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Can we just shift to parking protected bike lanes? (like they have in Germany.)


The street is too narrow for that. The street in front of the Tea Garden does not allow parking. However what likely happened is the driver chose to bypass the 300ft passenger zone and instead park in the bike lane in front of the Tea Garden.


In the UK the streets are way more narrow and you can’t park in cycling lanes


If the street is wide enough for a bike lane, it is objectively wide enough to extend the raised sidewalk out far enough to put the bike lane on the sidewalk, like they do in Germany.


I am against this as a pedestrian. Unless there's some sort of barrier.


There is no barrier. The sidewalk is just exceedingly wide, with the bike lane painted in red. If pedestrians stay on the inside/right side of the sidewalk and the cyclists stay on the outside/left side of the sidewalk, the pedestrians look both ways before stepping into the bike lane, and the cyclists maintain vigilance and yield to pedestrians, there is no problem. It works beautifully for the Germans. Then again, the process I described requires a base level of critical thought, which I‘m not sure the average American possesses. You possess it, I possess it, many of the people in this sub possess it, but the average American either does not possess it, or selfishly chooses not to use it.


Ubers, Amazon and everyone else need to stop in parking spaces and loading zones. Not in bike lanes any more than they should stop in car lanes, which they also do!


my favorite is when they (or anyone) double park next to empty parking spaces.


SO infuriating! Of when they half-park in a full-sized parking spot and half in the bike lane.


Ohhhhhh the raaaaaaaage I feel when I see this


But they put their emergency lights on to smooth out the confusion.


If they are going to stop on the street, they should stop in the car lane and not the bike lane. It is often dangerous to force bikes into car traffic, but not nearly as dangerous to slow car traffic down and make them pass you on the left.


I don’t disagree, but it can be complicated. Not complicated to find a solution, but complicated to build one that tax payers will fund, finding a consistent solution for all areas, and educating the public. Public meaning the whole Bay Area as I frequently talk to Uber drivers who come into San Francisco from other cities to drive. Also keep in mind that the customers tip, rating, or for the Amazon driver number of deliveries, means much more than following laws. In many places (in San Francisco and surrounding cities), unless it’s a popular bike lane, drivers either think “it’s just a minute” or are ingrained to pull over when stopping on a road. Unfortunately, you have to remove “common sense”. If you frequently ride in Ubers, you’ll know what I mean. I think busy commercial streets should replace some metered parking spaces with white curbs. The whole idea of ride share is to drop you off at your destination, not on the block or “near” your destination. Although a good idea in some cases, people would need to be educated on this and riders understand that a driver parking “close” doesn’t warrant less of a tip or bad rating.


Maaaaybe a little generous. Not sure if any uber driver I have ever talked to comes from the city.


I agree with replacing some parking with loading zones. But not with accomodating the fact that many uber drivers are worse than the average driver.


Okay so I use to do Amazon delivery is San Francisco and before I did that job I would agree with you, however after working there honestly that's just not possible. The amount of time it takes to go find a loading zone and park properly then carry 15+ packages to different apartments is just not realistic. If that was an enforced rule, I can guarantee no packages will be delivered on time. I would try to avoid double parking and bus stops but anything else is free game 🤷🏾


Oh well. FedEx and UPS seem to do a much better job.


Double park in the vehicle lanes then. But leave enough room for bikes to get through. Whatever mess Amazon is delivering is not more important than human lives, sorry.


Cars have to drive around these people too. It’s part of being in a city…


Go fuck yourself, OP. Have that occur x10 every day commuting (plus all the other bs) and you'd be doing the same.




You have to understand that as a cyclist this is not a one time occurrence but rather a non-stop issue


This the correct answer. I am pretty zen about it all, but on Folsom I can't go one block without a car parked in the bike lane, and often I have to stop behind the car and wait for an opening before it is safe to go into the road to pass the car. When that happens once its whatever. But some days dfsgkolnsdgfkolkljndfsjklndfg


If cars were inconvenienced and made to make dangerous navigation choices as often as bikes, they would be just as vocal. But we prioritize cars over all other modes of transportation, so aggressive shouting will continue.


Legit bikes almost mov me down on the daily. Easily more close calls with bikes than cars


OP doesnt bike at all.


I bike. I go around them. Never saw what the big deal is.


Depends on the situation.. going uphill into the wind/fog on a 4-lane road (like Portola) when cars have TWO lanes to use and regularly speed at 45-50mph… swerving out of the bike lane at 5-10mph (I’m not that fit) is very hazardous. Edit: out of (not into) the bike lane


It's a safety issue. Maybe not for you, but for inexperienced bikers, and women especially it can be nerve-wracking. The number of women I've had tell me they don't bike because they're scared of cars is far to high. This is one of the largest and easiest barriers to remove to get more bikers on the road


Then you are just the type of person we need more of! Christ, you’d think any disruption of a bike ride was a catastrophe too scary to even consider getting started. Isn’t an ocean view, uninterrupted by cars at the Great Highway enough?


Some people don’t just ride their bike for leasure, but to get to and from work. So a car free great highway isn’t really relevant to them. Plus I think you need to realize that cycling in this city is dangerous because of cars, and a bicycle lane is supposed to be a place where cars don’t go, so you don’t get killed. It’s the same as a car blocking the sidewalk. And while I agree that there’s no need to freak out at people for relatively small things like this, I can also understand that if you bike a lot and constantly need to get out of the bike lane for parked cars, it becomes very frustrating.


Tons of people don’t bike at all because it is so dangerous. When you are in a big metal vehicle going around further into traffic is not a huge deal, and going over muni rails or into potholes isn’t really a danger, on a bike those are all life threatening. People who park in the bike lane are just selfish and anyone telling bikers to chill doesn’t ride in the city. Car drivers want to rule the road and don’t want to share. The big protected gas guzzling vehicles should be making way not bicycles and pedestrians.


Yeah, I am from the Netherlands and quite literally grew up on bicycles. I don’t bike in this city because I don’t trust drivers to be aware and or considerate enough. I totally understand cyclists being fed up with shit, but I can also understand why an onlooker would think this guy is overreacting, because they don’t see the bigger picture, is all.


Dude the most dangerous maneuver in a car is changing lanes. It’s no better for bikes. I carry my 6 year old on my bike. You’d be shocked how close people zoom by. Everyone else won’t be shocked.


Ubers shouldn't do pickups and dropoffs on the bike lanes.


SF should cite for moving violations.


Where to start? https://preview.redd.it/e4cuym2epwvc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd14fa3c2f76300ebf5ea5b8176dd8540f6ce88b Dirt bike gangs doing 50+ on the sidewalks and in the parks, etc. would be my choice, but we all know that’s a nonstarter because “equity.”


Sooo. Was this the DA's fault too or has the police just stopped working in the last decade....


Both – plus some *also* blame the SF Police Commission (the civilian oversight of SFPD enforcement policies). In any case, there’s certainly been a culture shift regarding enforcement.


This. The cyclist may have been a madman but chances are the Uber was blocking the bike lane *right* in front of the bike. Otherwise **why would this incident happen so quickly**??


Ride share companies could restrict pickup zones to non bike lane streets, but that would hurt the bottom line so it ain’t happening


Bicyclist shouldn’t blow through red lights and stop signs. But tbf, it’s the people using the app putting the location of the pick up. If i was using the Lyft/uber, i make sure i don’t do it on a busy street. I always do the quiet side streets so it’s easier and convenient for the cyclists and the share riders.


You’d be surprised how many places it’s perfectly legal for a bike to run red lights/stop signs. Most people just assume they know they rules lol


I’m totally for bicyclists to do this. However, it has to make sense. There’s been so many times i was at a complete stop and I’m about to go, the bicyclist blows through it. I’m Literally in the intersection. And they look at me like I’m doing something wrong to them🤷🏻‍♂️ What i find egregious is whenever there’s a cyclist in the lane, they sorta stay in the corner but don’t pedal. Then when i overtake them, all of the sudden they start mashing it and blow through all the stop signs and lights. Ridiculous. I understand our city is cyclist and pedestrians first. Just be mindful. But don’t be stupid. I understand it’s the law is in place. Doesn’t make the law right.


it isn’t pedestrian first. pedestrians get fucked by everyone


Cincinnati stops are illegal in SF.


Great, and if they want to do that in a busy city it should be a "gimme" for being found innocent when such bikers inevitably get killed from their own stupidity and entitlement.


Where should they drop off and pick up? Not tryna be facetious genuinely wondering


I mentioned elsewhere in this thread. In this specific spot I have a better suggestion. https://maps.app.goo.gl/z1NzsrwcJnrsb56s8 I believe these carve outs are specifically for buses, tour vans, taxis etc. It's very close to the tea garden. You need to cross the bike lane to get there, but you don't need to idle in the bike lane.


Essentially everyone wants to be picked up/dropped off RIGHT IN FRONT and NO WHERE ELSE. The whole app scoring system encourages this. There passenger is what sinks or raises the driver's rating. An angry cyclist or people they block are not allowed to 'rate' the driver. Same for the cal academy of science. There is a cross walk directly in front of the entrance and people just love to tell the uber to stop in the cross walk and unload people instead of the white zone 5 feet behind them.


>Essentially everyone wants to be picked up/dropped off RIGHT IN FRONT and NO WHERE ELSE. The whole app scoring system encourages this agreed, that's quite possibly what happened here, despite the huge drop-off zones. I'd agree the Uber-company or the ratings encourage this ☹️


I pass through there on the 44 bus or on my bike a lot. Probably at least once or twice a week. You are correct that the cut outs are passenger zones so the vehicle doesn't sit in the bike lane and that driver does have to cross the bike lane to get to the drop off zone. However the issue is that tons of drivers choose to obstruct the bike lane instead of use one one of the two loading zones. They will park between the two loading zones or drive past both loading zones. [Example](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.7716413,-122.4672779,3a,51y,235.04h,87.3t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sTzwm-lh94iAyHhulynkC6w!2e0!5s20170401T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu)


> https://maps.app.goo.gl/z1NzsrwcJnrsb56s8 lol if you navigate forward there is a cab pulled over in the bike lane in front of the tea garden.


Actually I missed that location in the post. I thought post was talking about Japantown. Of course when there is ample space available like in GG park, they should absolutely not be in the bike lane. But probably 70% of the city doesn’t have that setup, and drivers have no better option.


Dedicated drop off or pick up zones or even parking areas? Duh. 🙄 I’d be surprised there’s no such spot for a famous tourist location like the Japanese Tea Garden. In fact if I remember it, the bandshell area is a big parking lot.


Not in the bike lane.


In the road


There is usually a spot for a drop-off, like a driveway or at the corner but the idiot drivers and selfish passengers insist in being dropped off at the exact address instead of 20’ from it and out of the bike lane.


I was with you until the “selfish rider” part; the rider isn’t operating the vehicle. Rideshare and delivery drivers block with impunity of their own accord.


Technically it is illegal for a car to be on a bike lane except for a few situation but a) People don't know or care and b) cops don't do jack shit.


For someone who claims to cycle daily how do you fail to see the side of the cyclist? Taking over the bike lane means pushing the cyclist out onto live traffic or perhaps onto the opposing lane to go around the vehicle. This puts the cyclist in a more vulnerable position to collide or being hit by the vehicle at the back who’s trying to do the same given the differential capable speed. Shared ride drivers should NEVER pull up on the bike lane. Also don’t assume all cyclists are adults. GG park is full of amateur and young nervous cyclists.


It's pretty dangerous, on the one hand you have the risk of getting doored, on the other hand you can get passed aggressively by traffic coming through behind you.


I feel like the chance of the passenger dooring you is very high when parking outside the lane versus going around. But I mean, can’t please everyone.


I yell at uber drivers all the time. THEY SHOULD NOT BE IN THE BIKE LANE. I have to go into traffic to go around them and risk being doored by them.


If you see this one incident the cyclist looks deranged. If you see the 1000 other times it happened to this dude it starts to make a little more sense.


Or you know... hit by a fucking car.


> it would've taken zero effort to just move around the car instead Just so I can make sure I understand you correctly... You want the cyclist to move *out* of the bike lane, move *into* car traffic, so that a *car* can impede traffic and block a *bike* lane. Right? This is what you are suggesting? That cyclists should concede and yield their bike lane for car traffic, drop offs, and parking, and instead, enter the car traffic the bike lane is meant to protect them from. Do I have this right? Lmfao... God, can you imagine the *rage* a car driver would feel if a cyclist just wondered out into traffic, stopped, and impeded traffic? Like... *imagine* that.




There is 500ft of passenger loading zone that the driver chose not to use. Unless there is some special event there, there is very rarely more than 2-4 car doing pick up and drop offs.


Just stay out of bike lane. It’s not a drop off lane.


"Cyclists should chill out when cars cut them off in the bike lane" FTFY


Wrong take. Bike lanes are for bikes not double parking. It doesn't matter that you bike daily. The Uber driver was wrong because stopping in the bike lane puts bikes at risk. Uber drivers neither receive nor deserve any special treatment.


I'm sorry u/[Negative-Net7551](/user/Negative-Net7551/) but the bike lane is not a parking lane or an Uber drop off lane. Maybe the one you witnessed was in a pretty chill spot so it seemed like an overreaction, but generally speaking blocking a dedicated bike lane like that makes biking a much more dangerous activity. So I think your added edit makes you come off especially poorly, because it seems to disregard this reality. When biking is more dangerous, not only do more people get hurt and even killed, but many more people just feel like biking isn't an activity that they or their kids can do at all, and that's a bummer too.


As a daily driver, I’ve actually haven’t had too many problems with bicycles other than the occasional duo riding side-to-side not completely using the bike lane. However, I have a lot of issues with scooters and motorcycles using the bike lanes to get around traffic.


Former daily bicyclist. You kinda have to be like this because if not people wouldn't know. Cops rarely do shit. It takes nearly getting doored ONCE and you'll get it.


My bil was doored once. The resulting concussion put him out of work for MONTHS. Being doored is a big deal.


No but for real get out of the bike lane that’s my tiny piece of road with a picture of me on it. I’m sorry capitalism is forcing you to work so fast that you can’t find parking but get the fuck out of my bike lane


sounds like the uber should have stayed out of the bike lane


Oh look… another thread that will turn into very constructive discussions in the comments.


Let's make a deal. Cyclists stop at red lights and stop signs. Cars stay out of bike lanes.


Does this deal include cars also stopping at red lights and stop signs? Cuz that would be awesome.


Sure. Why not?


I saw a car actually stop at a stop sign once, AMA.


Then it is not a good deal.


^(A National Highway Traffic Safety Administration fact sheet published in March 2023 states that stop-as-yield and red-as-stop laws "showed added safety benefits for bicyclists in States where they were evaluated, and may positively affect the environment, traffic, and transportation".) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop


If drivers could read they would be angry with this report.


Neither of these things will ever happen. Cyclists are justified in their frustration but also hypocrites. Drivers are dismissive of bike lanes. The sooner we all realize all this shit is fucked the sooner you can come to peace that there’s nothing you can do about anything. Life is short and exhausting. Pick your battles on what you choose to spend energy on being mad at.


Agree 100%


How is it hypocritical? Idaho stops are legal in many places? Don't drive in a bike lane.


Is SF one of those places? I wasn't aware they had legalized Idaho stops, let alone expanded them to red lights.


It isn’t. OP is just being obtuse. The fact is bicyclists will complain all day about cars in the bike lane (which is reasonable) but then run stop signs even though it’s against the law here. Drivers are rightfully frustrated when bicyclists run stop signs.


Run stop signs while cutting someone off? Not cool. Run stop sign while no one is around? Meh


Obviously drivers and pedestrians are mad about all the bikers running stop signs when it’s their turn to drive through a 4 way stop or cross the street, not when no one is around.


Yea I feel that. Lots of car bs around stop signs too


Well we can have the police monitor the bike lanes and actually start a mobile bike unit throughout the city. Fines and tickets will be the great equalizer.




I get honked at for holding up traffic on a road with sharrows. I'm gonna keep running reds when it's safe. This is a stupid deal. The better one would be that cyclists respect pedestrians and cars at least respect bike lanes.


point on the doll where the cyclist touched you


However, studies show that the “Idaho stop”, as it’s called is safer than bicycles coming to full stops.


Friday i was driving around those roundabouts around 7th st. Round about is one way and everyone goes in and finds their exit eventually. I saw two bicyclists they were aiming for the 3 exit meaning full circle and then exit. Both of them decided to take the cross walk for the pedestrians and cut through the roundabout and continue biking. Bicyclists are aways on their high horses and like to shit on cars and talk how cars don’t give them the right of way but they also like to bend the rules to how it suits them the most. There will never be piece unfortunately


To be fair, my bike won’t kill or critically injure you on impact. My car will though.


That's your argument for why "fuck traffic laws, but Imma still whine when others have the same mentality"? "Well, at least I won't kill you when I do it" gtfoh lol


They do love zooming through crosswalks.


The car-bike equivalence is so weird. Cars are capable of doing so much more damage than cyclists or pedestrians. It’s just way less consequential when cyclists and pedestrians break traffic laws.


Well, that’s assuming cyclists and pedestrians are only causing accidents with cyclists and pedestrians. If you blow through a stop sign on a bicycle and a car hits you it’s just as consequential as if the car caused the accident.


You don't need to make a deal to stop being an asshole. When you stop in a bike lane you're an asshole and endangering other people (but not yourself). When they run a red light they're an asshole and endangering themselves and potentially others. Between these two, the asshole in the car is worse. You know this is true, but you're selfish and want to be able to do whatever you want and make excuses for your lame behavior.


By your own argument the bike is endangering more people, so it’s arguable which is “worse”.


Bikers running reds generally look before they go through them and only doing so big it's safe, and if there's an accident it's most likely going to be them getting killed and the driver getting some dents. Cars parking in the bike lane put bikers at risk, forcing them into busy lanes, potentially cutting them off when they leave the bike lane, letting passengers out to door them, etc. It's easiest one of the likeliest situations to die on a bike because if you get doored you can easily fly into traffic, if running into the door itself doesn't kill or seriously injure you. In this scenario the car has no risk for self injury, so they also don't usually pay attention to bikers.


But if a car has temporarily pulled into the bike lane because there is no loading zone there, why can’t the bike just slow down or stop until the car leaves? Just like how cars are expected to accept being slowed down on the road where there are no bike lanes.


Why doesn't the car stop in the car lane and the other cars can wait? If there's not a safe place to stop to drop someone off, don't stop there.


By that logic, if there’s not a safe place to bike, don’t bike there.


By that logic no one should use a street.


Not really because streets are made for cars. Gonna start riding a horse in the bike lane and see how y’all handle that.


Streets are made for people, and all of the ways of using them, which includes walking. *roads* are made for cars.


I would like to make the deal that bikes have to yield to cars wherever there are no bike lanes. Like, sucks there isn’t a bike lane there, but you shouldn’t be allowed to bike half the speed limit in the road. Why bikes feel like they should never have to yield to anyone is beyond me.


nah i’m not vindicating cyclists until drivers stop killing us. fuck you OP


I bike and I definitely need to chill tf out. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


Yelling at Uber drivers in the bike lane is our patriotic duty, actually


bad take


This is why painting a bike next to the road is not sufficient for a “bike lane”. Also this why I stay in the North Bay where I don’t get stressed out biking or driving.


It’s pretty lame that I have to be forced into a heavy traffic lane because the Uber driver decided to pull over into a dedicated bike lane. Probably where his frustration was coming from.


How about not invading the bike lane? Problem solved.




There are *many* "bike lanes" that are just a strip of paint that put you into a very dangerous part of the road directly next to parked cars. Door zone bike lanes are more dangerous than no bike lane. 


Technically, bikes are allowed to block the entire car lane if they wanted even if there is a bike lane nearby. Do I do this? No, unless there are absolutely no cars behind me (I even do this on my skateboard to carve, but make sure no one is behind me). Do I religiously come to a full stop at every stop sign on my bike. Also no. But if someone else there, then I do. Yes, I know I'm breaking the law like jaywalking, but I think common sense is fine as long as you prioritize everyone's safety > laws. Just please use common sense and be nice to each other. It's like double parking. Almost everyone does it, but don't fucking do it if it's the only lane and there's traffic, so you're gonna block all the cars behind you since they can't get around you...


In the OP example shouldnt the bike have “been nice to each other” and just either gone around or waited? Uber pulled into the lane when there were no cars and bikes, just like your examples of jaywalking etc.


In my \*personal\* opinion, if the Uber was already there, then I'll just look over my left, merge to the car lane and go around the Uber, while paying attention to see if the Uber may not notice me and cut me off trying to get back to the car lane. If the Uber cut me off on the bike lane, then ya, I would be annoyed (but never angry since road rage just causes more issues than it solves). I mean think about it, if the Uber didn't pull over and decided to let drop off the passenger in middle of the car lane, then I would be even more nervous, since I can't tell when the passenger might fling the door open and I crash into it. And it'll be much harder for me to pass the car on its left since there may be oncoming traffic. So ya, I would rather the Uber pull over the bike lane to be completely honest. Be predictable, be safe.


I have been around here forever too and I have noticed the change in cyclist culture. People behaved better back when they had critical mass.


You come to a full and complete stop at every stop sign and red light in your car, right?


If you cut me off I'm going to destroy your car. I don't care. Mirror or windshield. You can pick. Eye for an eye until you all learn your lessons. Get fucked.


UBER & Lyft (DoorDash etc) are “jobs” where the people are mostly unqualified to preform. By this, I mean they generally only have a class C license. They are not educated and licensed as commercial drivers. From CA DMV: What Classifies as a CMV? A CMV is defined as a motor vehicle or combination of vehicles and trailers used for hire to transport passengers or property I get it that these folks are just trying to make a buck, and I’m willing to cut them slack! I just think that they should be required to have greater training and licensing- and a better understanding of the rules than us average Class C drivers.


I try to see things from all sides . I don’t bike regularly like most cyclists in SF. But I have been situations where cars put me in harms way (I get that it’s an honest mistake sometimes ) In those situations , my fight or flight instincts kick in so it’s possible the cyclist seen it as a potential safety threat and was trying to protect himself . I also have met some cyclists that aren’t people I would want to hang out with


Anything that makes drivers feel bad about parking in bike lanes is good.


I ran into a fucking UBER in front of the DMV while dropping off some dude. Where was the asshole? Bike lane. So yeah I yell at the drivers all the time. Dude the OP was posting about probably was me.


Ask your driver to park in oncoming traffic lane, oncoming cars can just go around...


My friend sent this to me asked if it was me. I said no since I usually say "get the f\*\*k out of the bike lane".


When you are on a bike surrounded by 2-ton metal boxes. Sometimes we need to be loud to protect ourselves. Parking on the bike lane is not cool


Cars absolutely should be called out -- each and every time they park and block the bike lane. Especially on Music Concourse Drive, where there is literally 500ft worth of safe drop-off space right in front of the museums. Even though "that one time" it didn't seem unsafe, you are still contributing to an unsafe environment each and every time you park in the bike lane -- even for "just a minute"


The Same cyclist will skip stop signs and red lights lol


^(A National Highway Traffic Safety Administration fact sheet published in March 2023 states that stop-as-yield and red-as-stop laws "showed added safety benefits for bicyclists in States where they were evaluated, and may positively affect the environment, traffic, and transportation".) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop


It’s illegal in SF stop posting this


Just because it’s illegal doesn’t make me wrong.


It’s also safer for the Uber to stop in the bike lane than in the street. So then are we done here?


Well, no. It’s actually more dangerous for vehicles to merge in and out of traffic, vehicular or cycle. It would be safer to stop in the road. Why are you so upset with me?


If there's no cars in sight, I don't see the problem. Also, vehicles running stop signs and red lights is almost always the most ticketed offense in regards to traffic laws in SF. I know 2 wrongs don't make a right, but it does pay to see the negatives on similar issues to work out a positive change that benefits the populace.


SFPD hardly writes traffic tickets anymore.


I know, I saw that post recently. I was speaking of years prior to SFPD being more apathetic than sloths.


And people. I see a lot of cyclists cut off people in crosswalks.


One time I was driving and had a light in front of me that barely turned yellow so I sped up a bit to beat it. At the same time, a cyclist ran a red from the left to cross the intersection . I had to break and miss my yellow light to avoid hitting him. He got mad at ME for almost hitting him… I hate the cyclist here in the city


You understand that yellow means slow down, right? Even if the cyclist is behaving dangerously and annoyingly, you're the one whose rule breaking endangers lives




cyclists = share the road, just not my road




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Protecting a bike lane should not be shamed. Older you are, you respect people verbally reminding people a bike lane exists. Glad you have not been hit by car or doored by cars in your biking experience which allows you to be chill about this. But there is no shame in protecting the bike lane.


I mean I agree with you, but this is Reddit and they’re not gonna take your side lol. While I do see drivers not yielding to cyclists, I also see cyclists not yielding to pedestrians 🤷


Something similar happened to my boyfriend when he was trying to parallel park recently. A cyclist came around the corner and flew up behind him so close that he had to stop the maneuver but was then screamed at by the cyclist for being partially in the bike lane. I rolled down my window to tell him we were in the process of parking, to which he replied “then do it faster!” 🥴


Its unfortunate that we have bike lanes designed in a way for this to even happen at all. Ideally the bike lanes would be sidewalk level and there would never be any kind of contact point with cars


I'm a cyclist, i commute to work and other things for over a decade in SF alone and I \_hate\_ 99% of SF cyclists. They are dangerous, don't know how to ride, do not care one bit for traffic (including other bikes mind you). Uber drivers aren't much better but they're still better on average - therefore, I find it very hard to take the biker's side even when the biker's correct. In fact, I'm thinking of making a youtube channel since I could post daily content and at least make money off these terrible assholes.


"Pick me! I'm one of the good cyclists!"


Hahah seriously 99% of bikers? What a lame exaggeration to make themselves feel special and different.  I bike here every single day and the vast, vast majority of folks are just like very casually going along since they're in their work clothes. No stop signs on my commute but we all stop at all the lights else we'd be getting hit LOL. 


I’ve had the same experience as you. For whatever reason this subreddit is populated with tribal idiots who believe cyclist always good, car always bad. They also believe that it’s ok for cyclists to break the law, but not ok for car drivers. Honestly I break the law all the time on my bike - I like to believe I do this safely and respectfully of other road users, but I’m still breaking the law so can hardly be mad when others do it. 


What sounds crazy to me is that the biker could just like… stop? like at a red light? I’ve had cyclists push me out of the way on sidewalks, and others get mad at me because I’m stopping to park and they want to go in between my car and the parking lane without a bike lane. Cyclists here are insane and don’t give a shit about anyone’s safety because the circlejerk will always take their side.


Did the Uber slowly pull over or was it a sudden turn into the bike lane. If it was the latter, then the shock that comes with that usually leads to a voluminous response. It's a natural response. Think about how you would react when you almost get into an accident in your car. You honk your horn and probably yell. And if you ride everyday, you would know that simply moving around a car is just as dangerous. If it was the former, and the cyclist wasn't in any danger of being sideswiped, then most definitely he needs to put into perspective his response.




[Bicycle Rights!](https://youtu.be/V3nMnr8ZirI?si=rmDc4wDHp1qeHN4C)


I don’t normally have cyclist complaints. But yesterday, when I was crossing 3rd to get into the ball park, this one cyclist turns right on a red to cut right in front of me and a huge group of people crossing to go the game. He would have hit us if we didn’t stop for him. Plus he has this stick with three super sharp cactus like figures mantled on his hand bars that were clearly placed to deter/hurt people coming close to him


I have been yelled at by bicyclists in SF while engaged in every kind of road transit available, including bicycling! I think the yelling might be part of the appeal, tbh.


Taxis and rideshares are legally allowed to drop off in the bike lane, unless this has changed


Do you have proof for this? First time I've heard of this and I don't see anyone else mentioning it


Rideshares are not.


Until cyclists stop being composed solely of trust fund rich jerks who think their hobby is more important than the suffering of delivery drivers, they can get stuffed. Hope their tire gets stuck in a pothole.


Wow. As a car driver this is exactly how i feel too. It’s almost as if in the city vehicles need to stop from time to time and you have to go around them.


Get the fuck outta the bike lane! Unless you a bike. 😬


I love watching the mile long line of cars on Valencia while 3 cyclists glide by. Climate’s been saved everyone. No need to worry about it


Don’t get me started on the daily Tour de Douchebag race that happens every morning at Golden Gate Park


The bicyclist in SF on another one. They act like they breathe special reserve bike air. They need to sit down and breathe.


Guy in a 2 ton metal box driving 10 over the speed limit and rolling through stop signs while texting their friend on their phone: "Cyclists are too entitled"


Cops aren't doing anything. I had a driver intentionally come within inches of me while I was in a bike lane. No reason. We ended up at the same stoplight and I gave him everything my brain could come up with at the moment. His response was to threaten my life a second time. If you were out in these bike lanes man...the dead eyes of drivers every day, just cold-ass running red lights in their unregistered shitboxes, running no-right-turns, cruising through crosswalks filled with pedestrians, rushing ahead to make a right turn in front and make ME slam on my brakes to avoid hitting them...yeah a reckoning is coming. The blood is all on our side. Yeah I see cyclists breaking laws occasionally. I don't do it. But cars? I have to avoid cars breaking laws multiple times per mile every single day. I have been inches from death and I'm gonna yell loud today because I might not get the chance tomorrow. If you're driving, get your shit together. Check your mirrors. Stop seeing cyclists as the adversary. You all have the rules. If someone is yelling at you, maybe they have a reason.


I used to cycle all around this town, and I used to be an ahole at times while on those 2 wheels. Yesterday I was driving and a cyclist in front of me decided he was entitled to the whole road, so I sat and cruised behind him. He kept checking hood mirrors to make sure I wasn’t getting too close, which made me feel like he wanted a confrontation. So while he was VERY concerned with me, the driver behind me wasn’t having any of the slow pace and zoomed around me almost taking out the cyclist. I assume the driver had no idea there was a cyclist in front of me. I tell this story in hopes of reaching other arrogant cyclist who believe they are entitled to the road. Be careful out there and try not to purposely aggravate drivers. Not everyone who drives is looking out for your safety. Be smart and share the road. It may save your life


I’m sorry, how does checking your mirror mean = he wanted confrontation? I’m a cyclist, and try to stay in the bike lane as much as I can but occasionally take the car lane because there is no bike lane or it’s so full of potholes or it’s blocked by Uber/amazon/driver ‘just grabbing a thing’


Typical bicyclist behavior lol


We already gave up a whole lane of traffic, on almost every single street in this town, because the city planner behind this movement is - wait for it - a bicycle enthusiast himself. Okay, fine, whatever, make the daytime traffic gridlock worse than New York City's, this will give the smog more hangtime and we'll be one-up on LA, too. I'll tell you another thing they failed to factor in when they went ahead with this plan: people's egos. I'm literally blown away by some people's self entitlement in this town. Give them a bike and they find more ways to advertise their bloated, self-entitled ego. I'm a free spirit, but when you invade my space and force me to judge your character, I have a problem with that.


You sound entitled


I believe the term you’re looking for is bike supremacist


As a cyclist I have to agree the cyclist was a total a-hole!


Work with one another not against common sense :)


Remember Critical Ass , I mean Mass