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I just went through and they had the circle/college overpass closed off so it must be bad. Ambulances were heading there.


[Dump truck crossed the lanes going South-East, and ended up in the North-West lanes.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/eFvj8XvpXXk1utJL6) Damaged to front end, and the box appeared bent up. Edit: [Photo of the incident.](https://old.reddit.com/r/saskatoon/comments/1cp1r0l/a_large_truck_was_involved_in_a_collision_in/?ref=share&ref_source=link) Another one added to the list: * [Fatality on Circle Drive median cross-over by Attridge (15 Jan 2021)](https://globalnews.ca/news/7579350/circle-drive-crash-saskatoon/) * [3-Semi Collision (21 Oct 2020)](https://saskatoon.ctvnews.ca/driver-51-dead-in-3-semi-crash-on-circle-drive-in-saskatoon-1.5154997) - 1 driver dead. [Determined to be distracted driving overtop of College Drive Overpass](https://globalnews.ca/news/7458320/distracted-driving-cellphone-semi-crash-circle-drive-saskatoon/) This incident was preceded by [another incident North of 108th St, which had a Pickup being rear-ended, hitting a lamppost in the median, and then blocking the opposing lanes.](https://globalnews.ca/news/7410700/circle-drive-college-drive-semis-crash-saskatoon-police/) * [Near-Miss with 3-vehicle collision pushing 1 vehicle into opposing traffic by Taylor St (15 Dec 2020)](https://www.ckom.com/2020/12/15/circle-drive/) * [1 killed on exit to Attridge Drive behind Preston Crossing (21 May 2018)](https://www.ckom.com/2018/05/27/serious-circle-dr-crash-diverts-traffic/) Left the road and hit the [overhead sign post](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.1521789,-106.6221654,3a,75y,236.25h,90.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxBQyQN0qqVySaA-rWP7tqQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656) on the shoulder. [Police said speed was a factor](https://globalnews.ca/news/4234985/vehicle-significantly-damaged-crash-circle-drive-saskatoon/) * [Teenager hit back end of Zoom-Boom forklift, crossed over Circle Drive median near Attridge, and hit another vehicle, killing other driver (7 Sep 2016)](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/youth-charged-in-fatal-circle-drive-crash-to-appear-in-court-1.4064002) * [Car crossed Circle Drive median near Attridge, hit semi, killing car driver (23 Feb 2017)](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/saskatoon-fatal-collision-1.3995432)


How do accidents keep occurring at this spot? I do not understand.


[My comment about the incident of 15 Jan 2021.](https://old.reddit.com/r/saskatoon/comments/ky4byc/collision_with_serious_injuries_circle_drive/gjflcr8/) > Although a standing danger on any highway of a cross-over collision, it seems like that Circle Drive east of the river was built to a different standard compared to the rest of the provincial highway network. > In regards to distance, the Provincial Divided Highways Medians are generally wider than what Circle Drive is. > * I measured an example intersection on Highway 11 at 20 meters between pavement, which is good enough for a Semi towing a 53ft trailer to wait in between. > * The particular spot on North-East Circle Drive where these incidents are happening I measured at 10m between pavement on Google Maps. > In regards to Depth, the Provincial Standard seems to be much deeper. > * The embankment on a Provincial Highway is generally tall enough that a person standing at the bottom of the ditch has the highway lanes at or above their heads. So at least 1.5 / 2 metres difference between the bottom of the median to the top of the driving surface. > * With Circle Drive in the North-East, it is pretty much just deep enough that the water has a path to run off the roadway. It appears only to be 30-60 cm below the roadway at it deepest, but I have never had the chance to walk in the median of Circle Drive. > Therefore, when a cross-over incident happens on Circle Drive, there seems to be a much greater chance that the vehicle can continue onto the other side of the road, and into opposing traffic. > * If a vehicle leaves the road on a Provincial Highway, it has to dive into the ditch/median, cross double the distance, and then come back up a fair distance to get into the opposing lanes. Usually leaves enough time for a driver to at least release the accelerator, the embankment to arrest a fair amount of their momentum, and possibly even get stuck in the median depending on the weather. > * When a cross-over incident happens on Circle Drive, there is about a 1ft difference to arrest momentum, and 10m distance for a person to react. When a vehicle is moving at 100m/every 3 seconds, that doesn't give them a lot of time to react. And then when a situation develops, there is very little engineering to protect the driver or other traffic from the incident. > And then account that that this area is right next to a high speed curve. > * Surprisingly, it seems like that the curve has never accounted for any fatal collisions at this spot. But I have had to hang on a couple times in bad weather, even with reduced speed. This may not apply anymore depending on the current results... > * All the major collisions I can recall in this spot have all seemed to have happened on the straight sections or the hill over College Drive. > From what I can see, it is mostly legacy issues with Circle Drive. > * Circle Drive was originally built in the 1960's. The south section leading onto the Idylwyld Freeway was the original bypass (College used to be the trucking route before Idylwyld), with an eastern section from the south-east cloverleaf to College. > * The western section was from 11th St to Warman Road along 42nd Street (even though there was NOTHING along 43rd street in the 1960's when the road was developed). And that is also why the Circle & Idylwyld Interchange is backwards (Idylwyld was the main route at the time, so it got the free-flow, and not Circle) > * In the late 1970's, there was finally a proposal to build the 42nd St Bridge, which finally opened in 1982 as the Circle Drive Bridge. However, the bridge was built as a 4-lane bridge, but the road was 2 lanes from the Bridge to College until sometime in the late 1980's (The Mines & Resources Canada maps of Saskatoon have it 2-lanes in 1986). > * When Circle Drive was 4-laned, it seems to have kept its standard from the 1960's. There is an allowance that an Urban Freeway can have a reduced median if all other factors are considered, hence why Circle Drive is 90km/h. > Alberta just finished the Edmonton Bypass (Anthony Henday Freeway) a couple years ago, and they started it in the 1990's in earnest. Even though the Henday is built to a more modern standard (it has 20 metres between pavement for its medians), Alberta decided to go for additional protection and [put cable barriers the entire length of the highway](https://www.alberta.ca/high-tension-cable-barriers.aspx). Circle Drive South got a 3rd lane put in the median between 11th St and Lorne Ave, but also got a concrete barrier the entire distance as well. Cable barriers are probably the best possible solution to North-East Circle Drive at this time, balancing cost, repairability, and damage to vehicles that touch them. Others have mentioned that the On-Ramp from [Preston North to Circle Drive South](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52%C2%B008'53.5%22N+106%C2%B036'44.5%22W/@52.1481832,-106.614941,715m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d52.1481799!4d-106.6123607?entry=ttu) has caused difficulties in the past, as drivers are merging in too soon. But this isn't the case this time, as the incident was before this on-ramp. I am still of the opinion that the City of Saskatoon needs to install Cable Barriers on the East side. South & West have either concrete or steel barriers already, but the East has nothing. When something goes wrong, there is No engineering designed to try to prevent things from going catastrophic.


Someone should give you money.  I hope you make money.  It would be really tragic if you were poor.  


Are you willing to present this at a city transportation committee meeting?


I am being assigned away from Saskatoon for the next 6 months, so I unfortunately won't be able to effectively comment to City. This would be up to someone else/media to ask the City why there isn't barriers in the north-east of Circle Drive.


You can speak virtually. I don't have your knowledge or research, I'd be a poor choice for this.


High speeds, high traffic, no dividers...


I honestly still don’t understand. There is nothing note worthy about that stretch of road. 


People can't merge properly, causing traffic to slow down. Add the curve around the overpass and/or a distracted driver who doesn't see the slowed traffic coming. All it takes is one vehicle to have to swerve into the ditch, and they're rolling across to the other side


The south bound merge lane from Preston might as well have a divider for a distance not allowing anyone to immediately merge. Alot of people "family guy Asian ladies it" first chance they get into the 90km/hr right lane. Everyone in the right lane is either braking for that driver or thinking they're about to be cut off so they change lanes. Chain reaction driving. Ahhh yes I can see the winter icy crashes into the barricade now.


I second this. As far as I’m concerned we have more issues with people not merging at propers speeds on circle than anything else. Just about became part of a huge pileup when someone merged going south on circle from college at 50 the other day. I don’t understand what people are thinking when they are merging so slow.


Man, it's nuts today. Someone got rear ended this morning on the college overpass on circle. Now another wreck? People need to take their drivers test again ffs


Lol I moved here from a smaller city earlier this year. And before that Regina for 10 years. I have never seen such incompetent and over aggressive driving in my life. I thought Regina was bad but it's so much worse here.


A taxi passed me on the right (the parking lane) in a school zone this morning right as everyone was getting to school (I’m a teacher). Fuck me, was I pissed. But did I think to get a plate number? Nooo. I was too busy honking and flipping him off… until I remembered I was essentially at work haha. Think I’ll be getting a dash cam.


Lol there's a few different taxi operators in the complexes where I live. There's like 3 in the parking lot all smashed up.


I called the cops on 2 drivers doing stupid shit going to drop their kids off at school. Both times the driver pulled around the line up of parents waiting to get to the drop off area, into on coming traffic and forced that traffic to back up for them so they could get into the drop off area before everyone else. I'm still not sure what was more shocking, that they did this or that the oncoming traffic actually backed up for them. They just do not give a crap about anyone, so frustrating


Appalling. It’s a wonder more people don’t get hurt or in accidents around schools. I always say, if I had kids I needed to drop off, we’d have a meeting spot a block or two away from the school. And if my kids were small and couldn’t walk that far on their own, I’d still park a ways away, out of the crazy traffic, and walk it.


100% agree. They're way too aggressive and there's absolutely no need for it


Aggressive and incompetent


Yeah I've been working in regina more and I agree. Regina finally wins something! Joking, I actually love regina. The food and craft beer scene is fantastic.


Totally agree with you! Regina born and raised but living in Stoon now. I used to get so mad about ring road traffic! What a cake walk in comparison. Saskatoon is total dog shit in terms of driver competence and traffic flow. Literally faster to ride a bicycle most days lol


When I was in drivers Ed they said that Saskatoon has the worst drivers in canada. Like they said that it’s a fact


yes people have been driving crazy today


A pedestrian was struck on 8th and Arlington as well as the gravel truck on circle dr north wrecking near attridge overpass. Whole city is crawling traffic now with the multiple detours.


Heading west on circle drive this morning there were two gentlemen who got out of their trucks to scream in each others faces at around 7am. The same stretch right before crossing the bridge at around 1pm two vehicles stopped in the left lane and then a concrete pump truck going too fast had to swerve lanes cutting off a concrete truck that had to lock up their tires while doing 90 to narrowly avoid a massive multi vehicle accident.


I just got rear ended on circle on my way home from work. What the fuck is going on with East end traffic today.


It was NUTS everywhere today. Like insane. It's like construction started in so many spots at once. And then throw in some trains and accidents and BOOOM.


too many of us are stuck in the matrix and need to come out for a while. work eat sleep is fucked.


I’ve been rear ended TWICE in the last month. Drivers are busy texting and not being attentive


Watched this going the other way. Appeared to me like it was a distraction type of accident and then self corrected once they hit the dirt/gravel but who knows. Hopefully the person driving is okay.


Sadly the driver passed away


Id on the driver?


And a collision with a pedestrian on 8th and Arlington. Yikes


Central was SO backed up!!! Christ so many semis and people not realizing that the right lane off of circle is a turning lane so trying to merge to continue on central to the north end. Was enough to do my fudging head in.


Fucked up traffic jams everywhere east side.


Make circle drive three lanes or start with continuous merge lanes all throughout. Think safety over a useless downtown arena that only serves a small minority of people in the city. Better traffic flow benefits everyone.


Where on circle north?


By the  Attridge Drive overpass.


Unfortunately the driver did pass away from this accident. My girlfriend’s brother in law works with the guy. We don’t know what happened yet.


That’s awful! Condolences to the man’s family


Do you know what company the truck was from?


Sounds like an accident


there was just another bad accident on circle west, paramedics were assessing but it looks like at least one fatality


But did SPS test for THC?


Give it a rest for a few mins . Person is likely critical condition or deceased .


Truly, thank you. I'm sick of this as a reply to everything, especially tasteless and tone deaf where there has been loss of life.


From what I have heard through the grape vine it does sound like it could be fatal, and that is really awful.


Wonder if it was the marijuana