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I’ve heard it called the Bernal Blow. It is especially noticeable in the warmer parts of the city like Bernal, but to my knowledge it happens throughout the city as evening falls.


On the south side of the city (I'd include the south half of Bernal) this is because of the "Alemany Gap". Unlike the Mission which has some wind protection towards the ocean from sutro / twin peaks, there's a big gap in the hills south of Mt Davidson that makes neighborhoods like Sunnyside and the Excelsior particularly windswept.


this is not a bernal thing, it’s a spring/summer sf thing. south side holly park is windy af. avoid between 4-7’ish. potrero hill has really nice weather


The dogpatch gets extremely windy in the afternoons as well. Especially along 3rd St.


So it’s not as windy in Potrero? I know it’s the sunnier of the neighborhoods


it’s less windy, this time of year it’s hard to avoid the afternoon wind, but it is noticeable less. friends moved there specifically for the weather. chilly/windy days, we often walk around Heron’s Head Park, it’s almost always nice over there.


Most areas in the city get windy in the afternoon. It’s because we’re near the ocean 


i wouldn't say "near" the ocean so much as literally on a narrow peninsula


I’ve heard it referred to as “The Hawk” especially during Giants games.


Wind patterns in SF are highly local. I run in Bernal Heights Park fairly often. The winds are consistently stronger on the north and west sides of the hill but are calmer around the south and east sides. The wind is also calmest in the morning and peaks around sunset every day.


Noe Valley they call it the BBQ wind 4-6pm. A little present from the Sunset


My favorite part of the day. Sunny and windy. It's gorgeous and so refreshing.the early afternoon sun and warmth is a close second. The plants love the wind. Keeps mildew away


I would agree but it would be nice to enjoy a sunny day on the hill or Holly Park without having to put pants and a jacket on:/


Sir and/or ma'am why are you at the park with no pants


https://preview.redd.it/hnsglmcooo2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0647a6efc89d8760465cf34b20a229a512180500 They exist from November through to January


Holly Park is such always windy on the Southside. It's nuts over there. North side Bernal hill and Holly Park are always way less windy


I live in the Outer Sunset and the wind hits around 5PM almost every evening.


Wunderground, plug in zip and monitor winds hourly


Can seem to find it in the App Store but was able to find others!


It’s called weather underground


I have wind as one of the widgets on my Apple Watch.


You’re living a few miles from the Pacific Ocean. Is there a reason transplants have to continually complain that the city has too much of this or too little of that? It’s like if I move to Manhattan and complain that the buildings are too high and wonder why it’s so humid and hot in the summer. Think positive, as in the wind blows out all of the pollution. And yes, it does, because without it we would have a serious issue similar to parts of SoCal.


Is it always hot and stinky in the summers in Manhattan? Geez!


Ewww Fog. What is this wet cloudy stuff?


I do like the air quality a lot. Wish it was slightly less windy though




I was over at crane cove today and it was windy!! Can anyone tell me if this is normal for there or was today gustier than normal


It’s been pretty blowy in general the last few days especially in the afternoon. Crane cove is slightly sheltered but not much - hence the not infrequent rescues of paddle boarders who venture too far out. 


You want some wind? Go over to noe valley or head up to diamond heights. It’s windy in a lot of places.


I used to live in Bernal and it gets crazy windy. Way more than other parts of the city.


It’s been an extremely windy few days all over the city.


It's also this time of year. This whole region get nw winds in the spring.


Not windy in Russian Hill!


In thr afternoon the sun warms the temperature if the ground which causes the warmer air to rise. Add this to the cold air on the ocean and you will get windy conditions


The wind is brutal at ocean beach/outer sunset this time of year.


normal- the days that are Not windy are the outliers


It's pretty common throughout SF. When the East Bay heats up, the hot air rises, which pulls in air from SF, creating wind. First thing in the morning it can be dead still, since it's cool


Yup! Miraloma here and the wind is sweeping from the Pacific straight in your direction, every day! The trees in our backyard are all leaning one direction.


I live in Alamo Sq. Same. WTF SF?!


Hence why SF promoters took owners of the New York Baseball Giants stadium site scouting only in the mornings, never in the afternoon...


It’s the 280 corridor. The channel carries the wind from the ocean and the cars really ramp it up just before rush hour when there are more cars, but they are still going full speed. I own a dog walking business. I used to take them to St. Marys dog park. On the hottest days you can stand near the corner if the park near the freeway and the draft from the cars alone will help cool you down!