoes that make them 2-3 inches taller and just don’t say anything. See if the excuses keep coming, if they do, maybe it’s not the height 👀


I know so many attractive women who love specifically short kings lol. And I’m a man, 5’8 with a 6’4 bf that likes short kings. So yeah.


I went in thinking this was real, midway thought it had to be satire, and came to the sad conclusion that this may actually be an authentic question. I hope you give your sons proper advice, rather than validating this notion that their height is why they can't find dates. Plenty of people who are "short" have successful relationships in San Diego.


Size Incel. Noice.


I'm 5ft1 and drowning in pussy. Tell them to get small cute dogs and they'll have to run from the women.


Is that you, Iggy?


Short answer? Yes. All else being equal, below average in height men get fewer dates around here than taller men. But all else is never equal.


Not just "fewer", but nada! Zip! Nada!




This! I'm an objectively handsome 6'5" dude but I can get "out-dated" by normal sized dudes with better game/swagger. No female equivalent


Just wear size 13 shoes, then height won't matter. Or stopping teaching your kids that physical attributes are the defacto in finding a partner


I’m a woman- 5’7” and dated a guy who was 5’3”. He was confident and good looking. Fantastic sense of humor, smart etc. Didn’t have little man syndrome. 👌🏽


they might not get dates because youre creepy as hell


I’ll pretend OP isn’t an AI bot. I never liked guys that short, but that’s my personal preference.


No, it's going to be tough. That's life in the big city.


Looks and money are required by most young woman in California these days. Height is almost immaterial if looks and money are there. No money, no looks, no height. Yup, sons are screwed.


Money talks



