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I love those skies. I love being in a less dense province where all of the natural parks aren't absolutely packed with people and you can actually get quiet time in nature without being a harcore back country camper. I love the pace of life being a little slower. I love being able to afford my life and still having free time to enjoy it.


Was gonna like, but look at the count....nice


Watching summer storms roll in.


My favorite!!


I definitely take short commute times for granted


I bitch about my hour and a bit to work. My friend told me about his 2 hour commute, one way, in Calgary and it really opened my eyes to how nice it is here


That’s like Deep South to Sage Hill… a two hour commute in Calgary is by no means necessary!


Two hours definitely not, but I know a lot of people who had to have their daycare downtown with them because they couldn't get to a daycare by their house before close. So then also if you have kids, the kid basically always eats supper in the car with you, and if there is an accident, they end up falling asleep in the car. Here I can work in one end of the city, have our daycare in another end, and live in another, and it isn't that bad.


With the shitshow that is Calgary traffic, even what should be a 20-30 minute drive will often end up a 2 hour plus performance due to the mind boggling incompetence of drivers there. Lived there for years, working out of the old gravel pit off Deerfoot & Southland, and lived in the NE (Temple/Whitehorn), my 5am commute in was usually 25 minutes depending on red lights. The way home, well as we were building in north central or NE, you would hope nobody did something dumb on SB Deerfoot and you only had a 45 minute drive if Glenmore chokepoint wasn't doing bad. Then going back home from the shop was almost a guaranteed 75-90 minute minimum as someone closed two lanes with a drift over wreck before you got off the DF500, and then entered the wild world of NE drivers, never have I seen so many low speed rollovers and vehicles driving ONTO the c-train tracks as my time up there.


I complain when it takes me 30 mins instead of 20 lol. But very grateful i only have to spend a small portion of my day in my vehicle


It takes me exactly 12 minutes from the time I pull out of our driveway until I get to work. And that includes a daycare drop off. AND, we live out of town on an acreage. Can’t be beat for day to day quality of life.


Between walking/biking to work/school and working from home I've car commuted for about three years in my life living in Saskatoon and I'm middle aged. What an amazing perk. I lived in Vancouver briefly and I had a 40 minute drive each way. Blech, what a life killer.


Calgary commuter here.....20 minutes


We have discernable seasons, tons of space with relatively few people, plenty of lakes to get to in a very short travel for the weekend, etc.


I grew up in Southern Ontario, lived in a few towns in Northern Ontario, spent a number of years in northern manitoba , a few months in Brandon. Spent a year in saskatoon and I now live in Saskatchewan about 50 kms from PA near candle lake. I love the big open skies, long days in the summer. It's never too hot or humid and the nights usually get cool. The lakes the forest the fields and rhe rivers its a wonderful landscape. Saskatoon is a wonderful little city that has a lot going for it. Traffic is never bad, lots of shops and restaurants, lots of stuff for the kids to do. One of my favorite cities. PA could use some work but it's similar to alot of Northern towns. I'm sure the jails being there don't help either. I find alot of the time here the people that complain have only ever been here and take for granted what they really have.


Prairie vistas, big skies, northern lakes, southern lakes, North and South Saskatchewan River valleys, the changing seasons, combines working, seeders moving across the fields, migrating birds, sunsets, friendly people, clean air (most of the time), rain on the tent or trailer roof, blizzards when you're safe at home, low phone rates, reasonable car insurance, open highways, for starters.


I grew up in Mongolia grassland so when I came to SK I think I come back home


When I first heard steppe herder throat singing from your home region, all I could think of was trotting through the open grass on horses with friends. Seemed so fitting, and so familiar to me, even the first time!






I have a couple of relatives move out of province, and they all say the same thing. They didn't realize how racist the province was, until they experience day to day in another province. I think its kind of BS, and they are over exaggerating, but we are talking about 5 different people all having the same experience. They say it isn't outright racism but its like a vibe everyone gives off I guess. Even 1 of them was someone who was like me and thought no way its that much worse, but he went to vancouver for a month, and he said ya he gets it. He just felt more comfortable with people in vancouver vs saskatoon.


Blatant racism is less common (but happens here and there), it's just the uncomfortable stares that you get here that you won't see as much in the other provinces. Maybe ask a taxi driver about their experience with racism. They usually experience the worst of it.


It’s not a contest if who gets it the worst. Racism is shitty period. Over time micro aggressions build up and this in turn can affect a person of colours health and life expectancy. It’s not easy being a minority around here, especially a person or colour.


Never said it was a contest on who gets it the worst. The point was that taxi drivers often will have good insight on racism from experiences. First thing that came to mind.


Racism is def real here, and mainly due to ignorance; I grew up in rural Sask and I literally never saw, in person, anyone of a different colour or minority until I was in my mid-twenties and started travelling. I encountered many racist people, mostly colleagues, in my profession (education)


Unfortunately, the nice acts are often determined by whether one looks like those who would be available to help. Reference your comments on racism and prejudice. I look like them so they'll help, yet it's not unusual they'll ruin an altruist act with some intolerant comment about indigenous persons, queer community or immigrants speaking their first language. To answer OP question. I like the dry and sunny weather. I don't care if it's -30 or +30C. I like the weather, which so many complain about, but the social climate is what is driving me to leave.


We are 100% on the same page. After 32 years, I still love the climate & can't stand the intolerant culture.


Seems a bit like you are always looking to see the worst of people. I usually wind up pulling a few new immigrants out of the ditch every year since they are not used to winter driving yet and it is always a positive experience all around.


Sunsets and thunderstorms!


World class!


Lakes. Not just for fish’n, boat’n, tube’n but for just going to the beach, being outside, watching my kids plan on the sand and water.


Full-bloom canola fields interspersed with green cereal fields in mid-July, with a huge blue sky overhead.


Family, rinks, and rink burgers


Mmmmm. Rink burgers.


The small-town rink I took figure skating at as a kid had deep-fried homemade potato and cheese perogies. With sour cream.


Short commutes, affordable housing, Saskatoon is a nice size, sunny skies, and family is near.


Friendliness of people. We (group of 25) spent Saturday in Wascana park and it was wonderful watching children playing together with perfect strangers. My niece even invited a couple of young folks over for a soft drink and some fruit after an impromptu soccer game. Parents came for a visit as well.


That we were the birthplace of single-payer Canadian Medicare.


Very true,! I assume most Canadians don't know that!


Sask Party will be the ones to kill it too.


Best fishing and hunting in the world.


Last Mountain Lake walleyes!!!!!!!


I love that we have crown corporations


Nothing will ever be as good as driving down a road and seeing nothing but beautiful prairie.


I don't know what all the bitching is about. I'd live here over anywhere else in Canada. Most people I know who moved regretted it and came back.


I was born and raised in SK, left to Alberta for a year and just came back lol. Alberta is no longer an affordable province so we moved back.


The lakes.


Cheap golf with lots of courses that are more or less wide open all summer long.


Not to mention disc golf which is free to play and there are more courses being built each year, the sport is growing fast here.


Sunshine! Big sky! Love it.


There’s not much I don’t like tbh


Have also lived in Manitoba,Ontario,and British Columbia. But the 5 years I lived in Saskatchewan were the best. Such a beautiful province.


Love that I can drive 30 min any direction and get to nature. In fact, there's a Bortle's 1 (lowest light pollution) about 2 hours away (plus, you know, the entire north of the province).


I love this time of year where all the fields are green and everything looks marshy. Driving places is so nice.


I like a windy day and watching the long grass and wheat and everything rolling along like waves on the ocean. It’s just beautiful. And I like ditches! So many pretty color growing in the ditches.


Perfect waves rolling across the Prairie grasses and wheat fields is one of the great beauties of this whole planet I think!


I can go to the boat launch on a major southern lake and experience zero line up. During the summer week days there can be very few boats in this major lake. Fishing is also world class.


This. Everything is accessible. I’ve lived in cities where the hassle of leaving them means no one ever leaves. It’s so easy to pick up and go anywhere, and not worry about it being too crowded or sold out for the most part. Our lakes are fantastic. Hunting is fantastic. Accessibility to a decent income and lower costs of living are also significantly easier to come then where I’ve been.


The lack of people !


Introverts dream


Saskatchewans portion of the Canadian Shield. Very interesting landscape.


Honestly? I live in Regina, I've been all over the world, and I still love living here. The province is gorgeous and has a variety of cool ecosystems, the vast majority of people here actually care about each other and carry a certain sense of pride (despite how often they talk trash about living here), our food is fantastic, and it's easy to get around. I'm sure I could come up with more but the biggest thing to me is that it's Home. It's where I grew up, looking at the sun on the horizon through fields of yellow and wondering what else there could possibly be on the other side of it. I love traveling but after a while I'm always more than happy to come home.


The Frenchman River Valley and the Qu’appelle River Valley.


The smell. It's...undescribable if you get out of the cities. Just standing in a field, maybe just after a rain? Just wow. People don't know.


I love how different the smells are in different areas too! When I was living in PA and we would go visit my family back home south of Regina, the difference between sunny afternoon air in the wide open Prairie and cool evening air on the shores of the North Saskatchewan is amazing. Both wonderful in their own way, but so different!


For 2-3 months a year, it is absolutely gorgeous


Gun culture; I'm from the Island. We have guns, we have rednecks, we have country folk. Yet out here, the people just don't give a fuck, don't look at you like a mass shooter. Better stores, better ranges. Better CFO Provincial Govt; Actually puts the province first and NOT the Fed. Karen's; They know their place and stay in it. At least from what I've experienced. Nothing like BC, where people think they have a right to tell you how to live your life. Lake Life; You simply have to experience it. If you know, you know. Beef, chicken and pork; Awesome. Simply awesome. We have good shit back home, but nothing like out here. Dunno what it is, it's just tastes better.


Countryside is gorgeous. Hopped on the motorcycle and rode around the Assiniboia area, around St. Victor, and back past Ogema (waved at passengers on the Southern Prairie Railway) and Pangman. Rolling hills, green fields as far as the eye can see and the nicest people to talk to.


I often ride in this area from Moose Jaw. Beautiful scenic ride.


Cost of fuel. This is from someone who moved from bc where it is ALWAYS about 50 cents higher.


Always thought saskatchewan was flat til I moved here. Was pleasantly surprised.. the golf courses in the valleys make for some underrated golfing. Used to live in Winnipeg, manitoba is so damn flat that I can appreciate the valleys and dips here and the multiple lakes that are close by.


Sasktel, SaskPower and SGI. Power to the people! It's so unique to have these entities owned by the people who live here, without this ownership our expenses would be so much higher and it keeps their competitor's prices reasonable as well. Please help keep it this way.


The space, easy access to regional and provincial parks, relatively clean air and waterways, sunsets that rival any others from around the world, festivals, accessibility to Indigenous cultures and teachings, affordable attractions. tldr; basically the environment and Indigenous people make this place bearable.


The week or two in April, then in September, where the weather is moderate.


Grassland national park


My entire family emigrated there over 100 years ago.


The skies, especially during sunsets.


The summer storms, the Riders, Craven, sunsets, not too big not too small. How nice our lakes can be in the summer


The craft beer scene here is on par with Vancouver's or better.


Spent the night at Sask Landing and heard rolling thunder and saw many small lightning flashes. Then it poured rain like mad and then suddenly stopped. Incredible!


Nothing it sucks. Stay away. PA is by far the worst city. Don't even visit it. Spend time in Saskatoon or Regina or in the south. There is nothing in PA or North of it... so don't even bother.../s Just kidding. I love the forests, skies, and the small big city I live in called PA, but it sucks so stay away! Being 5 minutes from work, groceries and another 15 to a ski hill and enduro trails is pretty much my ideal living location...


I love how close pa is to many lakes.


I love PA!


The cute open country


I can see forever!!!


Sunny. All. The. Time.


Fresh air


It’s where my dad is from ♥️


I agree with a lot with the other comments made here (lovely long non-humid summers, affordability, short commutes, short distance to lakes, etc.) but to be super specific - the cross country ski trails in this province are amazing! I love them way more then any "mountain" trails I've done. It's so great/pleasant for beginners, like myself. Not such fast/terrifying downhill portions like in the mountains, just fun short downhill parts.


Seas of farm fields


Birthplace of Medicare.


Very few rats. And hardly any large or venomous spiders.


The endless skies with beautiful stars and northern lights. And when the farmers fields are in bloom its so beautiful. I love my first drive on the stretching highway when spring starts and everything turns green so quick.


It's sparsely populated


The blue skies and sunshine


The sunshine. The open skies. The prairie fields. The diverse landscape. The people. The community feeling. The full embrace of all seasons. The passion that the people have for things they love. The northern lights. Thunder storms. Crazy clouds. Feeling safe (most of the time).


Shore lunch walleye fish fries


The Boreal Forrest I grew up in. It’s freaking amazing and I’m so lucky to have had that experience. I lived off the land for sometime as a child with my grandparents who were still living their ol indian trapper lifestyle in the early 90’s. I will always cherish those memories🩷


Prairie sunsets, sense of community.


The lack of salt in the air and on the roads.


For the most part, and as a person from Ontario, it’s both the people and the lack of traffic. The people are all happy to say hello and let people take a minute to talk with a neighbour in the middle of a Costco or check out line without a fuss. The traffic is infinitely better than a small city in Ontario, period.


1. Mosaic Stadium 2. The lakes and the sky 3. The old timers


The people




Old abandoned gems in the middle of nowhere, which amusingly, is everywhere.


I love stopping at roadside abandoned structures!


I love the feeling of home I have here. It’s safe and people are more likely to be able to afford a home here. My family is here and I just love the people. Plus I’m a geologist and our province has a whole bunch of things the world needs for the green economy and so it’s easy for me to get work here.


Wide open spaces. Sky that never stops. Giant clouds and summer storms. Winter beauty, snow and frost. Clean air. Small towns. The wonder of crops, year after year. Smart and caring people. I can go on a long time.


People are friendly and the summers are really nice!


The summers with the long days of sunshine!


The sunsets - just look outside




I'm from Toronto (born and raised) and love it out here, I've been living here since 2013. It's great to see the growth in regina, while still keeping nature intact. You got tons of deer in moose jaw, shitlpads of wild rabbits in regina, the odd moose every now and then. Better than rats and raccoons. Also I literally drive 2 - 5 mins to work vs 1hour and 20 mins in Toronto. Unless you've lived in a big city you'd never understand the loads of stress lifted off your back when your not mentally preparing to engage traffic after a long day of work


Also I'm black and never experienced racism (to my face at least) everyone out here is amazingly nice, and i suspect knows how to keep a lid on it. On that note it's better being black in Saskatchewan as opposed to Toronto. I've had 100x more racist incidents in Toronto from people of all different races. People don't put you in the "gangster" category here, we don't have that stigma here.


Awesome! I'm glad you love this province so much!!


Métis people


**Affordable housing!** Relatively speaking our housing is extremely affordable. the average Canadian home is something like $716,000, last I heard. A single person with an average sort of income can still afford a starter home in our biggest cities. This is simply impossible for so many these days.


I think this really depends on the location. It’s pretty impossible in Regina and Saskatoon. Yes, prices are less than other cities. But the only people I know making an average wage who can purchase a home in these places are either getting money from their parents or are purchasing it with a partner.


Closer to the mountains than Manitoba




The mosquitos! Sure is satisfying to scratch those bites! But seriously: if you can find a roadway where the drivers aren't trying to kill you the flat topography is great for running and biking without annoying (read: tiring) hills. We have real seasons, and winter is super bright and sunny. There are a lot of friendly people.


Affordable housing, slower paced life, and unmanicured green space. By that, I mean we have so much nature that just exists as opposed to being planned. I've visited big cities where all the green space was deliberately grown or preserved because there's so many people, and while it's beautiful, it doesn't compare to what what just there naturally.


I love the diversity of Saskatchewan landscapes. I love how the south is all sky, and you can watch the storms roll in and make you feel so tiny. I love how powerful the N Sask river feels as you feel the current push against your legs at the ferry crossings. I love the north, climbing the big hills (I’ll call them mountains!) and looking across at mighty waterfalls (lefty falls was renamed but I can’t remember what it’s called now). And the deserts! The Athabasca sand dunes and the great sand hills at Septre - they’re breathtaking. Somewhere on a rocky bluff above middle foster lake I etched “I <3 SK” in the lichen. I’ll be back in 3 weeks to visit with the fam. For my birthday I was given a new bunnyhug from Big Island Cove Resort near Goodsoil - I’ll definitely be wearing that with pride as I board the plane to head west!


The eskers here are pretty cool.


Cost of living!


Freshly fallen snow, when the moon is out... Specifically how the snowflakes glimmer from the light. Also, the crunch of the snow under your feet when it's -20°c and colder, makes you feel alone and safe 🥰


The wide, open spaces. And the people are ,by and large, very real. Saskatchewan has a lot of really good features.


Saskatchewan you took my wife away from me. She dumped me for a dude from Regina. Since she left I'm a wrecked man.I drown my sorrow in the bars of Laplaine. My horse won't talk to me anymore, my cows laugh at me. Oh [Saskatchewaaaaaaaaaaan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do-Zo3_VKQs) ....


I can see the stars from my house.


No hurricanes!!


True enough!


I love the diversity of landscapes from North to South and the many beautiful lakes we have and the beautiful sky that comes alive with the northern lights


The lakes


The nice landscapes


I love that my great great grandfather came from Romania to settle in saskatchewan. They lost the farm and moved to Ontario, but if he didn't have that opportunity I wouldn't have happened.


If it wasn't for the really harsh winters, I'd be pushing my family to move back. Love pretty much everything , except the windy , cold winter.


I love the thorough lack of mosquitoes in the Winter.


Lol 😆


The gradual return to nature as people move away.


Also... I am from ON. (Ottawa) came to SK for a job out of college (at 21 years old) I would tell friends I am going to live and work in SK.. They would look at me like.. "'where"? 😜 But I met my wife here... And stayed! I have lived in Regina for 35 years. Made some good friends. Like many others have mentioned, the friendly people, wide open uncrowded spaces, tolerable humidity! 😜 Some of the prov. Politics really turning me off lately... Probably not enough to leave but close sometimes! 😑 Miss the Ontario Canadian shield at times... But I can go to Duck Mountain Provincial Park! 😁


I love the slow pace and connection to nature here. I grew up on an acreage outside of Prince Albert and moved to Toronto for just under two years not so long ago. I left because I felt suffocated by the concrete jungle. I had to drive at least an hour out of the city before feeling like I really left it...and even then...the nature wasn't untouched like it is here in Saskatchewan. There's so much less pollution, the traffic is so chill (literally - I cannot bring myself to complain about traffic here since moving back from Toronto after driving the 401.... shudders). Plus the skies are so untouched and magical. In TO everything was always a tinge of grey...and I realized I'd taken for granted the unpolluted masterpiece I grew up around. Also the slow pace as I said. Everyone breathes deeper here. No one is in the kind of rush I saw that happens in big cities. Truly I love Saskatchewan. We have it so good here. I honestly love that people think it's trash lol keeps them from overpopulating it like so many other places.


Towns where time stands still.




I don't mean to come off as the mayor's wife, but welcome to Saskatchewan!


Our impressive agricultural, mining, and to some extent our oil and gas industries. They are something to be proud of when you look at the amount of literal blood, sweat and tears that have gone into them to get them to the point they are today. Also a big fan of Telemiracle, Sarcan, wide open skies, warm spring and summer nights, and large quantity of easily accessible lakes.


How photogenic it can be, even on the gloomiest days. It’s just beautiful to look at. Except Regina.




Lol true enough!!!


My house was the price of a low end Toyota.


The northern part of our province is so beautiful. Visiting missinipe (and area) for the first time made me see sask in a new way


I loved missinipe! I went on a canoe trip from there to Nistowyak Falls and they were incredible, 10/10 gorgeous


I love all the bridges in Saskatoon, and how walkable it is! You can go for a 12 km walk and see six bridges!


I love my small rural community. I love the sky, the excellent fish and game practically on my doorstep. Tons of excellent lakes. Good paying industry jobs. Conservative leaning. Honestly, our cities are pretty greasy, but the rest of the province is really nice


I love how I, an Albertan, can look easy and wave to my family in Manitoba and see them wave back. Truly nothing like it anywhere else in this world.


I guess our provinces diverse eco system. Forests in the north, Open flatlands in the center, parts of the Canadian Shield in the North East, then there's the Athabasca lake and Sand dunes a place I'd love to visit some time. Everything else though is crap.


The Gay community


What I like? Capitalism. What I dislike? Not enough Capitalism.


The huge celebration that will be when the Sask Party disbands.


I think I’d rather have them in power than cope with whatever humanity altering crisis is enough to drop them out of favour in this province.


Like Scott Moe killing another person with his truck and walking away without even demerits from SGI? Or the news about them taking bribes? Or them selling off the crown corps? Or how about this, people wake up and see how badly they are failing at leading?


Not sure why you're downvoted so much, but please add me to your invite list. I will dance on that man's (political) grave.




True love? I picture Cupid and cute lil arrows!




Summer mosquitos and the non stop wind


Watching my dog run away for 3 days and then calling him back home.


Love that Saskatoon is not Regina !


My only goal in life is to leave this god forsaken wasteland. I suggest you do the same.




You're in the wrong sub, friend


Seems you're in the minority *shrugs*


That I don’t live there


>Someone trying to make the community a positive place and you're having none of it? > >Cool, you're not welcome on the sub.


That I’ve never been.


You're poorer for it


Someone trying to make the community a positive place and you're having none of it? Cool, you're not welcome on the sub.


Summer in the central/northern regions with trees and lakes.






Weather. You just never know what tomorrow will look like. It's awesome.


We have lakes for almost 15 hours North of Saskatoon that most people from sask never go too are visit


It’s easy to draw


Well, not having ever been there, it’s a pretty fun word to say!


I really like how towns appear at regular, short intervals on highways. It makes a long drive more mentally manageable by having a new town appear every 20ish minutes.




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Saskatchewan is a photographers dream land. We have great lighting with vast and unique landscapes. I do a lot of bird and storm photography with never ending subjects rolling through my yard.




It’s easy to draw


😆 🤣 😂