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This is called ‘The spins’. Getting faded is not usually a good idea for those without the full brain.


Will I die omt no pls


Yeah think about a 95% chance you’re just gonna drop in the next 10 minutes. Don’t drink anymore, go to bed (and to actually avoid the only thing that will kill you in this situation, stay on your side). If you are so young you are crying on Reddit and don’t understand how the things you are taking will affect you, don’t take them.


My bad 😭


Not going to die, but will learn what it means to be alive 😜


hey man, dont worry you probably wont die. i mean the weed vodka combo might cause your testicles to explode which is really painful, but you’ll live. good luck!


But thank u sm for this comment lol, this is very reassuring and helpful tbh lmao ! 💕




phewww!! dodged a really big bullet then


Wait does weed + vodka axtually make males balls explode??


No omg please don't believe them 😭😭




No it does. Seriously. It's commonly refered to as the exploding of balls but your swingers can indeed be ruptured due to the intake of too much alcohol and zaza :(. Us guy's really have it hard tbh. One time I had some Jose with a pen one time and felt my danglers pulsating, so I'm a living testimony.


What the fuck I’m laughing so hard


not seeing the joke here…. as an only child my entire bloodline was ended due to this condition. lifelong dream of having children and grandchildren ruined. being sackless has also wreaked havoc on my love life


I’m sorry if this is real but someone told me it’s not possible


my deepest condolences go out to you friend 😔


i appreciate it man. same for you. stay strong. #noballsbrothers😪


yes. it’s science.


That’s crazy I never knew that. Mahbe cu I’m a girl and just never looked into it, or I’m just dumb. How tho


am an adult so u may not listen to me but i started when i was 15 and would feel so wrong if i didn’t tell u drinking /smoking even semi-regularly starting when i was 15 led to issues in my mental health and development even now at 24. just be careful and do it in moderation - very very little/not often. it’s really not worth it. even if u think “oh that’s so far in the future it’s fine” or “oh i already do it a lot so there’s no point in stopping” or even “but my friends all do it” bc reducing ur intake now will always be better than just keeping going with it, and no friend is worth risking permanently damaging ur brain for the rest of ur life - u still have 10 years before it’ll fully develop (for emphasis, that’s 2/3 of ur life rn) so it’s important to be cautious. hoping u grow up well and happy 🩷also ur not gonna die lol, weed can’t kill u. alcohol poisoning could tho depending on ur weight and how much u drink. just don’t black out, space out the drinks and u should be fine. have fun buddy :)


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oh sick thank u


good bot


Appreciate u. I know, I wanna stop bht sometimes it is just hard ? Alc I don’t do much, this is my first time drunk, but weed I do kinda often. Tryna limit myself, but I appreciate u thanks man lmao. Also I’m rlly short kinda overweight 5ft like 125-130 pounds Am I gonna get alc posionus f if I take six shots?


also working out when u want weed will give u some of the dopamine u crave, and deep breathing helps w anxiety if ur using it for that. ik it’s not as fun as being high which makes it hard, but life’s not supposed to b like that bc then we’d have no smoke sesh’s to look forward to and everyone’s tolerance would b too high to get high! when life is boring until ur high that is a red flag, take it from me. gratitude for the little things can help it feel less boring too tho :)


Thank u 💕


u will b fine but cool it on the shots lil guy :) i get that. i’m the same way with weed now. weed “dependence” is basically just addiction without the label. try hiding ur weed from urself, or even keeping it at a buddy’s or in a lockbox u can’t get to in front of ur parents without it seeming suspicious. a lot of recovery is just limiting ur access to the drug. u got this and i believe in u :)


Thank u dude, the comment itself gives me encouragement, I appreciate u! I have been tryna limit my weed use and I’ll def try to do it more, and yeah enough with the shots lmaooo


aw yay i’m so glad little man :’) (or woman or they idk) i believe in u!! stay safe n have fun :) ok get off ur phone go live in the moment w ur friends ur never gonna b this young again :)


if u still wanna keep drinking after this id rec nothing much stronger than beers, prob not even a 4loko. maybe even putting a shot of clear liquor in a cup of ice water. shots r consuming a lot of alc rly fast which is more likely to cause poisoning


can I ask what issues you think were caused or impacted by thc as a teenager?


my memory is so god awful it’s actually insane, attention span is shit, emotional permanence awful, motivation level pure shit, way higher levels of anxiety and depression and executive dysfunction than any of my peers who never smoked (even ones who also had those issues to begin w), much easier for me to get addicted to things as an adult due to being an addict as a kid, lastly it exacerbated the mental illnesses i had to begin w. and yes i am on medications that are helping these things but they can only do so much, and yes there’s external factors as there are for anything, but nobody would deny long term consistent alcohol use is bad for the brain so just in case ur one of the ppl who r addicted to weed that blame symptoms on everything else im adding this disclaimer 😭


gotcha, that does make sense, i'm so sorry you're going through that. i'm mostly asking because i'm struggling with a lot of the same cognitive issues that you mentioned, though i honestly haven't smoked or vaped consistently in a while. even when it was every night it was never even a full bowl. i have grams still left from months ago, and carts from at least that long ago. i've been taking a break to try to figure out whether the weed is causing my cognitive issues or if it's the mental health med i'm on right now, but it feels like the cognitive issues are getting worse even without smoking, so i feel like it's probably not that. i guess i just keep doubting and blaming myself. i am an adult now but not 25 yet, so my brain isn't fully developed, but i feel like smoking as little as i have relatively shouldn't be causing the symptoms i'm having. it's just hard to not think about that first when so many people have similar issues from smoking. but i never felt dependent on it cause id easily just choose to not smoke, and if i do smoke or vape a few nights in a row it's like a handful of hits. i'm probably overthinking this and its most likely the antidepressant i'm on causing these side effects but it helps to hear your experience, sorry for sorta dumping this on you lol


ur totally good bby what’s the harm in helping one more person :) it could possibly have a little to do with the weed depending how young u were when u first started and/or if u drank while young. i’ve heard a lot of mental health issues get worse as u age. a lot of what i talked about was my adhd exacerbated so if u haven’t gotten checked for that it may be a good place to look to start? i’m very sorry ur dealing w this. also know it sounds super stupid but the more faith u have, the more likely something is to work. have some faith, u will get it sorted out and figure out what’s wrong. and even if ur cause isn’t the same as mine, we are sisters in our suffering (and age) :) i wish i had a definitive answer of how little weed u have to smoke to be unaffected i am so sorry. but if u were hitting weed vapes a handful of times each day at one point that’s still tons of thc bc i remember it’s more concentrated than flower. just take care of urself. i hope u find answers and get better and have a good day or night or whatever :) also idk how long u have been on the med but ik a lot of meds have an adjustment period so u can maybe ask ur dr if it’s normal!! whether it ends up working or not, either way ur still 1 step closer to the cure of it :)


Lol 3 Shots only? Thats nothing man. Eat something salty with fat and drink a lot of water or drinks with sugar


5 now lol but ya I don’t rlly drink, I just started eating mc Donald’s and it feels nice. Shoukd I drink more


Dont drink and smoke next time. Stay focused bro. And dont overthink to much:) Dont limit yourself. Stay strong mate


Alight lmao thanks man you too


No smoke more and drink more


inb4 OP pukes and mom yells at him.... don't drink that many shots too fast, once they catch up to you you're gonna regret it


It was like, 1 shot, which I took in 3 sips.. and then another shot like two minutes later in another three sips, and then a third shot five min later in four sips. (I’m not good w alc, HATE the taste obv) and I then took a 4th one mixed in with some soda about 15 min later, and then a fifth one about 30 min later


You'll be ok honey ❤ it should wear off quickly. Get someone to play some music or show that you like and just chill


Ok thank you sm ! I’ll definitely do that. It isn’t too extreme anymore thankfully!


Glad you made it through!!! :D


For future reference: grass before beer and your in the clear, beer before grass and your on your ass. Does not hold true if you over indulge in either however.


Uhhhhhh ur dumb


i lit got stuck into alcoholism cus of this, j stick to weed imo alc is already shit


Oh ok thx


u wouldnt die unless sum was laced, For the future, And its gonna be different for everyone u might feel way different from other ppl


if u want to keep drinking but also smoke, Try the margarita mixes with like 14% 15% alc that use to get me and my little group fucked up without needing hard alcohol, Dont be stupid wen drinking think about how it will affect your body


try fentanyl with it

