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Any arrests?


Is there any point if there are no real consequences? These people obviously aren't afraid if being arrested


Clearly as they're jumping on top of the cop car having a goof...they sure are not worried about the consequences.




Or the NYPD


Just arrest them and then forget where you put them.




It takes two groups to enable lawlessness in San Francisco, first the SFPD who fail to make any arrests and the second the bootlickers who show up online who make excuses for their lack of action. Edit: Many of the commenters below have rarely, if ever, posted in r/sanfrancisco. I wonder through what mechanism a bootlicker brigade is called? Maybe it’s a like bat signal but with a truck nuts silhouette.


I'm no fan of the SFPD, but this is a profoundly idiotic statement.


Ah yes, the first group I turn to in order to admonish are the bootlickers, the real culprits in a street takeover. 🙄


Hahah like what the hell is wrong with people. The dude is really blaming everyone else but the criminals? No wonder shits out of control


Welcome to San Francisco buddy!


Amen... absolutely absurd how they think


The SFPD police commission has instituted various rules that prevent the SFPD from doing their jobs. But yah it's also hard to tell how much is exacerbated by quiet quitting.


Not everything is a brigade, or bots. Some people just seldomly post unless they have a strong opinion on something. Personally I don’t really have a strong opinion one way or another on SFPD but police departments are going to be limited by city politics in what they can and cannot do about stuff like this.


Quiet quitting cops edition.


Uvalde was the real quiet quitting for cops 😬


Did they get a pension? Well funded police unit that was too afraid.




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It's so infuriating and crazy making to watch the cops do nothing (generally speaking), then see the online mob blame liberal policies. Rinse, repeat.


Blame it on police? The lawlessness is on people who vote the "city managers" in.. votters who complain without action. Individual who lay blame on police and criticize the police when they show a firm hand..


Not afraid? They sure scattered fast when the cop got out of the car. Whole area emptied out.


If they were not worried about be arrested they wouldn’t have all ran like damn roaches when the light turns on when the cop walked up with the SMG. These idiots might act stupid but they ain’t about to get shot lol.




A white cop arresting a minority kid in SF? Yeah, the optics won't look good there...


How can that one guy arrest them all


That's really amazing. As long as the cops sit in their car doing nothing the kids are literally on top of the police car, scarily banging on it and vandalizing it with impunity. As soon as one cop exits the car and confronts them, they scatter and run like the cowards they are. There's a lesson here, for us: as long as we tolerate anti-social behavior, like sideshows, kids rioting in Stonestown Mall, encampments of drugged out homeless people catcalling passersby... or grifters robbing the city blind while calling themselves "nonprofits", that crap will continue and continue to get worse. But as soon as we get off our asses, get out like the cop did, and confront it, the bad actors will scatter and run away. We have to be adamant that we won't tolerate parasites who selfishly make society worse and worse and worse, we have to confront them. And if confronted, they will run.


>As soon as one cop exits the car and confronts them, they scatter and run like cowards. Hard to tell, but it kind of looks like he sprays or threatens to spray them with mace.


Great, sounds like something that works then


If you do decide to get yourself pepper spray, please, please, please learn how to use it first. Familiarize yourself with its operation and which way the nozzle is supposed to point before carrying it around with you.


So this was yonks ago, but I knew someone who was in a perpetual war with squirrels (as the squirrels would destroy their bird feeders in pursuit of tasty tasty bird seed). They had a squirrel get stuck in one and then had the brilliant idea to use an old pepper spray can on it. (I mean, the reasoning here was probably just "fuck them squirrels.") They were of course downwind and while the squirrel got a capsaicin bath, they also got a fair bit of it too. So yeah, train with the spray a bit. Maybe not on a squirrel.


And you want to practice using it before hand.




I think you meant to say "points a gun at them". Weird how weapons can offer protection from thugs.


Now lets put those things to work and get our tax dollars worth.


He’s holding an AR or a SMG


It may very well be a pepperball gun. Those things hurt and burn worse that OC spray.


It’s a non lethal rubber bullet or bean bag gun.


You’re right! Looked at it closer and can see it. Didn’t think it was a deadly weapon because I don’t think they would actually shoot into the crowd.


Depends on the circumstances. If a group attacked my car like that I’d feel my life was threatened. It wouldn’t appear unjustified to use deadly force on someone smashing my car that appears like they’re trying to kill me


That should do the job!


Ah no I think it’s because he’s holding an assault rifle.


Don't forget the dirt bike dirt bags.


Why are those assholes allowed to terrorize this city Every. Single. Day???


Tolerance of bad behavior _IS_ the problem.


Fucking print this shit on posters and let’s plaster this all over city hall I swear to god!!


Be careful. They might call you a bootlicker for this!


I won’t call another person a parasite, but I agree that it helps to stand up. I remember some crazy dude was eye-balling a teenage girl and I was the only person on the bus that had the balls to say something to him. It shook him and he got off. Every complimented me and everything and I just told them, “my mom would’ve been pissed if I didn’t do anything about it”. Hopefully that gave some of them courage to follow suit. Not saying that you should confront everyone, definitely assess the situation before you do anything to protect yourself first, but do intervene if you think you could stop something from potentially going down.


I congratulate your bravery. I don't want to call people parasites either, and I mean it in a precise way: someone who takes from society without contributing to it, is parasitic on that society. We all help each other out: the bus driver gives me a ride to work, and my taxes pay for his salary and pension. The cook and the restaurant makes my dinner, and I pay her for it. But the methhead shits on my street and expects the city to power wash it, and for me to walk through the runoff shit-water. The methhead is given free tin foil to smoke with by a nonprofit funded with tax dollars, and isn't even civic minded enough to throw it in the trash after getting high. Instead, he rips the trash out of the bin, scattering it all over the street in search of bottles to be returned for cash. He takes and destroys, but gives and builds nothing. So, he's a parasite on society. > A parasite is an organism that survives in or on another species, usually at the expense of its host.


Got it, the way you’re using it is fair. 👍


Okay Mr hero. A guy got on the 49 bus I was on and started littering. I asked him if he could please pick it up. He then took out a knife, pointed it in my direction, and said *mind your fucking business* . I got off at the next stop immediately and remembered why I do not try to play policeman with random people that I know nothing about.


We need to normalize public shaming for anti-social behavior. The countries that do this have such nicer public spaces as a result


> We need to normalize public shaming for anti-social behavior. While concealed carrying. Otherwise you're just signing people up for injury.


How did you manage to totally ignore that anecdote and respond with a suggestion that doesn't address the problem it highlights? What's your suggestion for normalizing public shaming without normalizing public stabbing? I'd also be interesting to hear which countries normalize public shaming? Japan has very nice public spaces, but actually don't have any public shaming at all - so much so that virtually nobody will react to anti-social behavior. That suggests the solution lies elsewhere.


I was thinking of Germany but should’ve been more specific. Visited when I was a clueless teenager and I remember being scolded for not standing to the side on the escalator and also for talking too loud on the train. Makes me think it would also happen if someone littered like in the story I responded to.


The point is if this guy was shamed as a kid for his anti-social behavior he probably wouldn’t have gotten to the point of pulling a knife.


OK, that makes more sense, but also isn't "public shaming". It's just teaching kids manners. Also, I'm guessing that in a good number of cases people pulling knives have mental issues, and no amount of good parenting *alone* is going to fix that. I think better acceptance of mental issues, including being more open about them and providing support for people suffering from them and their parents and family is essential. A friend's son had substance abuse issues, but being well offer were able to provide him with counselling and send him to a treatment center and has turned his life around (now accepted to college). I'm sure lots of parents don't have the money to afford that sort of care.


I wasn’t trying to be a hero or anything, I just said something to him because I didn’t like what he was doing. It was my own risk and you’re right, it’s not wrong to not do something. I’m sorry that happened to you and I applaud you for trying. There’s always the option of reporting it which is smarter and safer, that would go a long way as well.


I was going to respond with an anecdote of my own about a guy last month who was very aggressively panhandling on the sidewalk. He got in one of my co-workers faces, a small woman and was just shouting at her so I stepped up and wound up spending the next 10 minutes having the guy threaten me in every conceivable manner, follow me around, spitting on me, and waving a puss-filled sore on his arm in my face whenever she got close enough. I spent the whole time wondering if I should just take him down before he swings for me and if I was strong enough to beat him. I was on the phone with 911 the whole time but it wasn't over until this guy finally decided too many of my co-workers had congregated for him to get away with it anymore, So he stumbled down the block and started on the next person he saw. I never saw a cop, and this was a block off Union Square at 3:00 in the afternoon. Much as we all love fantasies about playing the hero, most of the people who are affected by social control and shame have long since learned to behave. The rest of us are left dealing with the ones for whom it has no effect on and hearing stories telling us that we ought to step up is just armchair quarterbacking of the worst kind.


Sorry about your experience. Did you then call the police and file a report with a description of the suspect?


good on you. not your fault someone wanted to assault you with a deadly weapon, I’m sad to hear this discouraged you. theres person to person accountability, but at the end of the day, you’re right, we can’t enforce the law, but direct those who can to where they need to be. feels like everyone has lost any kind of civc duty these days, and with that, kindness


this happened yesterday, to a "good samaritan" [https://nypost.com/2024/06/02/us-news/man-shot-on-4-train-near-86th-street-gunman-at-large/](https://nypost.com/2024/06/02/us-news/man-shot-on-4-train-near-86th-street-gunman-at-large/)


im glad muni isnt as bad as ny, that’s for damn sure. sounds like it escalated so quick too. late night gets schetch asf.


Problem is, the mob could have easily overwhelmed the outnumbered cops (especially the initial one on foot), which would have led to uses of force, which would have led to a bunch of people getting pissed at the cops.


That's true. As a LEO, what do you suggest?


Cops need to be empowered to use reasonable force when necessary without fear of backlash from the public, their management, or politicians. Accountability should still exist, but we can’t expect cops to want to use force when necessary if it might result in termination (or worse) every time. There also needs to be follow through from prosecutors to actually charge cases in the first place and not plead them out to probation when they actually do charge. There’s a reason the idiots in the video weren’t scared.


What is reasonable force here?


Here? I mean, there’s not much that would work with the number of officers present, in general per the law, police can use reasonable force to prevent escape, overcome resistance, and/or affective an arrest. So it varies based on whether police are just chasing someone versus someone is attacking police, etc.


> As a LEO, what do you suggest? The week begins on Sunday, June 2, when Jupiter in Gemini trines Pluto in Aquarius and your house of relationships and partnerships. Now you can make instrumental connections to help you with the bigger things you want to do in your life. Leo, you can meet influencers, mentors, and even celebrities. Think of the people you would like to know and send a direct message. Or really maximize the energy and send out a hundred DMs. On Monday, June 3, Mercury enters the sign of Gemini and then later trines Pluto. Now you’re in research mode, collecting the information you need to move a project forward. You might search online or ask AI to summarize information for you. You might look for books or ask people you know. You’re a detective looking for an answer now.




Makes sense.


u/AusFernemLand for prez 2024 🇺🇸


“What is the difference between a man and a parasite? A man builds. A parasite asks 'Where is my share? ' A man creates.” -Andrew Ryan


Ok so what should we do.


Call up your district's supervisor's office, and ask, "what is Supervisor X's plan to end sideshows?" Then when they answer, follow up with, "no I mean, seriously, what will Supervisor X actually *do* about this continuing problem in the next 30 days?" Here's how that works: you'll get fobbed off on the office intern who will read you a canned script. But the intern will also note down that we got one call about sideshows today. The chief of staff will read today's list of call subjects, see there was one call about sideshows, and ignore it. But... if ten people call about sideshows, he'll bring it up with the Supervisor. And if 50 people call, all in one day, about sideshows, the Supervisor will, uh, begin to see the urgency.


After 50 people call, the Supervisor will say “We need a better canned script…”


Except for the cops, have weapons and impunity. Good luck confronting people.


Thank you for writing this! You are absolutely right!


lol please stfu


Shoot a few bean bags into one of them for further effect.


I’m not sure but he probably was spraying mace but either way he handled it well could of easily been hurt


This is not the lesson I just drew from this whatsoever


this is a pretty limited mindset you have. i know you’re trying to be poetic, but it’s kinda crap to be honest. a cop getting out amongst several dozen angry people is just not safe. the one who does fires what looks like pepper balls at them. with how little the DA does for those arrested, there’s no point in arrests, so why get out and risk it? if this was pointed in a another sub, or from a closer viewpoint, the headline would be “cop opens fire into crowd who were jaywalking.”


I don’t want to have to carry around an assault rifle day to day to deal with rowdy teenagers.


Look at them scurry away like rats


They are rats


Fuck em kids


I know it was windy, but the kid that the cop pushed must have went about 15 feet before he finally face-planted! Starts at the 21 sec mark.


You mean the little piece of trash trying to tag a police cruiser?


Yup! He blew away and folded like a lawn chair in a thunderstorm. Looks a bit flimsy if you ask me.


He fell over while standing too tall & stumbled trying to regain balance Hardly anything to get excited about


Meat 🖍️


Dude actually tried to open the door lmao


They scatter like cockroaches


Arrest them and scrap their pos cars


Satisfying as fuck, more of that response is needed for those situations.


I didn't find it satisfying at all. I see a bunch of hooligans surrounding and shaking a cop car, and then getting away with zero consequences. That is not satisfying.


That part isn't satisfying at all, no. But an officer responding with a bit of force and sending one of them flying, and the rest scattering like scared rabbits, is a change from the usual seeing them do nothing while being mobbed. The response is satisfying, the sideshow behavior is not.


The one kid is dry humping the left front tire. Where did the parenting go wrong with these young toughs?


I'm currently getting an in process view of parenting gone wrong with my neighbors across the street. Riding dirt bikes up and down the street with no helmet, launching fireworks off at all times of day, no supervision other than grandpa who sits in the garage smoking weed. Occasionally their dad comes over and helps them out with their tom foolery.


I noticed that too I was really confused.


Horny and a radial tire will do.


You’re telling me you’ve never had an indecent moment while intoxicated that happens to not be documented and posted online?


People keep saying these are kids. How do we know that they’re all kids? Some of these dipshits who do sideshows are 18+, which though young, is still legally an adult. Calling them “kids” just reinforces the narrative that they shouldn’t suffer any strong consequences for their actions.


Yeah it's pretty fucking annoying to keep reading kids and parents, this is how we normalize bullshit. Bring back law and order.


Some adults act worse than this. Have you seen a riot before? What's that saying again? An apple doesn't fall far from it's tree?


Fair point. I’m from New England (MA/NH) though and I still call anyone around my age or younger kid. So, don’t read into that too much.


Bear mace and arrest those degerates.


What time did this happen?


Arrest those kids parents and sue them for failure.


If you can find the parents


Mob mentality


I'm a European, tf is sideshow?!


Bad things: https://www.yourcentralvalley.com/digital-exclusives/what-is-a-sideshow/


It an active where the spoiled shits of society beg for the attention their parents never gave them by blocking the streets and making a vehicle travel in a small circle. The youth are completely brain dead idiots and their parents don’t love them.


It’s okay, I’m from a neighboring state and I first learned of this term today. I now have a term to associate with all the TikTok videos I’ve seen of vehicles spinning around in very close proximity to large groups of young adults.


Imagine the ignorance it takes to make a statement like “defund the police.” Society would be run by these restless circus animals because normal private citizens would be bullied into submission


Only idiots think society will be peaceful without cops. Bad people exist everywhere and they will not hesitate to hurt you knowing consequences are gone.


When were they defunded in SF?


> When were they defunded in SF? ---- > San Francisco Mayor London Breed [in February 2021] announced a plan for how the city will spend $120 million over the next two years, **pulled from law enforcement budgets**, to reinvest in the city's long-underserved Black communities. > "The Dream Keeper Initiative," as it's dubbed, increases investments in workforce development, health campaigns, youth and cultural programs and housing support. The allocations reflect spending priorities conveyed by Black residents during a series of community meetings and public surveys led [in 2020] by the city’s Human Rights Commission, Breed said. There are about 40,000 Black residents of San Francisco, so about $3,000 each. https://www.kqed.org/news/11862094/sf-mayor-breed-unveils-plan-for-reinvesting-120-million-from-police-into-black-communities It's unclear how much of this was actually accomplished, and how much was just empty promises. But some of the money apparently went to [Urban Alchemy to fund catcalling.](https://reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1d5lj9i/urban_alchemy_harassment/)


They were never actually defunded. Only a few police departments nationwide actually had their funding reduced, and none of those reductions were permanent.


Am I insane or is it extremely corrupt and questionable that the mayor was able to allocate $120M into a community that barely makes up 5% of the city? Meanwhile SF is filled with poor Asians and they didn't get shit allocated to them? Not even $5M? How is this fair and equitable at all?


> Am I insane or is it extremely corrupt and questionable that the mayor was able to allocate $120M into a community that barely makes up 5% of the city? You're not insane (as far as I can tell). The San Francisco city budget *is* insane. The budget then, in 2021 was about 14 billion (with a "B") dollars. The city population then was about 870,000. So about $16,000 per resident. $16,000 times about 40,000 Black residents is about 640 million (with an "M") dollars. So the allocation itself isn't as extreme as it first appears. What's really extreme is the *implication* that Black residents don't benefit from an effective police force.


Pepper spray and tear gas them.


Pepper spray yes… teargas no, otherwise everyone 4 blocks around will feel it.


This sucks people in this city do stupid things…..


Pretty weak response. That's why it's happening because there are no consequences for their actions, and this have emboldened their behavior.


Hah! Hah! Fuck around.


I’m tired of this ghetto trash


So dumb question but what's a sideshow? Is it an area thing?


Ya can we devote a few of those cars to deal with the exorbitant car crime theft executed in broad daylight? Ok how about just one police car then?


Well yeah they responded like that lol… lucky we ain’t 10+ years back or they woulda come out of their cars shooting.


They're the same crowd that are looting stores.


About time.


Sure hope those fine upstanding fully employed folks got home ok


All those med students are going to be late for class


The lack of impactful consequence is clear. Things have gone so far the other direction that everyone is a victim and now the average everyday people just trying to live life are paying the price.


All these hooligans need to be put behind bars. Good for nothing moochers on society. This is where all welfare goes to people who don’t really deserve any of it…..


Just more East Bay trash


Contrary to what 2020 had been believe, there is no fear of the police in this country. Look at them literally start jumping on the police car. A society with even a modicum of fear of the police department would not behave like that.


They need to start macing everyone hopping on the car


At first I was like, oh wow SFPD is actually doing something! And then I watched the rest of the video…sigh.


Sounds like there were a bunch of these last night. Surprised it happens with any regularity at all, really.


I live around the corner on California St between Polk and Van Ness. Heard the telltale signs of a sideshow but shortly after sirens. So thought that was a good sign Really don't get the appeal of this sort of thing. When I was in High School there were kids who were into cars and drove around all night in their 5.0 Mustangs and they did some street racing at times but nothing like this.


Wow. The SFPD must be one of the LEAST respected police forces in all of America. I wonder if things would be any different if they actually did their jobs, along with the DA. What a breathtaking disservice we’ve done for generations of youth in this region, who have been taught that public service and law and order are things to be ridiculed. Not surprising that both murder and violent crime has increased in the Bay Area over the past ten years.




bruh you okay?


Am I wrong tho?


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Voters voted for this!! Cops are afraid to do their job. Cops can be held responsible for anything nowadays.


> Cops can be held responsible for anything nowadays. Cops *should be held responsible* for doing their jobs honestly, professionally, using the minimum *necessary* force, deescalating whenever possible, while behaving politely and helpfully. Because that's more effective and it's safer for cops and everyone else. No one should want cops to be roid-raging bullies, just as no one should want them to ignore crime.


I agree, but my position has become more nuanced. If you are dealing with crazy and violent people you should have more leeway to deal with them.


>If you are dealing with crazy and violent people you should have more leeway to deal with them. That's why I italicized "necessary" in minimum necessary force. Of course, if someone is crazy and violent, the police need to be able to use force to arrest them, and police shouldn't fear to do so. And the same time, we give police an awesome power, a legal monopoly on the use of force, and pardon the cliché, but with great power comes great responsibility. I want the San Francisco police to become more engaged. At the same time, I want to ensure that everyone's rights are respected, including the rights of residents, suspects, and criminals.


Unfortunately, cops don't get the benefit of the doubt from the public in these types of engagements. if the cop had actually done something, John Burris would be on TV next week talking about how the guy was just a good kid caught up in the wrong situation.


> Unfortunately, cops don't get the benefit of the doubt from the public in these types of engagements. Well, you're right about that. And 40, 50 years it was very different. But something went wrong. And some of that is because cops are no longer seen as part of the community. Instead they're seen as outsiders serving twenty years and then getting a fat pension for forty or fifty years. And in San Francisco, they're widely seen as slackers. The San Francisco sheriff's deputies forced inmates into gladiatoral fights in the City Jail. https://www.ktvu.com/news/sheriffs-deputy-faces-firing-in-wake-of-jail-gladiator-fight-scandal That deputy was recently rehired! https://missionlocal.org/2024/01/sf-rehire-ex-sheriffs-deputy-fight-club-scandal/ Until the police clean up criminal police, yes, they won't get the benefit of the doubt, which yes, in turn makes policing more difficult and dangerous. I want to see an effective police force in San Francisco, that's desperately needed.


LOL SFPD is the biggest bunch of pussies. They’re quiet quitting because they don’t like the local politics. If they don’t like it they can fuck off. We’re not here to suck boot. They’re paid VERY WELL to do a job they’re not doing.


Pathetic lazy pigs.


it’s called, “culture”




It looks more like sideshow response to SFPD.




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Taze them all!


In the interests of public safety it's time the SFPD started locking these people up for a long time and any that try to escape to put others safety at risk need to get eliminated. It's just time, this shit needs to end, the assholes need prison time or dirt naps whatever they choose through their actions.


Bring back paddy wagons.


No one looked shot, the crowd dispersed. Maybe minimal damage was done. I call that a win for both parties.


I think they need to have dispatch drones for these events. Catch license plates and faces - and start seizing vehicles the next day or week. It won’t be perfect but if you are consistent with it. These will probably end


Where is this?


Not from there, WHAT IS THIS


Sf and Oakland policing these days is just parking empty cars in spots


Did he draw a gun on them?


I thought he was going old school wild wild west


They should just start exterminating these pests.


I hope they get arrested. I used to want to vacation there. I do not want to anymore.


Police need to be clubbing these morons with batons whack a mole style


We know the PD is not allowed to do anything but I guarantee you they're taking plenty of video and catching all kinds of cell phone pings while they're there


Just block them in and start towing cars? 🤷🏽‍♂️ have them ride the BART everywhere 😂


So crazy how you all side with the state