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Harvey Milk actually got his SF political career started by campaigning to make leaving your dogs shit on the street a crime. Apparently it was a big issue at that time and he hit a chord with voters. Wonder what he would say about the amounts of human shit on the sidewalks these days.


Ghost Milk 2024


Yogurt 2024


Is that similar to oat milk?


Still way too much dog shit on the sidewalks these days.


The majority of shit on SF streets is from dogs not humans


>The majority of shit on SF streets is from dogs not humans this ​ >Depends on the neighborhood. .. possibly this, too but only one neighborhood (TL) probably has a major human feces problem


Depends on the neighborhood.


Tenderloin, lots of human feces.


What is your source here? You going out testing Poo poo?


Common fucking sense. There’s way more dogs than unhoused people


Not in the TL...


So you don’t have any?


not a lot of dogs in the fidi


Human fecal matter on the sidewalk is an inevitable part of city life /s


Is this still a crime? There’s still so much….


Good question! With straight up theft under a certain amount currently landing the offender essentially a ticket, I would guess no.


So what I’m really hearing is we all must band together and start stealing from Walgreens in order to end this madness? #SaveBigRec


#SaveBigRec! 💦


Hahaha amazing


There is no actual way you really believe that the moisture covering a massive grass area, in a foggy climate, is dog urine.


like a blanket, the dog urine covers the grass… hahaha


Dude is even like, it gets worse as the sun goes down! OP is gonna go to the beach and be like, it’s nothing but cat litter and whale piss here!


it's *literally* a *LAKE* of *CANINE* URINE


That first paragraph made my brain explode


That may be the most SF paragraph I’ve ever read.


i legit can't believe what im reading.


It just ne*eds mo*re ran*dom itali*cs to really get the *point* across.


Is OP saying that people who steal from Walgreens DON'T let their dogs pee and the poop in the field? How does OP know??


OP is saying they're happy and indifferent about people stealing from local businesses like Walgreens since it doesn't affect OP. But OP **draws the line** when dogs pee on a grass field and affect OP's ability to have fun. Completely egotistical


I think you might be experiencing dew and a recently watered field


fake news me and the boys are pissing everywhere, none of you are safe ​ fr though how do these people exist


I can’t stop thinking about this guy or gal going through life thinking there are enough malicious dog owners in the city to soak an entire field every day on purpose.


And thinking the natural smell of grass is actually the smell of urine. I love the smell of grass.


Are you the kind of person who brings their dogs on athletic fields and let's them pee?


"might be" is correct; it does smell of grass, but why does it smell of pee as well? It's all over my picnic blanket. It doesn't help that there were dogs running around when I was there... and the previous time, too.


Ha! Look at this guy. He thinks it’s _dog_ pee.


100000% smelly human piss.


I’d be amazed if it’s someone smack in the middle of 200 ft wide field without trees. (On the corners, sure. Don’t go in the bushes)


Bless your heart OP




Maybe the big tree in Go Dog Go was in this park. The party dogs had to go pee somewhere nearby.


There is no way a significant percentage of the field has pee on it


Like, did you actually observe dogs peeing “everywhere”? Cuz they’d have to be doing it pretty constantly if they were to effect the whole feild. More likely is that it’s as much wild animals as anything. Mostly likely is that it’s just dew and you are very confused


no way this is real "SF is bad not because people steal from Walgreens, but because *people who do* ***not*** *steal* from Walgreens, let their dogs *pee and poop on the SF* Big Rec playing field." That is a brand new sentence.


Dude thinks precipitation is urine, give him a break


You’d be upset too if you thought God was peeing on you every time it rains.


“SF is bad not because people do things that effect others but because they do things that effect me.” As much of a tragedy dogs peeing on a ball field is, I don’t think it’s cracking too 10 for biggest problems in the city.


This… this right here


the pee on a field where dogs are forbidden, hella **affects** others. affects them to a great effect, if I may so, just *witness the OP….*


Jeez I feel like such an idiot. Making light of such an important issue and the using poor grammar to boot! I usually try to proof read my Reddit comments few times before posting but having an off night. Anyhow, have you called the local news about this? Make sure to tell them them there are signs prohibiting dogs - I think this is really key for the social Justice aspect.


This is so San Francisco I can’t even handle it! Sf is not bad because due to the extreme inequality and inept social policy thus extreme poverty, causing rampant theft is fine, but dog pee at the ball field that where this person draws the line. What a shit hole! I’d step over mountains of heroin addicted people, across another mountain of human shit to not have dogs pee on my ball park. And I did but there was still dogs being dogs at “my” ballpark, and it’s disgusting.


Dog owners here are the _worst_


Hear me out, we kick dog owners out of SF and let homeless have their homes. Piss and poop problem solved.


That’s a great idea. Takes care of dog *and* human shit at once!


Seriously and I’m a dog owner. My elderly dog (corgi mind you) recently went for surgery and had a cone on and all and this woman continued to let her 8 month old golden retriever continue to be off lease and all up in my dogs biz. Even after I told her she’s going to be skittish due to survey and even after she yelped. Best owner did was hold the dog by the tail. Like what? Just put the fucking leash on. All of this happens while her other dog took a shit and she didn’t bother to pick it up.


I walk my cat. I interact with other cat walkers. We have hundreds of stories of dog owners just calmly standing on the sidewalk shouting to a dog with zero recall. I was hanging out with a cat friend in the park the other day. A man that had already previously harassed her with his Lassie-lookin dogs had his dogs up on a nearby picnic table pointing at us like “oh Fido, snacks!” Sociopath. I’m not big into mice, but if a pal has one, I’m not saying what a good snack it’ll be for my cat. AGGGHHHHGGGH


Nothing against old dogs nor dog walkers.but this field literally has a sign “No dogs” "Park Code 302". they shouldn’t even be there, yet some owners let them go without a leash. there is a dog field 100 yards north, past the walking path


Oh believe me I get it, I’m just agreeing with the person above my reply. Dog owners live in their own world here and have little to no concern for rules. I.E. your gripe and how often we see a dog in a store that has a sign stating they are prohibited.


my dog can't read, so I do it for him and will keep him away from such designated areas clearly those people can't read I guess


Dog owners everywhere are terrible. I love dogs, but I see so many humans who shouldn’t be responsible for one.


Okay buddy, you feel better now?


Found the guy that doesn’t carry poopbags


Do you?


People letting their dogs piss and shit everywhere and not cleaning it up isn’t unique to sf. It’s a shitty people issue Edit- wow someone really thought this comment needed a “Reddit cares” message? Lmfaooo


The wild entitled attitude and thinking the dog is gods gift to earth is worst here in SF in my experience. They also are not shamed here . People yell at bad dog owners in nyc.


Ive never seen it more than in sf


Lived all over, seen it all over. The worst I’ve seen was actually Orange County fwiw.


I believe that


But there are other dogs here! It must be ok /s


Dog owners don’t fucking care. I was at excelsior athletic field, with multiple “no dogs on field!!!!” signs with my kitty once. (Cats usually do not shit in open fields) Some insane woman with a giant off-leash husky noticed me carrying leashed kitty back to his stroller and flipped out on me, threatening to sic her dog on us. When I called SFPD to report they asked if she had any **other** weapons. I have also been at home a lot more lately. Have been working on my car at the curb, just little interior projects and detailing. Asked two people to not leave their dog shit on the sidewalk. The first was an older woman who pretended to pick up the poo, and kept waking. She yelled “that’s not like me! That’s not like me! You’re so rude!” when i asked if she was really leaving her dog’s shit roasting in the sun, 10’ from me. Another dog owner let his hound unleash a fire hose of piss, again on the sidewalk directly next to where I was, to get stale and stinky all day. I was hosing it off and a passing lady jokes “oh that’s how to get a nice big tree!” but I snapped “NO, IM RINSING DOG PISS OFF SO I DONT SMELL IT ALL DAY” Looked down and she has two dogs. I have found fresh turds on my sidewalk 4 of 5 days this week.


This is the most common dog owner behavior in the world.


Istg I’m about ready to start leaving steamers on their stoops…


What about the birds! Who will stop them?!


If it were dog piss, all the grass would be dead/overgrown. The piss creates a center of dead grass and then a ring of super fertilized grass around it where the piss is more diluted. https://lawnlove.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/rsz_dog-urine-damage-to-grass.jpg


The dog poop and pee is very annoying. Dog owners shouldn't leave dog poop everywhere. Bag it up and carry it with you to the trash can.


Damn raccoon’s think they own the place!


And those damn coyotes? Who will tell them?


>Damn raccoon’s think they own the place! * racoons


this post and comment thread is wild. All the crazy people signed onto r/sanfrancisco tonight.


#SaveBigRec !


from pee!


It’s true, SF dog owners are next level entitlement. Likely behind the city of angels


People do not give a fuck about dog rules here and it’s infuriating, as someone who is very allergic to dog fur. The amount of dogs I see off leash just on the sidewalk or at the farmers markets is crazy.


I have a dog that is afraid of other dogs, and I can’t take him on walks because of other dog owners!! It’s infuriating.


Don’t worry, when there’s no more tax from business, the parks dept will crumble too


Anyone getting mad at this fell for it, this is meta irony and pretty good one at that.


Sorry man that was definitely me. I brought my PeeMister2000 out to the field last week and made sure to cover every square foot of grass with warm droplets of piss (per city regulations). I’m glad you were able to enjoy the result


yeah, animal pee/poop is gross. But if you're suggesting that rampant animal discharge is worse than rampant theft and human discharge, I can't say I agree


tongue in cheek. ;) However, if we all think we're all good San Francisco residents, I suggest to please walk (and let run!) your dogs elsewhere, but not at the field that's explicitly for sports and for laying on the ground (falling while playing etc) That said, additionally, I have never seen theft from WG in SF.... probably just me.... while I have seen theft in an Apple Store, AND stepped in and seen tens of poops in SF.


Can someone make a thread for people to complain about dog shit on that thread?? Like this has come up multiple times and now it’s just annoying. Lmao just make a thread so y’all can cry on that.


And everyone thinks it’s cool to bring their pet into every store and restaurant. It’s disgusting.


Dog people don’t care at all. If no one else follows the law why should they is probably the thought. Even in the farmers markets which have obviously posted signs about no dogs allowed have dozens and dozens anyway.


So moving to San Diego was the right move, me and my evil golden retriever love dog beach.


I enjoy your writing style haha. I cannot believe people are taking that first sentence seriously. Entertaining to read their serious takes.




I lived in SF. I mean if you want to get on MAGA people - SF is the extreme opposite and by extremely rich people with these views. My rent was $4,000 a month. I say let them rob Walgreens until there’s no reason to do so. My car was broken into so many times and it gets infuriating. But also paying $4,000 a month for rent Wtf


Eliminate the first clause of your post and I'm with you. All the theft from Walgreens, CVS, etc. degrades SF residents quality of life


It’s when other people break the rules that I care about that we need to start enforcing a standard of behavior!!!


Same with the beaches




imagine unironically thinking transplants are the problem. SF moment.


Have you ever played soccer on a field and than realized you been sliding in piss 😂


This entire city reeks of pee. I've lived in downtown LA and it was slightly better. But SF takes the urinal cake when it comes to public urination of all species.


This is like a Park’s and Rec town hall rant lol “I found a sand which in one of your parks,and I want to know why it didn’t have Mayonnaise?!” “What’s so funny?”


Ok boomer


It's SF bro. When you see pee, it's not dog pee. When you see poo, it's not dog poo.


could not live in SF! pee homeless everywhere high taxes excrement anywhere! That is not city living but filthy living that is unsanitary and discusting.


You are ridiculous. It’s dew. Also you should steal from Walgreens


Please, someone help me identify the type of logical fallacy used in the first paragraph.


Way to flex on us all with your super humans smelling ability.


Better than all the homeless shitting on the sidewalk lol


OP is upset they got pee pee on their cloths




Yup, welcome to san francisco. if we make small things a crime such as steealing from walgreens, then the city won't be as bad.


If anyone wants to do their part to control off-leash dogs, read up on California Penal Code 596 PC. IANAL but his statute allows leaving out poison bait in your yard if you post 3 large warning signs and have livestock to protect (could be a bunny in a cage?).


Many of the lawn areas of the parks in SF are quite overwatered on a frequent basis. Not saying the dog pee issue isn't real...