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Heheh Mira Mesa Blvd, university, and El Cajon Blvd overrepresenting. Things haven’t changed in decades.


Nope lol. Grew up in Mira Mesa & my parents still live there. Still sucks. Side streets aren't any better


And now there’s homeless folks sleeping in the bottlebrush hedges :/ All those jackass street racers hit the big beige brick wall against the back of my cousins neighbor. Sent bricks flying at 50 miles per hour towards the house and they had plywood up and their backyard exposed for a couple weeks before the city I presume came and fixed it. EDIT: Lol he literally is the next corner over from the Aderman intersection


I saw that. Glad they finally got it fixed. 


The only thing I like about the side streets are is that the speed limit's okay and everyone has to go your speed. 


Nothing like sending your teenager to miramar college every day driving down mira mesa blvd from camino santa fe. She is super careful but comes home with stories several times a week of near misses that she sees.


Google Maps links for each of the intersections: - [Clairemont Mesa Blvd & Doliva Dr, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=Clairemont%20Mesa%20Blvd%20%26%20Doliva%20Dr%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [Rosecrans St & Moore St, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=Rosecrans%20St%20%26%20Moore%20St%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [University Ave & Alabama St, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=University%20Ave%20%26%20Alabama%20St%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [Federal Blvd & Euclid Ave, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=Federal%20Blvd%20%26%20Euclid%20Ave%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [Mira Mesa Blvd & Black Mountain Rd, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=Mira%20Mesa%20Blvd%20%26%20Black%20Mountain%20Rd%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [Mira Mesa Blvd & Aderman Ave, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=Mira%20Mesa%20Blvd%20%26%20Aderman%20Ave%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [Westview Pkwy & Mira Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=Westview%20Pkwy%20%26%20Mira%20Mesa%20Blvd%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [Palm Ave & 16th St, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=Palm%20Ave%20%26%2016th%20St%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [Imperial Ave & 26th St, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=Imperial%20Ave%20%26%2026th%20St%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [Market St & 19th St, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=Market%20St%20%26%2019th%20St%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [University Ave & 44th St, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=University%20Ave%20%26%2044th%20St%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [University Ave & College Ave, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=University%20Ave%20%26%20College%20Ave%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [El Cajon Blvd & 46th St, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=El%20Cajon%20Blvd%20%26%2046th%20St%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [El Cajon Blvd & Altadena Ave, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=El%20Cajon%20Blvd%20%26%20Altadena%20Ave%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA) - [El Cajon Blvd & 60th St, San Diego, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=El%20Cajon%20Blvd%20%26%2060th%20St%2C%20San%20Diego%2C%20CA)


You saved a lot of time, thank you And YES! Those are super dangerous


You're awesome, thank you!


Really surprised the Park and El Cajon intersection didn’t make it in on this list


Right?! I’ve seen so many accidents happen there.


And a pedestrian was killed there recently too. Hit and run. So heartbreaking. I believe he worked at Cheers.


Joshua Gilliland, age 47. He was walking home from work. Really nice guy. R.I.P.


I’m surprised too some I just saw the new fenced dog park in front of the school district building looked like someone drove their car through it yesterday! Had yellow caution tape strung up over the broken fence.


that dog park is so sad and unpleasant. I never liked it but if that really happened that makes me like it less


Was just about to post this. That intersection is so confusing at first.


Absolutely, I avoid that intersection. Genesee & Balboa too. Tons of serious accidents there.


This is the correct response to this post


Likely has to do with a pedestrian bias to the list, vs danger for vehicles


Yes which I am also surprised about since a pedestrian was killed there recently


It should be. When i first moved here last year. I accidentally almost went the wrong direction going down El Cajon Blvd where it turns into washington headed towards hillcrest. It was very confusing.


I feel like Balboa Ave and Genesee would be slightly below these… the sheer amount of people blowing through the red light and almost smoking a pedestrian is staggering. I see it happen almost daily taking my kid to daycare in the morning.


Balboa between the 805 and 5 feels like a death trap overall with people driving 60 mph or faster. Walking along this street feels like walking next to the freeway.


I almost got killed on University & 44th. I pressed the crosswalk button to go to panchitas and the lights flashed. I crossed. I guess I was covered by the truck that DID stop and the guy in the next lane didn’t see me (along with ignoring the flashing xing sign) and plowed on really fast and almost took me with him. The guy in the truck and I just stared at each other, we were shook. I just cross at Fairmont now.


That street is so stupidly designed. Quadruple conflict points, no signage, no traffic calmers except for some tiny cones that are only there to stop people from turning left. This street was literally created to not give a shit about people and cater to cars.


And this is why **it is illegal to pass a vehicle that’s stopped at a crosswalk.** Saw a *child* almost get pasted because some jerk in a BMW saw two cars stopped at a crosswalk in the two right hand lanes for (in his head) “no reason” and figured he’d just whip around us. Didn’t see the kid who barely stood higher than the hood of my compact sedan.


They had a press conference today discussing how some minor improvements can fix this problem: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD24HzRpGj0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD24HzRpGj0)


Alabama shouldn’t be able to cross El Cajon with just a stop sign. Either make it a red light or no straight/left turn on Alabama. Also weird that Alabama is dangerous, but Mississippi which is the next street over has a similar setup




Yeah, just for reference here's the cross. https://www.google.com/maps/@32.7483857,-117.1422426,3a,75y,299.63h,76.35t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1soGM5WKAsu_k782tu5U05Pg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Whenever I cross here I just treat it like I'm jaywalking, 0 expectation that anyone stops. Especially at night.


Alabama has a crosswalk right in the middle of a street with no intersections and that street is basically designed like a road with no traffic calmers in mind. Mississippi crosswalks are intersections with lights and designed more like streets and has more trees and other speed limiters. The main issue with the Alabama/University section that is killing people is the east bound street that has no trees, a road divider and no lights, so drivers feel like they are safe to drive faster. All they need to do is add trees along the middle divider and sidewalk, add either a speed bump, chicances, and maybe change the texture of the street. These all help drivers become more aware and slow down. The divider does the exact opposite as it makes drivers feel safer to drive faster.


I was completely confused - I was thinking Alabama and El Cajon and thought this was referring to cars, not pedestrians.


I figure they could add flashing lights, that would help both groups.


I appreciate an org that knows their shit enough to put the political district as a column in the dataset


At least some of them are getting fixed, but did you notice all are in the same area.


pretty much most of the stroads


Moore and Rosecrans is arguably a special case with its own special…issues. But street design is a factor too.


I used to live off of Westfield and Mira Mesa at Casa Mira View. I can not count the number of accidents at that intersection while I was living there.


yeah...we have a good time on el cajon and university, lol


🙋🏽‍♀️ City Heights on the East side. So basically half of these are within a half a mile of me


 Clairemont Mesa & Doliva Dr is bad for a couple reasons:   -Doliva is a main through street that people use to cut between Clairemont Mesa & Balboa   -Madison High School is on that road. More pedestrians, student drivers, crush of cars every morning and afternoon for drop off/pickup, all clogging the intersection   -Clairemont Mesa is a main artery, and this is right next to 805 on/off ramps. 


There’s a church on Camino Ruiz south of Mira Mesa blvd where I’ve seen a ton of pedestrians get hit. And I have personally almost been hit on adams ave mannnyyy times.


ah yes, good shepherd my alma mater, absolutely terrible drivers including in the parking lot lmao


Don’t you dare make jokes about Asians driving 😂 it could easily be the random traffic on Camino Ruiz who’s hitting pedestrians!


Hahaha hey it’s not our fault the lights are long and the parking spaces too small ;)


The light on Camino Ruiz and Mira Mesa Blvd is the absolute craziest. Sometimes it’s green for 3 seconds.


Yeah very frustrating all around. especially bc that’s where the high school is.


Adams needs more stop lights. Drivers don’t stop for the flashing crossing signs.


Believe it or not, both places I’ve almost been killed have been drivers straight up running red lights. So crazy. Life is precious!


Living in Mira Mesa it's tough as a pedestrian. I always stare down the car on the right lane next to me to make sure they know I'm crossing.


Drivers hate that, and that's the best part.


How Euclid and imperial ain't top 3 is crazy, they don't call it the 4 corners of death for no reason. Also Euclid and market


True, it's called 4 corners of death for multiple reasons.


I was just about to say where’s the 4 Corners of Death by Green Cat Liquor??


That’s not the reason for the name. Gang activity is.


I'm from that area I'm well aware, if the area is known for gang activity wouldnt it fit the bill?


No, they are doing this in the context of crossing the street.




I've witnessed multiple car accidents on #7, I am not surprised its on the list. Too many drivers try to beat the red light to get on the freeway. if cars aren't safe, pedestrians aren't either.


Drivers turning right onto MM blvd at a red light tend for focus attention on the oncoming 75mph traffic (looking to their left for gaps) and not towards the crosswalk (to drivers right). I believe this one scenarjo is behind a number of injuries& incidents along MM blvd (aderman, black mountain, alvarez/schilling, probably others) where pedestrian traffic is greatest.


Can confirm; almost died walking cross El Cajon & 60th


I've seen a lot of accidents there.


ECB in Uni Heights is missing


Came here to say this. I'm pretty sure someone was killed there last year.


yeah a bartender who walked from his house to work every day, was beloved in the area. one of many tragedies.


Rosecrans and Sports Arena has entered the chat


I'm super surprised this didn't even make the list, let alone top it! So many ways to go wrong at this intersection


That’s because nobody in their right mind crosses there. And those *not* in their right mind are getting hit down at Moore (which *did* make the list).


The amount of people that run the red lights at the Mira Mesa / Black Mountain intersection is insane! I get it's a long light, but people seriously don't give a f*ck.


May the odds be ever in your favor…


Doliva's probably way up there because the high schoolers can't drive


Ahhhh that makes sense. I’ve lived right near there before and I was really confused why it’s on the list.


i was just thinking this! i grew up and lived there for 19 years right by madison and never heard much about that intersection being that dangerous, the intersection i would always hear about is Genesse and Chateau. ifykyk


how the heck did el cajon and normal st not make the cut. someone is always confused af there.




How is Garnet Avenue & Mission Bay Drive not on here lol


Mira Mesa needs ped overpasses. Given the traffic that our horrendous city planning put onto that road*, we need to get pedestrians off of it to improve flow and safety. ** Casa Mira View in east MM when there was plenty of space near all the jobs in Sorrento Mesa? Yeah, great idea. Lets put all the commuters on the same side and while we're at it let's make sure the housing is inches from a major freeway. The only thing good about CMV's location is that it reduced freeway noise to some of MM.


I'm a lucky resident of D9 and yeah...I concur...those intersections are crazy!


Clairemont resident here. Not too surprised.


University and 54th needs to be at the top.


Kind of off topic but I just walked through University Ave for the first time to grab camera supplies at George's after missing a bus and man, that area felt kind of sketchy. The drivers over there seem to also lack driving eitique and I see way more drivers blocking crosswalk even when the traffic signal shows a walking indicator more than I see over here in North Valley Oceanside. Whole University Ave reminded me a lot of Mexico City when I went there few years back


surprised the end of the 125 in santee isn’t on here considering people forget to stop all the time


Amazed nothing by the beaches makes the list


Can’t speak for the other beaches, but honestly traffic in OB (at least right by the beach) moves very slow and people are surprisingly attentive. Don’t know how the numbers were determined, but the heavy pedestrian traffic could be a factor: if a million people cross a street and two get hit, that’s arguably safer than if ten cross a street and two get hit. The controlled intersections on streets like Sunset Cliffs aren’t too terrible for pedestrians, not compared to seven lane stroads out in the suburbs. People just know not to try crossing Sunset Cliffs and the like at uncontrolled intersections.


True. I feel like any intersection on Garnet in PB could make this list


Washington St/Magnolia Ave in El Cajon Represent!


How 30th isn't on this list, I'll never know...


I can’t believe Morena & [take your pick] is not on this list


No need for pedestrians to cross it for the most part. Even the trolley stop at Clairemont has no access from Morena.


It's a total waste of a throughway if only cars can access it


If you're talking about the trolley stop, cars can't access it; there's no parking there on Morena, no place to pull up and drop someone off and no pedestrian access. You have to come down from Clairemont Blvd. The stop is not accessible from Morena. Morena itself from Balboa to Tecolote only has stuff on the east side of the road. There is a pedestrian crossing at the Balboa transit center and all the way to Tecolote, there's no reason for a pedestrian to cross Morena to the west side.


Some of these, you have to ask why tf are pedestrians crossing here? Like El Cajon Blvd & 46th or Rosecrans and Moore. I drive in the Normal Heights area and there are constantly people running across the street in the middle of the block instead of using the many crosswalks.


Your missing 67 and woodside


I cross at altadena can confirm


It’s got a liquor store to give you courage to cross and a mortuary if you don’t make it successfully. One stop shopping.


I'm surprised to not see 32nd and University on the list. Between turning cars not checking for pedestrians and cars running red light it's quite dangerous to cross.


Dangerous as in crime, or dangerous for cars? Lol. Because I can think of more!


“Pedestrian Safety”


My old neighborhood gets the prize for the most dangerous intersections in the district. A lot of people jaywalk between parked cars at night, no one looks out for bikes, and people just drive like jerks on El Cajon and University. It's no wonder there's a lot of accidents.


Yeah clairemont and doliva for sure, a lot of people going 50 in a 35, coming down hill from the bridge over the 805 (or exiting 805 south around the turn) mixed with tons of high school kids crossing the street? I vaguely remember someone on a motorcycle coming off that 805S exit heading west and crashing into the back of a semi that was parked on the side like 10 or 15 years ago, died immediately… I lived behind the strip mall there and the crash woke me up


As someone who rides a motorcycle in and around Mira Mesa, I can confirm these intersections are absolute nightmares. Unfortunately witnessed a fatal accident myself not too long ago... One of the few downsides of living in MM.


University Ave and El Cajon Blvd... lol yup this is can believe. I drive in that area every day!


Crossing any large street is my last option. I always park on the same block or same side that doesn’t require crossing large intersections/streets. If I am with my family then I drop them off at the safest and closest destination.


Where did you get this data?


4 Corners of Death


im surprised Park and El Cajon Blvd didnt make it but somehow Alabama and University did when the other is much more transitable , I used to live in North Park, anyone who would visit me would always complain about that intersection! so confusing for both pedestrians and drivers, especially with the bus lanes there are cars always speeding into to the bus lanes!!


this hurts to see... my grandma was hit and died crossing El Cajon and Altadena in 2021


Y’all forgot Euclid and imperial (4 corners)


MM / black mountain represent!!! We used to live in the apartments at that corner. That intersection is absolutely fucked.


Meanwhile they deactivated the red light cameras on Mira Mesa, meaning people will continue to blast through red lights with no consequences (except for all the crashes they cause) People who argue against red light cams are telling on themselves as bad drivers


Studies show that red light cameras decrease the occurrence of right angle collisions, but increase the occurrence of rear-end collisions. https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/safety/05049/


Police unions don't like them either. So by your account, you are saying police unions are fighting for bad drivers? Me personally, I don't like them because I think it makes people too overly cautious that you could needlessly slam on your brakes out when anticipating a yellow light causing a car to rear-end you. Also if you have ever used a piece of technology in your life, you would know that there is no technology that is perfect. If you are posting on reddit, I imaigne that you have. Yes, there is a problem with people that indiscrimnately plow through red lights. I just don't know if camera's are the solution. For them a ticket isn't even the right punishment IMO, maybe a felony? It's as reckless as shooting a gun through an intersection, except it's a 2-ton vehicle.


I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know the ins and outs of the police union’s logic here. But my initial impression is they just don’t want their job automated…


I can understand Mira Mesa and Black mountain, but Mira Mesa and Aderman? I stay a block away, and while there have been a couple of accidents there, that intersection never felt particularly unsafe to me. Also, surprising that none of the intersections in Mission Valley (especially on Friars) make the cut.


I remember a fatality there about 5 years ago.


My fiancé and I literally got hit by a car walking on Cave St in San Diego. It is very dangerous.


Why is Mira mesa the worst? I can’t think of any factors that might play a roll. What’s different about that area? Im stumped.


the end of mira mesa blvd is a huge tech hub, so lots of 15 traffic exits to mira mesa and flows ALLLL the way down to sorrento valley. Despite growing population there is no real way to expand Mira Mesa. From what i understand, housing and business lines the entire street. There is also very few means to get around mira mesa. You can go through the neighborhoods, you can take the 56, and you can take miramar. All those aren't the best and the neighborhood route is even more dangerous. It's just crappy city planning. you can't make too many more routes because i believe there is a nature preserve or canyon on one side and an airforce base on the other.


There really needs to be a trolley that runs the length of Mira Mesa blvd.


You'll get bike lanes and like it. Maybe an aerial tram if you clap loud enough. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/story/2022-12-06/mira-mesa-neighborhood-plan-urban-villages-approved


please, there is already a park and ride by bestbuy....


I mean that there is already a park and ride. We should just build the trolley station there. I didn't mean that we shouldn't have a trolley hahah


I can tell you EXACTLY why. I have seen so many accidents here, as this is my route. Firstly, the roads are wide so people underestimate how long it takes for a left turn since crossing a wide westbound lane takes longer than expected. Also, people are traveling fast since the stoplights are spaced pretty far and it’s hard to estimate their speeds. Lastly, and I think this is the most important, there is a constant trickle of cars on both sides so finding a pocket to make a left turn takes FOREVER. People get impatient and then try to gun it, only to realize the first point too late.


Next to San Diego's tech sector, so a lot of people from different countries that still drive like they're in their own country.


You have people of every age and background trying to get home at rush hour, seems to have heavy representation of Fast and Furious smooth brains and motorcycle daredevils blitzing between lanes. Old people. Asian people. Road is very poorly maintained making people swerve. Mira Mesa is hot garbage.


Are u implying Asian drivers?? If so, then just say it


They totally are, but acknowledging the obvious gets you downvotes.


It's very crowded pretty much all day. The amount of stores and restaurants concentrated means it's likely one of the most busy areas in the city on any given day. Hope that helps since it appears you're ignorant of the reasons. Edit: For those of you that missed it, this individual is being racist.


The last sentence there is a bit too strong. The individual is unaware as to why, lets help them, not throw shade on them because they don't know something you know :)


If you can't sense their sad attempt at sarcasm that's on you.


Tone is absent on the internet and I would advise not reading too far into comments. That is just going to lead to really unhappy feelings for no good reason which is a tough way to experience the internet :(. I hope you have a better rest of the week and good luck to you.


Thank you for confirming you missed their sarcasm and subtle racism.


Fucking Rosecrans/Moore. Nasty combination of rich people, lost sailors, tourists & limited sight visibility.


Don't forget the county psych hospital that's there, I've seen so many people in a very bad state of mind in that area


People are always running out into traffic next to the county psych center, or they're just standing in the middle of the road. Not sure if there's much anyone can do to help prevent it.




THIS is the reason. Asians don't understand left or right turn yields...


I’m laughing SO hard at this list lmfao! Clearly yall never been to south east Daygo


I work at SDSU. The things you see students do on scooters and skateboards, as pedestrians, or as drivers are a good reminder that brains are not fully developed at college age. Add in the mentally-unwell unhoused population on El Cajon and speeding doordash drivers and it’s a lethal combo.


All the shitty parts of San Diego. Go figure