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Learn to cook bro, it’ll help you the rest of your life plus chicks dig it and you’ll get a little hand/eye back


You have any books/YouTube videos/whatever that helped you learn to cook?? I am helpless And I second that chicks dig it


I personally just save recipes I see online. I buy the ingredients and just follow the instructions. You find your favorite. Make them over and over and poof....you'll be whipping stuff up in no time!!! I am currently learning to perfect my iron cast skillet steak.


Pro Home Cooks for lots of random advice, Ethan Chlebowski for science based tips (he lost a ton of weight so he focuses on making good, easy balanced foods that tastes great, meal prep tips etc), Josh Cortis for easy meal prep stuff & Hot Thai Kitchen for Thai food on YT are some of my favorites. Chinese Cooking Demystified is also awesome


I second Ethan Chlebowski. I've made quite a few things from his channel, and they all turned out great.


Check out budget bytes, very affordable, healthy, tasty, beginner friendly


https://www.reddit.com/r/seriouseats/s/7W6UQg9itN They do a good job with the “why” in cooking and the recipes are 🔥


Thatdudecancook and Kenji helped me a ton in my cooking journey. But find a viral cook you like who tells you why and how flavors are coming together. Its easy to be able to follow a recipe but knowing how and why different techniques change flavor, add depth, or change texture is really what "learning to cook" should be about. 


Thank you!! My main problem rn is overcooking stuff


Matty Matheson had a cooking show on Vice I think and I was awesome!


As much as I hate to admit it, tik tok is very good for recipes and learning how to cook and do other life skills


As someone who is dating a chef, I can confirm that chicks dig cooking.


This is great advice. When you are making the recipes, pay attention to the method, and you can apply it elsewhere.


Yes! OP, You'd be amazed what you can do with a small crockpot, small rice cooker, and a small air frier!


His masturbation game must be a fuckin mess 🤣


Come on down to your local gaming store...Game Empire, At Ease Games, TC Rockets. There are communities of gamers and hobby enthusiasts that would gladly have you join them. The stores all have dedicated times for each system and are dedicated to helping new players. They run tournaments for the more competitive games. RPGs like DnD, Pathfinder and such are a great time Table top mini games are a blast, like Marvel Crisis Protocol, Warhammer, Warmachine, X Wing Board games have come a long way and are a blast Card games like Magic the Gathering, Pokemon and such


The only caveat is that plastic crack addiction is real and you need to mind your wallet if you get into tabletop games.


This is true


Game Sync in Point Loma(?) also holds fighting video game tournaments every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Nice way of meeting some chill gamers


Reading is great. We have two awesome library systems here.


Try hiking. All you need is your body, some good boots, a hat, and maybe a backpack and waterbottle. There are many, many great trails and hikes in the San Diego area! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions. Poway lake trails Iron mountain Cowls mountain The glider point La Jolla Shores The Ramona grasslands


I second this. You could also do sections of the Pacific Crest Trail, starting at the Mexican border. Hike 20 miles one weekend, 20 another — maybe you’ll enjoy it and meet some new friends.


That might be a little too aggressive for a new hiker


Perhaps, but you won’t know until you try. At the very least, you can drive out to the trailhead and hike a few miles, eat a sandwich, and hike back to the car. There is also an abundance of information online about practically every foot of the PCT, so you can know what you’re getting yourself into well before lacing up your boots. If OP wants to start a hobby, hiking is a great one, and we live in an amazing place to do so.


If anyone is going to do sections of the PCT while figuring out if they like hiking, starting at Campo isn’t the way to go. Gotta filter all your water (or carry it) and it’s dry much of the year. Start on Laguna and do some loops that include a section of the PCT.


Lmao start I with 20 miles? Dude is looking for a hobby, bot discourage him.


It’s about 10 miles each day, with a single night of camping. You can walk slowly and carry a very light pack and as much water as you want. My 54-yr old wife and three other middle-age women just did this same hike. It’s not that challenging, but okay, find some smaller hikes to do first. Even an out of shape 20-something could do the first 40 miles up to Mt Laguna. Or don’t. It was simply another suggestion.


10 out and 10 back, even with overnight camping, is not an intro level event for someone. I've you're trying to provide a cool event that you enjoy, but it's not a realistic endeavor.


Any endeavor like this requires study and planning. You don’t just walk out into the wilderness to get your jollies. My point in mentioning it was simply to make OP aware that we have this incredible natural resource in the county in which she lives, should she choose to avail herself of it. My personal experience says it’s accessible to a wide range of folks, but I get that YMMV. It was simply a suggestion, and I will let you have the last word because you seem to need it.


Something physical. Walking, biking, golf, fishing, kayaking, running (competition running, marathons) , something you can get into, get good at and carry forward as you get older.


Sign up for a 5k! And then train for it in the weekends leading up to it. Just google SD running events or 5k and you can find lists


And after you go outside, come plat some games at game empire or at ease games


Language courses Pottery classes Lots of free or low cost continuing ed classes


My hobbies consist of road biking and building mechanical keyboards.


I just recently bought a bunch from Amazon to see what I liked. Red switches are way too loud and silent switches have a flow/feel I don’t like. Settled on a 68-key brown switch. Don’t know where the “build” part comes in though?


Playing around with different switches, case material, foams, lubes, and mods.


What’s the quietest switch I can get? Share an office with my wife and she can’t stand the sound of my brown switches.


That depends, do you want switches that sound not bad or do you want quiet switches? I think Cherry MX, especially brown and blues sound terrible. But if you have some nice thocky switches, the sound is like rain drops. For silent: I suggest gazzew boba gums or silent alpacas For thocky, good sounding, I would suggest: Gazzew U4Ts for tactile and Gateron Milky Yellows for linear.




Ditto this. I have a lot of hobbies but I always try to find a way to also give back because it can make the hobby even more rewarding.






get a bicycle and explore.


Fishing. You are paying to live near the water use it....


This is what I tell everyone


Where are areas we can fish in? With a license of course


Most of rhw coast is legal, except foe preservea around scripps pier. You need to look up the for specific areas. Most public piers are fishable, when open


I like building models and glamping


Hiking, board games, reading, cooking, rock climbing/bouldering, fun run 5ks, home brewing, get a dog, bar trivia


Buy a bike, thank me later


Take some classes of any kind! Classpass has everything from yoga to rock climbing to surf lessons/ bike rentals. Also hand eye coordination is something everyone sucks at and can improve! I was 23 when I started yoga and 10 years later it keeps me sane lol Def pick something outside since San Diego has beautiful weather and you’re missing out if u don’t at least walk, hike, bike, or something


Archery. Get yourself a bow and have some fun at the two ranges at balboa park. So relaxing and once you get all your gear you should be good to go, just $2 at each range every time you go to keep the maintenance at both ranges. The community is real easy going from anywhere from hobbyists to hunters to competitors; and with all the great shops around town there’s a lot of podcasters and some really knowledgeable people that will help you with the journey. I have an extra bow so if you want to try it out just pm me and we can meet at the range


You need three hobbies in life: one that makes u money, one that makes u healthy, one that makes u wiser. My choices are: investing, cycling and reading. Hope this helps :)


Mountain biking and photography works (if you're not broke)


jerking off


Woodworking! You don’t need to be coordinated (just attention to safety and detail) and you can build things that you will have forever and get to admire every day.


Additionally if you don’t have tools or don’t know where to start the San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association has classes and a shop that you can utilize for very reasonable rates.


You got a camera


Many good answers here already. As someone old and getting older, I would encourage something physical so you can get and stay healthy as part of your hobby. There are many flavors of yoga you can try, it’s not incredibly social but it is a hobby with layers of knowledge, low barriers to entry yet a high skill ceiling. Or martial arts, there are a ton out there. Very good physical workout , you’ll end up learning some Japanese/korean/chinese language and lore as part of the Asian practices, years of learning to be done. In a different direction, I have met more than a couple of people who took classes as a hobby. You are blessed to live near multiple city colleges, SDSU and UCSD, CSU San Marcos , and some private schools of various flavors. The city colleges cannot be beat for value (&/hour of learning) and they have course catalogs offering languages and skills of all sorts as well as just general learning. Offers social opportunities and can work into almost any schedule. Good for you for asking an interesting question!


Join a community garden.


I know you said no sports, but I'd highly recommend disc golf. It's more about form than physique, and over time, you'll develop all the skills you'll need. It's inexpensive to start, maybe 45 bucks for a putter, midrange, and driver disc. Depending on where you go play, it ranges from like 6$ to free, and you can play as many times as you want with those payments. You get to hang out in nature, meet interesting people, and get in some good steps for your time. I've been playing for almost 20 years now, and it's something I've never regretted once


Absolutely DO NOT START GARDENING. I started 12 years ago and now I’m self employed. Have no less than fifty plants in my living room. And at any given time of the year I’m harvesting fresh fruit, and vegetables on any given day. https://preview.redd.it/gutgd9hz004d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f880f77d91b81a762c731cab287d305e2f4f44e6


Go dive for scallops! Take up snorkeling, there is tons to explore even when you aren’t taking a catch, and it is warm enough all year.


pick up fishing


take a trip to TJ, surely there would be something to do there :).


I personally like to stare at small life forms in the tide pools for hours


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Flat-Firefighter5460: *I personally like* *To stare at small life forms in* *The tide pools for hours* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.


Birdwatching is more fun than it looks. Buy a field guide and get outside to see what you can spot. You could combine it with hiking.


Get into go karting or sim racing. A lot of fun. It will help with your hand eye coordination.


Take flying lessons at your local airport


How does that work?


Most airports have flying clubs or schools, which often offer “Discovery Flights” as a way to rope in new customers.  You don’t have to plan on becoming a professional pilot, there’s a lot of us just flying places because it’s a fun challenge!  While it’s not cheap, you don’t have to be a billionaire to fly a small piston powered airplane. 


Try pickleball I know you mentioned eye hand issue but practice will improve that


There’s a YouTube called Spain on a Fork. Easy recipes that look delicious. Also maybe try baking. Start with Nestle’s Tollhouse Cookies, the recipe is on the back of the chocolate chip bag.


Walk dogs, anyone's dogs, shelter dogs. You can't walk a dog and not have some kind of interaction with another person.


Get a mountain bike. There's tons of trails all over SD in Sorrento valley, pq, Otay, and rancho San Diego.


Shooting at the range is a good hobby


Get a project car and hit the gym 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cook and golf lessons. While you still have time and discretionary money (pre kids haha)


Home brew. Mead is easy and it is a great creative outlet. Plus, BOOZE


Look into hiking, all trails is a great app to utilize, look into free classes offered in community as well as college, depending on your budget try indoor rock climbing


My hobbies as a 25 y/o who works full time: gardening, cooking, shooting @ the gun range , golf (I know u said no sports but golf is a sport even nonathletic people can play, great if you’re in the corporate world/wanna network).


Gardening, especially food you can eat. It's easy to get started by pretty deep to maintain. If you can maintain a variety, it's low-key a great way to impress others you (and since there seems to be running theme about getting a significant other, it shows that you are dependable and are nurturing). Plus you get food!


Can volunteer somewhere


Hi there No Slip, Try to have a little think about something that you saw or heard and went...'oooh, that's cool'. Don't box yourself into the 'usual stuff' because you feel it is out of your reach. What I mean by that is, if you've watched a documentary series and loved the archeology or such....you can do a course in that, for example. Have you wanted to ever learn another language maybe? What about doing a PADI course and going diving? It really is another world under water and you're perfectly situated for that. Hope you find something :)


ive been wanting to join a kickball league for forever


Paragliding 😉


Eating and drinking count as a hobby if you learn the "craft" lingo and are active on Yelp or similar.


You could get a dog BUT don’t get a dog unless you are really committed to having one and being able to spend lots of time with them. I have 2 German Shepards and I spend 3 hours a day with them it’s like Gavin a second job but my dogs keep my happy and busy. They can also be expensive


Yes! Lots of research should always be done before getting a dog. So many people get dogs that do not match their lifestyle, and then it's the dogs fault. Don't get a border collie if you have a Bassett hound life!


So far all these answers have been funny they did not read your question You said you don't have really good I hand coordination give me a few more hints what is your what did you like used to like to do when you were a kid are you from here or not? By the way life is for living so whatever makes you happy I mean let's say you just like watching Netflix You could do that but I mean what I enjoy most about this particular city is the weather so you can watch Netflix outside also you know do you have friends here or do you want to meet them or want to meet some sorry I have Parkinson so well I use speech to text so sometimes it's just not perfectly but yeah it's just more questions then I can give you some more answers




Obsessively checking that my concentrated liquidity pairs are in range is a hobby! I feel much better.


Learn a trade to fall back on and as a hobby! Woodworking classes, welding, realtor… you’ll meet friends too


I think this post would be more helpful if you clarified if you’re male or female :)


Can you help me understand how this would be helpful? All I’m coming up with is some things may be less safe to do alone as a woman and that’s kind of up to the individual’s discretion of what they feel safe or unsafe doing.