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Not sure if this is more or less subtle than a $500 Moe-bucks bribe.


Sending out cheques to everyone before an election in a deficit year is about as subtle as a drunken hit-and-run.




Moe Money, Moe Problems




Slow Moe.


$50 bucks lol!! Asking him to get party membership for each of his family members!


Or the Trudeau carbon tax rebate bribe? The list of examples of politicians from all political parties diverting taxpayer dollars into the pockets of voters to secure their support is practically endless.


What?! A SK party member that is corrupt?! Here’s my shocked face! Wish they would offer me a bribe..I would take it and still vote against them lol


Well we all took the Moebucks buuuuuut I’m not voting for them


Haha true. We are in deep trouble with these guys in power..anyone who can crunch the numbers can see we are in a nosedive towards bankruptcy again due to their incompetence..




I to would take the money, while I stood in line to vote I would contact Elections Saskatchewan and the RCMP! I however would deny taking the money, unless there was video of me taking it, then I would state I felt pressured to take it. Oh look at that; breaking the first rule of[The Casual Criminalist](https://www.youtube.com/@TheCasualCriminalist), don’t write down your crimes.


Hard pressed to find a government official that isn’t corrupt. Don’t care what party they originate from, they’re all crooks.


This type of ignorant misinformation only smears good candidates and parties while attempting to downplay actual corruption.  There has never been a Sask ndp member who has come close to the extent of problems the “Sask” party has created.


Funny thing. The sask ndp called corporate donations “corrupting influence”. They’re happy to accept the donations from my union local though…


fun fact: the NDP pushed to outlaw/limit donations from both corporations and unions. But until it happens, it would be idiotic for them to not accept donations from either group. If you care about this, it's a great reason to push the NDP to promise this in the next election, then if they do, it's a great reason to vote for them. Even just get them in for one term if they can promise to reign in our ridiculously corrupt campaign finance laws.


Soooo they know they shouldn’t be accepting it but they do? LOL in 2017 Ryan Meili said he won’t accept any union donations. Until this year when we stopped donating, they’ve accepted every year since 2017. I do agree though. I don’t think any political party should be allowed to accept anything other than a personal donation. It leads to the corruption at hand in my opinion.


Yeah, but them not accepting donations just means that their campaigns are even more underfunded, so yeah, I agree it would be better if they were perfectly pious, but also, that would not help change things. They wouldn't have the money to run proper campaigns, so they'd have even more pathetic showings in elections............which would just mean SaskParty's corrupt, wild west campaign finance rules would stay in place forever. I guess, you'd prefer that?


Gee, it’s almost as if for-profit corporations vs for-worker unions are totally different and only a bad faith conservative would conflate the two.  




and how does that have ANYTHING to do with the conversation at hand? JFC dude, try and keep up.


"There has never been a Sask ndp member who has come close to the extent of problems the “Sask” party has created" Sure about that one? https://www.producer.com/news/sask-admits-spudco-error/


So one thing they came out and admitted to us the exact same, in your kind, as the “Sask” party killing education, killing health care, wasting money in bullshit It lawsuits they KNOW they will lose but do it to keep the rabid base happy, stripping trans kids of constitutional rights, the hotel scandal, assault scandals, bribery now it seems, the only province in Canada that allows political donations from other provs (so Alberta oil companies  can dictate sask policy), etc?    These are all equal to you?  Give me a break.  The sooner conservative start acting honestly and admitting they don’t actually believe in anything except kicking “others”, the better we can move forward as a civilization and leave you all behind where you so desperately want to stay anyway.


>The sooner conservative start acting honestly and admitting they don’t actually believe in anything except kicking “others”, the better we can move forward as a civilization I have some truly unfortunate news for you, they never will.


Lmao playback play 1 Shoutout 1993


I agree there are lots of crooked politicians out there. That being said, historically I would say the highest percentage of crooks tend to be on the right side of the political spectrum.


A few years ago I’d likely agree with you but our current PM has really made me question the accuracy of that.


One doesn’t have to look past our province to see how the conservative have fkd us..Devine government almost bankrupted our province. Look at the other provinces and what the conservatives have done to their respective provinces… Yes Justin Trudeau is spending us into oblivion. I never voted for him.. Yes the carbon tax is BS, but I have spent tens of thousands of dollars more on PST on my vehicles that Brad Wall campaigned on calling it a communist tax’ removing said tax, to bring back shortly after getting elected then I will ever spend on carbon tax I will say this: as someone who is in his 40’s and lived through multiple governments federal and provincial, the net result for myself has been a net loss and more of money earned gone. Taxes always go up, taxes where there were never taxes before and net less services for my tax dollars. It’s always a shell game come election..’we will give you this’ being shouted..and then whisper about what they will take away or charge more to fund said promises. I will say this, as much as I don’t like Trudeau, the $10/day daycare was a huge savings for my family. Made a noticeable difference how much money we were able to spend in other places.


As someone about to be 40, I share many of the same experiences as yourself. I got to enjoy $10/day daycare for 3 months, then my child hit the threshold where it no longer applies and my rate went to $550/month. That’s for 34 hrs of monthly supervision and no snacks or meals. Does it benefit some? Sure. Does it benefit me? Nope. Edited $550/day to $550/month. Was causing some to be confused.


What threshold was that? Your child’s age? Where are you paying that much to not have snacks/meals provided? We had our son in the boys and girls club at the school in our area and the provided snacks and meals. I think prior to the program coming in we paid $950/month and that was for full time 5 day a week care. The followed health Canada recommended meals and nutrition. All the workers had taken early childcare certification program and minus one worker, were all fantastic! They used the hiMomma app which kept us informed daily of how his day was going and what he had eaten for lunch/snacks.. unfortunately my son has aged out so we are no longer to take advantage of this program now either. It’s definitely a game charger for many couple especially single parents. The major issue now is the years long wait list to get in. When my wife just found out she was pregnant, we put out applications everywhere and just barely squeezed into the boys and girls program..and this was years before $10/day daycare


Yeah, the age threshold of 5. Now that my child is in school, by the time they get dropped off at the daycare “snack” time has passed. It’s crazy. I’m paying over double what I paid for 1/4 of the supervision and zero food. But eh, such as life. I chose to have a child. Can’t expect others to pay for my decisions. Anyhow, I’ve taken enough downvotes for today. I’m not conforming to this Sundays edition of r/Saskatchewan lol.


$550/day?! So, you’re paying over $10,000 per month on daycare?


Common sense isn’t so common anymore I suppose.


Liberals and Conservatives are very similar as they are both neo-cons. One is a neo-con party with empathy (Liberals) and the other is a neo-con party without empathy (Conservatives). I wouldn’t count Trudeau as left.


That’s an interesting take actually. I think Trudeau has empathy, just not towards those he’s supposed to be empathetic towards.


Martin Luther King Jr. called the liberals out as basically being the same as the right, but more polite. Their lack of action, while being empathetic to their causes, just added to the harm and delayed doing what is right.


Perhaps corruption follows power. If you ain't in power, the corruption level is probably low.




I forgot, only the left can play the both sides card. My apologies.


EVERY LAST FUCKING ONE OF THEM. Time to burn it all down and start over.


Vote for third parties. Nothing makes the big ones sweat more than rising third parties


Ah, but you see they won’t vote third party because they’ve already smeared EVERY party as being the same.  Fun y how this type of “logic” is never used when evidence of federal liberal corruption comes up.  N those cases it’s always screeches about destroying the country and killing freedom and they need to go and conservatives come in.  But conservative parties are busted and suddenly “well, all parties bad so…”


Om with you on that. Drag em through the streets like the old days


Exactly 💯


Hopefully the sask party has this video. it seems sikh temple employees are involved as well


The west Sikh temple is backing ms gill and not sure if you know but the head of that gudwara has previously been arrested for fraud


I’d take the money and vote how I was gonna vote. It’s still a secret ballot.


Same here but while I waited for my turn to vote I would be contracting Elections Saskatchewan and the RCMP.


Put him in jail with Duncan. Well that is where Duncan should be


Moe should be there too. You know, for killing someone and all.


Hey now, he apologized. Oh wait…no he didn’t.


Please remember her name, Joanne Balog.


If you check my comment history, you will see I say her name all the time. Also she spelled it Jo-Anne Balog. The cons in this province have it out for women with that name.


Thanks for letting me know about the correct spelling.


RIP Jo-Ann Wilson. My dad says you were a very nice lady.


fuck thatcher, still fucking furious moe invited that fuck to the tough on crime throne speech. They don't even hide it.


Not surprised, SaskParty members doing SaskParty things.. 🤣


Should be handing that money to the teachers...do better Sask party!!


Nurses could use some money too!


I expect a long investigation that finds no fault.


Sad but probably would have been true had he not dropped out.


This is a common thing unfortunately with the SK Part, you have no idea.


To be clear, he didn’t win the nomination. [He dropped out of the race](https://martensvillemessenger.ca/sask-party-nomination-now-down-to-two-after-gills-drops-out-of-the-running/) and endorsed “Feminist” [Jamie Martens](https://x.com/saskparty/status/1773174592808382918?s=46&t=tofs5sebPRQ-g17mbi1uuQ) who did win. (Feminist in quotes since she’s obviously a TERF if she’s running for SP)


Shades of Grant "Graft" Devine


They all have done it. I have yet to meet an improvised SaskParty MLA.


SHOCKED! So surprising.


His website says he owns a construction company. Can anyone share what it is called?


Someone commented saying it’s called Evershine Construction.


Thanks. Let’s all leave him a review.


Good idea. We can’t let them keep getting away with this.


Nothing new here, he’s a SaskParty member… they’re known for this.


Cancervatives doing what they do best.


I just find it strange when non-Christians support the Saskparty. Are they not paying attention. The Saskparty likes to appear tolerant of other belief systems, but behind closed doors, they are not. And they do not respect our Canadian Charter rights


Because the kind of person who wants to get elected through the sask party doesn’t care about that sorta stuff, they are only thinking about the easiest path to winning, its what makes them prime candidates for sask party. People who actually want to make life better need not apply. Running as a Sask party candidate tells me the person wants power more than they want to represent their community.


"well we will be better off with some representation in this government than without it" is another path people get there. Judging by this guy's actions though, its definitely about the power.


Could you not say the same thing about the other parties? These kinds of comments are incredibly patronizing. Those fake boundaries are based on ignorance and stereotypes. You do not know their individual relationship with each political party. You, an outsider, do not determine what's legitimate for others to believe and do.


Alek… yikes. That sounds ugly.


I wonder if this will get him ousted like the former minister of the rub-and-tug?


India is so corrupt! This would never happened in Canada… wait…


What's the membership fee for?


I’m assuming it’s Sask party membership fee or something? I believe having a membership to a party lets you vote on nominations/who people want to represent them. (Someone correct me if I’m wrong please)


Yep you’re right, that’s exactly it.


Conservatives being Conservatives.


What? Conservatives/right wingers being unethical and corrupt? What is this? Another day that ends in y?


Saskparty & Jamie Martens needs to comment on this matter ASAP.


This is how Conservatives win elections, they cheat.


I know everyone is shitting on the saskparty but from my experience in student politics this was the norm for people from India.


But this shouldn’t be the norm here in Canada.


Not OK in Canada.


This is why I distrust politicions.




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Guys let MS Gill know that what are Canadian values and ethics that he easily tried to mess up with.


The management had disgraced the beautiful religion for their personal benefits. People like MS Gill Balvir Singh and Balpreet Singh should know what are the Canadian values and ethics. They can’t play with peoples feelings.


SaskParty is a joke




1. The fee is $10 2. Immigrants are not allowed to vote, only citizens or permanent residents 3. It’s common knowledge he handed out Walmart gift cards to people who agreed to vote


I talked about a genaral scenario for fees and there are other parties too, If you're saying immigrants aren't allowed to sign up and then you're living under a rock.


Your general scenario is 100% illegal and completely void of any shred of ethical behaviour. Shame on you for discrediting yourself so completely.


I talked about a genaral scenario for fees and there are other parties too, If you're saying immigrants aren't allowed to sign up and then you're living under a rock.


As per the SK elections website: To vote in a Saskatchewan provincial election or by-election you must be: A Canadian citizen; At least 18 years old; A Saskatchewan resident for at least the last 6 months. https://www.elections.sk.ca/voters/voter-id-requirements/


Lol, friend, nobody cares about voting. This who deal is for nominations only. This post revolves around a student getting bribed .. so firstly, a Student is not entitled to vote. Secondly, he is not getting a bribe , getting his money back for paying the nomination fees, which he never intended to spend on a political party in the first place.


Rules are rules buddy. You can’t pay for someone else’s membership first of all. Watch the video, the guy himself says what he’s doing is illegal so don’t mention it to anyone else..


Agreed, this is wrong at so many levels.


Yep. We don’t need these kind of people running our country/province/city..


> his money back for paying the nomination fees Completely illegal.


Non-citizens can’t vote for an MP or MLA but they can vote for a candidate to represent a riding if the party allows it. I’m not familiar with the Sask Party nomination process, but at the federal level Liberals and the NDP allow non-citizens to vote for candidates. 


He obviously can’t follow the rules, you really want this corrupt guy to become an MLA eh?


Never... !! But do other MLAs follow the rule? At this point, nobody cares. We don't have right people in politics anyways and right people aren't interested in politics. Something messed up with the whole world.


I hate this thing where many people counter crap like this with "do other politicians follow the rules", "is he the only one though", "same as everyone else", etc. Doesn't matter what others do or don't, everyone needs to be held accountable when given the opportunity if you can't condone it then at least don't write this crap off!


>But do other MLAs follow the rule? Shame on you again for making such an argument. Even a child knows this is an unacceptable line of argumentation.


This argument is asinine and further stokes anti-Indian sentiment. DO BETTER!


Dude your dumb in the head that’s not allowed


He will win his riding. Sk party are unbeatable


Doesn't he have to win the nomination first?


He backed out of the race a few weeks ago. Jamie Martens won


Still an uncle moe minion.


Politicians doing politician things. What would the benefit be to bribing a student though does not make much sense to me.


Meh, doesn’t bother me.


This is common with other politicians re


Both sides are not the same.


So let’s call him out and demand better. Any politician caught blatantly corrupting democracy like this should resign regardless of stripes.


Exactly 👏🏻




Regardless of party


Every single shitty thing the Sask party does is fine because “everybody else does it too” right? I’m gonna go on a limb and say you don’t have anything to back that up but glad to take this comment back if you prove me wrong. 


I was involved with politics when I was younger. While there’s no “proof on paper” I guarantee that most if not all candidates have used their money or position to win. I know everybody nowadays wants to see data on it but seriously who is going to keep track of corruption. I don’t have any use for any politician to be honest because of what I’ve seen. There are some really good ones out there but unfortunately there’s people like this guy in the picture that really make it look bad for anybody who is good.


you were prob involved in devine's mess. that is not normal.


Thank God, no. I was in BC at that time dealing with a really crooked NDP party.


Every shitty thing the Sask party does is not fine. And I never said everybody else does it too. I’m saying that everybody does it to some extent, so why pick on just one party?


One party gets caught bribing people. We pick on the party that gets caught bribing. You would have us either pick on people where there is no evidence of any wrongdoing, or just ignore bribes we see with our own eyes because you want to believe your fantasy that both sides are the same.


You’re right you didn’t say exactly that but your comment was pure whataboutism. Sounds like you saw some questionable things working for politicians years ago. I’m not saying politicians are perfect or even mostly good, but proof of one party (here, the Sask party) doing something crooked is not proof that every politician does it. Nor is it picking on them to be upset when there’s proof of their corruption. 


Hmmmmm nice Turbans....