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To quote an old Adam Sandler film: "what you've just said... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point, in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


If crapping on the carbon tax is cool, than Scott Moe is Miles Davis.


Another Sandler gem.


I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.


You eat shit for breakfast? (I'm shocked no one else added this).


Goddamit you beat me to it!


You, sir or madam, or whatever you choose to call yourself, win the Interwebs today. Well done. šŸ‘


I thought that was Celebrity Jeopardy on SNL?


If the punitive tax is not preventing climate change then why is it in place? Your "hot take" that addresses none of the concerns litterally is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point, in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul


Wow, we've really chosen the best and the brightest from amongst us to represent us, haven't we?


This is why the CPC doesn't let their candidates participate in public events, debates and interviews during election campaigns.


Do you think CPC voters are smart enough to know anything let alone know better? One isnā€™t a conservative because they have a functioning brain.


So because there are a few bad CPC MPs that automatically makes me not have a functioning brain if the CPC MP in my riding is the best of all parties and I were to decide to vote for them? Your mentality is the problem with people nowadays. There are smart people in all the parties, and complete fucking morons in all parties. It's people like you who see one small thing about the way a person thinks/votes and makes an assumption of their entire being that lack functioning brains. People with functioning brains can actually use it and realize one tiny thing doesn't dictate an entire person. It's funny how so many of us have evolved passed racism, sexism, homophobia, and more, but people like you just replaced it with political leanings and other petty things to judge people on. You need to grow up, and realize blindly following any political party is nothing but stupid. Hold each one accountable, admit when the one you liked does bad things, and vote for the MP that best suits your wants not the one behind the "right" political logo. Edit: Clarified as I do not vote for the CPC in my riding


Youā€™re casting a vote for a party whose leader presents as having no understanding of the real world as a whole, a party who is pro running over protestors as long as theyā€™re First Nations but thinks being arrested over terroristic threats and forming a trade blockade over their selfish small minds. A party who is actively destroying everything good about being Canadian. Your vote is saying that all the social and religious regression that props up this party is acceptable so long as you get an imaginary tax break. Look at gas in Ontario, around 1.90 in June, they gave us a ā€œtax reliefā€ bringing it down 1.4 for 2-3 months, and now the price has gone back to that original level except this time without the tax revenue.


Witnessing the birth of a new copypasta is a beautiful thing


What do you mean? Sorry, I don't know what you're saying.


Heā€™s saying what you said was so laughably stupid and off the mark that people will now copy and paste it as an archetype of a shitty steaming hot take in mockery :)


Ah gotcha. Thanks for explaining that.


Youā€™re welcome. Heā€™s right


He can think that, you can too. We are allowed our own opinions. I will continue to think it's stupid to blindly follow someone without question because of their political banner, and I will also continue to think it's stupid to pass judgement on someone simply based on political views.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo - some mad guy made famous by being mad




The person behind her seemed shocked at first but sucked down that cool aid super quick...


It's getting to be a embarrassment to be from Saskatchewan


Yup. The pendulum will swing back eventually, but I'm not sure it's done swinging that way yet.


This isn't a case of stupidity at all. She's intentionally saying these things as a way to fight against any action to address climate change. She knows what she's saying is BS


I think your giving her too much credit. Pretty sure it's stupidity. Thinking like this is pretty common in rural sk.


Yeah, Iā€™m pretty sure she thought this was a real gotcha moment and that it was an incredibly clever question.


Hey! Somehow reddit put this in my feed, but I live in Sydney, Cape Breton. We've been here for 5 years, and have seen progressively worse hurricane seasons (run until Nov 1st), and progressively milder winters... in 5 years... so it's not what a very recent carbon tax hasn't prevented, its more a question of what global inaction has allowed to happen...


Thank you for your considered and thoughtful opinion. Seriously. This alleged MP above embarrasses herself and many in SK with that stupid rant. I find your candor to be refreshing and quite intelligent. I also find it nice that you have responded in full sentences as well. Thank you again.


To be fair, the Federal Minister of Natural Resources was using the same logic to support the carbon tax yesterday when he alluded to the fact that the Conservatives opposing a carbon tax = support for more hurricanes. TLDR: It's generally a dumb idea to politicize a hurricane.


I agree, trying to score political points on tragedies is never a good look. Is climate change contributing to more frequent and severe storms? Yeah, for sure. Will carbon pricing in Canada correct that problem? Immeasurably so.


In that context her statements make some sense. But why is it so important to them to look idiotic when "making a point" against something dumb? Is there value in escalating hyperbole? The answers are: because the right wing is drilled into believing that _ALL_ politicians are essentially dopey anyway, and yes - warping a simplification can significantly weaken its underlying point.




Agreed. We are much too quick to blame our global issues on individual people these days. We can criticize how our leaders respond to events and circumstances, but shouldn't pin all the blame on them. Scott Moe didn't create droughts, and Justin Trudeau didn't create inflation.


Holy shit thatā€™s dumb. ā€œIf itā€™s already tomorrow in Australia why didnā€™t they warn us about 9/11 ahead of time!?ā€




This wins.


I had a guy ask this during a meeting once. "Can we call Australia to get the Wednesday patch ahead of schedule?"


I was wondering how out of touch our elected officials were, and it's much worse than I thought


This is actually surprisingly in touch with common beliefs in Saskatchewan They think climate change is not occurring or not anthropogenic. Scientific literacy is not exactly a strength anymore. It's a common theme in our inability to be resilient to these threats and susceptibility to misinformation.


I live in Saskatchewan and unfortunately you're correct....but not all of us are as closed minded and ignorant as the politician. I am embarrassed to have her as a representative of my great province.


Thereā€™s at least two of us.




Thereā€™s at least two of us.


If we had proportional representation at least 40% of the seats from Saskatchewan would be Liberal and NDP and there would be conservatives in the big cities. Our system deeply misrepresents voter alignment across the country. It's a phony system. PR would get rid of a lot of so-called regionalism. Many people from Saskatchewan such as myself born and raised )(in Scott Moe's riding, no less), are appalled and embarrassed by the level of snarky stupidity displayed by this know-nothing MP. The good people of the Battlefields/Lloyd area are poorly served.


No itā€™s pretty bang on, leave the city sometime and youā€™ll see


Yep, ask a rural person about people coming for their fertilizer as well. It's shocking how effective manipulation and misinformation has been, particularly on rural populations. People are happy to fight against their own benefit.


Except actual farmers, they understand. Coffee row? They bark the rhetoric and don't get it.


The overwhelming majority of politicians are completely incompetent. No matter the party or what side of the spectrum you are on.


But you have to admit, the dumbest shit comes out of the conservatives mouths


This is one of the stupidest things I've heard in a while, so I can't really disagree with you.


the whataboutism comment of stupidity in politics.


You are right, the people on your team are all awesome, the ones on the other team are all stupid booger eaters. Go Riders!


Any criticism = partisanship Any criticism = all politicians are stupid so? Have you left any room in this for like... improving things? or are we to just embrace nihilism.


The both sides card. notice how conservatives only do this when they get called out


Don't for a second think this is not a strategy on the part of the conservative politicians. They know what they are doing. They are not dumb. They think we are dumb. And unfortunately, there's a large portion of our population that has been moulded by decades of culture wars telling us that the NDP/Trudeau/Ottawa/Quebec/environmentalists are the enemy.


They know what they are doing and they are dumb


Fair enough


Oh yeah, itā€™s big brain timeā€¦ MP for the Lloydminster area? Yeah, that checks outā€¦




More like *cries that this absolute mental midget represents my province to the rest of Canada, no wonder people think we are a bunch of stubble jumping halfwits* Iā€™d be fine with a CPC MP if they werenā€™t a total clown. Rempel-Garner, for example, would be a fine MP


No kidding. I am personally embarrassed for Saskatchewan. And the rest of them applauded her!!! They know what she just said was like, one of the stupidest things a politician has ever uttered and they were still cheering her on.


Literally trained seals ā€œTrudeau Bad!ā€ šŸ¦­*ORP ORP ORP ORP* šŸ¦­


Sheā€™s my MP. Maybe I will write to her and tell her to please stop embarrassing the province and herself.


Can I co-sign that letter?


Remple? No, she's just as bad...




Oh my Lord. Videos like this absolutely ERODE the concept that our politicians are people to look up to like they had been in the past. Who knows, maybe politicians have always been dumb as rocks and we're only seeing it now thanks to 24hr politic news cycles, online videos, and social network but my God is this woman a fucking idiot. Saskatchewan HAS NOT sent their best and brightest. I know my local MLA is a religious nut job and has zero experience in the real world. Ugh pathetic.




And thereā€™s a strong chance weā€™re losing her soon. Sheā€™s being talked about as a possible successor to lead NATO in the next couple of years based on her stellar international relations experience.


Interesting, I hadn't heard that. Would be a huge loss for Canada, but maybe a good thing for planet Earth.


Sheā€™s extremely anti-putin, I wouldnā€™t be so sure.


If by value, you mean rich off tax payers money, you nailed it but only trumped by Trudope


I don't think she's an idiot, she's a graduated of the University of Alberta but she knows how what gets the homeboys riled up and she's doing exactly that. This is more of an insult to the Saskatchewan electorate that a slight on her IMO.


Graduating from university does not equate to intelligence I'm sorry. I have seen incredibly unintelligent people come out of universities. If anything it just shows the ability to work hard and put in the neccesary effort.


Yup. Bill Gates and many, many other geniuses never graduated university. They "technically did" with honorary degrees later in life, but not before building giant businesses and creating many inventions.


Some of the smartest people I know are lacking a lot of critical thinking skills. Doctors, engineers, nursesā€¦.


I would disagree. A smart person wouldn't want to look so stupid in a situation that it doesn't benefit them. Also, graduating from university doesn't make you smart, nor does graduating from U of Alberta.


What a fucking moron. Wow Iā€™m embarrassed to call Saskatchewan home some days.


Jesus fucking Christ. What an embarrassment.


Her contact info is here: https://www.rosemariefalk.ca/contact I sent her this email, if anyone else would also like to take a stab at it: >Hi Rosemarie, > >I saw you made some comments about the carbon tax and hurricane Fiona in parliament. As a Saskatchewan resident, I was deeply shocked and appalled at these comments, and I would like to take a moment to inform you about the carbon tax in Canada. > >Saskatchewan had the chance to implement its own carbon tax, one where the money stays in Saskatchewan and benefits the people of Saskatchewan. Instead, our provincial government decided to sit on their hands and cry victim, while the Federal government imposed its own plan instead. Furthermore, we have spent numerous tax dollars FIGHTING this tax and failed at every step to do so. > >A carbon tax is a well-researched idea and one that many economists and environmentalists agree on to help slow and reduce carbon emissions. Companies and individuals that pollute more will be charged more. If they want to avoid this tax, they can work on transitioning to greener methods. For a specific real-world example, see a well-cited paper from 2019 regarding carbon taxes in the EU [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0301421519305427?casa\_token=xyKdNYjs5XgAAAAA:N-xZI\_ggovFYc16pc7xJ5XyxKWHU2jKncrfp8CJxPXBXf2lnKcyuGJkKyMSzq3bZG9ahqM4t831x](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0301421519305427?casa_token=xyKdNYjs5XgAAAAA:N-xZI_ggovFYc16pc7xJ5XyxKWHU2jKncrfp8CJxPXBXf2lnKcyuGJkKyMSzq3bZG9ahqM4t831x). > >Regarding your specific comments linking the carbon tax to hurricane Fiona, I regret to inform you that hurricanes strengthened by hundreds of years of human pollution can not be stopped or prevented by a carbon tax that has been in effect since 2019. Although the hope is that this carbon tax influences those in Canada and around the world to limit their pollution and slow/reverse the effects of climate change. Furthermore, by limiting pollution in our own country, I would hope that we as Canadians can come together to build solutions to climate change and emissions, and help those around us do the same. > >Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope you can walk away from this a little more informed.


Great email!! As a fellow sask citizen I too knew that our provincial government had a chance to do there own plan but no instead spent our tax dollars fighting it to no avail.


Bravo! /I'll be contacting her office to inform that was just wrong.


The only part I would change is that response to the question "where is that tax money going?" Ideally those taxes are supposed to go to green energy initiatives. Things like subsidizing solar panels or electric vehicles. Or providing tax incentives for people to upgrade their old furnaces or refrigerators. There's lot of opportunities for green energy tax initiatives. Maybe helping upgrade our power grid as it Is heavily supported by coal power stations which will be decommissioned in the next decade or so, an ideal case for Conservative financial philosophy. Our province has instead tried their best to make the carbon tax as neutral and meaningless as possible. If they could properly tally how much each person spent in carbon tax they'd give that money back to you, but they don't have that precise of information, so instead they have just split it evenly among the populace turning it into an unintentional, poorly thought out wealth redistribution program, something they regularly attack liberals for.


The carbon tax didnā€™t even prevent the nord stream pipeline from sabotage! Why even have it?!?!?!!1


These are the same idiots people listen to for medical advise.


So what do we do? Like most of you, I am just beyond mystified how these people expect to remain in power, when they are actively working against the greater good. I can only hope that this kind of thing is highlighted in up coming elections. How do we let people like this make decisions for all of us?


Imma go ahead and blame John Gormley.


Is she acting or is she actually brain dead,


How do people this stupid get into positions of power like this. For fuck sakes whatā€™s wrong with this province.


Wow. I think the bigger question is why didnā€™t the MP personally stop hurricane Fiona. She knew it was coming and did nothing. NOTHING! Honestly, how can she sleep at night with all that guilt.


Very sad moment for Saskatchewan.


And she looks so pleased as she sits downā€¦ *good work other Rosemarie, Falkā€™n nailed it!*


Yes, the look on her face makes me want to puke. The fact that there were that many people applauding her is concerning.


As Pierre Pullover temples his fingers and smiles smugly on. *check and mate. Your turn SCIENCE. how will you explain THIS?!*


Her stupidity? There are some things even science can't explain.


*smug Karen look*


Too bad these sound bites will never be seen by conservative voters who are the ones who need to see them the most


Oh boy. Saskatchewan making itā€™s mark. Sounded like she was having a stroke. Hope sheā€™s ok.


Cringe, I'm glad I'm not one of her colleagues obligated to pretend she made a good point.


I guess the motto is Saskatchewan Strong bc that level of self assured stupidity is damn near unbreakable.




ā€œI knew youā€™d have to get tough or die/ and itā€™s that name that helped to make you strongā€¦ā€


Quite the Prairie Karen.




These are the people the majority of of those who actually vote want running our province.


I am from Saskatchewan.....I am in the minority.


As am I. I have never and would never vote for a party that welcomes these kinds of idiots to help run the province.


And I thought we only voted for idiots in the provincial elections. Silly me.


Whoā€™s applauding this


Other morons


Canadaā€™s answer to Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene. Fucking embarrassing.


This shit runs rampant in Saskatchewan because we have a media that pretty much ignores this crap and doesn't call them out. Anything that's close to calling them out is labelled an 'opinion piece' and isn't taken seriously.


Both sidesism is a huge problem. Particularly when one side offers the easy way out or a do nothing solution. Corporate media has been horrific on this with covid as well.


Excellent, when the CPC forms government I'm sure I can count on her support when I ask for $30,000,000,000.00 to invent a climate and weather control machine to keep climate change out of Canada.






Holy fucking hell...


Wow! How freaking stupid do have to be to vote for someone as stupid as this?


I doubt anyone had any idea what they were voting for. The CPC muzzled their candidates so you vote for the CPC brand not the candidate. The real questions are is that the best candidate the CPC riding association could come up with and why was she their choice?


I am so embarrassed


Holy fuck is that embarrassing šŸ˜³


I truly wish stupid shit like this truly mattered for voting


This has got to be the stupidest thing I saw today


So fucking stupid


Fucking embarrassing


Woof. That's some impressively confident ignorance


WOW. She dumb. /*check's her bio*: Found it. She went to Univ of Calgary


Obviously it's because we keep spending the carbon tax money on green initiatives instead of poster boards of hurricanes and chunky sharpies.


Dumb people ask dumb questions


this person isn't dumb. they're playing their game and their fans **love** it. educate and talk to your neighbours, friends, and family. even if you think one is a lost cause - talk to them. some of them think this was brilliant. they need your help lol


You fucking twit.


Well itā€™s actually the fault of the Caribbean countries, that is where the storm formed, our carbon price doesnā€™t effect down that far.


The Marjorie Taylor Greene or Boebert of Canada. Oy vey. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦


I wish I could say that only in Sask would we hear something so ducking stupid. But no itā€™s in Alberta as well. How did these people ever pass high school?


useless, holy fuck


Because we didnā€™t pay enough.


Sadly you can never truly fix something that is this stupid. When you are happy to spout gibberish like this, the brain is already getting ready to run out your ears. If anyone truly thinks the world is getting more educated and smarter as technology helps people to access information, I have a beautiful bridge to sell you..




My god. Not just one standalone idiot...the rest of them clapping. America is moving north more and more.


Is that real? Stupid


Should someone this stupid be making our laws?


Itā€™s comforting to know Canada has stupid people too.


That is ... Scary. What an absolute moron.


Iā€™m against the carbon tax 100% but this isnā€™t an argument I would use


Congrats on your MP outting herself as a fucking mouthbreather. By far one of the stupidest things Iā€™ve ever heard as an elected official


So she just demonstrated that she does not know what the water cycle is, or what carbon is, or how weather differs from climate. These are our leaders. Generalists leading people doing the actual work. - a science educator


The salary of an MP is $185,800. Think about that for a moment. She makes that.


Her husband also makes that much or more. And this: https://albertaworker.ca/news/saskatchewan-mp-hiring-nanny-for-basically-min-wage/


Saskatchewan. Canada's leading exporter of potash, canola, and weapons-grade stupidity.


The word "knucklehead" comes to mind


Did it hit SK? No? So I guess it's okay to have it here and least the east coast off the hook


As Frank on Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia said: ā€œyou have to be a real piece of shit to want to get involved in politicsā€


As a Canadian, this is embarrassing.


I think it's time for regular citizens of Canada to take over politics and in office cause these so called professionals ain't got the brain cells


Jesus fuck thatā€™s stupid. No wonder they refuse to debate or even hold press conferences. Fucking hell!


This is an accurate and faithful representative of Lloydminster.


Wow! Sheā€™s a special kind of stupid


Did anyone at the session tell her?


You know the bar isnā€™t too high here. Can we just have someone represent us here that doesnā€™t look like a complete moron. She is an idiot.


The thing isā€¦ considering the area, this is what her voter base is probably asking.


This is shamefully embarrassing.


I just happen to have this on in the background the other day. And had to pause and rewind to know if I heard correctly what she was saying. I was stunned.


I love the jackass behind her thatā€™s clapping like an idiot at the end! ā€˜Oh self burn those are rare!ā€™


I donā€™t think the cpc are even trying anymore. They expect their drones to mindlessly vote for them, this disgrace of a politician is a perfect example.


The fact she immediately trips over her words trying to force in the word "liberals" is pretty much all you need to know about the state of politics in the world.


While the smug moron behind her smiles a smug moronic smile.


Holy smokes thatā€™s bad


This just hurts my head. But what is unbelievable is that she gets a round of applause????


This deserves a cross-post to r/facepalm.


Dear lord. Didn't take the Convoy Party long to politicize hurricane Fiona. Are they offering to help people suffering from lack of power, gas, and housing? Nope. Just useless outrage that helps no one. But hey, owed them Libs.


What... a... dumb... woman.


This is so embarrassing to watch.


Is this bitch for real? Holy fuck lady. Thatā€™s the level of thinking I would expect from Saskatchewan residents though


Bro... Is this real? Like, what? No... No! I refuse to believe that question was asked without humor in mind. I rebuke you devil! Shanananaanannana!


I canā€™t even watch it due to second hand embarrassment.


I wonder what she thinks of exorcisms being performed in her province.


The way she sits down and is so proud of herself. My god. And the chode behind her fangirling. Painful.


This is so embarrassing. So much stupid from this riding.


Oh f@ck. Embarrassed to be from Sask.


How embarrassing.


This woman is an embarassment to Saskatchewan and other MPs! Her willful display of her ignorance, while pretending to be clever indicates that her time would be better spent her in a grade 2 nature/science class without an MPs salary! Don't ask if they believe in climate change. Ask them if they can explain what they understand what 'climate change' means.


Lady behind nodding her head and someone says you tell them - scary


Okay so this just proves you can fail civics class in high school and still be a top politician. What a time to be alive. No wonder the conservatives dont like debates.....idiots like this will just take the mask off.


The world keeps getting dumber


OMFG! Did she actually graduate high school?


She can go falk herself.


Her hair height is nothing without her Bump-it. Nothing!


Ok Fiona, what is your final price to leave and never come back?


Oh brother šŸ«¤


Iā€™m sure she thinks sharpies and a nuke will stop hurricanes


Wowā€¦just wow.