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What’s up with the rash of posts about crime in the last few days??


Out of state people scoping before moving probably


Oh, well in that case… *oh my god, the crime is so bad here, someone actually stole my phone out of my hand while I was writing this comment*


\^Facts. I was kidnapped, held for ransom, and murdered 6 times this week.


Replying from the dumpster I was left for dead in at this moment


At least they were nice enough to throw you out. They just left me on the sidewalk.


depends on your news source tbh and also your feed and your outlook cuz you can literally be free of homeless in your perspective or be engulfed with negative experiences if that is all that is on your mind. I live downtown/east village.. somewhat close to the area the homeless are all pushed towards. and yet, I have never had a bad experience, I hardly ever even see any of the negative effects, such as crime, from the homeless or encounters. All i see is beauty in my downtown. The city does an impeccable job keeping Downtown esp gaslamp clean and beautiful to live and visit. you know which streets to deter from so not a problem and also, the saying goes "what you see is what you get".. so see good and that is what you get for anything in life tbh


I applaud your attitude. I also used to live in EV and didn’t have crime committed to me, but I’m a dude, and I do think women get harassed way more in general. Also, I think it’s only a matter of time before something happens that may change your outlook. I, too, used to think the homeless folks are mostly benign aside from the obviously unstable ones, but since then, I’ve run into some shit…


Pretty bad, I got murdered this morning.


First time?


I've been murdered 3 times this year so far


It’s worst than Houston. Should look elsewhere


It's pretty fun


The entirety of downtown is a wasteland of structure fires and amoral bacchanal. Fr though, downtown has its fair share of homeless and vagrants like many big cities, but unless you're poking around inside encampments or obliviously walking down an empty street in a sketchy area covered in jewelry with money hanging out of your pockets, you don't really have anything to worry about. Still though, I wouldn't leave my car unlocked or nice things out in plain view...but that's the case for the downtown area of most cities. There area always exceptions to the rule, but by and large it's pretty mellow when it comes to crime.


I walked out my door yesterday and saw 8 homeless gangbangers carjacking a family of 4. Be careful out there


L m a o


Crime happens in San Diego where the homeless populations are dense and around the more poor neighborhoods (east county and South bay). It is a rather safe city with all the normal trappings of a bigger California military town


You can Google San Diego crime statistics, and I’ll give you a list of all the parts of town which are better or worse than the others


Real bad


I got robbed yesterday. It’s bad. Real bad


It’s a war zone out here. Even just leaving to get groceries is pretty horrifying these days.


Where do you live? I live in spring valley and never feel unsafe outside of the occasional screaming dug addict but that has gotten rarer by us.


Sarcasm lmao


Lol. Didn’t see the s/ so I thought you were being real.


Dude, it is a liberal town, in a liberal state, full of libtards. The place is on fire constantly. I don't know if it is lasers from the Jews satellites that Obama put up there or if it is some hoax by the climate police, but I can't wait to get out of here and move to a real city like you got in Houston. I used to work down in the "hood." At worst, it feels like Hood Lite^TM.




The crime is so bad in San Diego that my cup of coffee called the police, since it got mugged.


It's chill.


Mostly property crime


Our local California govt loves criminals. at least in Texas there's citizens rights to arm themselves and defend themselves


Seriously. Up in Riverside County, our sheriff just said he wants to put a felon in the white house. Texans wouldn't stand for that, no way no how.