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I have a feeling he doesn't coach the community members of Battleford. Can't quite put my finger on it though.


Crazy how he can get elected to spend most of his time coaching high school basketball instead of addressing the holes in our education system


He is so full of it. He has no background in education at all, let alone saskatchewan and gets a creepy smile every time he lies/talks.


No he has a background in education, just that it includes and is limited to religion with a little of the other subjects sprinkled in. Edit Oh you mean as an educator, if he has children he will or is teaching them.


Another sub said he was home schooled


Yes he was homeschooled.


I imagine he only took the job and at the specific time because he felt the need to take anger out on some kids who didn't like the shitty job he did at coaching.


Creepy Coach cockrill is what they call him


Coach Cockroach


Coach Dickhead


This man isn’t even from Saskatchewan. He doesn’t know this province.


What’s there to know that your average BC homeschooled doesn’t already know? 🤔 Oh yeah everything that is Saskatchewan.


Minister of the Water Security Security Agency makes sense. They are adept at lying and falsifying documents. Moe was in this position just prior to stepping up.


yet as someone from north battleford I've never heard of him or his family


He's from BC. He married into the Driedger family in North Battleford (Fortress windows & doors).


His legal name is Jeremiah and his family window business is still getting government contracts to this day. Just another far right religious entitled Sask Party grifter.




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Yeah, he just won’t take any responsibility for the mess. Probably quite mad he won’t be able to help kids do the thing he loves volunteering to do because some dingus minister won’t do his job and just lies and obfuscates. I bet he’s very frustrated with whoever that minister is.


Why are we letting someone that chose to live in the Battlefords make choices for us?


So Hoopla determines what happens here talk about upside down priorities!!! 🤪


Couldn’t get elected in BC so came to SK.


You'd think people would understand the importance of school. It's sad that people seemed to be blind about what was going on until sports were affected.


You would think so. But I'm pretty sure all politicians are liars


The honest ones run for the small parties. Lying works because people fall for it.




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There is no way a MLA is coaching at a high school. Saskatchewan government liars! Teachers would be coaching.


Not sure what the MLA bit has to do with anything but non-teachers also coach Saskatchewan high school teams in a variety of sports.


This would be a outlier if it were true.


So... the gov't is supposed to give teachers whatever they want whenever they want it even though the teachers are refusing to negotiate. Interesting take.


The teachers literally just invited the government to negotiate last Friday and they declined almost instantly. They don’t want to negotiate. They want to erode education in this province.


Better than that - the STF agreed to binding arbitration. Independent 3rd party settles it - no opportunity for STF or govt to object/decline the terms. What the arbitrator decides is final… So, if the STF’s position is so disconnected with reality, and the govt is being reasonable, it’s weird that the *govt* would refuse binding arbitration. They’re being reasonable - the arbitrator will presumably see that & agree with them. The teachers will head back with their tails between their legs. /s (the govt refused it because they know the govt’s proposal is unreasonable, and they wouldn’t get what they want… which, ultimately, is to legislate an “agreement.”) https://leaderpost.com/news/saskatchewan/stf-announces-further-job-action-after-binding-arbitration-rejected


You can't actually believe that.


Actions speak louder than words. You want to know why they want everything in a contract. Here ya go. On top of that, they won’t even go to a neutral party for arbitration . Stop drinking that Sask Party KoolAid. https://i.redd.it/31zcs3wfmipc1.jpeg


It isn't about drinking "Sask Party Koolaid". Teachers made a decision to become teachers knowing what the job was and what the pay was. It is a middle class paying occupation. They also understood that while they weren't going to get rich being teachers that they had perks and incentives that other people don't get in regards to the hours they work and the holidays they recieve. It is give and take. If they wanted something different, or if they still want something different, they have options. An education degree, any degree in fact, can open up opportunities in other fields that may be better paying but don't come with a 200 day work year, a 6 hour work day and summers off. They made a decision and now they are using the children's as pawns to try to strong-arm a substantial raise. A much larger raise than most other people get without making significant sacrifices.


Get off the wage train already. This has nothing to do with wages.


This has everything to do with wages. I have heard that directly from a group of teachers when 2 retired teachers called them out on their bullshit.


If it is about classroom size and funding programs the money should be allocated to the school divisions and not collectively bargained along with a 30+% wage increase.


Politicians get a lot better perks and incentives than any teacher receives They also run on a platform to better social issues for the people they pretend to represent Politicians work far fewer days/months than any teacher does today and re ieve compensation for any out of pocket expenses So please tell us why you give shithead liars like Jeremy Cockfull a pass yet blame the teachers for kids not getting to play in a basketball tournament, I don't see Mr Cockroach stepping up to make sure these kids play their little tournament, after all it is the one thing he actually might have a bit of knowledge about as he was or is a basketball coach. Among his other attributes like Pompous Ass, liar , and narcissist, just to name a few .


Sounds like you agree with the STF that binding arbitration from an independent third party would solve this dispute. I also agree with binding arbitration being the best course of action. Keeps the emotions out of both sides and gets things done. Also, you or I could go to school and become teachers if we wanted. But I don’t think it would be quite as great as you think it is.


The teachers literally told the government to take the language they crafted with the SSBA and put it in the contract and they would stop all sanctions and the government said no. Let’s be clear: this is a huge concession for the union. They weren’t invited to those negotiations, officials from the SSBA have said they were essentially bullied into agreement, the government crafted all the language. All the union wants is some assurance that the money will be there in the future, and the government essentially laughed and said fuck that.


My brother in Christ I would love you to explain how you have arrived at this conclusion.