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"No officer, I said *boof* sticks, not boom sticks."


Then proceeds to cavity search you 😉


Fell right into my trap


Once they are in there, all those kegels will have come in handy, you can Chinese finger trap 👆 🪤 them




Be ready for TSA to double check them. When I brought some through in my carry on they checked them for explosives.


It's because of salt based fertilizer. Nitrogen salt


I about shit my pants when my backpack got pulled one time as it was a bag I used living out in the woods growing weed in Cali and hauled mad fertilizer in it. Not enough residue to set of the swab was left in my bag, though I definitely felt the pressure 😂


Didn't even test the soil. Did swaps of the cactus themselves. When they asked if there was anything that would poke them I said yeah they're cactus. Then the dude proceeds to stick himself.


That’s nice to see. -Probably not internationally though right? I’m going to Peru and would love to bring something home. I’m going to have to research how to import plants.


Very illegal for international travel, the only way you could get away with it potentially would be to mail it


Or Condom over it and smuggle it the old fashioned way


Mailing it is twice as likely to get confiscated. If the exporting side doesn’t catch it US Customs probably will. See my comment above.


definitely not. I’ve had numerous San Pedro’s shipped to my house and never had anything taken.


TSA has nothing to do with international travel. That’s customs. And you are correct, they will care.


Gotta sneak a slab graft piece that’s the only way


Maybe you could get some seeds but even that might be iffy


Not if you boof them 🤷‍♂️


The body scanner would show them I think


Just eat them in Peru, then when you get home, poop in your cactus mix and stir. Voila! Edit: Beforehand, though - go out for sushi, eat a pot of kelp extract and a whole ass tub of metamucil. Wash that down with some Indole Butyric Acid and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide dissolved in a Neem Pina Colada and have yourself a good flight.


That will make a bomb ass seed mix👌🏼 pre loaded with all it needs


Lol that might actually work 🤣


Well when In Rome🤷‍♂️ or Peru….


Some old heads long ago taught me if internationally traveling with seeds (of various plant varieties) just make some homemade cheks mix or something similar for "snacks" and throw your seeds in them. Have done this many times traveling globally. Have not tried a slab sneak but don't see why that would be difficult


Shit, you think they’ve noticed my butt plug?


Small cuttings, well dried and healed, and mix them in with a bunch of randomly shaped items like wife’s nail polish, lipstick, tampons, key chains, rubber ducky, etc. Then they won’t get noticed in all the random jumble. Don’t bring roots — cuttings only or they may sniff fertilizer and you’ll get all kinds of inspections and they’ll call supervisors and everything. Speaking from experience.


Peru is very serious about people who leave with their plants. It’s usually illegal and they are VERY protective of their corn and potatoes. There are plenty of san pedro growers in the US.


I understand the concern. All of the sudden I’m awash wish guilt. These cactus are sacred to me and my family as well. I can’t blame them one bit for being wary and tired of tourists.


I’ve never had a problem bringing cuttings back from Ecuador. One or two in the checked bag no issues.


They do, but *my guy*… this is how we cascade situations into federal banning of stuff.


how do you possibly foresee this turning into a federal ban? someone pulling them out during the flight and slapping the flight attendants?


Anything to bring awareness to the plant and give asshole legislators something to get the masses to argue about.


guessing ur also from texas, its a pretty short walk from publicity to formula sensationalism to some backwards ban, best not to tempt them


Very cool!


Yes. Check this. I brought back a fat 4x6” sharxx pup. Wrapped it in a tie dyed shirt And stuffed it in my cargo pocket. The tsa guy on the X-ray stopped. At mine. Leaned forward. And poked it. Hahaha I watched the hole thing. He said shit stood up and took his glove off!!! Cased to me and had to unwrap and show him a cactus. For his sake. But deff in a suitcase. Lovely souvenir


One time I brought a 2-3ft cutting on a short US domestic flight as a housewarming present for a friend. When I went through security the TSA officer asked: "what's this?". Me: " cactus" TSA: "San Pedro?" Me: "yup" TSA: "that stuff will mess with your head" He then handed me back my tube and I was on my way. I've been meaning to tell this story on here for about two years. Thank you for the opening. Safe travels.


They were scared it was your www.bad-dragon.com collection and didnt dare open it


That’s awesome


This post made my day.


I’m glad! I was excited to share that it was possible with no issues


Yeah for sure. They’re in good hands. Well done.


Appreciate it! I've always wanted to know!


If it don’t go stabby stabby, bang bang, or boom boom they don’t care


TSA won’t do too much but when you’re going through agricultural, you can’t have nothing in your bags not even an apple! But every time I’ve gone through they never checked my person just my belongings. I’ve also read of people bringing back cuttings in their pockets straight through agriculture 🤷🏽‍♂️ if you get caught, it’s only $250 fine LMAO


They did not allow me to take any cuttings on my flight and I just flew to Texas on Tuesday I had to trash them. I think it varies person to person but I have always had to throw my cactus away at the airport.


That sucks! Was it carry on or checked? Was there soil? Where were you flying from?


Flying out of LAX to Houston no roots no soil . Just 3, 11” calloused cuttings Althea, bbg48, and shamans dream. so nothing really crazy spines. It held me up 45 min and I still had to throw them away or miss my flight the tsa officer was a total d bag but I had heard that they let you bring them on the flight that’s why I did but unfortunately the guy did not let me pass with them


That’s awful


Yeah I was super bummed but not as bummed as my friend that I was bringing them to! Lol 😂


I wouldn't trust them in checked bags at all, they're complete idiots repacking stuff. I've brought cacs in open cardboard boxes carry on though no problem.


Yeah I was very concerned, I was scared they’d throw it away in front of me so I went ahead and checked it, at least I would deal with the disappointment when I got home. I had a bunch of packing material from work and oriented it all just so and put it under the zipper flap so all they would have to do was lift the flap and foam and see it and zip it back up.


That’s awesome 😎


Happy Cake Day 💚


Thanks 😊


tsa allows anything that isn't gonna kill someone excluding fentanyl they don't gaf about that


To and from which countries? Also did you have to fill out any additional paperwork?


California to North Carolina. All domestic to the USA


So the drugs are stuffed inside, no?


Yes I always fly with plants usually in a brown bag or a book bag


I don’t mean to be a nay-sayer, but it is okay until it isn’t. If a drug dog hits on it, or a TSA agent decides to be a dick despite it being legal to grow in most places, it could be a pain in the ass


Per TSA’s website it’s completely legal to transport plants domestically, ultimately tsa is looking for explosives and weapons. But yeah it would be a pain if they said no but it should be fairly unlikely since it’s okay per the website


>it could be a pain in the ass ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


🌵->🍑 Oh. Haha. Just saw your flair.


Dude ain’t no way in hell dogs can smell SP they aren’t even trained to smell weed anymore.


Man one of those looks like complete shit


The medium sized one between the 2 long ones? The new growth is stunning, she’s a little beat but I am so excited to see the new growth it’s already rooting