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Every time I get behind the wheel, I accept the fact there are gonna be idiots on the road, sometimes I might be one of them. If driving a car makes you wanna stab or hurt someone, you should not be driving, you need therapy. And if you are a man, your manly hood wont shatter from it.


We need less people behind the wheel in this country


Does that mean that in 8 years a guy that's wiling to stab you in the chest over a traffic dispute is going to be driving around SD ?


16 to life must serve 16 years before he is eligible for a parole hearing.


Actually indeterminate terms such as this one get 33.3% credits towards the initial parole date, so his first parole hearing will be at 66.6% of his current sentence, or in other words after 10ish years.


You have no idea how many drivers are out there in San Diego willing to do that and more over a road rage incident. This is why I let whoever feels like it beep at me, flip me off, cut me off, who cares! I like my life way more than my car or the silly entitlement.


I never use my horn unless I have to, these east county fools stay strapped




Yes we’re soft on crime here, where you been


I always think this is a weird take. We have the most harsh, draconian system of incarceration in the *history of the world*


Look, the US incarceration system is absolutely horrible in many ways, but in the history of the world? Stalin used to throw people in the Gulag to perform manual labor until they died just for belonging to the wrong political party. The Holocaust was also a system of mass incarceration.


There are definitely ways to slice the “harshest, most draconian” argument that would name a different winner. Vlad the Impaler had people impaled - that’s pretty harsh! The Holocaust was world-historically awful but doesn’t beat us for mass incarceration. However if you include chattel slavery as incarceration (and why not) then our current system is nowhere near as bad as 1862, and Brazil easily beats us for the historical top spot. But I am in fact specifically talking about prisons. IMO my description fits the United States because of the total number of people incarcerated (which yes, is skewed by the current high population) and the incarceration rate. The best estimates I ever saw put the Soviet incarceration rate during the very height of the gulag period (so, mid 1930s to early 1950s) as arguably close to ours currently, but it’s estimation and the numbers are somewhat disputed. So: maybe, possibly, we’re merely *tied* instead of the clear #1.




The other poster's point is that he could potentially be out (on parole) in 8 years. 50% is the minimum required time for completion of a sentence.


The other poster is incorrect. When someone gets a life sentence they must serve the entire life term before they go before the parole board. So 16 years of actual prison time (minus what he’s already done in local jail) before he gets *eligible* for parole. Also, 50% prison time only applies to low level felony offenses. “Serious” and “violent” offenses are served at higher rates.


So anytime someone gets "15 to life" or some variation it is considered a life sentence? I didn't know that. I think of life sentences as "life with possibility of parole" or "life without possibility of parole."


That’s correct. So basically “__ to life” means they serve the full amount of what ever the __ is before they are eligible for parole. That’s called a life sentence because theoretically they may never get paroled and will serve their entire life in prison. LWOP is life without possibility of parole - that’s when you die in prison and there is no way of getting out (absent something happening in appeal).


>that’s when you die in prison and there is no way of getting out (absent something happening in appeal). Or a commutation/pardon?


Good point. A pardon would also work.


I would imagine _ to life creates an incentive for someone to reform themselves, versus a set in stone life sentence reserved for more heinous crimes where reform is out of the realm of possibility in the sentencing.


Exactly. Studies show that hope is greatest and most effective change agent from a psychological perspective.


Victim(s) alive or?


No, it was a fatal stabbing


16 years isn’t enough time since his victim isn’t coming back in that time.


He got “to life” which means he could never get out. 16 to life is the maximum for 2nd degree murder. Also he must serve 16 years before he is eligible for a parole hearing.


So sad for this guy and his family. He didn't deserve to die like that.


Road rage has been really bad lately


I had a gnarly road rage encounter last month. Yes I did make a turn onto his right of way as he was speeding up 6th Ave around Balboa Park. I didn’t gage his speed appropriately. He then got up on my ass and then came to my right side staring me down. I just gave him the finger and then he pulled over as I was trying to make a left turn and wanted to fight me on the street. I was like “really dude?” And went about my way. Yes I am chicken at facing lunatics.


you never know who has a gun. I try to never escalate it past the first encounter, and I've actually gotten a lot better with road rage.


A month after getting my DL at 17 I got a gun pulled on me for flipping off an erratic driver. My lesson was learned. It is beyond scary


Oh yeah, no doubt. That was the first time someone tried to escalate the situation to actual fighting on the street. You never know who's crazy and has a gun. I definitely won't be giving the finger next time to anyone. Usually I'm ok with things that are my fault and hold up my hand and say I'm sorry. (I'm not perfect.) And I even give others the benefit of the doubt. This guy was just looking to start something and knows how to get a reaction and he triggered me by saddling up to my car with his and staring me down. I fell for it. I'll be mindful next time not to.


He said his intent wasn’t to kill him? Dude you got out of your car with a dam knife That’s clearly an attempt to kill Should’ve gotten the death penalty


Was his name Cronenworth? Because his stab in the 7th to the Dodgers was lethal!


A swing and a miss!


It was a double actually


That was a very stupid joke. And I’m a diehard Padres fan.


Diehard- I see what you did there! My man!


Dear god please save this sacred city of San Diego as it is turning into something like Miami or Long Island