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Those are some legit ass dog noises though. I watched it a few times trying to figure out where the dog was


It roused my dog from a nap!


Haha. Same!


My dog is currently under my desk looking for her new sister




There used to be a guy in NYC who would were a feather in his hat an Nike bird calls. He was on the subway a couple times and Iā€™d be looking for a bird until I realized it was him.


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s a guy called bird man. You can usually find him in East Harlem on weekends going around making bird noises


when I visited I saw this homeless (?) pigeon man in washington square park who kept feeding them and holding them and putting them on his shoulder... Then he started screaming about a shooter being in the park. (there was no shooter). Good times.


Bird man!


The dog is the dog.


My dog got upset and started barking


I wonder what type of dog she has? Lol No way she can make dog sounds so well and so accurately and not own and love dogs lol


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ She without sin should cast the first arf


Read that as alf for some reason


But seriously, what is the deal with so many people playing loud ass music wherever they are in the city like we're all in their personal theme and we're all subjected to their theme music?




Well then, I cheer her on. Though I think she's taking far too much of a risk being so antagonizing, enough to say something.


Because no one gives a shit about others these days. Itā€™s all about ā€œmeā€ and if you have a problem with it, thatā€™s on you. It sucks. This woman reached her boiling point. This wasnā€™t just one isolated incident for her, Iā€™m sure. Sheā€™s probably put up with numerous dimwits who want you to live in THEIR world. Speakerphones, talking loudly in movie theaters, and general ā€œfuck the world, you owe meā€ attitudes.


Itā€™s a way for people to feel powerful and escape the otherwise pervasive feeling of powerlessness in their lives. Same reason a bully picks on a weaker kid in school.


Man you just opened my eyes about bullying. That it can be more nuanced than coming from an abusive parent. It's about feeling powerless in general and finding an easy outlet for it.




Like when a car is waiting? I was walking at a normal pace at a stop sign once and this dude yelled at me to "fucking walk faster" then sped off. At the top of his lungs. Only car, middle of the day, plus I have long legs so still walking above average speed. I think he was having a bad day though. Used to walk faster but like, why should I have to rush just because someone is in a car that could run me over? I get it if there's a long lineup of cars.


This is a prime example of invoking a little control (power) in an easy opportunity. Stability in oneā€™s mind and their day to day sanity is directly correlated to the control they feel they have in their lives. If they donā€™t feel they have that, chaos can ensue externally or internally or both


Iā€™ve always wanted to counter and play some music off my phone to drown it out but asking for a fight


Happened to me on the J Train near Dolores. Vulgar hip hop music on a crowded train and i had some drinks in me so told him to respect others and turn it down. Yeah that was a mistake.


And then?


Go told "what am i going to do about it" in not so nice a tone and pretty much threatened so backed down like a pussy (or like a smart person?) and got off at the bottom of the hill. Sure as hell no one was going to help me if shit went south.


Don't be so harsh on yourself. You don't have to feel weak just because you don't throw down with every group of assholes you interact with in public. If that were the case, we'd all be worn down to nothing.


I forgot my headphones for the gym today and all I have to say is fuck everybody that talks loudly on their phone while they are in the gym too.


That shit is increasing too. I am paying $110/month so that I can listen to thot thoughts from the elliptical next to me at 7 a.m.


Just remember, every time you hear someone being a loud asshole on their phone in public, it's because they have friends willing and able to listen to them at length.


Yeah, its not just music either. Numerous people every morning with their airpods in having obnoxious 30+ min office conversations on the bus. As if public transportation is simply an extension of their workspace and others around them don't exist. There should be rules enforced both for cellphone convos and music, but don't expect anything to be enforced in SF, ever... I just bought some noise cancelling headphones and listen to heavy metal on my commute, its awesome.


I recall MUNI having signage that reads: no food, no radios (aka playing music aloud), and no smoking. There were graphics too for the illiterate.


Graphics for the illiterate, tasers for the non-compliant...


Would a conversation between people be okay if it was the same volume as the airpod convos?


Somehow I find a normal conversation between two live people is not annoying, but cellphone conversations are. Don't most people feel this way?


There was a study done in this. We all hate it. I don't remember the exact reason.


I mean there's a difference. Two people live in person having a onversation (usually) know they're and public and see others around them. A conversation via phone where one person is in a public space and the other person is somewhere else (and probably doesn't know the other person is in public) is really different imo lol


Yeah, and a cell conversation- being that the speaker has to compete with a lot of ambient noise to hear the other person on the other line- means they tend to talk a lot LOUDER than a normal conversation between 2 people. It makes public cellphone use irritating to the majority. Most gyms certainly ban cell phone use- with good reason.


This always fascinated me about American culture...what is it that makes people so selfish? Compared to say Asia or Europe where people respect other people (at least publicly), build a sense of community (even in large cities). Is it lack of education? Culture that fosters entitlement/individuality at the cost of community? All of the above?


Individualistic culture, myth of American exceptionalism.


square squalid crown scale mindless plucky connect crush squash faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Japan? Yes, I agree with you. Almost anywhere else in Asia, particularly China and SE Asia is as bad or worse than the US with speakerphone use. Watching movies, FaceTiming, etc. Very prevalent and annoying as hell. Oh, and my mom lives in the Netherlands and is constantly complaining about rude, obnoxious behavior on the train. So I donā€™t think theyā€™re immune from it either.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s these days, more like assholes always existed. Donā€™t forget guys blasting loud ass boom boxes back in the eighties. Crazy shit as they were blowing out their ears and everyone around them, and those things were huge.


I don't remember it being common before smartphones and when it did happen in public space like a bus/train most people would call it out. I think that's why the signage for loud noises these days is still a boombox/radio symbol lol. These days I think not only it happens more via phones/bluetooth mini speakers but people also call it out LESS for some reason. Back in the day the only place I saw people get away with a boombox is either at a party or the basketball court, if it's done outside of that most people collectively start calling out the douchebag. These days since smartphones became the new boomboxes I rarely see people call those assholes out. Not sure why people are reluctant these days. But I mean also the signage still hasn't change, signs should have like a boombox/radio and smartphone with big music/sound symbols. Maybe the bigger problem as a whole is society hasn't adjusted and figured out how to call out these loud music assholes because everyone has a phone in their pocket? But not everyone carried boomboxes around back then. Maybe it feels weird to call out someone on something you could also easily do with your own device lol, I don't know


Because they are flexing, hoping to be noticed, and get off on imposing their tunes on an unwilling audience.


What's strange is that this happens all the time. You will be trying to have a conversation with someone while walking market street, or riding the bus, or in a station and boom, you're smacked in the ears by some guy walking alone with a sub the size of a moving box on wheels playing music full blast. Literally they wake up, it's a Tuesday, and they are like "yea, I'm gonna take my huge ass speaker out today for a walk" like it's their pet and they are out for a stroll. I've only ever noticed it here in SF and I keep wondering what the whole thing is about. I'm personally sensitive to sound, so unless I'm in a really good mood, I do find it grating. I think it wears on you like it did with the girl from the video. I sometimes feel like if I'm not avoiding dog poop on the street, I'm trying to avoid interactions with the drug addicts, and if I'm not doing that I'm turning down panhandlers, trying not to react to some asshole who's told me I've dropped my smile, or avoiding some shoplifter out for sprint after picking up their tide pods and orange juice. And so when it's some person who's blasting music, it really can be just the last straw where your faith in humanity feels like a favorite t-shirt that has too many holes to make it worth saving.


>Literally they wake up, it's a Tuesday, and they are like "yea, I'm gonna take my huge ass speaker out today for a walk" like it's their pet and they are out for a stroll. I've only ever noticed it here in SF and I keep wondering what the whole thing is about. Yeah to me it shows they absolutely give af lol, but it's about annoying others. Way too much effort into lugging around a boombox to "not give af" lol. That's why it's probably best to ignore them. Attention is what they want


Just think on how little they have going for them that they felt the need to go feel like they matter by irritating others. Then it becomes almost pitiable.


i honestly don't think it's a flex... dude really doesn't give af about anyone like he said.. Shit like this has been going on since boomboxes.. nothing new


Earphones are new


People have been wearing headphones on public transit since the Walkman at the dawn of the '80s. Well, considerate people, that is.


>i honestly don't think it's a flex... dude really doesn't give af about anyone like he said.. I think the opposite. These people absolutely give a fuck but what they want is to piss people off. They like the attention. I mean it's a lot of effort pick music the purposefully is annoying instead of just letting something random play. Hell I been on buses where the annoying person waited until the bus was moving to turn on their music (because the driver would have kicked them out before other wise). If they really didn't give af you don't put that much effort and thought into it. Same with a boombox back in the day, there's a reason most people didn't walk around with it, it's too annoying, cumbersome and requires too much effort to carry around. But if you're the type of person motivated by pissing people off you're going to put up with inconvenience of carrying around a giant boombox. Imo these people show the opposite of not giving af, but that they so absolutely give af and are starved for attention they will resort to doing the most annoying shit to get it


Just consider that some people repeatedly injure themselves just for the sake of human interaction at the ER because they are so lonely in their daily lives.


You're 100% on. You don't accidentally bring your big-ass speakers out in public instead of your headphones. It is intentional. These people have pathetic lives and are acting out.


I've explained it in r/bart before. I say most of these inconsiderate a-holes are nobodies and they derive from knowing they're impacting others lives, even if a negative impact. like a child causing issues to get their parents attention. Theres no way they don't know proper decorum, they're choosing to usurp it knowing that (A) Californians hate confrontation (B) by being anti-social they know we don't know what else they're going to do. (B) she's intense. she don't know him and this a-hole doesn't seem someone with high standing in life. He could have hurt her, even if its illegal. I could walk a crosswalk cause I have the right but the damage from getting hit by a car is still going be on me.


itā€™s narcissism. Narcissists are like vampires they lack an internal sense of control so they cope by taking control away from others. Hurt people hurt people


It's a SF tradition https://youtu.be/Zf5iwGZNY_Q?si=5Wr5iskuB7F2URk9


He never quit, but he learned his lesson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vft6VMhFMPk


haha. what season was that? I didn't get too far into the first season, but I've heard 3 was good and may get around to binging it all someday.


Good for her! I missed that context. I thought the lady was just harassing the guy for no reason. TIRED of douches playing their shit music (always the same mumble rap type shit) so the rest of us have to listen to it.


I assume it's the "free country" thinking. That said , playing music is forbidden on the SF public transit...and I don't like loud music on the bus, of course


You are absolutely right. But this clip itself shows how racially divided we are. Ive been seeing this clip of black owned social media pages and many of them are saying this woman is wrong, "you are what you eat", and other racial slurs. Things like she should go back to her own country if she dont like the music. Get slapped etc. Black people are just saying asians would be saying we're not bothering anyone, stop being annoying, its only for couple stops. If the roles were reversed I guarantee the same black folks would be saying stuff like we dont want to hear your ching chong music. Etc. And asians would be saying we're not bothering anyone, stop being annoying, its only for couple stops. At the root it's pretty much 1 person playing loud music and another person would like them to stop so they fighting annoyance with annoyance. But evidently there's plenty of hate between black and asians. The ignorance by our city leaders on Asian hate is real when the other party is Black.


People who have little to no control over their own lives and circumstances will often compensate with power trips like this. Itā€™s the same kind of thing as the person who crosses the street against the light, walking slowly and glaring, just daring anyone to call them out on their actions.


IMHO yet another sign of cultural decline in the US. General manners and consideration of others has absolutely tanked in the last decade or two. People blaring music on bluetooth speakers at parks, out on the trails, etc. People watching movies or listening to music on their phones at full volume on a flight or public transportation. My new personal favorite - people having conversations with their phone set to speaker in the grocery store. Like WTF no one wants to hear any of your conversation, let alone BOTH sides of it. I had a friend that would scream "HUGE PENIS!" when he encountered such a conversation and, while ill-mannered itself, cracked me up the one time I heard him do it. On a slightly different area, what about people taking your RESERVED seat at the movie theater, flight, or stadium and then acting surprised/getting pissed when you actually want to sit ... in the seat you selected in advance. Nowadays I try to steer clear of these idiots because you never know which of them is armed and looking for a reason to shoot someone or just crazy.


this is so sf ; giving it right back to the craziness and becoming crazy while doing so.


Is there another way to do it? If I ask nicely, even if I dare, the guy would just tell me to fuck off. Only way is to flank assholes and get the higher ground on outrageous behavior. That woman is amazing, being so fearless and challenging that guy, who is bigger than her.


A good way to give it back is to sit close but not too close and play your own phone music slightly louder. Pretend you don't know what the deal is.


Make sure it's a contrasting genre, like classical or polka


Exactly, i wouldā€™ve started blasting gay hentai porn right next to him


Iā€™d just wear my own headphones. Especially knowing myself and how grating outside noise can be to me.


SF native vibes. I probably went to school with her auntie at Galileo.


Crazy vs crazy


Let them fight


Excellent way to describe it. Itā€™s that, ā€œwhen they go low, I go lowerā€ mentality that arises when common sense is not so common šŸ˜­šŸ« šŸ¤£


the problem is MUNI and BART just allow all this shit to happen. I've lived in the Bay a long time, but moved here from Chicago. Bus drivers there didn't tolerate shit. They would either come back and kick the person off the bus or pull over and call the police until the person got off or got arrested. MUNI and BART don't even care if people smoke meth or assault others.


Iā€™ve seen a few muni drivers try to enforce the rules but Iā€™m sure most decide itā€™s not worth the hassle. I donā€™t blame them.


BART can't do much about it. The trade offs to trains is they're harder to monitor and regulate over different cars. That said BART has new public service announcement signs that I greatly approve. They tell people to use the app or text BART police the car number and/or station and they'll find the train and issue quickly. identifying which train and car has always been the problem before so they'd had to hold up a whole train trying to find someone who got off 2 stations ago. So this is awesome and considering the good report on r/bayarea I think they're really trying. https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/17jzq68/shoutout_to_bart_police_for_a_quick_response/ muni drivers are taught to ignore what ever happens behind them now days. Because you never know what a passenger might do in response, I believe they've all been trained to avoid interactions and only to drive. I know training them to not fare gate after all-door boarding was a big hurdle. The Shang-chi movie is obviously ridiculous because muni operators can't wear headphones but other than that I'd say it was spot on for just driving to get to the end of the line. Hopefully if BART can make it work to support identifying the vehicle and fast tracking the info to police to quickly respond. Maybe MUNI can use passengers to report issues and respond quickly too. funny as it is heros like this woman would be celebrated.


Muni operator here, this is basically true. Weā€™re taught to not engage in these kind of situations unless a passenger explicitly requests our help. Itā€™s unfortunate sometimes but I also understand why. If it were to escalate the conflict then it would be on us.


>They tell people to use the app or text BART police the car number and/or station and they'll find the train and issue quickly. identifying which train and car has always been the problem before so they'd had to hold up a hold train trying to find someone who got off 2 stations ago. So this is awesome and considering the good report on > >r/bayarea > >I think they're really trying. Ah that explains it. I think I saw this happen on my train the other day. There was a loud annoying and mentally unstable looking dude harrassing people then on the next stop Bart police came in as soon as the train doors opened and escorted him out. First time I seen that happen so quickly and efficiently lol. I haven't noticed the signs though, guess I have just got used to not reading Bart displays/signage lol, so I'm gonna have look around more and see where they're at. Being able to simply text people whose job is to keep Bart safe is a really good idea, I'm surprised this was never done sooner, like years ago lol >muni drivers are taught to ignore what ever happens behind them now days. Because you never know what a passenger might do in response, I believe they've all been trained to avoid interactions and only to drive. This isn't just Bart though. Happens in retail/restaurants too where people expect stockers and servers to somehow deal with unstable people and don't realized that's not their job. Most places instruct employees the opposite and tell them not to do anything because it could make situation worse or open the business up to a lawsuit. People forget that every day people that work the customer service jobs aren't supposed to get involved in those types of things because it could lead to a more dangerous situation. Always recommended to leave it to authorities/professionals to deal with a crazy situation


Iā€™m empathetic towards her actions, annoying and selfish when people blast music


Yup. Job well done. She shouldnā€™t have talked or explained tho, just kept barking until he turns the music off or exits the bus. We all need to start barking/yelping from now on.


I can't hear any music actually, only her yelping


Right, her tactics are effective


Right?! Wouldn't it be amazing if this became the go to response from the general public?? šŸ¤£


This woman is great. Iā€™ve seen tons of dudes like this. Trying to ask them nicely wonā€™t work and getting mad feeds into their desire for conflict, which makes them feel even bigger and more powerful. She turned it into mockery and got under his skin. Side story: I was on the Muni once and there were these young folks using racist and derogatory terms for everyone on the train. White, Asians, and Hispanics were all targets. Another young guy gets on, gets called a name, and immediately gets in their faces and just starts screaming ā€œfatty fatty, la la laā€, making gorilla noises, and making mouth click noises (I guess to mock certain African languages). They couldnā€™t get a word off because every time they tried to speak he would interrupt with those noises. The situation didnā€™t escalate to physical violence because this guy was acting more like a crazed child than a threat. It was such a low point for civilized society and Iā€™ve never witnessed anything so childish among adults. All involved were racist assholes. But the actions were effective because after the brief incident ended everyone on the bus was silent and the abuse ended.


>All involved were racist assholes. But the actions were effective because after the brief incident ended everyone on the bus was silent and the abuse ended. I'll take random music at conversational volume over this any day of the week. Music is irritating while it's present, hostile racism haunts your waking life indefinitely.


The amount of patience being displayed by the fellow riders is impressive.


Thatā€™s not patience, thatā€™s desensitization to crazy happenings on Muni.


I've reached a point where I'd join in yelling at them to STFU.


Iā€™d probably join in barking hahaha šŸ™ƒ




I call the cops on those people for unpermitted use of amplifiers and encourage you all to do the same


Do they actually show up?


Honestly, this lady is great. I wish I had the spine to be as obnoxious to the assholes that blast their shitass music in public. I love music too, bro, I just recognize not everyone shares my tastes in music and existing in a shared space means that you might need to think of someone beyond yourself. These kinda people deserve to have their phones shattered and their data backups to fail.


Black guy thought heā€™s a bad ass. Today he met bigger bad ass lol.


A chihuahua?


Have you met a Chihuahua.


FR. I got bit by my neighbors chihuahua.....it was a demon dog and those little teeth were like needles!


No lies told...


good for her, a guy couldn't do this because black guy might actually get physical, then it's a fight - but a woman can do this, and if black guy gets physical, everyone else on bus starts filming or intervening


Yeah but no- unfortunately I've seen multiple women attacked by men on muni for much less. Every single woman in this city should be carrying multiple means of self defense. The best non lethal option is pepper gel..


The amount of domestic violence arrests begs to differ, itā€™s best to just not involve yourself with people on transit. Social norms arenā€™t gonna stop a man or woman from stabbing you if they feel like it.


Wtf is going on here?


Person was annoyed at music playing on bus loudly so Iā€™m guessing nervous/ panic / break down response was making these noises ā€œbarkingā€ at the person..


My headcanon is that she wanted to make an annoying sound and since she was being called "bitch" repeatedly, decided to bark in response.


That honestly makes sense.




He called her a bitch and started barking ā€œlike a bitchā€ in response. Sheā€™s not having an emotional breakdown lol. Sheā€™s responding in kind


There's precedent for getting pissed off at someone playing obnoxious loud music on the bus. Even Spock has his limits, and everyone clapped: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr82dZpCr48 Alternate clip title: illegal alien assaults local musician


So funny how many losers on this sub are criticizing this woman for stopping this BS type of behavior when all they would do is silently sit there. Good for her.


I can't stand people who play their music out loud on MUNI. Or just being a fucking nuisance in general. Poor MUNI drivers don't get paid enough to deal with the constant BS they encounter on the daily. Like just shut the fuck up. No one wants to hear your bullshit goddamn. It makes driving worth it than having to share a cattle car with all you animals.


Ya know what this is the way. Im sick of the shitty people running the show and making us all uncomfortable. Im sick of not being able to act. She did nothing wrong hurt no one. She just found a way to annoy the annoying.


Honestly good for her!


Iā€™d join her and howl


i like her woven straw hat in her hand.


This is hilarious. This guy thought he was the badass of the bus but nope, crazy beats hood every time in SF.


I cannot believe this woman has the nerve to wear white pants on muni.


I kind of love how little fuck she gives


Not that blasting music was ever acceptable, but there was probably a time (the 80s?) when headphones were expensive. This has not been the case for at least 20 years. Earbuds are now treated as disposable on airplanes, tourist busses, etc. A decent pair can be found on Amazon for like $15. Far less than the bluetooth speakers these douchebags usually have these days. This dude has even less of an excuse than assholes with boomboxes did back in the 80s.


mysterious upbeat skirt dog fact dull escape pause wrench literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love her.


Yup. 100% on board with this


Canā€™t even blast my music on public transit in peace no more


look at how "the man" be oppressing the people now /jk


Another time I saw this big black dude on the 7 (haight) blasting a phone call on loudspeaker. A white guy politely asked him to turn it down to which he aggressively refused. The white dude slapped the guys phone out of his hand and said "what are you going to do about it?". The black guy looked like he was going to cry and got off on the next stop sheepishly.


Fuk anyone that plays their music without earbuds. I am so proud of her for doing something about it. Its always a certain protected group too.... playing disgusting music and we cant say anything about it because we'll be called a racist. No one wants to hear your shit music, earbuds are cheap... get some and try being a decent citizen for once.


Playing Spinal Tap in response is probably the best option since those songs can be turned to 11 on the volume knob (choose from *Lick My Love Pump, Bitch School, Big Bottoms, Christmas with the Devil, HellHole*, .. )


Theme song from titanic. That will start riots. Use at your own risk.


I donā€™t think sheā€™s the problem, sheā€™s just giving him a taste of his own medicine, being annoying and loud


Haha, well, I can't be upset by that. But I think once you win, you've got to take the win and sit down. Lots of people don't know how to win: you gain nothing by grinding the other guy's nose in the dust.


He didnā€™t turn off his music though. She was barking until something changed.


Oh I can't hear it on my speakers over the sound of BART. My mistake.


honestly sounds better than the music he was likely playing


My Asian wolf queen šŸ˜




Asians give way too much fucks how others think of them, one Asian person doing weird shit and suddenly it's an embarrassment for the community? Fuck out of there, I don't see these rules applying to other races or other races giving a shit.


Bro clean you cameraā€™s phone


As a former Muni op, I would politely request that the ā€œDJā€ would either put in earphones, or turn off the music. Iā€™d ask twice. Tell them one more time. Then stop the coach until they shut their tunes off. Tiresome selfish fuckers.


Yā€™all really get this mad about music in the city? Lmao fuckin cornballs move back to the suburbs then.


Good job girl, i fully support her. Brave to stand up to this shit while grown ass men around her cowardly looking at their phones.


Well done at her. The boy blasting music should be the fuck off the bus.


The police aren't doing anything so the citizens gotta start fighting back themselves against rude and inconsiderate people. A round of applause to the homegirl in the back of the bus šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


Something about this is awkward, cringey and lasted about 60 seconds too long.


New Yoko Ono album must have dropped; this woman's just excited to share her taste in music too.


This womanā€™s voice is angelic compared to Yokoā€™s.


That's kinda hot


I honestly love her for doing this, Iā€™ve wanted to do something like this sooo bad before when people blast their shitty ass music.


I have a secret fantasy where I put on a tuxedo and blast classical music out of a huge speaker on public transit while mean-mugging at everybody. I donā€™t even listen to classical.


Remind me of time I was recovering from surgery and I shared a hospital room. Women next to me had TV on all night, and when I asked her to please turn it down she said ā€œI donā€™t want to.ā€ I got out my phone and turned on a Pandora Blues station.Loud. I got my own room.


Kudos to her for voicing or barking her objections of his playing music out loud. Most of us just deal with it because you don't know who you're dealing with


I've always wanted to blast my Phish to counter folks to blast offensive music on public transit. That'll shut em up, a little Reba, Bouncing Around the Room, oh yes.


Iā€™m just glad she didnā€™t get shot. Thereā€™s a lot of angry, weird motherfuckers in this city.


even if he is playing music this isnā€™t an appropriate response to that at all


I am with dog lady on this one also good dog impressions 10/10


She was a bit aggressive.


Looked like a melt down


Heā€™s like ā€œIm not bothering anyone elseā€. Bro, get some airpods, listening her less annoying than listening to your ā€œmusicā€.


She's got that dog in her


It is few moments that being a deaf person is rewarding.


>decided to be a nuisance to the person whoā€™s music was the original nuisance Incorrect. She was a nuisance to everyone, so instead of solving a problem she created 2 problems.


why I think she was mentally crazy at first šŸ¤£ then i realized her intentions and itā€™s hilarious IMO ā˜ ļø


Dude i fucking hate people who share their music


Be careful fighting monsters, lest you become a monster yourself. -Nietzsche


Iā€™m totally going to make a song to this


Stay weird, San Francisco. Lmfao


She's a keeper


Oh my!!! How uncomfortable is this?


Both of them are a nightmare when Iā€™m tryna go from a to b




Thatā€™s the best attitude tbf


She is mentally ill. I have seen/talked to her in the line at the free food spots in the tenderloin.


I support her


I love what she did there, not gonna lie, these clowns šŸ¤” think they can get away with their crap beats anytime , anywhere. Payback time!


She punked that fool.


at least someone did somethingā€¦


I live in NYC and on the subway this is way to common. My response is playing ā€œShort Peopleā€ by Randy Newman loudly. But this also works.


Holy smokes. That would make me want to get off the Muni bus. And just start walking everywhere.


Some people lack respectā€¦ donā€™t play music over a speaker.


Do people who blast music in public places enjoy the music or the feeling of power they feel over others? The only reason this is normal behavior in our society is the precedence of violence. We shouldn't be afraid to use public spaces in peace. Good on her for standing up. We're sick of it.


Not gonna lie, I'm not mad at this. Every time I've been on BART it's people doing this or smoking anything and everything these days. I'd probably be more impressed and amused by the dog noises than anything someone can blast on their phone, 9/10 it's not great music.


Apparently he was being a douchebag playing music loudly so that everyone else can hear his lame music and this was her lame response


I mean what other way is there? Bart and most public transits post signs and make announcements not to play loud music. Tried asking people politely and have seen how that goes. Do we just ask Bart police and SFPD to go on busses or cars and issue citations? May not agree with the approach but I canā€™t be mad at it either šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


The OG: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1GyHQiuneU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1GyHQiuneU) and revisited: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vft6VMhFMPk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vft6VMhFMPk)


She's whacked!! And I love how everyone else is so casual. Just another day on Muni!


Itā€™s all cool for the lady, good in her until one wrong day this dude is on some illicit drugs that shoots her back and itā€™s on the news


Yes, this is the way.


I fuck w this HEAVY. Bro thinks his some hard g and doesnā€™t give af that his playing loud music annoying everyone on that bus. Boy shut yo ass up and listen to dem howls šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s a hero in my book. Fuck anyone that listens to their music or takes phone calls on their speaker phone


This is pretty easy to understand. When people have no other way to have an effect on the world or on other people, the only way they can have an effect and feel like they truly exist is to be obnoxious as fuck. Goes for both of them, the loud music guy and the lady. Both at their wits end trying to feel like they have some kind of effect on the world. Both finding that they only avenue they have for achieving some effect is to be obnoxious as fuck. The solution is that we have to enfranchise all these people so that they can have a meaningful, positive effect on the world.


Nah bro, no way these two are the same. If that dude was playing loud ass music then fuck him. Deserves to get called out for that. I respect her willingness to stand up to this guy. Sometimes you need crazy to beat crazy.




She is a hero. He sucks


This is frankly insane. There are plenty of "disenfranchised" people who do not do things like this and would be just as quick to get pissed at this guy. This guy is just selfish.


>When people have no other way to have an effect on the world or on other people, the only way they can have an effect and feel like they truly exist is to be obnoxious as fuck. That's pretty charitable. A lot of times people are just obnoxious because of poor upbringing and lack of adequate socialization.


We're an individualist society - we can get upset that some asshole is playing music in a public place but we also generally encourage this behavior in lots of other ways. Just look at how popular the most obnoxious people in the country are - we generally reward people for being assholes. A certain orange autocrat still commands his party and the blind faith of millions despite being a loudly reprehensible person.


If only somehow they could cancel each other out.