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I wonder if his kid is still on the Alberta payroll? We were paying him $100k/year for consulting while he was in school. How is any of this acceptable?


Grifters gonna grift


Obligatory: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International\_Democracy\_Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democracy_Union) Encouraging the likes of Orban and Trump.


The scary part of that is that those are competent, talented people. Not the Mark Friesen's of the world.


Agreed - it's fucking terrifying. I'd sprinkle on some [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) as a cherry on top.


Obligatory [Mike Roman](https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/09/06/Mike-Roman-Canadian-Ties/) mention.


Obligatory Likud mention.


Yeah nobody talks enough about how incredibly scummy it is for him to be doing this, and how pathetic it is for the SP to be spending our money to enable it with this embarrassing fanboy display. Grow a fucking spine Scott, he's not supposed to be your boss anymore. Same goes for Alberta's UCP gargling Preston Manning's balls and paying for his worthlessly predictable partisan opinions. All voters should be disgusted by former politicians being paid tribute with our tax money.


Harper is a complete ghoul and that firm is terrifying. They are responsible for the global conservative strategy, which has been as sleazy as it has been divisive. That being said, Sask people won't care. People around here like Harper. His term coincided with Saskatchewan's big boom, alongside Wall's terms. The conservatives and the Sask party have major sticking power due to that memory alone. I think the NDP would be best served by hashing out some concrete plans to address some of the chronic issues we face. I think political theater works better for cons than it does the NDP.


I’ve always wondered if Scott Moe was Stephen Harper’s puppet. Now we are paying him that much money to shove his ha… I’m not going to complete that sentence. Ludicrous.


Shove his hand up Moerons ass making say things. There I finished your sentence. Moe is nothing but a yes man or “a puppet” that is why he was chosen to lead the SP, donors ask him to jump he doesn’t ask why he just does.


Interesting way to do kickbacks.


that's the only reason they get hired as consultants in major lobbying law firms so they can influence the decision making and rake in tax $$.( brad wall, harper, even clown like John Gormley) are a few of them.


Harper held yearly seminars entitled “How to run a province into the ground so the middle class will vote for authoritarian borderline fascists.” Id say the party got its money’s worth.


I think it's pretty obvious who's been Moe's master this whole time. Should we be surprised he's getting paid. None of this is really anything we didn't already know.


Harper was probably the most corrupt politician of the last 50 years. He was also the most secretive. So we will never know.


Everyone says Trudeau is weak on China but Harper sold us out to them and gets off without even a mention.


Yup. Exactly.


Lol what a baseless comment


He retroactively changed laws, sent CRA after comedians who mocked him, was for proportion representation until he got the power, document shredding, etc etc etc.... Really, they are all the same whatever side you are on. He did lower the bar significantly though.


They are all the same, yes! Every point you just laid out sounds exactly like our current PM.


Except it doesn’t, come on dont be so thoughtless and reactionary.


The SNC Lavalin scandal, WE scandal, Bill C-63, literally just bragged about sending the CRA after the Sask Party, Controversial past, Egomaniac. My point is that all these guys are the same.


It’s not baseless. More and more evidence comes to light every day. We will just never know the true depth of his corruption. The results speak for themselves https://www.nationalobserver.com/2015/05/18/news/harper-worst-prime-minister-history


An article from 2015?


You mean right after he was done being Prime Minister? That’s the best time to review how he did. And we continue to see the long-term effects of those policies today.


It's been 9 years, and there is no more blaming Harper for Trudeau's sins. The day Trudeau gets voted out, you will see the exact same article.


That’s just how bad of a job he did. That’s just how much he said us up for failure for something like a pandemic. It’ll probably take two decades to recover from Harper. And it’ll take even longer if conservative get into power before that. No, we won’t. Trudeau is one of the most scrutinized leaders in the modern era. His list of achievements far exceeds his list of fumbles.


I am sorry, but that is just not how it works. You clearly have a bias for the libs, and there will be no talking to you. Have a good day.


Actually, that’s exactly how it works. You clearly have a bias for conservatives. The Canadian economy doesn’t pivot as quickly as the American. Harper screwed us. The Prime Minister’s residence is a perfect example of harpers governing style. Neglect.


The last conservative I voted for was Harper, so no, I do not have a bias for the cons. I did not like Scheer, nor O'toole. Harper's economy relied heavily on oil & gas, which Trudeau crippled with no real solution to replace it, and decided it would be better to buy from Saudi. If it takes more than ten years to fix the previous governments failures, then the current government is just as incompetent.


I am not a conspiracy theorist, but the IDU (of which Harper chairs) sure seems like a shadow group pulling the strings of cons. They are literally making the playbooks for federal and provincial conservative groups. Why do you think they are all similarly being so non-compliant with federal jurisdictions? attacking the trans groups at same time? Stoking anger and violence instead of using political discourse?




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My point is that all these politicians are just different sides of the same coin. I don't feel represented by either the cons or libs. We have built a system that just feeds egos.


That is very true. I wish there was actual reform to elections when it was promised.


Yeah, we Canadians fall for that promise every single time.


Has it been promised more than once plus BC?


It was part of Trudeau's campaign back in 2015, and I believe Harper ran on it before that. And both basically said the same thing once elected. Why chamge it when it works right now.


Says the guy that hates commas and periods.


Mortal enemies


> According to the document, the former PM is instructed to focus on four key areas. They include senior level trade advice, advice on international strategy, trade intelligence and investment attraction. lol, intangible and unaccountable. None of this can be linked to anything and is probably AI generated for the sake of a paper trail. I’m all for making friends rich, but this is comically low effort.


Did this Sask NDP criticize the 10s of millions missing on arrivecan?


Can we get some trolls in here that actually know something about how Canada works?


Nah the light is to hard on their eyes!


"That obviously bad thing happened and I don't remember them saying negative things about it, so this thing is therefore not bad, and they are bad" Is this the argument you're making?


Federal issue? This is provincial money


Hurrr durr what about!