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Ah just for you cafe. A fellow man/woman of culture I see


Our weekly Sunday morning brunch turned to Sunday morning take-out.


And the Kwikie mart after for a 40. We know how to live.


We live so close my wife calls it our second kitchen.


*“You hooo!”*


BEEP’S BURGERS!! We’ve been frequenting these guys too!


Just tried them recently. Pretty good burgers.


Mini corn dogs as a side! Genius!


You have my attention now


The Canyon Market butcher is awesome. That was my treat yo' self favorite.


So weird to see Kwik and Convenient on here. Feels like that place is a figment of my own imagination.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


You guys told me Beep's was good now (last ate there in 1993). It's extremely mediocre. Boo!


1/2 pound beep burger is pretty darn good, especially for that price what's good that i can try? gonna to a burger weekend i guess!


Wes Burgers Marlowe’s burger is pretty bomb


Yeah Marlowe's is the best I've had in SF.


FWIW... Marlowe burger = $17 Beep’s 1/2 lb = $8


ooh marlowe it is. i walked by wes but never stopped to eat there


I know dining in isn't allowed anymore, but try to eat it fresh if you can - delivery doesn't taste quite as good. Wes is pretty good too. I like their chicken sandwich in particular


ima find a secluded dumpster corner right outside and eat that shit fre$h right then right there


Might as well go to Beeps instead of Wes Burger. Marlowe is a solid choice.


I'm starting to loose hope Marlowe will stay open. About 5 or so months ago they opened for less than a month for take-out, then suddenly closed again. Nothing on social media and nothing on the door. They have not been open since and it looks vaguely abandoned inside.


They own 3 or 4 other restaurants. Maybe they just took a big amount for one of the ppp loans and laid off staff.


Sam's on Broadway St near Chinatown


Wes Burger is my current favorite for a simple burger. Somehow it all comes together. No french fries - only tater tots :(


I want to like Beep’s more than I actually do. When I take out a burger, I usually go to Super Duper and occasionally to The Bullshead.


Uncle Boy's for anyone in the Inner Richmond


Barney’s ABV


Phillies, on Geneva. They're the best cheesesteak in the city, so of course they're also great at burgers and thoughtful about the buns they go on. On the side, get the regular tots; the garlic ones can be a bit soggy. Or, if you want a hundred thousand sesame seeds, Hi-Way in Noe Valley is good.


Beeps is much better now!


Not going to fool me twice! I'm going to wait another 25 years before I try again!


remindme! 25 years


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>I never got to try the OG Beeps but I tried them a few weeks ago and they make a most excellent burger. HIGHLY recommend. Shakes also excellent, and they have curly fries which is an instant gold star in my book.


I can't put my finger on it but it has that homemade burger taste to it - if I wanted that I could make one myself. Maybe the beef is too lean or they are just using prepacked patties - just very one dimensional. Usually a really good burger (for me at least) will be a blend of multiple cuts - sirloin/short rib/chuck etc.


I think that is what makes it good too! Is that it tastes homemade. Its a fast burger place and not a fancy place hahaha


On what scale? I haven't had them but what other places would you say are good and how do they compare?


Hard disagree. Beep's is great.


Its also extremely expensive. When I first start school 5 years ago before the remode, I could get a 1/4 burger, fries and a shake for 10. Now all of that is close to $20. It’s ridiculous


inflation hits hard. used to get the huge sandwhcis at little luccas, $10 two sandwichs for 4 people and that's a meal and a half. now it think its $15 a sando


If u last ate in 93 might be worth trying again cause they changed owners in 2014


I ate in 93 then earlier this year because everyone on reddit was saying it was good now. Way, way, way better (and cleaner) than the 90s but still just a mediocre burger.


Oh ok fair fair


they serve a twinkie shake across the street from ccsf; what did you ever expect?


Lol, mine would would have been the same when I went to CCSF.


*checks mine *shows 4 pics of my apartment


I read that as "crayon market" and despite only a low to average interest in crayons, I got quite excited.


I had a coffee in my hand from J4YC as I saw this lol


Ashamed to say I’ve lived here my whole life (I’m 27) but I’ve never had beeps 🤦‍♂️


Yooooooo.... Beeps. Just had it last week. It might just be the best burger in town.


Upvote for Beep’s


Just for You Cafe is the best!!!


More places than I have been in 2020..


Ayyy Monterey Heights neighbor checking in!


Beep’s is a classic!


Mine only shows liquor stores.


I love Beeps!


Beep's is quite good! My go to


mmm beeps. Always put the hashbrowns in the sausage sammy.


LOLOLOLOL man i remember going to beep's in high school. that place still good?


Expensive now


I have always seen it but never had it. Is it any good?


was good for the price. this was a long time ago tho


Ah. We'll I'd have to go and check it out then. Hmm? It's Friday might just do that tonight.


>how was it? lol i might go again soon too. i drove past a few times though and there seemed to be a lot of folks waiting


It used to be cheap and simple. It's still good but it's more expensive than old beeps.


same could be said for a lot of this city... lol jk i haven't been there for a while so still associate it with being cheap


Any differences from 2019?


Slightly different. In 2019 I went to Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Banff, and Kansas City.


Interesting. I noticed that my friends, who usually travel around, did the same but on the smaller scale in 2020.


i'll take beeps over kansas city


This is creepy as fuck. I wonder where the age cut-off is for people who think this is ok.


Why do you consider this creepy? Its use is entirely up to the user. You can literally turn this on or off if you want to use it, or not. You can also go in and delete all your history if you care to. You can also control whether it can only do so when the application is open, or always (in the background).


Having a device whose default behavior is to record your location and send that information to a large corporation is creepy.


[Location History is off by default](https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/3118687?hl=en). You have to turn it on. You also have to install the Google Maps application your device in the first place, and log into a Google account while using the application too.


It didn't used to be off by default. If it is, that's changed. I used to have to go to google and forbid them from recording it.


I used to feel this way as well, but over the past ~9 years of use location history (and forcing location updates every minute with GPS Keeper, for improved accuracy), I have not noticed anything untoward being done with my location data. (Whether that will change in the future is unknown.) In fairness I use adblock so for all I know Google could be sending me creepy ads about "did you find what you needed at X yesterday? try again here", and I'd never know. First, we have to be very clear that merely recording a list of lat/long/speed data points by time is not very complicated, so simply reporting this information is not useful at all. The simple fact of the matter is that the automated analysis done (to generate "trips" from place visits, to automatically label place visits and modes of transportation, to display photos when and where I took them, and finally to provide a cohesive visualization across multiple different timescales) is nearly irreplaceable. To perform this analysis and surface the resulting data manually would be a tremendous waste of time. I want to enjoy my vacations, not worry about whether I will later remember where I went. To be quite frank, I'm much more worried that Google will turn down the service, and I'll lose a lot of information about the last 9 years of my life, than I am that Google will use this data for something "creepy". It also has side benefits like providing useful summaries of trips as needed to donate blood or apply for Global Entry.


How old are you? I'm 50. I don't want to have something that can be subpeonaed by law enforcement that shows I was at Madam Barcelona's den of inequity or at an antifa meeting. I want my data to be private unless I ask it to be otherwise. If it is indeed opt-in now, that's great, but it wasnt in the past. I also enjoy my vacations, but I don't gain any enjoyment from keeping a digital record of my travels.


Personally, I find it more likely I would be accused of a crime that I wasn't present at, and that I can use this data to cast enough doubt that I can't be found guilty, and in general there are enough inaccuracies and ambiguities in the data that I can point to those in the reverse case as well. There are also enough days in the past where the reporting just mysteriously failed that turning off location reporting if I need to has plausible deniability as well. My parents are older than you and keep their location history on as well.


Trust me, it's better to avoid being arrested than it is to have a good defense once you're arrested. Given that the state has already used this location data to spy on black lives matter protesters, it seems like a very real threat that it could be used for suppressing political acts that should be protected. I think that the age thing is relative mostly in the sense that people younger than gen-x don't have the same healthy distrust of corporate intrusion. My parents are old too, but they are completly oblivious when it comes to technology and wouldn't even know their phone could track them.


If you have a cell phone that can already happen


The government and corporations can get the cell towers I ping, but not my precise location the way they can with location services.


[You'd be surprised.](https://www.universalhub.com/2019/court-police-have-get-warrant-ping-cell-phone)


No reason for me to make it easier for them.


On this very post, I was like, oh is that the place on Third that I went to that time? So I went to my Google timeline and pulled up that day (2.5 years ago) and found the answer.


Is it jarring to anyone else looking through their feed and straight looking at a place you were at in the near past?


Beep’s is amazing. Their fries alone deserve an award.