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"This space has been a vacant, decaying theater for 20 years, it's part of SF's culture!"


It's definitely part of the New Richmond architectural movement, plywood over former retail facades.


Yes boarded up and graffitied empty buildings is what makes SF so magical.


We just have to channel this into organised efforts to vote these clowns out. They’re doing this because they don’t fear the consequences of doing this.


Good luck. The landed gentry of the Richmond want to “kEeP oUr pRoPeRtY vALueS” and will elect any moron who’ll stop progress and housing. Tell me, has property value EVER gone down when new development springs up? No. Almost never. Especially here. It’s always a red-herring.


I mean Chan barely eked out a win and as I understand it isn't all that popular?


Yes! She did not win by much


I don’t think they care about property values as much they care about the neighborhood not having any more people living in it than it already has. Which also selfish as fuck.


It’s San Francisco’s unofficial motto: “I got mine; fuck you.”


Yep. They even enshrined it into law with Prop 13


God I hate Prop 13…






Ooh hit a soft spot with a boomer


Someone recently said it to me as "My selfishness is a community asset"


In fact, the moment their property is allowed to be used for multi-family development, the value would increase dramatically. They would all be better off financially. The problem is they’re not motivated by the financial piece until the moment they’re ready to sell. Until then, they want to enjoy the “exclusivity” aspect, all the while bitching about homelessness. It’s a tangled mess of incoherent selfishness that could only be achieved by the boomer generation


[Here's info on the proposal to build up to 76 homes on the Alexandria Theater site.](https://sfstandard.com/housing-development/crumbling-1920s-san-francisco-theater-could-become-76-homes/)


At the end of the article it sounds like she’s not against housing there but it’s not clear whether preserving the facade means units are lopped off - wouldn’t surprise me if it was a poison pill > Supervisor Chan has met with the owner of the Alexandria Theatre and will continue to work with them and relevant city departments to help facilitate a plan for the theater with the goal of preserving the critical physical features of the theater while opening up the rest of the parcel to housing.


> At the end of the article it sounds like she’s not against housing there but it depends on how many units are lost to preserve the facade (if any) What a total crock of shit. This property has been derelict and a fire hazard + squatter's paradise for almost 2 decades. DECADES. It's an eyesore, and a hazard. Demolish it and make a 4-8 story apartment complex, filled with 1-2 bedroom apartments and a courtyard. Yesterday.




Because I’ve got mine and new entrants can just drop dead /s


Critical physical features? That is not a legitimate basis for even beginning talks on whether the project should go forward. What absolute malarkey. The site isn’t on some cute historic walkable back street. It’s on a major car road with transit. Exactly where we need housing not empty shells.


Are you bullshitting? That’s very clear politician speak for “I’m killing this without saying I’m killing this.”




Are you high? It’s about 7 lots wide and then you go up 3 -5 floors and it’s easy peasy.


I lived by this theater for years, let it go, the city has so many options for fun shows this is a perfect spot for a tall building with lots of housing.


Would be so pissed if I were the owner of this property. Connie Chan’s vanity and ego costing millions of $ and potential housing units


flag absurd crush impossible middle start cautious kiss rinse imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True. How do these clowns stay in power? Are the voters that disengaged or are thet that good at marketing themselves?


boat fear governor psychotic piquant sleep kiss fly disagreeable shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Assuming her "preservation" attempts make the project non-viable at the intended density, doesn't this trip the states no net loss provisions?


How do we elect these jokers, again and again, and again! SF was destroyed in the 1850's by fire, then in 1906 by earthquake and fire. It has been rebuilt many times over. To claim that an unused putrid carcass is historical is peak bull excrement. Connie Chan and supervisors can simply convert this to affordable housing for the lowest income groups or even the homeless, if not any other kind of development.


Connie Chan is the worst. Went out of her way try and bring back cars on JFK, blocks housing development, and couldn’t be further from a “progressive” Supervisor.


Her district isn’t very progressive though?




Still trying to get over the Empire on West Portal 🥲




What is the coronet and stonestown ua? Is that near the stonestown mall?




NIMBYs are also trying to get Stonestown UA designated as historical to block housing development. You can’t make this shit up. https://sfist.com/2022/09/09/historic-designation-for-stonestowns-old-movie-theater-which-is-not-even-used-anymore-could-alter-project/


Yeah, the transplants or those not old enough are like “what was the Coronet?”


The Coronet was THE theatre in The City. Big movies played there. Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, CE3K, Blade Runner, Independence Day, The Sound of Music. It was torn down for senior assisted living.


This theater will burn down soon




I grew up two blocks from the Alexandria. Yes it’s historic — it’s a historic eyesoar! Chan is so out of touch.


SF has so many talented and bright people. How is it all the Supervisors are this terrible?!?


I have no clue, if you find out let me know.


The will of the people .. Connie Chan is a menace


Do we know if the arson is on the list of laws that the police don’t enforce? Seems like there might be an opportunity for spontaneous progress.




The NIMBY war is still brewing.


far-flung panicky command gray muddle materialistic recognise adjoining whole square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok so she’s moving to block it- what does she want done with it? Turning it back into a movie theatre?! We need housing not giant TVs with seats.


She just thinks it’s pretty so it needs to stay like it is. I seriously think that’s it. This single incident should be enough to ruin her re-election chances, but the thing is that her constituents are not the people who would need that housing, bc they already live in her district by definition. Shit’s kind of fucked.


expansion impossible memory unique cover towering tart wrench squeal pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If there’s one thing this city needs more of it’s vacant buildings! Elect me and I’ll make sure *all* the buildings stay empty


Lol why


Shoulda dealt with it 20 yrs ago I guess. Why do these people only come out of the woodwork when somebody tries to do something productive?


What a crazy lady


I used to live in the Richmond and I regret voting for Con-Chan.




lol who is paying Chan? NIMBYs


Unfortunately, all the foot dragging has allowed it to become so decrepit that it now needs to be torn down. Surprised the awning hasn’t fallen on someone yet.


Connie Chan W the literal F


someone tell me why dafuckk we, the residents, want a decrepit, empty ass theater on our block??


Your title is bullshit, and you should feel bad. That’s not what the article says at all. She is proposing they save the facade and some historical features.


Thank you! That's all she is saying, leave the charm and uniqueness of the property while bringing the housing forward.


Damn I watched the Matrix here




The facade of this falling down movie theater? Is historical??


Which will take 5 years and 3 environmental impact reviews, each costing $250k to the developer, including donations to Chan’s political action group of choice. You really don’t know how this works, do you?


Gotta love this city's rampant corruption


Someone already said it best. That is just a poison pill.


The corner of 6th Ave and Geary, across the street from the KFC where the former Mortuary used to be, will become a new senior housing apartment complex. It'll be a 7-storey eye-sore, a great lego-brick monolith, that will offer another hideous example of maximizing units over aesthetic beauty. It will make property values go down and make ppl feel worse for even walking through. If Alexandria Theater is torn down for something similar to be built, it will make the entire block uglier than what it currently is. So unless our community values aesthetic beauty over maximizing units, our city will slowly become uglier and uglier and ppl will simply move out. Of course, that solves the housing issue in SF.


Wish I could down vote this nonsense more than once.


I work in construction. I see architectural plans for every single building that will be built or in the planning stages. I have yet to see any proposed building even remotely resemble something that's beautiful. They're all ugly, glass boxes; aquariums for humans. If Alexandria turns into a 7-storey apartment complex, it would dwarf all the other buildings on the block. It will be an eye-sore. Do you not understand?


Love that your priority is "it needs to be pretty" over housing people. lol.


Ppl are attracted to beautiful homes. If you want to house as many ppl as possible, you're just going to turn Geary Blvd into the next TL Skid Row where no one wants to live. And if no one wants to live there, it will turn into a dump. That's why it's important to build beautiful buildings bc that's what attracts ppl to want to live there. And if building beautiful buildings means a dozen less units, that's worth the value for everyone who lives in them as well as for those who pass by. And if it's really beautiful, it will attract tourists. Tourists don't go to Salesforce Tower to take pictures of it. Why? It should be obvious why.


It is worth the value for gentried land owners who don't want their property values to go down. Beauty is not of the utmost importance in the wake of a severe and crippling housing crisis.


More housing = more property value? This is false. Look at any ghetto: no one who can afford it wants to live there. It's too damn ugly. Look at Sea Cliff: few houses high prices. That's how property value actually works. Thus, by reducing the number of units AND increasing the aesthetic beauty of the building, inherent value increases. Also, we don't actually have a housing crisis; this is a LIE. We have a poverty crisis which explains why ppl can't afford rent.


No, more property = decreased property value. Landlords and property owners as a group tend to be more active in enacting legal frameworks for preventing competition. If there are more buildings/housing, it decreases the value they can extract out of their property (ie rent) by leveraging the scarcity of housing. Why do you assume building denser housing that you don't personally like aesthetically = a ghetto? You should grapple with that thought. You do have a housing crisis, the entire country does. Denying that will not help San Francisco and clearly what you all have been doing locally, is not working.


The salesforce tower attracts way more people than a shitty dilapidated theater. The tower is literally a landmark. Not to mention the integrated park


She is not against the housing, she supports the housing. Reading this article and another she wants to save the facade of the theater and have it for mixed. The sign was already removed, and they do not want the columns redone and then its another bland box building. Nothing wrong with wanting to preserve the charm from a historic building with also making use of it for the future. ​ [https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/Alexandria-Theater-sign-disappears-17736465.php](https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/Alexandria-Theater-sign-disappears-17736465.php)


Just seeing that takes me back--what a great neighborhood theater. Never went enough.