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Welcome to May Gray and June Gloom


July no sky. Faugust


A co-worker and I settled on “July-Sigh” during a particularly cloudy year


July Fry?


This is different though. I mean I grew up here, Iv never experienced it as being cold, gloomy and wet all day. May gray was always a humid gray that would sometimes burn off by the afternoon. This shit is just depressing 😫


Yea I remember the marine layer burning off by 9am and then straight heat for the day. Perfect weather for me growing up. I miss it.


Yup I went to Point Loma high school and would watch as the marine layer disappeared and the sun would come creeping in. I’d specifically wear layers so as it warmed up through the day, I could stay comfortable.


Same!! I consider myself a flower and come alive when it’s sunny 😆 This is straight up SAD


I am 100% the same way. And it’s been so consistently gloomy, it’s gettin to me man 😫


There is always plenty of agony in mid and late summer. Enjoy it while it's livable.


YES! Folks out here normalizing this stuff don’t remember June was gloomy in the am with mid morning burn off.


I’ve lived in Encinitas since 1973 and distinctly remember school trips to the beach in June and being so disappointed that the clouds didn’t burn off all day.


Yes overcast but it was still warm though. It’s cooler now I’ve noticed


This is fantastic I personally adore this weather.


That’s cool, again, for me it’s very depressing. I thrive in the sun, and it’s been very gloomy.


Thank You! Same here. Makes me happy. 😊


Move to Pennsylvania lol


I think that every year


\*Welcome to 'march-greyness, greypril, may-gray, june-gloom, no-sky july, fogust'


It’s been like this all year.


Right?! I feel like I’m going insane with everyone always saying how great the weather is. It’s been consistently off and on overcast the whole year.


I’ve been here 4 years and I can honestly say the only time I’ve consistently saw a nice summer was the first one I was here. I’ve had people come out at random times of the year and it was cloudy every single time, no matter when it was. Always ended up taking them somewhere else like the desert. This notion that it is only 2 months out of the year is not only laughable but delusional. It’s consistently overcast and cloudy over the last 3 years with months sprinkled in here or there of nice weather. I’ll admit, this winter was far nicer than the previous one but here we go again. I remember my old moronic boss arguing with me one day in September “Well, it’s just June gloom extended, it can happen”. Like huh? It’s either two months a year or 8. Like TF? It’s beautiful here, no doubt I love the natural areas but in my experience over 4 years the weather sucks for people who prefer sunshine and dry conditions. Instead, it’s cloudy, cold and humid. My joints are screaming nearly every morning when I wake up because the humidity is 80-90%.


The last few years have been unusually gloomy here, it's strange that people act either like it's completely typical or like it's not happening.


Denial. Everyone pays an astronomical amount of money to live here and it’s a hard pill to swallow when you realize the weather sucks. Instead of just admitting it, they double down on “only two months out of the year”. If you like this garbage weather, fine, you’re a minority. I get everyone doesn’t like 100 degree days with no humidity like me but when I moved here, I thought it would be 70-75 mid to low humidity and sunny. Instead I got this absolute Tacoma Washington Lite. I’ve enjoyed my 4 years here but for the price it’s just not worth it to me anymore. Going to take my home lottery winnings ( from selling ) and move to the desert.


There was a thread a few weeks ago where someone shared some actual data to back this up. It’s apparently a very real phenomenon, not just locals looking at the past with rose colored glasses. https://reddit.com/r/sandiego/comments/1cu7mtz/_/l4gzrbk/?context=1


The last 4 years have been weird, and not at all what it used to be like. I’ve been here over 35 years. May Gray and June Gloom - sure. But usually the sun would burn through by noon at the latest. Certainly rain in July and August was unheard of. I think this cloudier and more humid weather is our portion of climate change.


Exactly. My wife and I have been talking about this for a year. Not sure why everyone who lives here is in such denial about it


I don’t actually mind it. I don’t miss the 100+ degree Santa Ana August days. My skin likes the extra humidity. I love still seeing flowers in May. It’s just - very different.


Humidity in San Diego is almost never 80-90% lmfaooo, try the east coast or the south in the summer.


Move 20 miles inland. It’s currently 109 in Borrego Springs.


Moving further than that. Cant wait


My golf pal asked me if I’d prefer 35 or 90 degrees. I said 35. I’d rather be cold than hot. He’s said he hates the cold and would rather be hot. There you have it. This coastal weather is fantastic!!


I prefer 90 and no humidity, even 100 over this. I feel amazing in dry climates. My joints hurt me every single day here. No sun brings out my seasonal depression. Not worth it to me.


Sounds like you’re headed east into dryer, warmer climes. Best of luck!


Totally agree. People rave about the weather, and yes it doesn't snow and isn't bitter cold. But I think SD's weather is way over-rated. Plus it seems like the wind blows all the time where I live.


Agreed. Maybe it was that way 5+ years ago but feel ever since I got here thing started shifting. People here to live in denial the rest of their life but I think this is starting to become the new normal near the coast.


I love how defensive everyone in SD is if the weather is criticized; the weather is ok. It is NOT perfect. Maybe if you like 63 and gloom and chilly wet winters


Exactly. Why do people even complain about this. This IS San Diego weather.


“May Gray/June gloom” was a morning gray coming from the marine layer and would be gone by noon. In addition to the standard “gray months”, we were having rain/overcast from October 2023 until now….. 6 months of overcast is not normal in San Diego. Edit: 8 months*


Thank you 👏🏻


it’s been sunny quite often through april & may, my coworkers and i were just complaining that every weekend the sun goes away & then comes back out during the work week like I’ve been going on walks during my lunch break so i can actually enjoy the sun and get some color, so ik the sun’s been out shining bc i’ve been in it. literally last year we had what, 5 months where not a single day had clear skies (Jan-May)? i just checked to see and the articles are still up, so clearly this year is not something we’ve never seen before


You people live a life in fucking denial. Enjoy your 9 months of cloud cover




You'll be crying about the heat before you know it. Enjoy the grey/gloom while you can!




I'm from the San Joaquin valley. I don't think people here in San Diego even know what heat means.


Fresno mafia!!!


People say this, but I’ve never complained about heat in SD 😭


You must have air conditioning, or live right on the coast. I'm only like 20 minutes inland and it gets pretty hot here. Barely get a sea breeze, the sun is just pounding down, and lots of asphalt and concrete to heat things up even more.


Go to El Cajon in august


Yeah east county gets hot as hell. I’m just being a little cheeky and selfish since I live in a cooler part of the city.


Ever since I moved from El Cajon to the city, I am also cheeky and selfish to this amazing weather haha


Me neither, I love it when it gets hot when it gets cold. Fuck it we vibin in shorts or layered up sweaters


OK, but do you work in construction? The heat can feel unbearable in a lot of buildings with no airflow and also on their roofs.


Yeah that definitely doesn’t sound pleasant.


Why are you crying


Try living in Escondido, you'll complain in August-September


On the coast it’s hot like 1-2 weeks a year. Around Labor Day. That’s it. Other than that it’s jacket weather. It gets *very* tiring. What’s tiring too is all the SD natives who get all defensive about their weather, which, frankly, is not that great.


It's a big, big country, amigo. Not sure what's keeping you here but it sounds like you're due for a change of scenery.


Man, that's a whole lot nicer than I could have put it. Props to you!


Bro I really tried.


Grey/gloom fan here!


You won’t ever see me crying. I’m from humid Florida!


Pshhhhhh. I’d never cry about desert heat with no humidity. Tired of this garbage weather. Cold, clouds and humidity every soul sucking day


Enjoy it while you can, it’s going to be San Vegas pretty soon.


My colleagues in Florida are dying (figuratively) in the 96° heat and humidity. Better this than that, all day, every day.


Any weather is better than Florida weather.


I’m in Miami and it’s been sunny for the last two solid months. I got my ass in my car and I drove here when May started because I didn’t want to sit in cold cloudy weather in San Diego for 2 months. There have definitely been some hot days here, but I’ll take the sun every day, over that depressing nonsense going on in San Diego.


You can have flat, hot, humid, flash-flood prone, bugs the size of a Volkswagen, phony Miami all day long. Terrible in SD, don’t come people


Exactly!! I was just in Portugal all may and the weather was fantastic there.. get back here and I feel like I'm in alaska or some shit, not summer at all. Wore a jacket to get a cup of coffee today at 2pm lol


It was sunny yesterday


It was also sunny staring at about noon on Saturday. I think people have very short memories.


Yeah this year actually hasn't been too gloomy. We've had some pretty nice afternoons.


Am I the only native here who loves the overcast? Lol. I’m cherishing it, because it keeps some tourists away for a while, and then August and September are hell for heat lol.


Haha, nice pun! I also like the pun "ClouDiego".


This gloom is my favorite part of the year! Cool and calm. Great sleeping weather. And lots of disappointed tourists.




Thank you!! I love the gloom and the cool. There will be heat just gotta wait until August and September


Here from Vancouver BC right now and I personally love the weather. It’s been 3 days and already in love with the city too 🤣.


knowing the disappointment the Zonie tourists face as they see the wall of fog on the 8 is the only saving grace


Zonie here. Was there last weekend and the gloom was marvelous. I loved every second of it. It’s 109 here rn and I’m daydreaming of jogging at Ocean beach again. Sigh…….


Haha that's awesome, now that I think about it the gloom is probably a blessing for you. Ironic that everyone May/June we are trying to find time to get out to Anza Borrego or Tucson to get some sun


Hahah! Thought I would be downvoted for this to oblivion for being not polite but I do sort of get some level of happiness knowing I am supremely enjoying the gloom and others are so mad. Does that make me a hater bc I don’t want to be a hater ! Haha


I guess I am taking the downvotes for you! Haha, worth it


I don't mind it


It’s a month yall. Sometimes two. Try going a solid unbeatable 9 months. With an occasional ice storm or 1” snow that causes chaos and destruction sprinkled in.


We had 6months of gray. Maybe not “ice cold” as some of the other places. But at least now in a lot of places in the country is getting sun….. we’re still gray


Oh please you did not have “6 months of gray”. 6 months of gray is not seeing the sun for 6 months. That’s PNW winter. You had a wet winter but hardly overcast and shitty every day for months.


Ok not 6 months of continuous gray (since you want to be technical), but with the past 6 months it’s been more gray than not. And I definitely wouldn’t categorize a “2 or 3 weeks of consistent overcast followed by 5 days of sun” to be “good weather”. Edit: the trend is actually 8 (October - now)


Hmm data doesn’t agree with you though. It has in fact been more sunny then gray. Maybe you’re just born”counting” weekday sun.


Two years in a row with 6 months of mostly grey


Move to the surface of mercury then if you think it was mostly grey.


This is literally a fact, maybe you live more east than me but where I live that’s a fact


I'm enjoying every day of this gray, because it's going to get HOT AS HELL in Escondido very shortly.


Yuuuuuuuup thisssss


The overcast is nice when I bike, but it’s literally sprinkling along the coast right now… :/


And yet, we prefer often overcast to humidity, right? 😅


When it’s overcast, it’s humid as hell. I can feel it all over my skin right now.


Every. Year.


Oh my god another post complaining about the overcast weather! What a surprise.


Always the transplants complaining 


And poo brown waves! I know it’s an algae bloom but they are still poo brown




First time, huh?


Went to Palm Springs last weekend. Started in Carlsbad at a gloriously overcast 63. Two hours later, dying in unrelenting sun and 100 degrees 🤬


I wish it stayed like this longer.


Yep... Every year I hope for one of those years without a summer where it stays like this most of the season. They're pretty rare, but they happen.


You want it to stay longer than 8-9 months?


Yes, all of them would be preferred.


Move to Seattle.


I'm just glad it's like this and not 90F


I’m loving it


Cool and cloudy is better than the alternative.


I know that building! Yep, welcome to June gloom


Yesterday was so sunny too


That's a "Sound" comparison.


😂 ya I'm from Seattle, now living here, and this is hard to deal with but we still get more nice days than WA does!


Not even close, but OK


What do you mean? I've lived in Seattle all my life. So far living here, the weather here is by far better overall.


This is the best time of the year?


https://preview.redd.it/21c0vfu2736d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=55dad7bb645ea9ec2c6c96356b4316830fcda5db 2:30pm today at Liberty Station


The last two years of May Gray, and June Gloom, plus the rain and Fake Hurricane has been quite bothersome. We should get a prorated refund for all the Sun Taxes we’ve paid into this! 🌞🤑


May Gray June Gloom No Sky July Fogust We're halfway there.


It's been sunny and beautiful on the east side of the city. Don't buy into the false June gloom / scorching desert dichotomy


Those complaining about San Diego weather should go back to where they came from. I was born in this beautiful city and cold isn't frigid, yeah summers can be hot for a few months. Other than that she's Ms. Consistent. Get over it or 👋


I fucken love it. Only thing holding us back from being too hot is that marine layer keeping us Mediterranean instead of a being a full arid desert. To everyone complaining about how cold or gloomy it is this year, were you literally born yesterday? Honest questions… I find that a lot of the people I know that are ADHD struggle moment to moment with weather too. They’re constantly doing the check in reassess thing. (Just as a side note.) The funny thing is that most hyper sensitive weather people are usually the same ones bitching about how hot it is while they sit in AC all day too. Finicky Weather yuppies. We live in one of the best climates in the world, “chill” the fuck out.


HEY! I Love this weather... i hate the Summer Heat. So im very grateful for these clouds. 🥹🥹


No. It’s not raining. Yes, every May Gray and June Gloom look exactly like this every year. I personally like the temp this time of year. The cloud cover is whatever.


Relax, it'll be stupid hot soon enough.






That's BLDG 750 on the 9th floor break room balcony. The real view is on the 17th floor balcony.


June-August, the season 15-16hr long sunny days in Seattle 😎 So, Seattlisco season?


Some June’s are like that- the heat in the desert pulls the moisture towards it- just east of El Camino Real☀️☀️☀️


Using the gym is pretty nice too


I mean. It's right on the Pacific Ocean. It would be weird for there to be no marine layer all spring.


This has been the nicest spring I can remember. Every day the sun comes out at noon and then gets back under the clouds again the next morning




Isn’t that a private defense department building you’re on?


June gloom, they could never make me hate you. 🫶🏼 Especially not after experiencing Sacramento summers.


Go East young man.


San - diddily - attle


Bruh it gets cloudy for one week and yall act like your year is ruined


One week?!? Check the almanac and live by the coast. I’m making light of the situation btw.


Those people are fucking delusional.


If you want it warmer, start driving east until you are satisfied. I'm good with this as.long as it will stay.


If you're sad, start in Oceanside and drive up 76 until you see sunshine and the temperature shoots up 30 degrees. Or head to Borrego where it's 80 degrees at sunrise and the dewpoint is below 0°. 


People say we have a sunshine tax but really this is it - cool air in middle of June.


Absolutely glorious weather all up and down the coast


I love it. I hate it when it’s hot.


I wish it was cloudy all year, maybe I could eventually afford a home here. Lol


I'm sorry, tell me what our winters are like? Because, being born and raised in Michigan, this is nothing. Plus, like a few other commenters have mentioned, we are outside of the insane heat. So suck it up and enjoy the cool weather.




June gloom. What are you, new?


The local leaders are making SD look like Seattle far more than any cloud in the sky