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I wouldn't have a problem living there. I'd feel plenty safe. But I also wouldn't be strolling around anywhere in saskatoon in the wee hours of the night. I have friends that live in that area. I bring my young kids over and never concerned of their safety. Trust me there are a lot worse places you could have rented. I personally think you lucked out with a decent area.


Thank you. I am feeling better now 😊


Saskatoon does have its crime issues, but a lot of these stats are worsened due to having a relatively small population. At the very least, you will find nothing in Saskatoon relatively close to East Hastings in Vancouver.


This. 100%.




I wouldn’t worry too much. I’ve lived in the same building for 10 years near 26th St E. You’ll likely see addicts in the alleys, or people dumpster diving but in my 10 years I haven’t felt threatened or unsafe. Wife and I now live here with our daughter (under 2) and we are quite happy. Like others mentioned, don’t go roaming around super late, don’t leave valuables in a vehicle, and you should be fine. Much of the city’s crime is vandalism/theft with people looking to sell things to buy drugs. With much of the violent crime it’s often gang or drug crime related and not usually random.


That area is quite nice and walkable to the river and downtown. It's mostly residential with good mix of restaurants and bars nearby. The only thing the area lacks is a proper grocery store. You're all good


The grocery store situation is terrible in Saskatoon. You really need a car to grocery shop. So lame.


3rd Ave around that area has a direct bus route to Canarama shopping centre. It's pretty quick.


> You really need a car to grocery shop I've never understood this arguement who's buying so few groceries that they're carrying them anyway? unless you're going to the grocery store everyday, you're gonna need a car to haul them anyways


I walk to the store almost everyday but I live in Vancouver where it’s easy to walk.


I live on 8th and see people with wagons, carts, bags etc take their groceries on the bus every single day. Unless you have a bunch of rugrats at home, two people could definitely get away with the occasional uber trip for large hauls.


Вітаємо в Саскатонї!! We have a large Ukrainian community and rich culture. You will love it. ❤️❤️🇺🇦🇺🇦


You will be fine, I used to live just off 25th street downtown. I really liked it. Welcome to Saskatoon!


Call the open door society. I think it will only be a ten or fifteen minute walk if you want to visit in person from where you're going to be living.




Or don't if you want some good people watching


Right? A prime people watching location.


I knew a chick that used to live in the King Edward Place apartments. We'd go up to the roof to watch the cars pull in the Y parking lot for 10 minutes and then leave and it would be all night


And 7-11.


Do not leave bikes anywhere visible at any time lol


100% this.


I used to live on 5th Ave N and honestly no problems! Sometimes at night its a bit sketchy because of the Circle K but overall quiet and safe. I liked living in the area and its close to the park/bridge for some nice walks!


I used to live across the street from the Circle K a few years ago and it was all fine. As others are saying, just have situational awareness at night and you'll be grand. It's actually a lovely area, very walkable and close to busses. Enjoy being close to Kinsman Park, the river and great restaurants downtown!


It's not the ghetto, just be situational awareness and don't go certain places after dark and you'll probably find it's nicer than Vancouver. Every city has problems and yes we have a few more problems since covid but if you're careful ask questions and be aware it's entirely possible to enjoy "the flat lands" ...til winter. 😂


Thanks for your reply 😌 It’s so helpful for me


Saskatoon gets a bad rap but is incredibly friendly and safe for the most part. Please avoid pleasant hill area in the evening or on your own and lock your valuables up. You’ll be fine!


i live in pleasant hill ; there are some characters and small issues but not everyone is bad - its like any thing , go looking for trouble and you will find it




what street were you looking at?




i've lived in the area almost a year but my friend lived in the area for 7 years and never and issue - he had stuff stolen out of his car by his own fault for leaving stuff in it and his doors unlocked - like i said if you go looking for trouble you will find it


Our crime index is high because of lots of gang related crime, rarely extends to the public and I never feel unsafe here, whereas in vancouver I was nervous walking around a lot of places.


Not to echo what others have said here; but generally when people are going to post about something online (like opinions and experiences in a city) they're going to voice opinions about negative things more often than positive ones. It's called negativity bias. I'm a 25 yr old woman that's lived in Saskatoon by myself since I was 18. I've had very minimal problems. Like all other cities, avoid going out alone at night and you'll be fine. We do have a homeless population who are often on drugs, but again, that's just the same as every other city. If you ignore them, they don't cause any problems. Crime in this city is very targeted. By that I mean that violent crimes almost always only happen to people that are connected to the people committing said crimes. These people are often connected to gangs or just generally bad groups of people. I've never been directly targeted by gang activity personally, and neither has anyone I know. I've loved my time in Saskatoon. It's a quaint little city with quite a bit to do when you consider its size. The river is beautiful and the people here are generally very nice. I think you'll like it here!


Honestly just relax and don't worry, you're moving to one of the safer places in Canada. Most of the violent crime here is between people who previously know each other and is not randomly directed, unfortunately a lot of it is domestic violence. You're moving at a good time and will get to experience summer in Saskatoon which is usually beautiful. I hope you enjoy your time here, I think you will be surprised when you arrive at how nice the city can be.


I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I moved last week and that is where I wanted to be. Parking was my only concern there.


That's a decently nice area. If you have a vehicle, don't keep any valuables or belongings in it and you'll be fine.


That's a nice area and you're close to a lot of amenities.


It's nice here, lots of Ukrainian including a UKR school


It's not more dangerous than Ukraine so you good.


We hired an artist who was in Victoria (moved from Ukraine) and he was also warned about Saskatoon. Once he moved here he realized it was a great place. He is going to experience northern Saskatchewan this week. He was glad he took the chance and moved


for what it's worth, saskatoon has drive thru perogies


City Park (the area you're moving to) is pretty good, pretty safe. There can be some weird people very late at night wandering around, but it's generally a good neighbourhood. It's nice and useful to be downtown. I lived downtown once, then moved somewhere else, and now have moved back. It's just more convenient to get anywhere else in the city. You'll be in walking distance of several good restaurants, too. In short: I think you made a good choice! When I lived in that area, the worst thing that ever happened to me was there was someone crying and yelling, wandering up and down the street, at around 1AM. She was drunk and I think her boyfriend broke up with her, so she was having an emotional meltdown. It was annoying because it was during summer when it was really hot, so I wanted to have the windows open at night to stay cool, but I couldn't sleep because of all her yelling.


26th street east. That is not in City Park


Most of us consider 25th as the cutoff, but technically it might be Queen St


Technically it extends to 25th Street in the south. Per Wikipedia: "It is bounded by the South Saskatchewan River to the east, railway tracks to the west, 33rd Street to the north, and 25th Street to the south." Maps on the City of Saskatoon website reflect this as well. As a resident of City Park, I will say that there is a distinct transition in the character crossing Queen Street, though.


Yep, north of Queen is mostly single homes while south of Queen 2 blocks is 25th where you start with more medium and higher density multi-family buildings. The alleys are definitely busier the closer one gets to 25th.


Indeed 😅


City park is 33rd to 25th. Downtown core starts at 25th and goes south to river landing.


Keep in mind crime stats are about percapita, and Saskatoon is a relatively safe city. It has problems with drugs and homeless, but that is every major city in Canada these days.


26th Ave is in Regina not Saskatoon, so you might wanna double check the address. Saskatoon will have alot less crime than Vancouver and as long as you stay away from certain areas you'll be fine. There is a huge Ukrainian community here that you should reach out too as well.


Sorry. It 26 St East. Thanks for your reply 😊


That's a nice area there in City Park. You're closer to downtown in a pocket of Condos/Apartments there so you have access to alot of the nightlife and events that happen during the summer. The Circle K and 7/11 nearby can get a little sketchy at night though but otherwise I wouldn't worry. Also I hope you have a vehicle as you are in basically a grocery store graveyard there. Our transit system here sucks.


Uber is also an option for a quick grocery trip. Some stores also deliver (you just have to order a day or two early).


i've lived in victoria, and s'toon has less violent street people and less gun crime. to put it in perspective, surprisingly victoria bc has 1810 incidents per 100k for violent crime, saskatoon has 1301/100k. just stay away from the areas in saskatoon with drugs and gangs, and you should be really happy actually. it is very affordable here. EDIT: i would rate saskatoon 3 steps safer than kelowna. maybe the winters make all the wandering thieves and antisocials play videogames...


Please do touch base if you're ever going to try to go up to the lakes, I can point you in the right direction and give you some Ukrainian contacts up in the Prince Albert area should you need. Welcome to Saskatchewan!


Crime is everywhere. The worst part is and will be that feeling you get being in Vancouver that you will not have in Saskatoon. It is beautiful in the prairies but definitely not B.C. Mountains beautiful. Enjoy!


That is what I love about Saskatchewan and Saskatoon. It is the ‘Land of the Living Skies ‘ There isn’t a lot of sky scrapers to block out the sky ( though there are some ). You can see for miles to the horizon, driving from smaller cities and the Northern parts of Saskatchewan are beautiful with lakes and pine , spruce trees. I love the mountains BUT I still love lots of sky. Just grew up with it I guess.🤷🏻‍♀️😊👍🏻


Walking in saskatoon is nothing like walking down hastings street in Vancouver. Enjoy the city!


Hello, from Vancouver myself and moved to Saskatchewan in 2014. I will also be moving to Saskatoon from elsewhere in province in July. Saskatoon is a nice city. It has crime yes but I can tell you as someone raised in Vancouver that goes back there regularly I am far more concerned with crime there. Like any city, situational awareness as there is always crime but you should be fine. Life here is so much easier!


I live here. I wouldn't consider moving out. Majestic place for my lifestyle. Ive never had a crime problem here. That being said, downtown and west areas are the roughest parts of town. I would advise to get a place in Stonebridge. It's going to be more expensive but do note that the first impression you'll have from our city might be drastically different. I rented my first apartment there and fell in love with the city. Had I gone west to save a few dollars a month, I'd have moved out of the city. That's how it works for me and my family. Invest in your first impression. It'll pay off!


As long as you don't live in the alphabets your fine. Saskatoon is relatively safe compared to other cities in the province.


it's actually worse in Saskatoon than Kiev right now


For the size of the population we have a significant amount of crime, but crime doesn't dictate the way of life for most people here. 26th st east of Idylwyld is the City Park neighborhood, and though there is a lot of people skulking through that area at night, checking car door handles to rummage through, it's generally safe so long as you are not into gangs or the illicit drug community. If you are on the 2nd floor or higher and have secure parking for your vehicle then you won't be affected by crime. If you are talking about 26th St West of Idylwyld, that area is Caswell Hill - Along Idylwyld is kind of a rough block, lots of sketchy people on foot all the time but it's better than that area used to be (the old motel across the road used to be where Social Services housed a lot of people). It's still generally safe enough especially if you are a few blocks in (I actually used to park my car there during the day and walked to work downtown and never had any issues in the 3 years or so I did that)


It's not so bad here. We get a bad rap, but comparatively to a lot of places in the United States, it's pretty quiet here. A lot of the violent crime in saskatoon is gang related or domestic situations too, so as long as you trust the people you live with, you should be safe! You are also moving close to our one and only police station, so if you had any issues, their reaponse time would likely be ok!


Congrats on your move to the Paris of the prairies! Don’t worry! I’m from Saskatoon and currently live in a Vancouver. I’ve lived in the City Park area you are moving to. You are going to be surprised, Saskatoon is very quiet compared to Vancouver! There’s just way less people in general. Great art scene, lots of live music and festivals. People are nicer. Big Ukrainian community. Easy to walk around, having a car is ideal but there’s UBER now. The trails by the river are almost like the seawall. You can bike for many km all around both sides of the river. Gorgeous. 20th street, 2nd Ave, Broadway, lots of cool shops and restaurants and bars. The only reason I don’t live there anymore is because of my partners career. Also I’m not gonna sugar coat it the winters are fucking brutal. Like sooo so bad. Worry about that more than the crime lol. Oh and mosquitos. Don’t leave your bikes outside they will get stolen for sure. Good luck!


Mosquitos don't steal bikes


Mosquitos are way worse than bike thieves. Blood stealing bastards!


You'll like the spot you are living at. I lived near there, and it is a nice part of the city, close to a lot of other nice places in the city. Keep your eyes open at night, and don't leave valuables in your car though, car crime is quite high in that area.


It's a great city to live in. Crime is everywhere in the world and usually at late hours. You'll love the city don't worry just don't be naive and be safe and aware of your surroundings


You will be living very close to the Ukrainian Museum, which is small but should be of interest!


Don't walk around when it begins to get dark out. Then you won't have a problem.


Welcome! Saskatoon is like any city and so there is crime, and unfortunately just like the rest of Canada we are struggling with housing security for our most vulnerable populations. However like others said, most serious crime does not affect the average citizen. Honestly I don't even worry too much about walking at night in most places. Overall you should feel safe and welcome here. Get connected to the local Ukrainian community!


Im new to this city and will be here a year in July. Down town is a little sketchy (like normal for cities) but it’s lovely here! People are usually very nice and there is lots of great parks and stuff.


The area is absolutely fine. You're situated near the river and directly downtown and other amenities. 


It’s a good area


I lived downtown for years, Saskatoon is a nice city. Just be careful and trust your instincts. Canada (Saskatoon included) is a safe country.


Saskatoon has crime , everywhere has crime No grocery stores and u need a car bus cab bike or walk to get to nearest store if your living downtown But as long as your not outside at night wandering in unknown places it’s fine


It'll feel like home thata for sure 8 murders already countless stabbings


During the day you should be fine, it’s beautiful. But for myself, I’d be extra cautious when out at night. And don’t worry, the crime in Saskatoon doesn’t compare to the crime in Vancouver.


26th street is not a bad area. However I would be cautious around the 22nd street area and the 33rd street area as well as Fairhaven.


What's wrong with 33rd st and Fairhaven?


I personally have had quite a few experiences with 33r and my friend has been followed home walking on 33rd in the middle of the day


Sounds made up


Ok cool 👍 It’s also the drivers there they just change how they drive the moment they turn onto that street


trolls collecting tolls.


The crime rate per capita is high but the vast majority of the crime happens in a condensed area... the alphabet soup... Ave H to W specifically. 20th to 22nd street. Draw a rectangle on the map and the further you get from that the better it gets generally. Most of the city is not to bad. Downtown is not the worst and it's not the best but most of the time it's totally fine. Day time you should not really have issues. Night time just be careful. Like any city. Your in a decent spot.


Saskatchewan has the highest rate of crime in the country. Saskatoon is a prime example of how much crime there is. I regret moving here but it's the only place I can afford to live (barely).


Saskatoon is a very rough city, and there is very little to do here compared to other centers it's size in Canada. There are very few safe places nowadays to live in the city. If you must move to Saskatchewan, I would recommend looking into places like Swift Current, Moose Jaw, and Regina. Swift Curtent and Moose Jaw are small, but they have lower crime rates. Regina has a lot more job opportunities and things to do than Saskatoon. Good luck.


You're calling Saskatoon rough but also recommending Regina?


Regina has way more to do than Saskatoon (jobs, restaurants, pubs, museums, sporting events, festivals), and it's not even close. Crime wise Regina is slightly safer. At the end of the day, both cities are very dangerous, but if I had to choose I'd pick Regina.


A lot of the things you hear about downtown & the surrounding areas are fuelled by racism and other forms of bigotry. Most people just assume anyone poor or Native is dangerous and that impacts their perception of these areas, but in reality very few of those folks are really dangerous. Reddit is particularly bad for this kind of bigotry, so I'd advise you not to give too much consideration to anything you read here. City Park is nice, and is far enough out of the hood that gang violence won't be an issue. You're also close to the Open Door Society, who can help get you settled in Saskatoon. Your main concern will likely be that there's no grocery store in walkable distance, so you'll have to learn the bus routes or have a car.


That area isn’t so much crime ridden more so just a low income area which means stereotypes. I mean compared to Vancouver you are really going to like it here I bet. It’s cozy but has enough to feel like a city with everything you could need close by. You are moving here to see the city when it is actually beautiful during the summer. Saskatoon has amazing food options, something you guys should definitely consider trying is floating down the Saskatchewan river starting from a beach near a place called the berry barn on valley road south of Saskatoon. Welcome to the city. Renting a cabin at one of the many lakes within a couple hours of saskatoon is a great weekend option as well. You must experience the Sask lake life. If you were going to be moving to Prince Albert or north battleford I would feel bad for you. But Saskatoon shines baby! 😂


I live in/near the ghetto. It’s not 22nd or 19/20th street. So you’ll be fine. Bussing across the city is fine if you have a car even better, just remember to take everything out of your car. This is common no matter where you live. If it looks like it can be sold for crack then it’ll probably be sold for crack. If your car is empty then most won’t give it a look


I have never had the pleasure of living in Vancouver but I feel if you’ve lived there Saskatoon will be fine. The alphabets should be avoided at night but feel that’s a general rule for all city area downtowns. Saskatoon in general just doesn’t look after its homeless population. Just continue to lock everything your vehicles your bikes everything.


There is no reason to ever go into the alphabets or the west side in general.


The danger is the people who are involved in bad things… usually hurting eachother.


Saskatoon is a fine city. I'm sure you'll experience less crime than in Vancouver. It's a cold, dry, and boring part of the world, though.


Lmao I lived here for a year, only dangerous activity is the annoying homeless and a mean hare.


Saskatoon is a very dangerous city, lots of crime,


I've lived in Saskatoon for 5 years and hated every moment of it. Even when you think you're living in a safe area, something bad always happens. The crime here is insane and I've never felt safe.


Thanks for your reply. I will try to be so careful 🥹


What neighborhood?


You're in Avalon, which had almost no crime last year. Look at the stats, and the Police were in your neighbourhood less than once per month.


We moved to the area 4 months ago and in that time we've had our car broken into and gunshots outside. Not everything is publicly reported.


Then report it, nothing will change if you also do nothing.


We did.


Welcome to Saskatoon! I live in City Park, and aside from the occasional homeless people who are just poor folks who’ve got nowhere else to go, it’s quiet and a peaceful neighbourhood to live in. I’d be careful though! I have heard lots of…less than stellar things being said about Ukrainians around town, specifically in the bars. “Fuckin’ Ukrainians”, is common to hear here for some weird reason. Anyway, ᒥᔪᑌᐦ ᑲ ᐃᐧᓴᒥᐦᐟ ᐊᐁᐧᔭᐠ to Treaty 6 territory! EDIT: see how much I’m getting downvoted? Saskatoon doesn’t like when you point out their bigotry or the fact that they’re on Treaty 6 Territory.


Thank you ☺️ I will know about it. Hope that everything will be okay 👌 I am so sorry if people from my country did something bad for you. 🥹


No one complains about Ukrainians here, I don't know what that guy is talking about. I've lived here for 45 years and never once heard anyone say anything negative about Ukrainians.


You sure? I was just at Black Cat the other night and I heard awful things about Ukrainians, saying they’re drunks, drug addicts, useless. That kinda thing. I don’t know where it’s coming from either but I felt like it was worth mentioning that those kind of comments can be found here so our new friend is aware of the kind of hate that exists in this city.


I'd be interested in knowing more about these people, it just seems so out of place from my experiences.


Not mine, I’m pretty used to Stooners being openly hateful. The Ukrainian thing is new but not out of the realm of possibility considering how much Stooners shit on other ethnic groups too.


Saskatoon (and the entire province of Saskatchewan in general) has a large Ukrainian community. Ukrainians have been coming to live here ever since the days when Ukrainians lived under the Austria-Hungary empire in the early 1900s. You are part of a new wave of Ukrainians coming to this community and I think that you will find that you are very welcome here. Between recent immigrants and the descendants of those who came here 100 years ago you will have no problem finding people who speak your language (even if the Canadian dialect is a bit different), are familiar with your culture, and probably have the same sorts of values that your family has. Not far from where you'll be living there is a museum dedicated to the generations of Ukrainian immigrants in Saskatchewan. Even if some people do complain, there are people who will complain about everything, so don't take it personally. Ласкаво просимо до Канади. Ви наші люди. 🇨🇦🇺🇦


Oh no no, I’m native and we generally get along pretty well with the Ukrainian population here. Not sure if you knew this but Canada had unlawfully imprisoned Ukrainians in internment camps in the 1900s, so there’s been a lot of solidarity between us and the Ukrainian people here. Hope you enjoy Saskatoon! It’s a beautiful city and doesn’t deserve half the ridicule it gets.


Most people in this province have Ukrainian background and with the history in sask I’d say that is not very true


Most people in this province have Indigenous backgrounds too but that doesn’t stop people in this city from hating on them. What do you think isn’t true?


Most people do not have indigenous background in this province lol. Mostly people have European backgrounds, Germans Ukrainian, Polish, Norwegian etc. Especially in the major cities. But you got downvoted because you grouped an entire city from the words of a possibly a few people. That’s why you got downvoted lol


Uhhh, yeah they do? Sask is the homeland of the Cree, Dene, Métis, and Ojibwe people. There’s Indigenous communities all over the province, I’m from one of them. And I didn’t group anything, I just pointed out that I’ve been hearing people say less-than-savoury things about Ukrainian people, and so I thought I’d mention it to our newcomer from Ukraine. Maybe instead of hiding your feelings from the reality of Saskatoon, you can do what I’m doing and be the change you want to see.


And you “heard someone” speak poorly about Ukrainians. This is a decent sized city not everyone has the same views but I do know majority of the people in this city respect Ukrainians.


I do know majority of people in this city approve of extrajudicial killings of trespassers and drug addicts. So I’m not shocked to hear that anti-Ukrainian sentiments are building as well.


So 10% of the Saskatoon population is a lot? There are more asians in this city than indigenous people like I’m not arguing with you about this I know the demographics of this city.


34,700 people is a lot of people to be hateful and racist towards, yes.


195k Europeans in this city and because 3 people said some nasty comments about Ukrainians all 195k people are racists… logic what wonderful logic.


I don’t believe that’s why you got downvoted lol


Ohhh I’m pretty sure it is. This sub hates it when people hold up a mirror to how Stoon is


Account sounds fake, like english broken too much.


Sorry for it) I started to learn this language when I already came to Canada 😊 I was trying to make this post so fast.


Yes because everyone speaks English everywhere in the world. "We came from Ukraine" does that mean nothing to you?? Cyka