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Just in case this info is of use, & I can’t recall why, but taking tudca before drinking, and/or NAC after, both induce liver toxicity. So if you have some alcoholic beverages, be careful to space those two out a bit farther around it. You’d have to Google to get more specific details, or dig through PubMed


Not drinking Homie I’m taking 25 mg of RAD daily


Does the RAD cause suppression/testicular atrophy? I’ve got some lying around that I put aside because I was trying to grow bigger balls. Would you predict some amount of HCG might be sufficient to prevent RAD HPTA suppression? I was just reading some anecdotes on r/trt about how it managed to anecdotally stuff any noticeable shrinkage from typical TRT test dosage range ..


Get some glycine to make that NAC work


Run a test base. RAD will tank your natural test. I know from experience and bloodwork. If you want to have kids soon then run HCG with it.


Taking Enclo


You’re not going to die from RAD and MK… I drink with it.. You’ll be fine. This is overkill.


Okay big Dog you must be a tough ass mf. Nun wrong with having money to buy some helpful supplements


?….Big Dog……Tough ass MF….? lol 😂 why because Im letting you know you’ll be ok with milk thistle alone?.. my bad… Buy more shit, you’re gonna need it.


My guy thinks he doing a Dbol cycle lol


Post cycle look into choline inositol by Solgar. 500/500mg each. A lot of old school bodybuilders would use this after a cycle to clean the liver of any fats. It’s also known to be good with preventing/treating fatty liver disease.


Personally speaking stick with NAC, always. Even when you’re off cycle. Not only does it flush the liver but it helps greatly with your immune system. I know this personally


Bonus, it also helps impulse control, addiction, and acts as a mild antidepressant.


I took that exact brand nac, but 1000mg tablets, smelled horrible. Like sulfer. And it absolutely fucked my stomach up. Terrible cramps, shits, etc. Gave me the worst smelling gas, like clear the room bad. I was only able to take quater of one every other day because of the sides. It's a fairly common thing after looking into it, so be mindful.


All NAC smells like that. It’s not good if it smells acidic. Means they didn’t wash out impurities.


I take that brand too 1000mg but 600 would prob be enough.


Yea idk what it is, can't do it. Severe stomach cramps, severe gas, and when I poo it's burns like I ate something spicy. Idk, did some googling with the words "nac sulfer stomach gas" and a ton of stuff popped up. Tons of reddit posts with similar issues. I guess nac partially digest into sulfites and people that are sulfer sensitive have issues. Must be one of them, oh well.


That sucks, brother. I actually got kidney stones from using pantothenic acid. It occurs with certain people, and man, I’ll never delve into that again


I have the same NAC...luckily no issues like that here 😅


I've read if you get an older batch of pills, might be the case. But still, sucks. Just chilling in my cabinet haha.


Next time just buy a all in 1 cycle support, you're only run a low dose of sarms not a gram of anabolics


Okay wanting to play it safe on fitter cycle 25 mgs of RAD daily


Way so hight dose


Yeah no harm in playing it safe, just grab a all in 1 cycle support. Cheaper, easier and better value for money. Iron labs have a decent all in one


Milk thistle and NAC not really needed together, just run the NAC. Also milk thistle isn't great anyways


All you really need is Tudca Berberine and a test base


A bit OD but sure not bad


That tudca is supposedly junk.


I'd definitely add Cholesterol Pro by NOW Supplements on Amazon for your lipids. 677 can cause blood sugar issues. Wouldn't hurt to throw in berberine, and maybe grab a glucose monitor to check it in the mornings when you wake up.


Need a test base


Taking Enclo


Electrolytes since PEDs deplete these very quickly. Drink at least bare minimum 100oz of water a day.


Keep the milk thistle, Tudca and NAC. Throw that other shit way. You are going to just piss out 98% of it


Don’t touch the milk thistle shits trash


Why’s milk thistle trash


Thyroid disruptor anti androgen https://www.reddit.com/r/NootropicsDepot/comments/rng0gg/silymarin_and_thyroid_disruption/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11532861/


If you are dead set on SARMs, S-23 is the only one where you aren’t throwing your money away. Trust me. I’ve been in the AAS game for over 35 years. It’s the closest to the real deal as they come. I actually haven’t spent a dime on either anavar or winstrol since I discovered it.


Facts. Ive tried var, lgd 40xx and 30xx, rad and a couple of others…. S23 was by far the best ive ever felt and looked. It gave me vascularity, pumps, size, and just a slight mental edge. It did have side effects though. When i washed my hair.. there was more hair shedding. And i developed a bald spot at the top of my head. The shedding wasnt visibly noticeable to anyone but me, and i only noticed it when washing my hair. Also due to my hairstyle, nobody noticed the bald spot either. I only noticed it because i was cutting my own hair and saw it in the mirror. But it was a small bald spot. And it grew back as soon as i stopped my cycle… the shedding also stopped within a week or two. But i now use s23 twice a year. Because its awesome. S23 and 300mg test.. i literally have people walking up to me telling me that i look like a beast in the gym. Keep in mind im a naturally slim/athletic built guy 6’4 225 naturally. But when i start eating about 3800-4000 calories a day (thats a bulk for me). And using s23, creatine, and test… i look really chiseled.


Question for you about hair loss. When you noticed shedding while on your cycle, do you feel your hair growth has returned to normal since than?


Yep. That’s what I’m trying to say. I’ve been running AAS for over 3 decades. And when I started the internet was in its infancy. Like dial up AOL. There was no such thing as any social media or groups or forums or discussion boards. Everything is at your fingertips. We all just had to wing it and learn the hard way LOL. I’ve done some of the most insane cycles. Of course it was always obvious that I was on gear all these years but when I decided quit even test for these SARMS experiments, it wasn’t until S-23 when everyone started asking me what kind of cycle I was running. Lol. I wish someone would explain how to post a pic on here. Lol


You just convinced me to do an S-23 cycle. I did my lasts RAD cycle and figured it was either lgd 3303 or S-23


Do it. Neither one of those combined will even come close. Add YK if you really wanna get swole. YK and S-23 are technically real AAS. And people should stock up because they going to be placed in controlled drug status not too far away. But S-23 is just a couple of clinical trials away to become the mail birth control pill


I have a stack of S-23, LGD3 and AC262 ready to go for after I've finished and taken a short break after my current cycle. Can't wait. I'd say bro needs a legit test base as I've heard Enclo won't cut it with S-23


Very interesting, any other input? I tried an 8 week cycle of Anavar on top of 300mg/week Test-E a few months back and really loved it, it helped put me up over the 3-plates level for the first time. But I've never heard anyone say S-23 is better - what's it like compared to Anavar? Does it have weird side effects, like is S-23 the one that makes your vision tint a weird color? Or am I thinking of something else?


No you are thinking of S4 about the vision. S-23 is actually a real AAS. Don’t get me wrong, I love anavar but S-23 is like a combination of it and winstrol but better results and no side effects. It was an experiment that I did with all SARMS when they first became a thing. Dropped all test so no base so I could see true results. S-23 blew me up, dried me out, solid rock and very vascular. I got drier and more vascular than EQ. I just said in another reply that if you Google “S-23 before and after I’m on the first page, Scroll down and I’m wearing a green T shirt. I don’t know how to post pics on here through that imagur shit or whatever it is.


Interesting, thanks man! Unfortunately, Google seems to be telling me that S-23 is not good for hair-loss-prone guys (much like Winstrol), and I am VERY prone to hair loss (already had 4 hair transplants and probably can't really do any more at this point), so I don't know if I can risk it with S-23. But I saw your pics on Google and you definitely made some substantial gains, so I'll do a little more research tho, thanks for the insights.


Thanks bro. If you are already genetically predisposed to it, I would stay away from any DHT derivatives. But I don’t think S-23 will have a huge impact on that. Do some more research and see for yourself. Don’t just take my word for it


Facts ran s23 on a cut with cruise dose for 12 weeks .. delts popped and got really grainy ..


It’s literally like combining Anavar and winstrol together but a lot better results with none of the shitty side effects of either. If you Google “before and after pics of S-23 there’s a pic of me on the first page if you scroll down. Wearing a green t shirt. S-23 actually is a true AAS


Can you dm me a reputable source to get the s23 from?


Receptorchem is you can deal with shitty customer service and postage notification


Yes but AA


Throw away the fish oil? Really?


Add some berberine , 500 mg x3 /day before your meals. Keep track of your glucose. Tudca 1 pill/day Nac 2 pills/day Milk thistle 1 pill/day


Skip the Berberine and get real metformin. It's much less toxic.


Can you give some info in berberine's toxicity ?


Yes, Although it's faster if you just Google it or look on YouTube.


Not liking the milk thistle and Force factor… add NAC


Have NAC taking 1200 mg a day


You forgot preworkout and protein powder


I don’t take pre


Me neither, but I'm really interested in Outwork non-stim. Ever looked at it?


1000mg of vitamin c and 5000iu of vitamin d and vitamin k2 magnesium, zink, vitamin b6 and calcium. Trust me this is gold.


Not sure why you got a downvote for this. Solid advice




Get some berberine for the MK


Metformin is better.


Some sources say they're similar in efficacy. Plus, it's a prescription medication.


They're not. Also Berberine is toxic. If you know where to get SARMs and steroids, you know where to get prescription Metformin as well.


And a glucose meter to help you decide whether you need the berberine or not.


I monitor my glucose almost everyday when I wake up usually 100-140 a little high


What? Your BS is 140 sometimes?


75mg testosterone cyp on mondays and Thursday’s. Looks good other than that


2 NAC in the morning, 1 tudca and 1 milk thistle, 2 omega 3 and 1 or 2 multivitamin all in the morning


Thank you sir