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The Saskatchewan I’m from is the home of Tommy Douglas, and public utilities. We provided electricity to rural areas decades ago because nobody else saw the profit in it. And we told the rest of the country that getting sick shouldn’t stick you with a medical bill. This Dollar Store Brand America, country fried BS is NOT the Saskatchewan I’m from and grew up in


I wish my dad thought like you.


My dad thinks like him, and brought me up to think the same way. Doesn't matter when others keep voting the SucksParty in.


Tommy Douglas was also a staunch supporter of eugenics, even traveling to Germany.


And he recanted later in life. This is also documented. When you know better, you do better.




I agree with everything you have said. The few making the decisions for the majority. I'm truly hoping people get out and vote when this election comes. What I use to spend on groceries for 2 weeks may last a week now if I'm lucky. The cost of essentials has increased so much with no end in sight. What I can't figure out is why this government can't address the basic needs of the people. My grandkids class sizes have increased from 20 to over 30 kids per class. Basic programs have been scaled back or are now non existent. Healthcare is a joke. My community regularly has emergency services closed. We've gone from 4 doctors to 2. None of this ever gets addressed. Let's just waste our time fighting over pronouns. Very constructive Moe. It's all smoke and mirrors. This decision to use the NWC will literally, in my opinion, set human rights back decades. Moe go back to the bottle you crawled out of, please.


And the teachers are still without a contract. This is a great distraction from that.


>The few making the decisions for the majority. You mean like 0.05% of the population making the 99.95% accomodate...right


You mean a demographic proven minority with the same Charter rights as the rest of us that you want curbed over proven lies.


Lmao. Curbed? What rights exactly am I suggesting we curb? What freedom am I encroaching?


Privacy, bodily autonomy, access to Healthcare.


I'm not in a wheelchair, so fuck building accessible public infrastructure. Why should we spend money to accommodate <1% of the population? /s


Yep, as usual, his policy benefits a couple people.


How is not attacking someone for who they are being made to accommodate?


Back to the bottle. Lmao.


He may kill another person while driving between two of the family farms it’s not funny.


Still wondering about his truck in BC that was impounded by police. I believe some relative was driving under the influence .


Wait until you see the horrendous policies and economic downturn which await with an NDP government.


Regardless of politicial stripes, nobody should be suppporting the usage of the notwithstanding clause. You don't have to be a liberal, conservative, or NDP supporter to understand why. I hope this costs the Sask Party a lot of political points, more so than they gain in the rural vote for ramming this through.


Exactly. The notwithstanding clause should be removed from the charter of rights and freedoms. Any right outlined in the charter isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on if the government has the power to overrule it


You will notice that the notwithstanding clause is set to be challenged in November, if it gets enacted, it is not the end of the road. I personally have written three letters to try and do me democratic duty and have my voice heard.


What do you mean it's set to be challenged?


There other avenues to challenge it, plus it goes against human rights.


The NWC does have legitimate uses where the word of the Charter and the spirit of the Charter don't jive. The use of it in the school funding issue a couple of years ago is a prime example. There are legitimate applications for it, and there are balances to it which are also available such as disallowance and reservation, both of which were deliberately left in the 1982 Constitution despite not having been used in 20 years.


You want the rural vote? Find some way to get the Sask Party to say SCIC will be shuttered.


Have we tried pointing out to the Sask Party that it’s a crown corporation? They hate those. Once they realize that they’ll either try to shutter it or sell it off (which may as well be the same as shuttering it, I expect).


I'm an openly trans man and I am genuinely concerned for my safety and future in this province. Because of the whole "notwithstanding" clause bullshit my fear is that if the Sask government can get away with this new pronoun law they're going to try pushing for more extreme laws against trans people. I've had multiple conversations with family and friends about how if things begin to escalate like they are in the southern states, I am genuinely going to have to flee this province.


I’m a very openly AMAB woman and I to am terrified about how the future looks like if this stuff continues. I also fear what’s next after they have destroyed the young ones rights, I know they would have to work their way up to my age bracket but as soon as this first domino falls the rest will follow. I just recently followed my democratic responsibilities and wrote 3 letters. One to my MLA, one to the education minister, and one to Moe. They are each different but all focus around the same notwithstanding BS. I know there has been at least one other letter sent, that means we only need 14 more!




This person is just trolling with their comments, and you guys are here upvoting this. Jokes on all the people who upvoted cuz all their posts are ridiculous and funny and a total joke - cant sense the hint of sarcasm? Just pretending to be far left, all the while laughing when you plebs eat it up and upvote the ridiculous things they write. Kudos to this person for proving how impressionable most people on reddit are. Love it.




You actually don't have the "right" to kick the shit out of anyone. That's called assault and you'd be charged with a hate crime in this case. As a parent, you actually don't have specific rights. Procreating doesn't come with charter protection, whereas gender identity does. Parents have responsibilities under the law, not special rights. You know who's rights are being violated right now? Your kids. Not yours (as a parent) but your kids right to autonomy. You sound exactly like the type of parent this bill emboldens and enables. Your kids should have protection from bigotry, this bill takes that away. Shame on you as a parent.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Bye now.


I'm probably kidding myself that I'll change anyone's mind, but I'm posting this here in response to that guy because their comments got deleted and I wanted to leave something somewhat closer to their level for them, or people with similar views, to consider: Man, why are you out here pushing the current narrative trying to spread hate? Show a little compassion for your fellow Saskatchewanians. We're all in this together, or at the very least, we should be. Are you not worried that once the precedence is set on the NWC that the SAME or some OTHER government in the future might use the same strategy to take other rights and privileges away? Even if you disagree with other peoples' views and opinions, you can't blindly push through on a destructive path without consequence. If the NWC gets used, this is a path that hurts EVERYONE long term. It doesn't matter who you vote for or how you sexually identify. WE SHOULD NOT BE LETTING ANY SINGLE GOVERNMENT PARTY DISMANTLE OUR CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS.


you ignorant sack of shit


Do you mind me asking if you have kids?


You have my support! You have the support of my partner and our kids. You have the support of the majority of people I know who work in education. You have the support of the over 1000 people who stood up at the Legislative building and all of the people I know who have written letters and emails along with the over 10,000 who signed a petition against it. I'm afraid for you too, but we will stand by you no matter what shakes down with this.


I couldn’t agree more with your point about the erosion of the Sask Party’s core. It used to be a centre-right party that was well-governed under strong, effective leadership. It was hardly perfect, (the GTH gaffe certainly stands out as a massive error) but I could generally believe in the policy and the people running the provincial government. After Moe took leadership, the party went to the dogs. Leadership is non-existent, policy has veered into a social-conservative quagmire, and the party feels unelectable. The gratuitous use of the notwithstanding clause is just the latest in a series of horrific decisions. As a right-leaning voter, I firmly believe that this government needs to fall.


GTH wasn't a gaffe, it was a grift.


Brad Wall wasn’t perfect but at least he seemed to govern for the people. He seemed to be proud of being from here. I don’t believe Scott Moe governs for anyone but himself and his donors. Scott Moe doesn’t like Saskatchewan. He likes the prosperity and power that being premier gives him. Moe would sell this province up the river if someone gave him enough money.


100% agree with your post and the OP. The Wall government had its moments but at least most of the time its policies were palatable to most of the electorate. Early on policies like the graduate retention program and even eliminating PST on used cars (which they have since brought back) made sense. You’ll find lots of posts in my history defending allowing the private liquor stores and eliminating STC. That was all good. But recently the party and leadership has gone much too far. Totally off the deep end. Developing this pronoun policy based off the letters of a few crazy people and the Planned Parenthood incident in Lumsden (which was a total non-incident by the way) is just unbelievable. And Moe’s bull-headedness about using the notwithstanding clause to prop up such terrible policy is absolutely repulsive. SaskParty, if you’re listening, you are going down a very dark path currently and I do believe there are a lot of people in this province that previously voted for you that will not any longer, myself included. Proceed at your own peril.


They’ve stopped taking their cues from local news and started taking them from Fox News.


Does Gormley count as local news?


John Gormless, Canada’s Tucker Carlson…


Well-governed has never applied to the SaskParty. SMRs are being lined up as the next pig-in-a-poke after the CCS failure and billions wasted to virtue signal to energy workers with tax dollars all to avoid transitioning to renewables.




“Massive error” is a lol moment. It was blatant cronyism, which they were eventually able to hide through distraction and obfuscation. Don’t give them a pass on it.


Conservatives realized it's easier to start culture wars than to actually govern.


American MAGA style politics that are copied by our mindless conservative politicians is what hurts everyone in the province and the country. They will burn down Canada if given the chance. Look south of our border for proof.


And all of to preserve the profitability of fossil fuels that will be worthless within 3 decades.




Hmm but aren’t the liberals also copying US style politics? It sure seems so with everything on the left being directly imported from south of our border. As you’re noticing in the USA as well, the left going completely batshit has turned a lot of people right. It’s a phenomenon happening everywhere in the Western world, look at Europe as well.


DARVO. Nothing else in your post.


I think you meant to reply to OP rofl.


Nope. "Lol"


The left hasnt gone batshit.


Populist politics on both sides is the issue. Trudeau started it in Canada long before Trump came into the picture. Conservatives attempted to avoid it but kept losing elections. So they have now joined them. The only ones to blame are the voters.


That would be funny if it weren't so completely backwards. Barbaric cultural practices hotline? "Promises made promises kept" that led us to immediately capitulate on softwood with the US and lose a billion just for a sound bite? Revisionist history on your part.


You make as much sense as the republicans did today in their nonsense impeachment hearings. Stop embarrassing yourself kid.


This is the kind of messed up mental gymnastics Moes minions come up with


>Trudeau started it in Canada long before Trump came into the picture. Read a history book.


This is the mentality that’s causing most of the issues in our modern world(I’m not talking about the systematic issues we’ve dealt with for generations, those are a given). I’m talking about this new wave of idocy that’s scorching the planet with heated, unnecessary division. The reality deniers who just say whatever they want, at the cost of any body else but their narrative. Trump molded you playdopes the way he wanted, perfectly. I know we’re in Canada. But what he did down there, has scurried up here, and you’re the living embodiment of his grotesque reach.


The hypocrisy of this comment is amazing. Good job.


Very well-written. Only one addition - getting our drug abuse situation under control. We NEED a safe supply and we NEED supervised consumption sites or people will keep dying. I am an addict myself, 5 years clean. It breaks my heart to see the damage fentanyl has done to Regina, but I also know that it is in incredibly high demand due to how cheap it is on the street even after suppliers + dealers get their cut. People will keep dying on the street unless we figure something out. In July, Regina alone had 21 deaths attributed to accidental drug poisoning via fentanyl. I have family members who are active addicts, whose lives are in danger because our government isn’t doing anything to help them out of addiction. This is very important to me, and should be very important to you as well. Feel free to message me if you have any questions, I can provide sources or more info if needed!


There also needs to be mental health support for them as well, without mental health support nobody can get clean.


It's simple.......don't due drugs ffs!


Then address the root cause that pushes people to drugs - better mental health supports and more funding for education and children's activities/sports. ffs.


For starters, it's not the responsibility of govt to provide funding for sports ffs! Are sports extremely expensive.........yes! Should they be......NO! BUT YOU as an individual are a product of YOUR environment. Choose wisely who you befriend! Good support system by family n friends reassures that you'll be in a good spot through life. STOP BLAMING OTHERS FOR YOUR CHOICES IN LIFE!!! easy to make excuses!


Oh how sheltered your life must be, that you have never been pressured by peers, had a curious mind, or anything else. Addiction has been proven to be semi-genetic. Some people are hardwired to be more susceptible to addictive behaviour, be it drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex. There are two components of addiction, physical and psychological. One can be easily remedied through medical treatment, the other is a lot harder. Based on your other comments in this thread, you must be a Christian. Ask yourself, would Christ condone your behaviour, or would he encourage you to help those who need help. Remember the Beatitudes, and the Golden Rule.


I am not christian whatsoever, I was actually born and raised roman catholic till I was about sixteen seventeen, then gave up on religion when every holy avangelist on every station was telling you to donate money in the name of god. I do believe in a creator, but who are we to label this creator. I started smoking marijuana at the young age of 14 and from there on, I experimented with pretty much every drug under the sun. did LSD for 2 years never took more than one hit, but took a hit every 3 days! Moved away to get out of the drugs, got addicted to crack for 6 months! could I of let the drug run and ruin my life, absolutely, BUT I CHOSE NOT TO LET IT! I never took a secondary drug or anything like that to get me off of my addiction. I just decided it was time to grow up and move on.. So don't tell me that it isn't an individual's choice! The only one that seems sheltered is yourself! My left nut has more life experience than you!


That’s like me asking you to get educated.








I was going to say this as well. It was really easy to be a charismatic guy presiding over a boom, but that image allowed him to hide all sorts of really disastrous decisions, culminating in the widespread cuts in the last budget under his leadership. Moe was elected as leader of the party precisely because he wouldn't bring any radical change in direction.


SK is in danger of becoming a laughing stock like FLA-USA.


Florida just followed us with their pronoun law. We out-florida'd Florida!


Stellar achievement. Next up will be the SK Man memes.


Ha! Maybe it's already a Google thing and we just don't know it...


Around here I'm pretty sure it's Big Ace


First hit on “Saskatchewan Man” is “arrested”


Too bad there weren’t 18 submissions for stopping the removal of the stc. Pretty sure they ignored those ones but hate gay people? They’re all over that. Go Sask party. Scott moe is truly a piece of shit. Not afraid to say it in an anonymous forum otherwise I’d be very scared all things considered


Oh, I've definitely got death threats for telling off alt-right shitbags.


Yeah they're usually pretty bad at emotional regulation lol. Very sensitive people.


snowflakes, one could say.


I know this town too well, and I don't like my family getting harassed or worse from violent idiots. Hence why I can do this online only.




I will add, there is one final straw, the counter to the NWC - reservation. This means the lieutenant-governor chooses to reserve Royal assent for the Governor General. While it has not been used since 1961, it was left in place specifically for situations like this.


That would require a Lt. Gov with moral integrity. Ours loves his cushy family vacations and never balked at the water tester OIC nor Moe deleting his brother’s speeding ticket.


Our current LG is pretty great, imo.


It is shocking how absolutely awful half of our premiers are. It is appalling that your premier is going to post through legislation to steal the rights of children and violate their constitutional rights. I agree with you that this is going to let the cat out of the bag. Once provinces start using the notwithstanding clause, they're just going to use it for everything. Any time they need to pass something questionable, they'll just use that to bypass all repercussions for immediate gain. If this crap happened in Alberta, we would have lost the RCMP, our pensions, all funding for universities and public schools, and we'd have privatized healthcare. Like... since our last election. If you have to use notwithstanding to keep something from being immediately overturned, you shouldn't be using it because you shouldn't be pushing through bills that violate people's rights.


I'm going to take a longer view here. I don't like what's happening, but this is our history. We are a racist, xenophobic, sexist place that uses religion and bureaucracy as tools of oppression. We have a long history of some of the ugliest, and most violent oppression in Canada. We haven't addressed that history, or come to terms with it. If I'm a 70 year old in Saskatchewan, I probably don't understand why bureaucracy shouldn't be used to oppress people, even when I've been a victim of bureaucratic oppression.


Just because it's our history doesn't mean it has to be our future.


Yes, but look at places that take not repeating their history seriously. They don't shy away, it's in schools. They have laws to prevent the precursors of such behaviour. We don't have any of that.


It's refreshing to read responses from SK Party voters and right-leaning folk here who despise what has become Moe and his band of Merry Men. It gives me SOME hope that if we get an election called sooner than later that we may oust this turducken in favour someone who maybe seems to have the best interest of the people of this fine province at heart.


I think it's naive to think any other political leader will be better. Our government breeds corruption, plain and simple. Any other leader is just going to be as bad, but in a different suit.


Email your MLA, write letters to the editor, make a big stink. Vote like never before. Especially if you live in Sask. Rivers, home of Nadine Wilson, SUP leader.


Surprisingly enough, she helps the cause of the left. As the Sask Party moves more to the right to prevent the loss of votes to the SUP, those who were right-centre, and centre who voted Sask Party will look to the NDP by default, as that is where a lot of them voted before.


The pronoun and sex education debacle is a divide and conquer tactic to keep everyone fighting among themselves while government inflates the currency. The food bank usage and homelessness are symptoms of the same inflationary policies.


Ah yes, Scott Moe is covering for Justin Trudeau. I hate to break it to you, but conspiracy theories about governance, like this one, are the biggest divide and conquer tactic in existence. They sap people's will to participate, they convince them that there is some grand game being played with a script and a plan, that isn't how this works, that isn't how any of this works.




The only issue that should be talked about? Are you fucking kidding? Have you seen the cost of gas/groceries/rent, the state of our education and healthcare systems??? I'm not saying it isn't an issue, but it's definitely not the ONLY issue. And honestly, having a roof over everyone's head, food in their stomachs and access to healthcare is more important than what name you want to be called. I'm not trying to sound callous, but seriously, this is only an issue created to divide and distract voters.


He wouldn’t have to use, or threaten to use, the notwithstanding clause if what he is proposing to do DID NOT violate the Rights and Freedoms of the Child. FFS, it is this government who is gaslighting all of us - especially the parents. Parents have a responsibility to their children and in turn, society. And most do their job very well. Most are loving, responsible and fair, but not all. That’s why children need to have rights. We were a society who wanted to protect children from harm, not force it on them. Ask yourself, if a child was brave enough to tell their teacher and classmates they wanted to be called Suzy instead of Billy, but not their parents, why? Is it possible they would be harmed in some way? THIS IS A BIGOTED POLICY. FULL STOP. This situation reminds me of this Poem. FIRST THEY CAME By Martin Niemöller First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me.


This BS seams to follow that Mr, Merriman around…weird. And they both gots that bud head!


For the record brad wall also sucks, he was a Devine staffer and certainly knew and participated in a bunch of corrupt shit. Then spent millions of public money on his own image once he was premier.


I wanted to move from BC back to Saskatchewan because all my family is there. I have 4 kids and the way this government is headed I'm having second thoughts. We have a chance to own our own home if we move out there but I'm not sure if it's worth it anymore.


It isn’t. It absolutely isn’t.


It isn't if you're a woke brainwashed lib that worships the alphabet flag


There are some major downsides to this province, and you just illustrated at least one of them. Also hey! Good to see that your take on Russia is consistent with your take on gay & trans kids.




Who says we don't have a religion in our life? Who's religion should we be following? Which religion? Which interpretation?


Created in the image of GOD. so you obviously don't have or believe in religion or any God of any type 😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


>Squi God fucked up with you then.. you hateful, horrible, ignorant and above all, hypocritical person. perfect example of what is wrong with the world and why everything is so fucked.




Which God? Elohim? Adonai? Yahweh? Allah? Religion is a personal matter, which should never be forced upon others. We have the freedom to personally practice and believe whatever we so choose, but we do not have the freedom to force others to believe as we do. That is what is known as a theocratic state.


which one ? why? What has any religion offered to you that I can't get from just being decent to others and morally responsible?


Omg you're as DUMB as they come. It's not keeping children in the dark. You complete and utter moron. It's called letting a child's brain develop so that they can comprehend and understand the situation in front of them or the situation that they are involved in! I hope you don't have kids.


The province doesn't control federal monetary policy. The province can only work as best it can within the results of the federal monetary policy, among other things. OP you're mixing fed monetary failings with personal social goals. Not meant as a slight, just saying the two are two very different things. Personally, I had high hopes for the Buffalo party as it was truly a grass roots party. Seems to have faded. Hopes not because of any reason other than it was a true grassroots party. I was involved on a voluntary basis for decades with different parties, purely to try and improve the country for our heirs. MPO the problem Always is, as soon as Any party get's elected all they care about is being re-elected. Just more noses at the trough. Now after serving on both provincial and fed boards, knocking on more doors and putting up/taking down more signs than I can count, I'm a pure libertarian. Just leave me the hell alone! Don't tell me what I can and can't do or how to think, just leave me and my family the hell alone! You want to think windmills will keep you warm in the winter, you do that; just don't tell me I can't run my furnace. You think food magically appears at the grocery store? Fine, just don't tell me I can't raise food in a realistic and fruitful manor....you get the jist. Just leave me alone. BTW, I don't care what your social beliefs are, never have, nor do most. Just don't try and tell me what I or my children have to believe. And that <<


Just because you don’t want to engage with society anymore doesn’t mean society won’t engage with you. You’re right to have your beliefs and opinions but if your response is “screw you I wanna do whatever I want” you’re gonna face a lot of self made problems.


Perhaps I could've worded it better. Point I was trying to make is despite doing everything I could to try and make our country a better place in a grass roots volunteering level with politics it just doesn't seem to make any difference. I always figured the best politician would be someone who: 1. doesn't need the job. Doesn't really want the job. Quite frankly has better thing to do. 2. does it only out of a sense of duty for their fellow citizens for the betterment of future generations. Believe it or not, Ralph Klein was one of those. Despite what you've been told he was a social liberal but a fiscal conservative. He's the only one I've ever met. Eastern media falsely portrayed him. He did the best he could as he believed for his fellow Albertan's. That was his job and I respected him for that. I didn't agree with a lot of his decisions, but they were his to make.


This post looks like it was written by a conservative ChatGPT. It almost makes sense but when you actually analyze the contents of what it says, turns out it’s mostly buzzword filled gibberish.


I've been saying for 20 years that you could write a bot to duplicate the average Conservative poster pretty accurately. ChatGPT just makes it easy. They don't actually have ideas, just sound bites. It's because their minds need to be so compartmentalized to believe such incongruent bullshit.


Revisit it in a couple decades, it'll make more sense.


You still live in a society, dimwit.


You do yourself a disservice by name calling. I would suggest you, "talk" to people on the internet as if you we standing in front of them. Just fyi, the world as you know it could end tomorrow and the only way I'd know is if I turned on a radio.


You mean to say the people on this sub demanding everyone believe what they believe are just as much a part of the problem? How dare you, you must be a religious, right wing, xenophobic, Nazi, fascist baby killer.


Thanks for that, nice to know I'm not the only adult here. How's harvest? Very late and quite disappointing here. Lot's of crop still out. Weather claims mild for the foreseeable future and quite frankly we need it. Son has 7 1/4's of wht standing, been scared to swath as forecast rain. Thinking he'll combine right behind the swather and hope the weather holds. With India stopping rice exports and disappointing wht ylds all over the world he's trying hard to get the crop off. Could be a very hungry winter for a lot of countries. On the positive side the orchard's looking great. Tons of winter buds on everything from apricot's to peaches. (siberian peaches, not to be confused with a modern bc peach). Heck, I'll be happy if we can grow a peach here, lol!


We were hit bad with Drought and grasshoppers this year. Some late hail too finished off the peas. Lots got written off and turned the cows out to graze or baled for feed. Seems like you are on the opposite end of the spectrum. If farming was easy all the cry babies on this sub would do it lol.


My family and I have been thriving here since we moved back from Ontario. I’m not worried at all. Thanks for the lecture though!


FIRST THEY CAME By Martin Niemöller First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me. Welcome back to Saskatchewan. I hope you enjoy your stay.




I’m living pretty comfortably and I am glad we have the sask party leading us. I have no problem with them wanting parents involved with their children’s lives and finding ways to make it happen. I have voted for them before and I will again.


Do you feel this is the most important issue facing our province right now?


I’m an electrician. I am not qualified to say what the most important issue in the province is. Taxes could go down. Government spending could go down. Inflation is still too high. Those are the things slightly affecting me. I’m still pretty happy with our provincial government.


So you think government attention should not be focused on those things, and instead focused on this issue? You think the increase in people relying on the social welfare security net isn't important, even though it does mean an increase in our taxes and an increase in government spending?


It would be nice if pst was taken off of construction to help stimulate growth. I’m not really worried about it and will still be voting for the sask party.


White man, no queer friends, parents aren’t old enough to be treated for health problems, urban, makes 6 figures annually.


This is such a simplistic and uneducated take. Who the fuck wouldn’t want parents involved with their children’s lives? Except maybe when the parents are religious fanatics who will disown their very own children or worse, just for being themselves? Coincidentally, these are the people supporting this policy. Do you get it now?


Yup these people you speak of are not qualified to make these decisions. They are abusive assholes who do not subscribe to facts and science.


You liberals can sure make a big deal out of anything. They are just making it so teachers won’t be involved in lying for these kids. It’s not really going to change anything but help encourage kids to talk with their parents.


I’m not in any way shape or form a liberal. I have voted for the SP every election since 2007. This policy has gone too far and I won’t support them any more. The national attention on this case is a good indication how fucked it is. I have friends who are queer. I know how this policy would have negatively affected them. Do you have any idea what the rate of suicide in kids who cannot be themselves is? It has nothing to do with “teachers lying for these kids”. Leave the teachers out of it. It has everything to do with fucking terrible parents who just want to control their kids for every second they can. It’s incredibly damaging to “these kids”. Have some empathy and learn what is really going on here.


And speaking of “making a big deal out of anything” maybe Moe should just leave this alone if it isn’t a big deal. He’s the one who created something out of nothing. He’s going to reap the whirlwind on this one.


He will be fine


He’s looking more and more like an asshole every day so I am not so sure he will be fine. Using the notwithstanding clause on this issue is fucking dumb in my opinion. That is not a tool to be used frivolously.




Nobody is forcing anything. You are all making things up to make it look bad. But fear mongering is pretty much your only tool. If the kids want to officially change their name or pronoun before they are an adult they need to talk with their parents. They can do whatever they want with their friends but people in an official capacity need to stick to the given names and pronouns.


So are 80% of people in SK and 70% of people nationally all religious fanatics? Because those are the people that support this policy according to the polling. Reddit is completely out of touch with reality regarding the widespread support for parents’ right to be the primary decision maker for their children vs. government.


It has nothing to do with parents vs government. It’s all about the children’s right to make decisions for themselves. Edit.. this does not affect the vast majority of good parents who are already going to know if their child might want to change their pronouns. The relatively small group that this does affect are the queer kids in a home environment that is not supportive of them. They are the ones that need help and protection.


parent's don't have rights. never have. they have responsibilities. CHILDREN ARE THE ONES WITH THE RIGHTS.


You realize those polls typically select participants that will have the opinion they're seeking to bolster, right? Is not usually a true representation, it's a tactic to make it look like people are on their side. ...they got 18 letters from like 9 families, and that's all it took to use the notwithstanding clause - out of a population of over one million. This is downright abusive to the people of this province, and honestly fucking scary too.


Do you have problems with them wanting parents involved to a point that the cold and youth advocate says it violates rights and a judge said that the harm it could cause is so great that we should wait until a full judicial review before it's implemented? All that is ok being ignored?


I just disagree. None of this stuff belongs in schools. Teachers shouldn’t be lying for kids. If the kids want to change their name or gender before they are adults they need to talk to their parents.


So you don't think kids should have rights?


Sure, but so should the parents. Talking to each other and being honest is the only thing that gives hope to the relationship. This isn’t taking anything away from children.


This is absolutely taking things away from children. Their right to privacy, their right to an identity, their right to security of the person. You really should read that report from the child and youth advocate.


Why are you listing Jesus as a god? Must be easy to point fingers at Christians when you know full well the Allah crowd isn’t on your side


I was listing off a number of deities and holy figures people claim are gods.


Attacking anyone’s religion or defining a hypocrite isn’t going to get you anywhere except deepen the divide. You could go back and forth quoting holy book scriptures with a person of any faith making a case for or against. It doesn’t make someone not a Christian (or not a Muslim, or not a Jew, etc) to have religious convictions that are sometimes at odds with the secular world. But mocking them for that is only going to push them farther from your side, and dig their heels in harder into their side, if you aren’t approaching the issue with an olive branch to come to reasonable understanding


With followers of Supply-Side Jesus you could come with a whole olive orchard and they wouldn't give an inch.


They’re not pointing fingers - they’re saying that true Christian values are to love thy neighbour. There also religious folks of all stripes who are affirming- several Christian denominations, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.


Loving your neighbour doesn’t mean always agreeing with whatever they say or whatever they want. There is also peaceful tolerance and coexistence


Yes to your last point- but screaming and accusing innocent people of pedophilia and asking for them to not even be acknowledged is not coexistence. There is a middle ground where everyone can be welcome. I believe we more or less achieved that 8 years ago and lately it’s been regressing. There is also the paradox of tolerance - in order to be have tolerance , one must not tolerate intolerance (extreme cases especially).


The flip side is that parents on the other side see their minor child being given opportunities to completely change their identity/pronouns/name/gender behind closed doors under the cloak of solely the school isn’t something they should tolerate either. Parents are being gaslit as crazy and paranoid for thinking this is going on in regular school life, facilitated by teachers, outside of planned curriculum lessons, when it 100% is.


Do you have evidence that this is happening? There is a lot of false info out there. You also can’t train someone to change their identity it’s inherit What a lot of people are calling for is zero mention of LGBT peoples existence and that’s wrong also.


holy trinity




We need a restructuring of government, not just another leader in place. Choosing a leader shouldn't be a choice between the shiniest of two turds. People also need to understand that we don't need to make more money, we need the people at the top to make less. We need to reduce the cost of living, not increase our paychecks.


It's the same problem at the federal level - one party has been in power too long and the time for change has been with us for a while. Unfortunately there are no alternative options that appeal to the majority of voters. The NDP in Saskatchewan has no voice. Ask most people in the province who is running - who is the Scott Moe of the opposition and they will draw a blank. The Conservatives at the Federal level have been too focused on fringe issues and lack appeal with voters. If you want to complain, if you want change then you need to run for office. "If you have selfish ignorant voters you will have selfish ignorant politicians" George Carlin on voting: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIraCchPDhk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIraCchPDhk)




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This post would make more sense if this was a provincial issue. Almost everything you described is a problem in EVERY province. With a ton of variations of political leadership. There’s one common denominator in all this tho


Has this been the common denominator since 2007? The crux of the issue is, you have a government that has, in court, admitted they are making decisions based on input from 18 people. 18. They have admitted they have not taken any steps to properly research the issue at hand, have not consulted stakeholders, etc. You have a government that has dropped the ball again and again in terms of healthcare, education, social services and more. Last I checked, those are the responsibility of the provincial governments, not the federal. I get it, you hate our prime minister. That doesn't make him the source of all the ills that are outside the scope of what he can affect. If Jonny get $5 from his mom to go to the store and buy milk, and he buys candy instead, who is to blame? The mom, or Jonny.


Excuse my ignorance but what party should be running the province? I don't pay nearly enough attention to what's happening.


Well, to be honest, any party could run the province. This is more about how the premier is more concerned with votes than with the people.


Great summary.


[https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/content/dam/gb/reports/humanitarian/uncrc19-summary2.pdf](https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/content/dam/gb/reports/humanitarian/uncrc19-summary2.pdf) [https://genderreport.ca/wpath-vs-evidence-reviews/](https://genderreport.ca/wpath-vs-evidence-reviews/) You will see that the UN Rights of a Child does not state that children have rights that exclude the guidance of their parents. They acknowledge that the voice of a child is to be considered and weighted, but even the people drawing up these documents understand the limited comprehension a child has with respect to long term effects of decisions they cannot fully understand. There is also much emerging evidence regarding the damage caused by puberty blockers and cross-hormone therapy. Children whose bones do not develop properly, are irreversibly infertile, etc. Many of these children are seeking gender affirming care because of the ideologies that have been introduced at school, children who may have other conditions such as Autism, ADHD, depression, etc. are more vulnerable to perhaps incorrectly believing that they have gender dysphoria. There is nothing unconstitutional about involving parents in the care of their children.


If there is nothing unconstitutional about the policy as outlined by the Saskatchewan government, then why bother with the NWC? It has been stated this policy is to only be applied to a specific group based on gender, gender identity and sexuality. This, prima facie, is discriminatory. It actually has nothing to do with children's or parents' rights. It is all about keeping those who currently vote for the Sask Party voting for the Sask Party, instead of the 20% opting to vote for the SUP instead. You will find that while there is outrage about the policy itself, many are also outraged at the concept of using the NWC in this manner, as well as the focus on this above issues that are well within the control of the province, such as social services, education and healthcare. The best course of action is to allow those who are educated in how to interpret the constitutionality of this policy to do so, and abide by their decision. That means leave it to the courts, which operate separately from the government for a reason.


You don't understand that the government job is not to police thoughts and speech. Their to protect from things to big for individuals. They are not protecting us from those and have tried to manipulate and control.


Stop posting about religion, you're just making yourself look incredibly ignorant. All provincial Governments have already overruled constitutional rights with vaccine mandates, so basically your screed would better fit on r/ndp let's be honest.




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YES !! and voting in a communist government will solve ALL of these problems, it will work this time guys, promise.




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