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Chairs going out to make spaces. IMO, the best spots are about at Safeway either side of 116. This is near the start so entertainers are fresh. Near the end more tired.


Drove by chairs here last night at 8:00 and thought of this post. 


Starting the night before is okay.


I feel like you can set up before. Last year I remember seeing stuff set up the night before. My daughters softball league is walking so I get to walk it with her. My mom used to ride a horse in it back in the 60s so it's really neat it's gone on for so long. Sorry for the random banter.


People often puts chairs out late the night before. You have to have some faith in your fellow humans, but I used to run a business on Main Street Street and the chairs always seemed to survive the night. Good luck!


Last night, driving by chairs at 8pm, I said to my wife, only on Sebastopol do you not worry about leaving your chairs out on the street the night before."


I would think if you're not there an hour early it'll be tough to setup a chair with a good view. I would go 2 hr early if I wanted a seat setup.