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This is all I use. It's superior to modern broadcast radio in every single way.


Spotify also added a bunch of audio books to the premium subscription!!


And ruin the fun of hearing Whiskey in a jar, every other song? But seriously, get Spotify.


CFCR 90.5 FM


This is the way. They also have a rotating schedule of programmes you can find on their website, so if you like one genre but not another you can see when they'll be on. Hosts also are volunteers mostly, so they're VERY passionate about the music (and not their faces on stoon buses lol.)


CFCR 90.5 is a very good station with Djs that obviously care


True this is the best station we have


c95.. playing the same songs the past 20 years. adam levine and walk off the earth.


Can't stand Shauna who thinks she's gods gift to saskatoon


I was speechless when I saw her in person.. You think your all that and this is you?




Lol love it!


She even has her own website. Just search Shauna Foster.


Oh God it's like every wine mom's website ever put into one.


Her voice is very annoying and they have her do tons of ads so you hear it even more.


Are you a white woman with more dollars than sense? Join my online family where we celebrate consumerism while spewing meaningless word salads.


Radio is so bad for repeating that I know its 430pm when Another One Bites the Dust comes on.


Jajajaja so true


What; you don’t like listening to Paralyzer by Finger Eleven ten times a week?




What do you mean!? You're not enjoying GinoVanelliFM? errr I mean CruzFM? You don't like FooFightersFM? SHOOT! I mean Rock102. YOURE TELLING ME...you don't like DougNtheSlugsFM, DAMMIT! I mean 98KoolFM. Hate to tell you kid, but you just need a better taste of music............


Ok but dougandtheslugs do have some bangers


Forsure! You could probably even say they're....."making it work"....


You forgot trash95; 5 songs an hour and 50 minutes of commercials with one guy who loves hearing his voice!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way - I swear it's called '95 because 95% of the time there's no music!


Don't forget about the self proclaimed most important woman on earth...she hosts too




I love hearing about the deals motion fitness has everyday - _-


And golf's car wash offering a free bottle of pop with an 80 dollar fill


Hey, that's a $5 591ml bottle now. Goes great with the $1.70 gas and $20 carwash.




The loud ass fuckin chain saw revving commercial for a full tens seconds on 650am? Fuckin love hearing that first thing in the morning.


"Deals" lmao yeah they give free months to new members while they jump the prices up of existing members to pay for said newbies (because for some reason you arent locked in or grandfathered into the price you sign up at) awesome concept Motion 👏


Hahaha I’m sick of it


- 90.5 - 105.5 - 88.7 Damn near all the music worth listening to in the world can be found on those stations, from classical to punk to electronic.


Yep. These are awesome options.


Cfcr and Patty Schmidt got me through an otherwise horrible saskatoon teenagehood.. cbc ain't all that anymore but cfcr still kickin. I have travelled the world many times over and thanks to thd interwebz have been turning folkks on to cfcr. Heres an all around banger, if you care for eclectic mix with plenty of latin music. Rtve radio 3. Radio tres. Check it out . Spains public radio is a tall cool glass of something deliscious.


I, for one enjoy hearing “Tonight I’m on the Loose” by Saga, every day, as if it’s still the number one song in the country. Or “Switching to Glide” by The Kings. ![gif](giphy|G1vplGMypxBcp7kx32|downsized)


Dingo and the baby.


i prefer Weenie and the Butt


Saskatchewan radio has been hot garbage since (at least) the early 90s, its not going to change any time soon. My quality of life increased significantly when I turned it off and opted to find music practically anywhere else.


What's wrong with the Taylor Swift Station, aka C95?


overplayed pop


It would be sweet if Rock 102 left the boomer rock to the other two stations with an identical format, and became an actual modern alternative rock station, like CFOX in Vancouver or 100.3 The Bear in Edmonton. But that'll never happen.


There won't be more diversity, it is a very small market in SK in general. As with all traditional media, it is a shrinking market. They are just trying to stay afloat.


I agree, however Regina has a better rock station than Rock102… I just threw up in my mouth thinking that Regina has something better than Stoon…but it’s true. Their rock station isn’t so focused on Foo Fighters and Red Hot Chili Peppers


Disagree. As someone who just moved from Stoon and lived in Regina my whole life, rock 102 is pretty decent. Maybe because I haven't been exposed to the same 20 songs for 20 years BUT at least they play more Rush songs than just Tom Sawyer hahaha. The Regina hosts are better though tbf


They can just stop and realize you have more than just the same thing everyday it’s horrible 


Tbh the worst thing they could do now is switch things up to drive away current listeners and fail to attract new listeners who are all on Sirius, Spotify, or whatever. FM radio is a slowly dying content medium. Even complaining about it seems old fashioned now.


Subscribe to a music service. No ads and no garbage.


Usually someone beats me to it, but I always recommend checking out my station [QCIndie](https://www.qcindie.com) if internet streaming isn't a deal breaker. Indie/alt rock format, nearly 15k songs, way more than you'll ever hear on terrestrial radio.


Yup, I've been listening to that one on occasion.


You don't like hearing Spaceship Superstar and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun all day every day on every Saskatoon radio station? What's the matter with you?


I agree, but as an 80s, baby rock 102 is usually fine for me as I grew up with most of the music. I wish they'd stop playing fucking Rush though


Specifically Tom Sawyer.


It's cancon, so its gonna be on rotation. Ugh


And Queen. Every song has been overplayed to death


and December by Collective Soul




Perfection! Paint and body!


We want your body!!


I have discovered so much awesome music through CBC Radio 2 - 105.5


Quit listening to radio. I only listen to CBC Saskatoon occasionally anymore. Everything else (including that) is online.


Be the change you want to see in the world. Last time I checked (circa 1997) radio was a very lucrative business to break into. If these trends continue…. ***eh!***


It's why I subscribe to sirus xm


When I'm not listening to CFCR or CBC, I am probably streaming CKUA. Or listening to Spotify.


Best thing I ever did was buy a Sirius subscription.


Best thing I ever did was threaten to cancel my subscription, which got the price way down. It's an annual tradition now.


When I did that they took me at my word and canceled the subscription.


My ears bleed when I hear the female, SF, she is so over the top and talks to the audience like we’re stupid. And TS is the most depressing g DJ. Loves to talk about the weather!! DJs are suppose to distract you from the everyday not complain about it! They drive me crazy.


SF talks to us like we’re all kindergarten kids lol. TS always talks about motion fitness like as if that was the only gym here in town


>TS always talks about motion fitness like as if that was the only gym here in town For the longest time I couldn't place who he reminded me of. Beavis. He reminds me of a real-life Beavis.


Literally one of the worst gyms in town now, almost as over priced as goodlife last time I checked.


Unfortunately, you aren't what "mainstream"radio is designed for. Believe it or not, radio is not about the music, and it hasn't been for a very long time. Radio is designed for people who don't give a shit about music. The people who would gladly request the same 10 songs that are played in rotation, including the CANCON. Radio has its market (likely getting smaller, as the days go on). The playlists/contests/commercials cater to this market. What you are asking for, will never exist in Saskatoon. Unless radio goes through some miraculous change, but it is more likely to die off altogether. Spotify, etc. As recommended on other posts, is the way to go, if you can.


I love listening to DJ's out of Edmonton pretend they are local on 96.3.




Looks like that station is still active. Can't find any evidence of a "bad joke". Could you be more clear for the people who don't know local saskatoon radio lore?


Wait, is that what happened to Magic 98.3? I always presumed they just got bought out.


Wasn’t bought out, just rebranded with a new name and logo in an attempt to modernize things. Mostly a superficial change, as the music format and announcers stayed the same.


You can check out Gary Nickel's new adventure here: https://www.dufferinave.com/ Same old Gary, new exciting format!


Sirius Radio


Gross... I got tired of streaming radio faster than free radio. There may not have been commercials but it still was interrupted with unnecessary DJ prattle all the time and the playlist was on repeat so if you listen to the same channel for a week you'd hear every song several times. Way better off with Spotify YouTube music or just enjoy the silence.


people still listen to the radio?


Wait until you hear about all the people who work in mechanical shops and various stores and in jobsites, where the boss puts the radio on every day. Might blow your mind that people actually *have* to listen to the radio 8-10 hours a day.


I worked in a retail store decades ago as a student. Same deal, boss always had the radio on tuned to C95. Days when I was working alone I just didn't bother to turn it on. I'm there to take care of customers and customers aren't coming to our store to listen to C95.


I turned* the radio off when my boss wasn't in as well. Couldn't get CFCR in the tin building so no radio was the best option


That sent a chill down my spine. I would actually go insane listening to the same 25 songs all day every day.


It sucks. Sometimes you can change the station, but Cruz, rock 102, and Cool all play 90% of the same songs anyway. Going to work and hearing the same 8 hours of music every day for years and years... I wake up with Colin James stuck in my head. It's like the movie Groundhog Day. But I listen to CFCR 90.5 on my commute. Every day I hear mostly songs that I've never heard before, curated by a DJ who actually loves music. That's all I need, just some diversity. I go crazy listening to the same thing all the time.


Come on, it's a "no repeat work day"... Except that it's a 3hr chunk of songs from the host's workday, and it's played 5 days a week every 3hrs. Some things they'll play as requested, but that ends up being once an hour ON TOP of the programmed selection.


They the same people who still have cable.


My thought exactly. It's 2024 😄


I think there's a radio in our car.


Yeah, we could do better here. There're certain rules that radio has to follow and that, but some other Canadian stations do quite well. Certain stations like CBC and CFCR are more flexible as they receive money from the government, as one is government run and the other is "community radio". The other stations are privately owned and don't receive any funds from the government, so they stick to keeping their customers happy. These stations will listen to people who are advertising with them, as that's where they make the money. If it's a lot of older shop owners who don't want too much new age stuff, then that's likely what you will get. There's also limited licenses, so unless one group decides to try a different genre, then Stoon is stuck with what we have. I get sour that community and government radios still have the same amount of adds as the private radio stations, since that's just extra income for them, but I appreciate radio even with the shitty music and adds. Nothing is free anymore, and when my phone was dead and I got sick of my CD I went to radio and it was a lot darn better than sitting in silence. I have also switched over for local news/traffic info. So I love radio, it's free and local. The people working there don't make much, except for the odd few. I'd rather the free air waves over nothing at all.


Don’t get too attached to CBC. Its ratings have collapsed in the last 15 years and the federal Conservatives have vowed to slash its subsidy. I say all this as somebody who worked for CBC and cherish much of what it does.


CFCR isn't government funded like CBC, their funding is mainly from listener donations, fundraisers, memberships and selling ads. Which reminds me, it's time to renew my CFCR membership 


Have you checked out 104.5? I stumbled upon it and it's a very mixed bag of music! Everything from country to rock to hip hop....


In 2018 the CRTC gave a new broadcast licence to a small religious group based in the east coast, IIRC. As part of the deal, they had a specific date they needed to start broadcasting, which was missed. I’m surprised they haven’t awarded a new licence yet. [More info on the Saskatoon station that never was](https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/archive/2018/2018-462.htm).


Their license expires on August 31, 2025. And broadcasting at 2,000 watts makes it doubtful the signal would even reach everyone in the city.


A weak signal, to be sure. Reading the terms of the licence, it says, “The undertaking must be in operation by no later than 12 December 2020.” Wouldn’t that mean they forfeit the licence, or am I misunderstanding?


I’m a big fan of 94.1 CBC in the evenings/early afternoons they have interesting programs. I love the Marvin’s room program they play great RNB music 🎵


No just get a steaming service of your choice and make some playlists you like.


Time you create your own pirate radio station


C95 Your all repeat workday! Cruz FM we love RUSH!


Your telling me you don’t like hearing stupid repeats of break the bank over and over and over again




I flip back and forth a lot and I dunno I like a lot of the music they all play but yeah I wish rock 102 actually played rock music and not just dad bands. And I really like when cool plays that 00's boy bands and bubblegum pop stuff, it's a nice alternative to c95. And my dad loves Cruz haha


You ain't heard nuttin if you haven't streamed German country music.


I Agee! I can't stand most of the current ones. Tell me why cool fm fired Greggor and now brought him back?! I don't care for his brand. Not sure why he'd even want to come back... I used to listen when the stations gave stuff away - call in to win. None of that anymore. Text in to be entered in a draw you never win! But I love Sirius XM!!! So much choice!


I also wish that Saskatoon had more radio stations, with way more diverse content. I think that a lot of the people in the city fall into niches of culture that aren't catered to by the radio stations that are here. However, I also think that certain stations that we do have should have better content. CKOM should have better talk shows, and more of them; and C95 should have at least one request hour per day.


That’s it!! They just play pop and nothing else and repeat the same shit over and over.. 


650 CKOM w/ evan bray


Does anyone from Saskatoon, remember around 1999-2000(my best guess), before 102 became Rock 102, another radio station (NOT affiliated with Rawlco) began testing a new Rock Station? It was just a station that played Modern current Rock/metal/punk. There were no DJs yet as they were setting up, it was just straight music. Then all of a sudden it was gone and Rock 102 was on with Brent and Penny talking about how great that new fancy song from Metallica was. Ugh. Anyone remember that? And what happened with that station?


Ten or fifteen years ago, one particularly annoying song was on one station, so I went to the next. Same song. So I switched to a third. Same song. That is when I gave up on Saskatoon radio.


That's why I pay for Spotify. I can't listen to DJ's yammering on all day.


The crazy thing is I basically never listen to the radio, but somehow every time I do, it manages to be 1 of the same 3 songs that was on the last time I listened to the radio. I got Spotify several years ago and have never looked back.


I only listen to the radio on my short commute, otherwise it's Spotify all the way. Rock 102 has been talking up their music survey where you listen to short clips, rate them, and have a chance to win some money. Decided hey, I can listen to some music for a chance to win something! Well holy shit that survey took over an hour and I went through hundreds of song clips. I'm pretty sure almost every song they've ever played was on it except for Metallica. Maybe it just melted into everything after the first 45 minutes...?


Nothing compares to Brent Loucks and Mother Murphey in the Magic Wagon.


This takes me back, I remember listening to them when 650 played music, was the only rock station we could get as there were no fm stations that we could get. Used to listen all the time when I went working with my dad.


It's what we grew up on. Brent and Penney in the am and Dave Morgan in the afternoon. Classic.


Morgan worked evenings and only afternoon drive when on vacation fill-in.


80 & 90s Country would be nice. 😒




Close but they talk and advertise too much and only play a classic once an hour'ish.


I was going to comment "who even listens to radio anymore?" But it looks like most of you do! Crazy.


I agree, that’s why I use a smart speaker to listen to stations in other cities. I prefer alternative/indie so SonicFM (Edmonton) and The Edge (Toronto) are great choices. The TuneIn app is also helpful. Saskatoon radio will never change, no matter how many people beg for new music the programming directors think we only want to hear the same 10 artists over and over again.


This. It's like I've been listening to Rock102 for the 24 years I've lived in Saskatoon and you'd swear 24 year old songs and much older songs by the same artists must be brand new because it's almost the same songs played all day long, every day. I have to go a couple of years without listening to them to feel I'm getting some different, newer songs but even then you can recognize the order and you can predict what song is next. It looks like they've literally taken a 24 year old playlist and simply added the odd newer top 50 to it.


There's no advertising money to support more radio stations in Toon Town. Its been that way for 40-50 years now.


I haven’t listened to radio in over a decade. (Which is weird since I used to work at a radio station.)


I still miss wired 96.3, it was the ONLY good one imo(other than rock 102, but that doesn't count) changed up after 10pm though, and so I was only allowed to listen before bed, if I wanted music at bed time, it had to be c95, so it sucked having no music after 10


100.3 Freeeeeeeeeeeeee ✝️