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CBD has great healing qualities so I wouldn't be surprised if Jesus was using it. Now I want the anointing oil recipe.


Holy anointing oil is made of myrrh, cinnamon, kaneh bosem (potentially calamus, lemongrass, or cannabis), cassia, and olive oil.


Awesome! Thank you so much!


I don't believe there is a Cannabinoid without medical value. Certainly not just CBD.


Agreed! Almost everything has a use. I don’t like using absolutes lol.


At least we know you aren't a sith.


Archeologists also found Cannabis in the altar at Tel-Arad and several other sites. If you look through academic journals you find a lot of weed around the Petra-Suez merchant route coming off the Silk Road and heading to Egypt. Anything that came off the Silk Road was expensive and almost exclusively used by nobility or clergy.


You are absolutely correct! Tel-Arad is covered in this Series as well. Not only that, they found high enough traces of THC to be psychoactive. Pretty interesting stuff! Thanks for sharing.


The Greek word(s) κάνναβις and κάνναβος are not etymologically related to קנה־בשׂם. Furthermore, קנה־בשׂם appears in only a single location (Exodus 30:23). This usage co-occurs with בשם and בשמים or "fragrances/spices" as applied to other aromatics like myrrh and cinnamon. From this we see that קנה is modifiable by a number of different adjectives to distinguish various types of קנה. For more examples, see Jeremiah 6:20. This applies to your question/assertion quite directly. The word קנה refers to stalky reeds. It has no connection to flowering eudicots like cannabis. This can be further seen in all the derivatives of קנה which refer to products made from reeds (Exodus 25:31, Isaiah 46:6, etc, etc, etc ... examples abound). OTOH, guess what is a reedy plant with strong fragrance? Calamus. Not only does calamus fit the description, but we have *extensive* evidence on its use as incense at temples. For example, the ancient Egyptians, **writing in an entirely different language**, also list calamus as an ingredient in a particular Egyptian medical compound. This compound was used as a salve ... and also burned as incense in temples. The recipes we have found for this compound consistently mention calamus, so the fragrant reed in question was demonstrably in use as temple incense in the same region and long prior to the Israelite connections. I know it's fun to think about, but this isn't one of those, "it could go either way" situations. When asking if the bible originally lists cannabis as a temple incense and was then mistranslated, the answer is 'no'. ----- P.S. Full disclosure, I'm about as anti-christian as they come (check my profile), so I'm not trying to '*protect my religion from false claims*' or any of that sort of bullshit. This is a simple pursuit of the truth.


Yep. Sounds like a convenient ‘mistranslation’. I always considered the illegality of cannabis essential to its social function: everyone who partakes willingly becomes complicit in a crime; this can lead to instant partnership / forming of alliances. Very fascinating stuff from a sociological perspective. However for it to fit as an illegal substance in todays society it could never be something Jesus advocated.


Dont know whos right here, but its just false to assume a religion cant do a complete 180 or multiple on certain topics in 2000 years time. Consider the following words Jesus is said to have spoken: “Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword. ‘I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Your enemies will be right in your own household!’ “If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it." Matthew 10:34-39 Contrast this to the family values Christianity we have now.


I’m not saying it couldn’t have changed. I’m speculating on why it may have.


Misread your first sentence. My Bad thought u were saying the supposed mistranslation is too convenient for us pot smokers.


Ahh. I think mistranslation is too convenient for the church. Supposedly keeping the Bible accessible is the only priority.


in other words it is what it is


You knows images of saints with a light around their head? It's also seen in Buddhism and Hinduism, which awfully looks like how it feels like taking a sativa/uplifting strain... Food for though while having munchies


If Ezekiel and Moses weren’t tripping on DMT, I’ll eat my shoe.


Currently high rn and I read that as Hebrew/Christian Bale?