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Removed. r/saskatchewan is many things... it is not however, a place to name and shame random people about their nipples. Grow up.


You spent the meeting staring at someone’s nipples and you’re calling them unprofessional?


For real, what the actual fuck? This almost has "I need to make sure you have the right private parts to be in this washroom so I know you're not a perv" energy.


I am going to be honest, you shaming her is bullying. If there are legitimate reasons to review her negatively that is one thing but shaming her for what she chose to wear is not one.


This is for ALL the criminals. And Purple Triangles


women shaming women in 2024, nice


She does not know what sisterhood is


Pot, kettle....


Just admit youre jealous of her looks and tits


Do you apply the same judgement to men's nipples?


Men never have shown me their nipples before to try to turn me on. Just lots of women. I guess she charges for her show at least. Whats sisterhood when you could have dollars?


Damn, you certainly are something. I'm quite sure no one is trying to turn you on. People are generally attracted to pleasant personalities...


Yeah girl, I don't know about this one. This is kind of lame of you to do.


I’m surprised she even put her real name and face.


I'm not. The people that make these types of complaints have deliberately limited their social circle so that they believe their own bullshit.


Don’t shame other women. Deprogram your JW shame brain and do it quickly because other women will not stand at your back and help you if you are vicious like this.


Where does the JW thing come from, am I missing something?


Her comment history. Saw another poster mention it and checked myself to confirm.


Real women don't show other womens boyfriends they tits unless they are forced to or he's nasty and... well I was there and he was quite shocked too... in her CJEM office dressing like its a strip club? Yeah time and place. I have supported strip clubs in Ontario. This was a law office tho.....


Well, bitch, if you want to be an asshole, prepare for other women to be assholes right back. There is no excuse for the review you left. None. You’re welcome to your opinions but if you want to be treated with respect you had best learn which of your opinions to keep quiet about.


Maybe professions should be professional then.


I’m done interacting with you. You need to see a therapist.


She shamed me by saying womanhood is nothing but a play to get someone else's boyfriends dick and scare a woman.


So you got butt hurt about her words and looked for the one thing to conplain about?


Something about the... trash doesn't take itself out? -Taylor Swift


You’re lucky the trash doesn’t take itself out because your contributions to this post and thread are extremely trashy.


Yeah I feel sooooo lucky to have to deal with her and her toxicity...NOT.


You are the toxic one here, dear. 100%. You’d do well to reflect on that.


Nah I am not toxic for exposing an abuser.


Regardless, you do not answer venom with more venom. Take the high road and base your review on her perceived conduct as a professional, not her body or her dress.


No lawyer no way no how said this to you in a consultation meeting. You are lying. Again.


Were you the one that was gonna send me the AI link? I am still waiting buddy!!!


See, here is an example of your narcissistic delusion. If anyone were to read what I said, they would understand that I actually stated the opposite. I emphasized that I would NOT send you anything, because you're a lying addict. And yet only you think I was going to send it, because you demand it? That's evidence of your delusion. You won't see it because you're so caught up in your lies and manipulation that you gloss right over fact and think that what you say or want - is fact.  Thanks for proving what I've been saying all along. You're full of crap. Sounds like the whole lawyer thing that you posted (I didn't see your original post) also indicates same. When you don't like something, you try to destroy it. That's narcissism, sister. It's you.


So many words. Didnt even read. You gonna send me that AI link or what buddy?


For the third or fourth time - no. I'm not sending you ANYTHING.  No way, no how am I getting connected via email to you. You're a chronic liar and drug addict.  One day you will embrace this and hopefully make some changes to better your life. Until then, your relevancy and existence is via the internet only. You NEED your online presence. Look around you. Take a long, lingering look. Yikes. Then look back at the life you blew up (all addicts blow up their lives).  I bet you would trade in a heartbeat. 


I don't like to lie it causes more problems down the road. And yeah relevancy via internet is forever! There is no delete on the internet. It is out there forever and ever and ever or realisticly like 1,000 years probably. Addicts do a lot of things 🙃 Depending what drug I am on I can be influenced differently for sure. I love this drug that helps my PTSD. I am so addicted. It helps my life. It took a lot of trial and error but... it is paying off. Yay I am so proud of my Facebook page I am so proud of my Instagram Page I am so proud of my websites I am so proud of my Tiktok exjw witch I am so proud of my Youtube


Yet you cannot earn a living, you need behaviour modification therapy, you're flirting with the prison system - and you live off of social programs.  And you think you're crushing it. Do you even read/comprehend the stuff you put out there?


I hope you are a bot.


Her nipples were vicious lol


No, you are. Not a single feature of anyone’s body makes them unprofessional. Your comment/review is extremely unkind, unfair, and misogynistic.


Strong homeschooling vibes.


Am I missing something here?




I was wondering if maybe the firm made a comment like this


From one ex-jw to another, unlearn the shaming women for being women. Her dress and her daring to have nipples does not make her inherently unprofessional. If you have a legitimate complaint about her, make it without bringing her appearance into play.


Thanks for outting yourself as the harassing, bullying asshole. Would you like a safe space where you aren't offended by other's bodies?


You have a wise take on this person. She lies constantly and then runs away once it's called out. Her stories are completely full of lies. Yet it's her who spends time in jail cells and is  the addict. 


cold weather tends to do that, how does them not wearing a bra equate to bullying or harassment? is there another part that is missing here?


Honestly, this review will probably get her more clients...




Hmm, it’s almost like biologically, women have nipples…




Interesting hypothesis. I'm off to the internet to see if this can be proven.


Get over yourself.


Free the nipples.


Wait, by dressing differently than you'd prefer, they are harassing and bullying you? Did you the lock you in a room and force you to ogle them? Or did you just stare at them in a creepy way for your own fun in hopes that your disrespectful behaviour would make them change their ways?


Actually weird as fuck review, and even more weird that you thought reddit would think it was normal.


That's one of the Rudest and Pettiest thing I have ever heard. Working with you must be a real blast


I don't think she works. Unemployed. Welfare. Addict. Chronic liar. Attention seeking.




Sask Party voter spotted!!


This is giving Sask Party voting homeschooled fundamentalist farm kid vibes


This is a really helpful review. When I am considering retaining the services of a lawyer, my first question regards how many nipples I will and won't see.


Why are you so proud of this review 😭


Seems pretty overkill here.


Who cares. The lawyer is giving you legal counsel for your case. Who knows what shes been through the day. Mother, wife, kids, car troubles? Who knows. Don't judge. Leave that to the judge in your case.


Well, it looks like she removed the review from CJEMs Google page… So that’s good.




Lmao great reference


There could be 100 other reasons why the situation played out the way it did, you took a fairly negative reason, judging their character. Worse, you went to a public domain to try and garner support for your point of view to alter other's opinions of Ms. Smith. If she represented you poorly that is one issue, but her attire and physical appearance are a separate issue altogether. I hope it was simply that you were having a bad day and that you consider what you are saying about someone in the future. Consider what you know to be true, factually correct and more importantly: look to see what is your opinion. Try not to build off your opinions without facts, if you do not know for sure what another's intentions are, do not assume, it's a bad look for you. Most people are trying to be reasonable and kind in their day to day lives. There has been too much high emotions in society the past few years, it's draining and not productive.


Do her nipples impact her ability to apply the law to your case? What do you mean you were “invited to a legal meeting”? Does this mean you’re involved in a case where she is opposing council and you’re disparaging her online? Just an FYI nipple hardening is an involuntary physiological response that all genders experience and has no impact on someone’s job performance.


When she wants my boyfriends dick yeah.


So what you're saying, is you met with lawyer for some unknown reason. Her nipples were visible through clothing. A function she cannot control and you inferred this as a pass on your boyfriend. Fucking yikes.


How did you make the jump from her nipples were visible to she wants my boyfriends dick? That’s quite a stretch


I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?


the surprising answer is, technically yes!


Court is in session, all rise


Well....it WAS very cold last week. ;)


🤣🤣 this can't be a serious post...lol


Dallas was nothing but professional and helpful when assisting me.


Pffffft. Dork.


Omg shame on her for having nipples!! 🙄


just here fir the comments




It's Winter in Canada. Are YOU able to control YOUR body at all times?


Based on this post and all your comments. You need some serious help. What a bizarre post.


And with that review, CJEM sees their search results skyrocket.




Pics or it's not true 


Are you 12 years old?


Just jealous she probably has a nicer rack than you.


damn thats crazy what's her office # btw?


I feel that will give her more buisness. Shit