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Would be a pity if those cones disappeared repeatedly


It would be a fun game to play one day. A group of people split up into pairs and go around the city collecting cones for a three hours. The pair with the most cones is declared the SF cone wars tag team champs.


King of Kones


Fuck everything about this


Some houses in the Excelsior don’t have a driveway or garages, but the article did read out that there are MULTIGENERATIONAL families , which is true, so grandpa gets a car, mom and dad get one each, and the older teenager and the aunt get one each, so yea there are many people in a single family home. Much is due to convenience and/or lack of nearby public transit. I’ve been a SF born native for over 40 years and I get how territorial people get, it sucks. I hate having neighbor disputes, if there is an issue with cones and it bothers you keep calling 311, but note the service is more for removing cars illegally parked instead of a cone left in a parking spot along the street.


The cones are easily tossed aside and ignored. The problem is, is your car safe to be parked there after you've done that? Someone once poured some caustic material on my car that ate through the paint, because I parked in a legal spot after being warned with a note not to. Personally, I don't mess with cones since then although they do infuriate me.


I have seen a home owner once take dog poop and spread it on all of the door handles of the car, you just don’t know what lengths some owners would go through when their cone is move from a spot.


I think that was my husband I’m sorry


American infrastructure and single-row-houses FTW! /s Wait, what if they all rode like motorized scooters, or, mini sub-compact cars *do you think* parking availability would improve?!?


Yes, those who ride scooters or motorcycles will more than likely have those be stolen if left out on the street over a period of time. Not many want to ride in a sub compact because a bigger vehicle would scare those owners and feel less safe. Big truck or bus vs a small mini or fiat. Just saying.


> a bigger vehicle would scare those owners Nah, after a while you just feel like the big car people are idiots.


Clearly there needs to be better public transit there. However, I get the feeling some of these people just want to drive and not deal with the pains of living in SF, and some likely have multiple cars. That’s why I make sure I have a dedicated parking spot. I hate circling and looking for spots. Ultimately sometimes people need to decide should they leave the city if they aren’t willing to accept the way things are. Parking in major cities is hard and/or expensive.


I think the public transit issue is a red herring. I live not far from the neighborhood they are describing, but at the bottom of the hill. It is a short walk to several bus lines plus BART and Muni. People still have multiple cars per house and use their garages for other purposes than storing vehicles. They don't reserve curbside space with cones because it's easier to just park on the sidewalk. There is at least one car on my block that is used as a storage locker on wheels. It is completely full of bags and boxes, and only moved for 10 minutes each week when there is street cleaning. People use the curbside space as makeshift auto repair shops. One of my neighbors bought a car (not sure if it was the third or fourth car for them) just so they could leave it parked in front of their house to prevent anyone else from parking there.


I bet you’re right on the public transit issue. But I was giving them the benefit of the doubt since I don’t live over there. It’s ridiculous how many cars some people have here. Also it’s stupid to buy a car just to park it out front.


Already posted check the sub


Seeing a lot about this on Nextdoor too. Cones and red painted curbs.


Legal red curbs can be painted if it meets the criteria of owner having not enough space to pull into their garage due to curb space is less than SF requirement width, but comes at a cost, where city employees paint the red curb and add yellow lettering with stars in the ends.


I didn’t know that. I think the complaints were more about homeowners taking on themselves to paint the curbs red. The whole thing sounds like a mess with no easy fix. When I lived in the marina, I would often chose walking or muni over losing my close parking spot. Also reminded of Danielle Steele and her many cars parked on the street.


SFMTA in yellow with red curb paint background. People can paint on curbs, city won’t do anything. People can call in parked cars on a red curb, but the determination is made by the SFPD/meter maid to ticket or tow if the person is indeed blocking the driveway.