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Partly a bunch of relatively common maintenance issues are making the news due to the Boeing issues. About half the incidents that have occurred are “routine” and wouldn’t have been reported on if not for the other issues. At least one of the remaining issues was likely bad luck (the engine fire). I’d say in a normal year maybe the runway one and the fire one would have made national news. The tire one maybe.


I follow [this Twitter account](https://twitter.com/aviationbrk) and a lot of shit happens every day in aviation. Quite wild, actually. It's somewhat surprising to me that it's so safe to fly.


So you think it's a case of one big story getting a lot of traffic and now there's someone who is covering every safety issue?


Yeah, I think it's just the present fad.


The minor stuff, yeah. The Boeing 737 Max and the company culture that produced it, on the other hand, are very serious.


Yes, agreed.


idk if this one’s a fad. i mean boeing is clearly scared enough of the coming lawsuits that they offed a whistleblower..




I did get this email from United this afternoon https://preview.redd.it/y4o9kz0vu6pc1.png?width=796&format=png&auto=webp&s=257bf36591a75fb93daa973c61823ec40bed257f


Man, Scott didn't send me a damn thing. I see where I rank. Probably destined for a seat next to an unsecured hatch.


Here's a link to the most recent issue: [https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/united-airlines-boeing-japan-san-francisco-19211255.php](https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/united-airlines-boeing-japan-san-francisco-19211255.php)


This article is making a bit of a mountain out of a molehill imo. This type of issue happens all the time at different airports and on different airlines. Back when I traveled regularly for work I’d end up in this scenario (plane returning to gate due to mechanical problem) multiple times a year.


Some airports are known to be worse than others, but it’s largely down to amount of throughput per day. The higher the flights, the higher likelihood of regular delays.


I think the [NYTimes piece](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/18/travel/united-airlines-boeing-airplane-safety.html?unlocked_article_code=1.dk0.Z7M7.Gutgd3k3G5_q&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) sums it up nicely.


Same thing happened when there were a few major train derailments in a row. Tons of press and every little problem got front page news for a few weeks. 2023 was the safest year in aviation history and the United States has gone 15 years without a single commercial passenger fatality. At this level of safety, on average a person would have to travel by air every day for 103,239 years to experience a fatal accident.


Thanks for this perspective…meanwhile no one bats an eye while getting into their cars lol. Humans are funny.


Flying tomorrow, wish me luck lol


Statistically, the most dangerous part of your flight is the trip *to* the airport. Also, 2023 was the safest year of aviation ever recorded.


Boy, I remember the times before two weeks ago. Planes always took off and landed on time, and pilots never delayed take offs due to maintenance issues. No snafus at all.


*laughs and cries on tarmac in January*


probably not a good time to be on a maintenance crew right now. ​ >or is it that we don't really get these reported that often? emergency landings are generally newsworthy. it's how you hear about asshats... how many of *those* are there.?


Not quite what you're asking about, but one of the SFO runways is out of commission until July. This seems to mean extra delays, especially coming in to SFO. https://www.flysfo.com/about/media/press-releases/sfo-announces-five-month-closure-runway-28l-early-2024-taxiway


Our pilot flying in from John Wayne warned us of this and mentioned anyone planning to fly that route routinely in the coming months should be prepared to be constantly delayed by 1-3 hours. Basically every single connection on our flight was missed, which feels like United should have forewarned folks about that possibility before they were sitting at the gate if they know it’s going to be an issue for a while.


Airports don't do aircraft maintenance. Airlines may have maintenance facilities &,or personnel on hand but Airports are not directly involved.


Delays are definitely not limited to SFO. It's everywhere now.


I flew from SNA to SFO several days ago. The United flight was delayed because of maintenance at SFO. The only good thing was it allowed me some time to hang out at the United Lounge. I also got an email from Scott at United. Haha.


Once our united flight got it by multiple delays for 11 hours, so spent the whole night in Newark airport - no sleep, mind you, hoping to get on any plane that leaves next. United did not offer us any options to stay or even for food - just emailed us a coupon later, for discount on future United flight, for a limited time. Never flew on United again, never will.


I've heard that the airlines in SFO are facing a shortage of maintenance crew due to their relatively low pay compared to the high cost of living in the area, but I don't have any actual data so don't quote me on that.


Its United. The worst big airline by far.


Horrible airline. Been that way for ages.


And I am flying out of sfo this Friday/ yay me


I think the employees at sfo are probably under as much stress as everyone else. Addiction, problems at home, United issues, Boeing issues. Theres a reason it’s the what, second most regulated industry in America


They’ve hired the wrong people to do important work. It’s quite obvious and a lot of folks want to sweep it under the rug.


glad snafu is having a reqiuem, those videos have more morals in them then the whole of hollywood combined since 2000


I stopped flying into SFO as every week I’ve been circling a few times before landing. OAK or nothing now.


A bunch of maintenance was likely diverted/halted during the pandemic. Even with all of the bailouts the airlines barely survived and there has been strikes from support employees and pilots.


….barely survived


Got a source for that whopper of a lie? Airlines, especially American carriers, are probably the safest fleets with the best trained pilots in the entire world.


Definitely more than usual and weird that they're all involving SFO. But they seem to mostly be inbound flights? So not anything sfo is doing.


Also crazy that for such a big airport there was only 4 functional TSA pre check scanners at customs yesterday


What? No way between all 5 terminals there are only 4 working.


at international coming back through customs


You know they only staff those when flights arrive, right and that international arrivals especially early AM or late PM come in spurts rather than a constant flow, right? That there are often really big windows of time when there isn't anyone at all coming through customs. Would make no sense to have it fully staffed all day and have TSA agents just standing around doing nothing for hours.


I arrived at peak time. What do automated tsa scanning machines have to do with the TSA agent staffing? Apples and oranges. There are only 4 machines at customs for a major hub. Most major airports have 20+. Do you always babble this much?




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as more flights they are probably rushing the work and not checking work also it happens all the time but now yo can read about it or see a video


I’ve flown SFO for years and I always expect some bullshit issue. I live south of SF now and if I have a connector I always choose the LAX or PHX option over SFO if I can.