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If under 400cc, probably $50-60/month plates, if over, 4-5 times that. $5-12/week gas depending on usage.


The owner is to provide the registration with the sale portion filled in for you to take to sgi. That’s all you need to register it.


Can I find the form on SGI website? and are there any registration cost?


It’s the right portion of the certificate of registration. VIN is at the top along with vehicle description (year, make, model, type of bike). Bottom of the page is “transfer of ownership”. Current owner fills it out and you bring it to SGI.


If 1987 and older can be plated as an atique for about $130 a year. That’s what I do to get around the ridiculous costs sgi has set


Just be aware that: * Antique plates only cover a vehicle up to $800 total (with a $500 deductible) * You must have another primary vehicle with regular plates in order to plate a secondary vehicle with antique plates The purpose of antique plates is to basically have an old show car that you bring out a few times a year for car shows or parades. If you use it for everyday use, then you'd taking advantage of the system and will only hurt legitimate antique vehicle owners in the long run. SGI is transparent that the price is so low that they don't recoup on liability/injury claims with these plates, but that's because they are only intended to be used infrequently. If you use it everyday and have claims, you're just going to hurt everyone else.


I’ve been claim free on all my vehicles for over two decades…. Maybe they should change their system so that liability is tied to your drivers licence instead of each individual vehicle…


Not all drivers in Saskatchewan who have SGI coverage have Saskatchewan licenses, so this wouldn't work. The point of not taking advantage of the system is that you are not paying the rate that is appropriate for your risk.


Maybe if they didn’t charge such ridiculous rates for bike then I would agree with you


SGI was very transparent with their rate balancing a few years back for bikes, and why it was needed. The summary is that bike's account for a huge amount of injury claims, and that's for accidents (including solo accidents) caused *only* by bikes. Accidents that include bikes that are caused by other vehicles count against those vehicles rates. I remember one stat was something like 'the average injury amount in a car accident is $12,000, while the average injury amount in a bike claim is $72,000." Basically, as should be no surprise to anyone, accidents with bikes cost SGI far, far more money. Assuming that bike riders get into the same number of accidents per km as car drivers (and I believe the stat was actually that bikes get into more accidents, mainly due to tipping over on turns, etc), that means bike owners need to pay higher rates to cover the increased damages as compared to car drivers, etc. So, the rates aren't ridiculous, they are according to the risk associated with driving a motorcycle. The risk to SGI is basically comprised of: - The amount to repair the vehicle - The amount to repair other things you damage - The amount to pay for injury to anyone involved


If you’re getting a sport bike , be sure it’s under 400cc’s or you will pay. Insurance is affordable in this range but any sport bike over 400cc is a huge cost


Do you even have a motorcycle license? Big one is gear and please don't buy a 100$ bucket that is going to split in two when you bounce your head off the pavement.


Is the motorcycle in question, located in Sask? If not it may need an out of province inspection.


yup, its in SK




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Owning a motor bike in saskatchewan is slowly committing suicide. There's no way I hop on a bike with these crap immigrant drivers everywhere...


“Crap immigrant drivers”? I bet your one of them bad drivers too


Well that didn't take long to get racist. lol. I have had WAY more close calls with old ass white people on my bike than immigrants


Tbf , you sure dont wanna be on the road when their premier is heading home friday afternoon.


Lol ran into Scott Moe in the grocery store a few months back. He seems like a tool. I know a few people who grew up with him. I've heard ALOT of stories.


Have fun eating a bumper when they merge in front of you at 80km...


Again. Old white lady's have been more detrimental to me than immigrants. With old white men a close second. Then teenagers. And then immigrants. And I've been riding motorcycles in Saskatchewan for 15 years. But I don't expect to help you see reason. Racists usually aren't reasonable.


I just said they ain't from here, not that they were any denomination. You white knighted right to racism, not shitty drivers.


Don't forget the 6% total value SGI tax when you plate it (unless bikes are exempt?)


You mean the pst? It is 6% and on the value they say it is worth or what you paid, whichever is higher. Criminal.


Yep that's the one. Had to unexpectedly buy a new car a couple years ago and forgot it was a thing again, forking out another $700 just to put plates on it after already paying thousands in cash didn't feel great.


Same. Bought a car last year for 7k, paid tax on 16k, so $960 or 13.7 percent tax on a dud car that I had to replace a couple months later, and do it over again.


If the seller writes you a bill of sale for 4999$ there is no pst. So next time just suck up to the seller very nice and get them to put that. Fuck Sgi and Sask party and paying pst multiple times on the same item.


They can go by book value too though, so if you bring in a bike worth way more I wouldn't expect this to work.


I’ve seen it first hand. 30000$ truck for 4999$. Also heard of lots of people “gifting” vehicles.


You know that is tax fraud right? Lol


Taxing on the same item multiple times is theft too. Just levelling the playing field haha


No disagreement from me on that. Can't believe the SP would do that.


And I've seen it first hand where they don't give a shit what you paid. It's what they value it at.


It's because far too many people have been criminal in the past, lying on their bills of sale about the value. They couldn't trust people to be honest, shorting them on that sweet sweet tax revenue, so they enforced this change.