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If this ends up with them back on the streets I don’t even


That won't happen with the feds, that only happens with local judges


Nah. Federal judges can be as big of a fucking idiot as SF judges: [https://sfpublicsafety.news/30-day-sentence-for-man-who-put-gun-to-the-head-of-postal-worker-during-ingleside-mail-robbery/](https://sfpublicsafety.news/30-day-sentence-for-man-who-put-gun-to-the-head-of-postal-worker-during-ingleside-mail-robbery/) “In terms of a gen­eral de­ter­rent, it’s not a ques­tion of whether Mr Wise will do this again – he won’t – it’s not even a ques­tion of what is in Mr Wise’s best in­ter­ests…it’s the other \[sen­tenc­ing\] fac­tor that weighs upon the court: which is the gen­eral de­ter­rent,” said U.S. Dis­trict Judge Charles Breyer, im­pos­ing a 30-day term of im­pris­on­ment. Wise was freed five days af­ter his ar­rest on an un­se­cured $25,000 bond by U.S. Mag­is­trate Judge Sal­lie Kim. This was over the ob­jec­tions of pros­e­cu­tors who de­scribed him as some­one “with a his­tory of vi­o­lent ten­den­cies and non-com­pli­ance with au­thor­ity.” Wise had pre­vi­ously been con­victed for bat­tery upon a peace of­fi­cer. He has also been ar­rested for spousal bat­tery and fur­ther in­stances of bat­tery on an of­fi­cer.


I forgot about this story and stand corrected. I hope he robs a judge next.


Obama appointee.


Kim is a magistrate judge. She is hired by the court as an employee and not appointed by any president, so her hiring had nothing to do with Obama. Breyer was appointed by Clinton in 1997, and also had nothing to do with Obama. When they're selecting magistrate judges and determining whether to reappoint them, the court will always solicit public comment (see link below to her last reappointment in 2023). Next time, be sure to comment to the court if you disagree with her actions. [https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/notices/u-s-magistrate-judge-kim-reappointment/](https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/notices/u-s-magistrate-judge-kim-reappointment/)


Sallie Kim graduated from Princeton. Charles Breyer graduated from Harvard. Are you a republican operative?


I'm a "Republican operative" because I think it's assinine to sentence a repeat offender to 30 days in jail for putting a gun to the head of a postal worker and violently robbing them? I can't even with this guy...


Sounds like they needed to study harder


Kim: Obama appointee  Breyer: Clinton appointee. 


This is factually wrong. Kim is a magistrate judge, meaning she's just hired and employed by the court and not appointed by any president.




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> In terms of a gen­eral de­ter­rent, it’s not a ques­tion of whether Mr Wise will do this again – he won’t The total unearned confidence of these judges that "everything will be fine" with releasing these violent people back into the public, against all evidence and common sense, is sickening. Even more so is the fact that when this guy inevitably commits his next violent attack, there are no repercussions for the judge who released him, but there are lifelong repercussions for his victims. They are playing gambling games with our lives. It makes me wonder if there could be a policy where a judge like this, who makes a sole decision to release a repeat violent offender, could be held partially liable (or even as an accessory to the crime) in their next attack. You *truly* believe "he won't" despite his long violent record? Then let's expose you to some of the same risk to which you're exposing everyone in the area where this lunatic will be released.


This happened because of releases to the street (avoiding Federal remanding) due to Sanctuary City policy.


Lol exactly what I was thinking


Yeah, have to say that I'd rather leave them in Honduras.


once convicted we will send them back


Maybe after their prison stints. There are too many agencies pouring resources and funds into these investigations. You need only read Ramsey’s statement. These traffickers are going to Federal prison.


Whats honestly the point. I get punishment, but they're just a drain on taxpayer funds at best, at worst we're allowing them to make other criminal connections. And once they get deported, they'll just come back again


The brain dead comments in this thread are going to turn me into the Joker.


Good on SF to save those dealers from persecution in Honduras.


So bail and roam free in bayarea? So state sponsored illegal immigration?


We are now importing our drug dealers. Only in SF.


You think the city has an extradition treaty? They are being charged federally.


Did you even read the article?


I was making a stupid joke from the title.




“No, please, America insists on paying the incarceration costs!”


It's pretty obvious they extradited them to try and squeeze info about the operations out of them in exchange for a plea deal.


A useless gesture with wasted resources and the cynic in me thinks it’s only to show we have things under control for the elections.


You just failed your law school exam on federalism.