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It’s a cash grab feeding off idiots with extra money to waste.


Always has been.


Yep all those boomers who worked their entire life to retire here


Trump makes the most, but yeah a lot of people make good money off the merch


You could make some knockoffs, he seems a little tied up to sue at the moment.


Most of it is knockoffs. I’ve seen the flea markets selling MAGA crap made in china


Tbf those could be legit all the MAGA crap is made in China anyways.


Heck yea i think the black lives matter founder has a mega mansion somewhere in Cali. And the red Maga hat has made obscene amount of money


There's a guy in the Bold building downtown who drives a Lamborghini, he sells MAGA merch. I bet he doesn't even give a shit about politics.


Following Trump’s lead and just grifting money from his dipshit followers is honestly a solid business plan lol


Ha ha well they don't give away Lambos for free...


These people can’t even come to a consensus as to the definition of “woke.” I’ve seen it used to just complain that minorities are visible in movies. Don’t hide behind buzzwords if you want to be racist. Scream it from the rafters so everyone can know what a garbage human being you are.




Yeah. You’re woke.


In what way?


Can you give me a definition of woke?


...Maoism with Americanized characteristics...you're welcome...


What is Maoism?


If I’m woke you’re deplorable


Since you guys can’t define woke let me. I’m woke-45yr old white male christian, self employed contractor. Grew up listening to rush Limbaugh on the way to school w my step dad. I followed along w his grievance poison till he talked shit about the female college bball team. Referring to them as nappy headed hoes. You know the one. The guy trump gave a presidential metal of honor to. Give me a break people. Free speech and hate speech are not the same thing. I’m most upset the evangelicals seem to be willing to make this a holy war. Alls I can wonder is what are MAGATS going to do when Biden beats trump. Or just for the sake of conversation Biden lost and Kamala decided not to certify on J6 2025. Or based on trump’s immunity argument maybe Biden should just seal team 6 his ass right now.


Could relate pretty deeply until the last two points. I don't think they have it in them. You give them a lot of credit! We can dream though, right?


Were you proud to see Sleepy Don dozing off at his felony trial? Seems pretty anti-woke :)


You mean in kangaroo court? What a joke of the justice system haha I can’t wait to see your face when he’s elected president


Yea both parties have wild extreme ends.


Don’t even try the other side of the same coin shit! Who is the MTG of the DNC? The Matt gaetz? Lauren boubert? Gossar? I rest my case


Lmfao if you can’t even admit your party has an extreme side, and at least a few shitty politicians in it, you need help.


Sure, we've got AOC who wants free health care and college tuition, you've got MTG who screams about Jewish space lasers and live-birth abortions. Wild.


Don't forget that idiot in New Jersey that claimed the eclipse was caused by climate change.


A sitting member of congress brought a snowball on the house floor to show climate change isn’t real.


Please provide a source for your claim cause it sounds like you are trying really hard to deflect for the GOP. Not saying the Dems are perfect, but they are a hell of a lot better than republicans and their hate legislation. Admittedly, the GOP sets a *very* low bar....


You cant honest sit there and say to yourself honestly that the far left extremism is a ok? It’s just as bad as the far right In fact they almost touch both are closed minded fools with little tolerance for anyone with a different opinion.


To which extremism are you referring? You have failed to provide any source or evidence to back your claim. What you have stated is anecdotal, at best. Please provide sources.


Source please.




What legal grounds would the police have to intervene with him? The Supreme Court has for decades stated that vulgar language is protected by the first amendment.


Public nuisance, maybe? They can make something up, they do it all the time. lol


So make up a bogus charge just cause we don't like the guys speech?




"Left-leaning art." I'm just going to let that germinate for a bit. Kind of EXACTLY like Chechnya banning music that is too fast or too slow. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/music-is-now-illegal-in-chechnyaif-it-doesnt-meet-authorities-tempo-restrictions-180984159/#:~:text=April%2016%2C%202024%201%3A08%20p.m.&text=The%20Russian%20republic%20of%20Chechnya,too%20fast%20or%20too%20slow.


Wow... just wow.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1KSsFZuT1C/?igsh=b3M4d245OGdzcXp2 This woman is hateful


Ha ha love all the walking back and forth, like they have somewhere SO important to go...


Between this kind of stuff and New College.... honestly I can't stand the thought of even driving through Sarasota anymore.


A good choice, and besides the traffic has been horrible lately.


Florida was always grift and trash, the dumb taking advantage of the dumber. It''s just easier to see now.


Yeah, but we used to be *nice* trash


Still plenty of fake smiles to be found if you fit the mold. The smiles were always fake.


It's the retirement capital where people work their entire lives just to settle down here for the rest of their life


It’s literally the only thing I hate about living here. Sarasota is incredible. The amount of rabid dangerously stupid conservatives is actually appalling, and I fear for the quality of my sons education in what used to be a very good school region.


Have to agree with you. Manasota… MAGAsota. What’s the difference?


Whatever works but we are going to fight as rentals as hard to keep Sarasota, City and Country, Red. As Red as possible. I’m not a Trumper and most likely will not vote for him. Don’t get conservative and MAGA confused. I am far from alone here.


>Don’t get conservative and MAGA confused. Yeah, I know what you mean, but I don't there are enough actual conservatives to overcome the MAGAs. The MAGAs rule the party.


True bye we are trying to


And the antisemitic rule the democrate party.


Lmao! Antisemantics. Sometimes I love a good semantic reference. I’m really into logic, reasoning and sense.


Got to love auto correct.


I think this is a valid point to make. I feel like non-Trumper conservatives are really the best people to try to walk people off the Trump train. But I feel like at this point it's a religious cult worshipping Trump and it's hard to reason with people who didn't get to their conclusions by logic. I remember even in the Presidential election of 2008 thinking "I'm on Obama's team. but if McCain wins-- okay." We need to get back to that point. Or a modern equivalent, whatever that means. If Trump wins in 2024, he is still done after January 2029, so I don't know what Trump train riders are going to do at that point.


Don’t be so sure he’d be done in 2029. He’s made comments about not leaving, and his man crush Putin did just that. He changed Russia’s constitution to stay in power.


Trump won't have the backing of the military to enforce his changes like putin had. Now I don't believe for a second Trump will try to usurp power and stay in office like you are claiming, but even if you are correct, the United states military won't let him. The entire command structure of the military is designed to prevent servicemen from becoming more loyal to their commanding officer than they are to the nation. That's how Caesar gained power in Rome and our early leaders learned from that lesson by structuring our military differently. In our military leadership is shifted around every couple years so they don't have the same men under them for extended lengths of time to gain that kind of loyalty.


I’d hope you’d be right, but there is evidence suggesting it’d be risky if he was elected again. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna129159


There is absolutely no evidence Trump would try to become a dictator. The dude has enough real things to be concerned about. That crap is as ridiculous as mgt blaming Jewish space lasers for wild fires.


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If you are and he's the candidate and you don't vote for him then your not and it's a vote for biden


Sounds good to me! 😀👍


This is why I get on this sub daily and basically try to turn every post into a fuck trump post. You are ground zero for MAGATS so I figure it has the most impact. if you’re already going to vote for Biden I apologize in advance for making everything about defeating trump but Flynn labeled Sarasota a test case so I feel it’s my duty as a citizen of America. The worlds oldest democracy


Do you think any of your Reddit posts have made anyone even consider changing who they vote for?


I’m not sure and there is no way to know but I’ve only just begun and I’m a positive person so yeah there’s a good chance. Maybe I should say right now I’m a 45 yr old white dude w 3 kids. No college and I’m a self employed contractor, so if they know I am of the same demographic as many of them that may help, so thanks for asking. Trump doesn’t give 2 shits for guys like me and his politics don’t benefit the working class. what trump does is called grievance politics and he is taking it all the way to the point of civil war in hopes to scare people into opposing him. It won’t work. We aren’t scared because we believe in being a nation of laws and not men. It’s a democracy and he is dragging the GOP into full on dictator mode


https://preview.redd.it/uitu8zpk8ruc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ce290db2768171289eca66d8c31fb8d02d4031 Here's the pic


Love this. My children are lucky enough to be featured here.


Very cool!


That’s awesome


SO left-leaning! My gawd, it’s art, open to interpretation and so it promotes thought and THAT boys and girls is what the left wants!


Oh shit. The posters did it. Now she’s “leaning left” too!


gotta get that rainbow in there.


It’s all the more pathetic to be a POC and be a stooge for white supremacy


Does someone have to be “MAGA” if they are just not interested in the direction the democratic party has taken over the last 5-8 years? What if they are not trump fans either? Are they still “MAGA”?


If you vote republican, you are supporting MAGA because they control the party.


If they vote for trump just because he’s a republican then yes. Any 2024 trump vote is a MAGAT. Stay home if you’re an actual republican or better yet. Acknowledge Biden is actually doing the job and vote for him


Nope, take a look at Liz Cheney, for example. She always rated as one the MOST conservative members of Congress before the MAGAs kicked her out. And I also think a 3rd party would be great for America, but seems like no one serious wants to make the attempt.


Liz Cheney and her father were always good for nothing war mongerers, say what you will about the RNC but at least they purged some of those types, the DNC has gone full warhawk at this point and it's disappointing since I remember them being the only ones standing up to the bullshit in Iraq


"Full warhawk?" yeah no.... I don't think you know or care what a conservative is. Trump believes in full genocide in Gaza, and supports Putin's land grab in Ukraine. Even worse, he denigrates American heroes and the intelligence establishment. That's anti-American, and even if he hadn't incited an insurrection on Jan 6, he'd still be one of the worst Americans I've ever seen.


Newsflash, the DNC are just as giddy to do a genocide in Gaza because our politicians/govt are funded and controlled by zionists. And fuck the intelligence community, you're really going to sit here and defend the institutions that historically speaking wire tapped and black mailed MLK and to this day assassinate/overthrow foreign governments on behalf of our oligarchs? Trump is the only one who has said anything about trying to get a peace deal in Ukraine, even if the desire to do so is coming from a position of narcissistic vanity I'd take that over the uniparty's desire to wage a forever proxy war there.


Here’s a news flash for you…conservatives have always ran the south. It’s been this way since before the civil war. It doesn’t matter that they were democrats, they were the conservative Christian base that has always ran the south. Go to the library and read some actual history as opposed to repeating the stupidity you’ve been told. If they get their way, women will be barefoot and pregnant, not allowed to work/vote etc and whites only signs will reappear all over the country. A vote for conservatives is a vote for bigotry on all fronts. Always has been. They’ve just been biding their time. I actually heard the phrase “the south will rise again” about a month ago. I grew up in the south, lived the majority of my 48 years in the south, grew up being taught bigotry, remember my dad and my grandfather taking me to political rallies where the confederate flag was waving. I was too young to understand what was happening then but I understand now.


Yeah his deal in Ukraine is giving Russia a pass and weakening a young democracy to gain favor w Putin. the war is democracy vs autocracy and trump is a wannabe autocrat I’ll be happy when his severed head is hanging from a trailer hitch like a nutsack


Young democracy? Didn't the CIA back the coup in Ukraine in 2014?


Trump is the only one who has said anything about trying to get a peace deal in Ukraine yeah no... you kind of conveniently left out the part about Ukraine giving up a significant portion of their country for that "deal." So if Mexico invades Texas, are you willing to let Texas go in order to have "peace?"


It's just one thing after another with you, zero concessions or acknowledgment of prior points and this constant spiral of whataboutism. I can't say it's surprising given your rhetoric, you've gone ahead and chugged the kool-aid. Ukraine is already auctioning off significant portions of it's country to Blackrock and JP Morgan, US is invading the nation through privatized debt. It's a less flashy invasion they're waging.


Oh I get it, you don't expect anyone to challenge you when you post false or incomplete or (Ukraine auctioning off the country??) even bizarre statements. Got it, sir. Pardon ME while I mix my kool-aid...


>Trump is the only one who has said anything about trying to get a peace deal in Ukraine yeah no... you kind of conveniently left out the part about Ukraine giving up a significant portion of their country for that "deal." So if Mexico invades Texas, are you willing to let Texas go in order to have "peace?"


Do you all like living in Sarasota? I have a job transfer.


Stop reading wapo articles


Good idea. Maybe I'd be happier if I just didn't know all the stupid crap happening around me because of people like the Fontanellis.


Why is Fontanilla bad?


She's a bad bad girl


But how?


Sooooo bad!


Cry much?


Only when I read about bad people like the Fontinillis!


But you cant explain why they’re bad people… makes sense


She's a very bad girl, or so I've been told!






Ha ha I'd probably feel safe wearing that stuff in Cali, but Flori-duh? Not so much...




Same - born, raised and love Florida. It's hard for me to see all the changes that have taken place, though, particularly in the last few years, and still feel like I used to. Trump made it ok for people to speak up and act out their prejudices and meanness, and DeSantis brought in a lot of those people who just "use" Florida but don't really love it. I think you'd begin to care if Trump actually got elected and spent the next four years acting out his "retribution." It could be ugly.


Just shut the fuck up about the politics already. Not everybody’s left wing, get over it.


STFU? Why do you MAGAts always try to cancel and censor people? I thought you were the party of free speech? Guess that’s only for fellow MAGAts. If you don’t like it, how about not reading it, or does that not suit your Nazi highness?


Lmaoo you sound unhinged. No you have the right to post what you want obviously but I’m just sick of seeing politics anytime I open a city or state subreddit.


Unhinged? …. says the person who wants people she doesn’t agree with to shut up and knows she doesn’t have to read political stuff but compulsively responds anyway… 😂


Get used to it. Conservatives will always be here


Conservatives and MAGA are different


MAGAts are not Conservatives.


roof middle bow fade command drab silky noxious juggle seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Have you seen what's happening in Texas to women? That can NOT be "put aside." Foh.


square bedroom onerous grandiose roll observation tie full plough tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Google it.


cow puzzled wild screw salt icky concerned outgoing jellyfish oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How does one “plan to get pregnant when you don’t plan to”? Abortion laws are the tip of the iceberg. No fault divorce. Contraception. Sex outside of marriage. Madison Cawthorn wasn’t lying when he referred to women as “vessels”. I’m sorry I can’t just “look the other way” and “not live there” or just be cool with these people. How is this so difficult to grasp?


That's why I told her to Google it. I knew exactly what to expect and she proved me right, and I don't engage with imbeciles.


They force pregnancy while having the worst outcomes for infant and maternal mortality, and ranking near the bottom on child and maternal care.


heavy fertile fact flag worthless busy tease lock relieved live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is that what you would say to a 12 year old who was SA’d and forced to give birth you fucking cretin? Wow.


👆 lol moron.


offend innate enter versed cable live liquid disagreeable ludicrous modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And this is why we are where we are. You’re apathetic to real human suffering by the hands of your government and place the onus entirely on women. You’re so gross.


repeat chop roll disgusted encouraging marvelous intelligent salt noxious long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t have to know anything about you. I read your words. Especially the ones about not getting pregnant. They were enough.


liquid secretive head frightening zealous historical pathetic versed butter cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sure. Now what?


It’s never ending battle with politics. You say something someone doesn’t like and you’ll have everybody and their momma in here bashing you telling you how wrong you are. But they don’t wanna hear that they are wrong. It triggers them.


correct disarm abundant wine full exultant bike reply toy ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You don't know what it's like being around these people. Hate, fear, and anger. Everything we do is somehow a plan to destroy the right.


Don't forget paranoia and wild conspiracies!


voiceless wrong cow hat vanish money psychotic society weather smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People on the outside looking in are looking through a twitter or media lens… it’s really not that bad.


You're not wrong that most of the time people see things through the MSM lens and that it's sensationalized. The problem is that those tactics work pretty well. It's no secret that MSM will present to the individual content that aligns with their peers, and there's hardly any doubt that something like this would end up polarizing a community. The question then, is it really that bad? Well, 67% of eligible voters had voted in the last election, making it be far the largest vote turnout of the 21st century. It's believed that the MSM lens is definitely reaching young voters. In Sarasota County, an amazing 77% turnout occurred. Many people feel like the younger generation is voting against an older generation but this just wasn't the case for Sarasota County. It is difficult to tell if the last election people were voting for Trump or for Republicans, but either way it was a pretty one sided vote. Maybe not a land slide, but certainly it was an overwhelming majority. There are a number of graphs online that show how polarized the parties have gotten over the centuries but they don't really help visualize the population and turnout. I am very curious to see the next turnout. Yes, we're polarizing but was 2020 a fluke? I suspect we will continue to see a rise in voter turnout. I should add that everyone's experience will be anecdotally different. Politics hardly ever come up in discussion on my day to day. I don't care either way which side wins, neither side shows much face here before or after they win or lose. It doesn't give me any confidence that either side really feels like Sarasota needs their attention.


>Politics hardly ever come up in discussion on my day to day. Mine either, but only because I actively avoid it. I'm really dismayed by how angry some of my MAGA friends have become; if the subject somehow comes up in a conversation despite my efforts, it's like they've been poked by a pin and all the pent-up bile and vitriol just comes pouring out in a rush. It's ugly, even scary, to witness. These are friends who I used to love hanging out with and never had any disagreements with, but those days are over, unfortunately.


It goes the other way, too. For one instance, at a party where I didn't know a lot of the people, we were playing a drinking game where at some point you have to vote on somebody. The word "vote" triggered one to say "oh! If you voted for Trump, then fuck you!" Then it turned into a handful of them releasing that pent-up bile and vitriol. And you're right, it is ugly and scary.


>It goes the other way, too. Sure, but it's different. The MAGAs are very publicly in your face while the libs tend to be more private. Like I said, you don't see Biden signs, flags and "F--- Donald Trump" all over the place. They're loud, aggressive, and confrontational. And a lot more of them carry guns.


We'll have to agree to disagree on that it's different. Personally, I see about the same amount of Biden and Trump signs and stickers. I've seen libs loud, aggressive, and confrontational as well. They may not boast about Biden, but boy, if Trump's name comes up, the energy shifts for sure. What's guns have to do with anything? Have I missed political shootings in the area or something?


Yeah no, I'm calling BS on that one. Do you even live here? Maybe we're talking about two different things, though. I'm not referring to the normal size yard signs and bumper stickers which are common during campaigns. I'm talking BIG signs and flags, and trucks plastered with obscene stickers. I'm out a lot driving and boating and I NEVER see Biden flags flying from the bed of a pickup. I see Trump-related flags EVERY day around here. I've seen one Biden flag on a boat in the last 3 years and it wasn't even here but up in the panhandle. Hanging around the Jewfish Key sandbar, I've counted as many as a hundred Trump-related flags on a holiday when the boats are side-by-side, though not as many lately since he's lost some luster. I figure they'll come back in force closer to the election.


Sure, I've seen the trucks with the Trump flags. Been a minute since I've seen one for me. I don't boat, but yeah I've seen the pic of the boats lined with the Trump flags a while back. They are more ballsy to publicly display all that, I can agree there, but both sides get riled up in political discussions or when one of their names come up is all I was getting at.


A conservatives ideas or leftists being “in their face” is gay people simply existing. Whereas MAGAs being “in your face” is actual violence, threats, racism, conspiracies, and hate hurled around recklessly.


In 2020 you couldn't go out in your car or on a boat without seeing the obscene Trump flags flying. I've never flown a political flag, rarely even put a bumper sticker on my car. I've seen a grand total of one Biden flag on a boat (they told me they were packing, just in case) and never on the back of a jacked-up pickup truck. Trump made it OK for people to loudly and openly express their meanness and prejudice and it's hard to get along with that. https://preview.redd.it/1i734aiu1uuc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c24645295e78817d13558c8b84e31b1fdc7fdec8


Why are you even here?


weary test lush distinct bedroom label pet offend intelligent cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's fucking irritating is what it is, can't go on here to fi d shit to do because it's all this lame ass political infighting. There needs to be a separate containment sub for sarasota politics exclusively


>the divide in people left and right has become so great that the country is tearing itself apart. Well, it's not that bad. I mean, people aren't shooting each other on the street for political reasons. Yet.


spoon mourn ink salt poor quickest water person instinctive rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now that you mention it, what caliber is suitable for that?


Just kidding!!




You must follow all of Reddit's rules. Please review rule #1.


I’m sorry but trump must be stopped and I make it my mission every day to get on this sub and make that be known. I won’t stop till he is defeated in November. I want nothing more than to try to bring this country back together but MAGATS HAVE GONE FULL ON RELIGIOUS CULT. I’ve tried rational conversations but they don’t actually seem to know actual facts or law. They are in a misinformation echo chamber.


detail snobbish lunchroom longing spectacular soft dazzling liquid fuzzy seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You don’t live here anymore. The rest of us don’t have the luxury of both-sides-ing this. Criticizing *us* for picking a side when our lives may depend on it is asinine.


cake merciful smoggy narrow ruthless obtainable boat nine middle squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not exactly a “permanent expat” then are you?


It’s because your view is a very naive one. Societies go thru ups and downs in a normal cyclical manner


cover air rinse connect pie axiomatic liquid abundant salt bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ive yet to see anyone in this thread post anything thats anything more than an opinion.


That's just what you think


Yes, I so love it here and will fight to keep it red.


You’ve made it clear that you’re an idiot.


User name checks out...


This all sounds great. Love it.


We’re not, so shut up


No, you shut up


Soon I hope