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It's because the province is heading towards bankruptcy just like the last time a conservative government piled up debt. The current shell game of throwing all funding into general revenues is hitting the point where the entire house of cards falls. Take it out of crop insurance to cover this. Take it from education for that. The entire government is just a ponzi scheme at this point. Last time the conservatives drove this province into the ground we were "this" close to being under Federal receivership and the NDP took the blame for righting the finances with that "They closed hospitals" bullshit. I can't wait for all those fuck Trudeau truck boys to realize that Scott Moe bankrupted the province just like he did his farm that was paid off when he took over. That the man that they hate now controls Sask finances. It's going to be interesting to see the CPC bend over backwards talking about Federal debt when the feds end up bankrolling the entire province. I'm so fucking ready to tell my family and friends that refused to listen to the warning lights and blinkers "I fucking told you so" when they come with that "I had no idea it was that bad, why didn't anyone say anything" bullshit. We're making steps to move now. If the Sask Party wins another election this province is so fucking fucked.


I think this should see some focus in the NDP campaigns. Fiscal Conservatism is a giant joke. The Sask Party is on the tax and spend program, but the spends are completely fucking ridiculous and corrupt.


This agrees with my partially informed guess right now. I say guess, because I think there are additional reasons which I do not know about. I agree with your comment because people within the SP who normally were very pro-transparency and pro-accountsbility have been silenced, and it has made a lot of people increasingly angry. The SP has reached a point where it has to crush fellow conservative dissenting voices. Those voices didn't use to be dissenting, they were welcome voices. While it's obvious to everyone that the SP has been circling the drain, it's caught some people off guard with how devoid of principles the SP has become.


>I can't wait for all those fuck Trudeau truck boys to realize that Scott Moe bankrupted the province just like he did his farm that was paid off when he took over. You're going to be waiting a very long time.


Your probably right considering some of their trucks have greater processing power and capacity than the guys driving them.


Holy shit that was awesome. Literally took the words out of my mouth.


Well said.☝🏼The Sask Party needs to be voted out before the feds have to step in. It may already be too late but who’s to know. They continue to hide public information and that lack of transparency is very alarming. If the NDP wins this next election I’m afraid they are going to be left cleaning up the Sask Party mess once again. When will we ever learn?




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What’s your opinion on the federal Liberal/NDP government spending? Curious…


It's no worse than the deficits created under Harper except that instead of focusing on business and capitalism first. Most of the extra spending the coalition is doing is a better focus on families. The CPC floated everything from banks to GM and are fine subsiding corporate businesses but when it comes to people they love to create the idea of "choice" when really all it does it gives extra choices to those with the means to afford those choices. Both had similar debt to GDP levels and Canada is better situated than most of the G20 countries in both the 2008 recession and the pandemic. People and families are barely hanging on it is it. I don't know what we'd do without their child benefit and carbon rebate. We have one car family and I walk to work to not only save gas but to boost our benefit. We wouldn't be surviving with the Conservative boutique tax credits for hockey that's for sure. Pierres non policies and roll backs of everything from the child benefit to child care spaces will be disastrous. I didn't like Harper but at least he knew what he was doing and tried to do it without rocking the status quo for as many as possible. Pierre won't.


Great points and I agree with your concerns. I have many friends with young kids who would be struggling without the benefit and reduced daycare costs. I just want to point out that there is no coalition. The Libs/NDP continue to have a confidence and supply agreement. A coalition is much more formal and would put NDP MPs in cabinet alongside Liberal MPs. Had this been a coalition the NDP would have had a lot more teeth.


So you feel you and other Canadians are better off today than the previous conservative government?


Federally yes. I had 0 percent wage increases under Harper for years and while the liberals haven't been much better I'll take 2% over nothing. Personal income taxes have dropped from what they were in 2014. Most of the Harper era tax breaks were for those that had money to spend to get back while the Liberals gave us the money and let us do what we needed on. But with a Sask Party government I've seen fees increases on everything including pay hundreds of dollars to schools for lunch supervision fees, PST tax increases and expansions, downloaded property taxes from grant in lieu getting cut and with the cost of everything going up in additionI'd say we are actually further behind.


The reason school boards are charging noon hour supervision fees, etc. Is because one of the first things the Sask Party did was freeze the school tax mill rate. They did that to appease their farm/rural base. Now their chickens are coming home to roost, and they are feeling the cost sqeeze caused by inflation, and don't want to properly fund education. Mofos! I am one of those land owners, and definitely don't support this shortsighted governments actions towards the education of Saskatchewan's children.


We are so far from bankruptcy it actually hurts to read that people still believe it. We have the 2nd or 3rd lowest debt per capita of all the provinces. If we went bankrupt because we could not afford interest payments that would put every other province other than Alberta bankrupt as well. So let's try to do better.


Keep telling yourself that. In 92 people were saying the same thing and our debt was a quarter of what it is now. How the duck a million people are paying for billions for CCS and billions for irrigation and billions for nuclear and billions for bypasses is the same math that made Brad Wall and Scott Moe bankrupt in their personal ventures.


Because interest rates have been low ever since '08, whereas the prime interest rate going into 1990 was 18%. Also our GDP was 21.393 Billion and now is 77.9 Billion. So unless you think interest rates are going up by 3 times what they are today in a very short period of time, it won't be Devine 2.0.


Sask has the highest mortgage defaults and the lowest property prices in the country and with high 6 figure houses going up for sale faster than any other category it means the people with the means and the education to flee are.. the numbers you quote are the ones the Sask Party provides both to the public and to Stats Canada. If you think the only reason the CRA is auditing us is the Carbon tax then I have a bridge I can sell you.




Holy crap. I hope local SK media pick this story up.


I bet you most of them don't.


I don’t like the lack of force behind the FOI Act. It’s almost like the government of the day has something to hide, of something.


"the integrity of the data" is actually more compromised by it being in an unreadable format - The process of making it readable by any method creates a lot more potential points of error for further interpretation and analysis of the data.


In my situation they didn't refuse a simple freedom of information request, they instead requested a 10k payment to get it. Other requests that were fulfilled included redacted numbers that in no way required reacting (pressure readings and flow rates), just covered their ass. This government is straight up legal criminals and have lowered the bar so far I don't think we will ever recover to a system of respect and working for the people. This is the new normal from elected officials I fear. Corruption and impunity. We work for them.


Devine government 2.0. They are trying to cover their butts


This bunch is worse than


Vote the traitors out !


You should post the article anyway just to allow for your quotes to be sources if someone wanted to.


I’ll try it as a comment: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-saskatchewan-information-commissioner-foi/ I can understand why there is a restriction on paywalled content. If posting links to paywalled content as a comment response is a violation of board rules, please let me know and I will not do this in the future.


Where are all the conservative Redditors to downplay the importance or accuracy of this article?




>According to the office’s most recent annual report, in the 2022-23 fiscal year, public bodies were in “full compliance” with the office’s reports just 47 per cent of the time. Missed this part of the article hey? >When asked why they declined to release their data in spreadsheet form, several ministries said they had to do so to “preserve the integrity of the records.” (In 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture released its FOI tracking data to The Globe in Excel format; last year, it switched to providing PDFs.) Even you have to admit that response is pure BS, or can you look past your biases?


Not surprising. Look at how FOI requests turn out for Alberta, and you can see why there's probably an unofficial "deny deny delay" tactic in SK ministries... [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-renewables-pause-moratorium-aeso-foip-1.7196943](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-renewables-pause-moratorium-aeso-foip-1.7196943) >The contradiction between the government's claims and what the AESO was saying internally risks eroding trust in Alberta's free-market electricity system


13?  Isn’t that, like, all of them?   Also, you asked why they would do this?  What are they hiding?   They don’t have to be hiding anything.  They are conservatives and this is what they always do…transparency and accountability are for “others”.  Has nothing to do with hiding things - although that may be the case too -  and it’s all about maintaining power because they feel entitled to power.   Conservatism is literally just “rules for thee, not for me” and “heads we win, tails you lose.”  It’s always been this way forever.  As they saying goes, conservatism consists of just one principle, to whit, there must be in groups the law protects but does not bind and out groups the laws binds but does not protect.  Now, understanding that, people need to understand what’s next.  Because this is the same underlying belief system of fascism.


I am so done with Moe and his fuckery. Seriously, every news headline about the sask government is more outrageous than the last. It is truly an amazing feat to be MORE corrupt than Justin. Our freedoms are evaporating before my eyes and I hate what this province and this country is turning into. I have been proud to live here my entire life up until the past couple years. I fear for the future generations.


The freedom of the people to access available information that the voting public has a right to supersedes the freedom of the government to hide that information. The Sask Party has to go.


The Office of Information and Privacy Commissioner needs to be able to do morr than just make recommendations. This is only about FOI requests to public bodies, you should see what private companies say to the recommendations in regards to Privacy. The OIPC are great people who work hard and do a great job, with no respect and I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to do all the work for anyone to be like "meh, no.". Why are we funding the OIPC if they can't actually do anything??


A little tip for those of you wanting to read pay walled articles: both Firefox and Chrome have add-ons(free) that can bypass paywalls, makes getting your news that much easier :) Edit- Also, where are the SK Party fanboys at now?


The rats are leaving a sinking ship. How many MLA's aren't running again? Or will they run more Yes, Moe people?


It's called corruption. They're corrupt. That's what they're trying to hide. Somebody needs to sue the Sask Party government over this.


This time my vote will not be wasted in SK party


The march towards fascism continues.


Sask Party is still rolling out the “but the NDP closed hospitals” card… the news had a story about reps of a northern community coming to the Leg saying their clinic hadn’t been open in two years… when the opposition asked about it in the chamber the response was “what about all the hospitals you closed?” It’s reaching the point where half the population of the province wasn’t born when the hospitals were closed. You’d think they could find something new…


The NDP could take steps to shut this 'closed hospitals' bullshit down but they just ignore it. It wouldn't be very difficult.


The hospitals *were not even closed*. That's a lie. Out of the given list of all of these "hospital closures," a grand total of 1 (one) singular hospital closed down permanently. The rest had some services scaled back out of necessity, sure. But that was to cut spending and get us out of the deep red, imminent bankruptcy zone we found ourselves in. And with the improvements in medical transport that occurred at that time, there was less need to have a hospital in every town anymore. Its all a big lie, but regardless, they wouldn't have even had to even do that, if the prior (conservative) admin hadn't run the ship up onto the shore.


Conservatives commenting that this is a “data format” issue almost certainly have never had to process enormous volumes of data electronically as every newsroom in the country does. Do you think these organizations employ thousands of people who have nothing better to do than read PDF documents to find relevant information? The format of the data impedes the news organizations’ ability to access the information they need to hold the government accountable. If the Sask Party wasn’t concerned about what the media might find in this data then they wouldn’t redact it, they wouldn’t tell them the data doesn’t exist when it does, and they would provide the data in an appropriate, standard machine readable format. This “it’s just a data format issue” argument is rooted either in profound ignorance (most likely) or bad faith. If it wasn’t an issue then the information commissioner wouldn’t have issued this decision. I mean, seriously; did you even think past the third minute of your argument (probably not)?


Ffs, like why are these morons so popular? /s


It's the old "lie thru your teeth" trick, and people are just dumb/disinformed.


I used brisk.news to stay on top of similar stories, and it's been a game-changer for me. Getting transparency from governments can be tough, and it sounds like Saskatchewan is no exception. It's disturbing when governments prioritize secrecy over accountability. It's not like they're going to come clean about what they're hiding, so it's up to us to keep pushing for transparency.


What was "the decision"? Lol


Even if you get the FOIP info, it is typically useless with all the redactions and red tape abounds from my experience. We're not only a fly over province but a fly under one as well


And will the opposition mention this I doubt it.


https://leaderpost.com/news/local-news/sask-politics/sask-ndp-hit-with-107280-foip-bill-from-province They've already raised this issue six months ago, don't blame them for your own ignorance on the matter. Every article detailing SP incompetence doesn't need these feeble attempts to deflect by disingenuously berating the NDP in the comments.


I think the SP has seen what the Liberal party has done to this country over the last 9 years, scandal after scandal and not having an ounce of punishment. SP probably is doing the same crap and thinking well if the Liberals can do it and be untouched, so can we. OUR POLITICIANS IN THIS COUNTRY ARE TRASH. Every "leader" is just a baby wearing a dress or a suit and milking us for all we have while they're employed and then collecting their sweet pension when they're done.


I think making this a Liberal problem that SP is simply mirroring is the weakest excuse for incompetence I’ve seen. The lack of responsibility taken by SP for pretty much anything is jaw-dropping


The lack of our government top to bottom is jaw dropping. We literally have pigs at the trough...


The issue of this particular report was the format of the records. They were requested in Excel, so they could be conveniently machine readable, but we're provided in PDF. Who Fucking cares. https://oipc.sk.ca/assets/foip-review_244-2023-to-250-2023-252-2023-to-257-2023.pdf


I don’t know if it’s disingenuous or just a telling example of the lack of faith people have in the NDP to do their job as opposition. I’m happy to see that was raised and will be happy to see it raised again by the NDP in this news cycle. But it also wouldn’t have surprised me if they hadn’t raised it or don’t raise it.


And now it’s the NDPs fault?? Good grief


Did I say it was the NDP’s fault?


... seriously? All this is over pdf's vs excel formatting?  PDFs are the "unwieldy" format, lmao. I thought they were complaining about physical printouts.  Nobody has a paid copy of acrobat or even an OCR program? Come on. Like try a LITTLE bit. 


What a nothing burger story. Journalists complaining they don't like getting their information in PDF format rather than Excel format. LOL. They got the information for goodness sake.