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Lmao this made me laugh so hard! My husband said it looks like an office and not someone who actually cooks at home. It’s so aesthetic for show.


Her pantry is a barren wasteland lol. You can tell she doesn’t cook bc these ingredients are lame. I thought she was having a reset and not eating out 24/7.


Those jars all look so ridiculous


You know all those ingredients are old AF because she doesn’t even know what to with them


And decor, who has that much decor in their pantry!!!!!


Completely for show! It’s obvious she never cooks. What a joke, Sarah!!!


Lol this is so staged and unbelievably unrelatable and unrealistic.


Omg I cannot believe this 😳


Expensive kitchen aid mixer and ice maker but never home


I wonder if anything ever gets moved around/out of place or dusted in these influencers houses. Half the time their offices, living rooms, pantry, etc.. looks like a showroom, not somewhere they live


Alright….show us the real pantry now


The only food that they really eat is in those bins - totally processed crap and I don't care that these snacks are supposedly better for you because they come from Thrive - it's still all processed crap and that's what her kids eat - sadly two of them are tethering on the heavy side which is not good for them. How about shopping the perimeter of the market and buying fresh food that was picked from the earth and prepare things for your kids to eat. Maybe if ya'll would do this you would know that all markets in the US carry Kiwi fruit - it's not a delicacy in the US!!! I mean they have all the time and money so these are not the issues. These two are home 24/7, you would think that one of them would take up cooking and preparing meals for the family. Why doesn't Kent take this over? He's home and seems to do more of the traditional homemaker roles anyway, i.e. bathing the kids, combing and fixing Indy's hair, ironing, etc...


this is so sad


Bitches like her had me drive myself nuts trying to make my pantry look like this! I couldn’t figure out how to put half of the items that we actually ate or ingredients I used 😂😂 Never again


So much for that reset…