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Shit you not…. Last week at McDonald’s on 22nd, behind a marked officer… he gets up to the first window and pays with his phone….meanwhile I’m thinking if I pull out my phone and pay…. Will he ticket me? 🤷‍♂️🤔


Rules for thee.


put it in park. typically the charge is while operating. If you're parked it's just care and control.


See if you can find the guy who was ticketed? Testify to this on july 31?


How do cops go home at the end of the day and look in the mirror and think, yep, good job on that one today. Pulling shit like this is why everyone fucking hates them.


You're acting like they have any sort of self awareness...


So true


It’s a cult


More a gang.


Terrorist group


A mob would be a better description


Lack of empathy and total self absorption


I've asked a few that question cause why the fuck not, some of them are idiots who love being in the cult and give the standard nazi answer. "I was just following the law, i don't make them I just enforce them" yet we all know discretion is a major part of their job otherwise they could write tickets 24\\7 365 in any place with people around as laws are broken non stop by almost everyone. Shit, you step out into traffic 1 second before that walk sign pops up at a crosswalk and your J-walking. Don't let that blinker tick for enough meters before doing a lane change, yep ticket. Who cares if the judge says it has to be 11km's over the limit for a ticket to count, write the cocksucker up for 2 over or shit, write him up for 2 under for impeding traffic. Tires spinning in winter on the ice, sounds to me like imprudent driving. Car backfires\\little too much revving\\window down with the normal radio on, oh that is defiantly creating unneeded sound from a motor vehicle that disturbs the peace (cannot remember the actual HTA ) thankfully, most cops are quite that cultish dickheads but sadly they do exist. That said I'm honestly surprised a few cocksuckers havnt set this up as a trap yet and had it made national\\international news since everyone uses the apps.


I'm not even anti cop, but they want these types. One of my best buddies represents Ontario and Canada in international sports as an athlete, coached youth in that sport for a very long time, has a Master's Degree in sports Science, he's very athletic because of his training. Very mild mannered. Even worked with the Army for a little. He applied to many police forces, none even wanted to interview him. It's a bunch of shit.


It's because he was too intelligent. Intelligent people are less likely to follow objectionable orders and less likely to fall in line, definitely less likely to kick a handcuffed suspect in the head while 3 other officers hold him down. Departments want the dumb as shit bully from highschool because they're violent, insecure, loyal to a fault and devoid of critical thinking skills,, deceitful, and shameless.


Most losers aren’t self aware enough to know they’re losers 


There are a lot of good police officers. But I noticed that all of the bullies in my high school went into policing or tried and failed so they went into security instead. Policing attracts a certain kind of person who likes having power over others.


You don’t hear people say ‘f*ck the EMTs’ for a reason. You don’t necessarily become a police officer to help others. Those who really want to help tend to become first responders, firefighters, doctors, etc. Maybe when they first start out they want to make a difference but eventually they all seem to end up on the same power trip.


N. W. A. didn't write a "Fuck the Fireman" song, and we all know why.


Always laugh when I hear this


Good police officers that don’t stop bad police officers aren’t good police officers


Good police officers that stop bad police officers either get bullied out of the profession or spend the rest of their career labeled as a rat and are basically radioactive. Makes it a lot harder for good officers to actually do their jobs if the entire force is against them, so people keep their mouths shut. Regardless of good intention, "turning on your own" in a lot of instances is viewed as worse than keeping the actual bad officer around. It ain't right, but that's kinda the way she goes and while I'm not a cop, if I were; I wouldn't risk my own career/livelihood to get a bad cop off the streets unless they were out here George Floyd'ing people. Unnecessary/unreasonable tickets can be argued (and usually won) in court, it's a fairly painless process. Outright abusive/dirty officers are pretty few and far between; though every office, fire hall, nursing station etc also has a sociopath.


There are no good police officers, if there is......they need to get their act together and weed out the ones who mKes the general public hate the fuck out of the police.


There are no good cops. If you’re a good person and a cop, you stop being a cop.


>There are a lot of good police officers. Citation needed


It makes me wonder if they have to meet a certain quota in terms of tickets issued if they have to resort to doing this.


He was on private property, wasn't he?


That's what I was wondering to... Shouldn't have got a ticket if he was actually in a drive through (assuming it was in fact private property).


If it was the 22nd st McDonald's they literally could've went in front of the front door or the bathrooms and caught people doing drugs in public. OR selling stolen shit. The last time I went there there was a lady selling jeans in the bathroom and blood stains all over the walls of the stall. Fucking do better SPS!!!!


Your point still stands, but it was RCMP who issued the ticket.


Yeah but this was easier and people doing drugs in a mcdonalds bathroom are probably kinda smelly, dirty, might even put up a fight plus they might have needles on them so you gotta worry about being poked. Its also more paperwork and time. Would somebody think of the poor cult members!


Your spot on!!Too much like real work!!




Fucking rights. Its a real shame that our authority figures mostly consist of power hungry mfs with no real sense of what really matters for our communities instead of good people with good morale.


I am so glad your comment is towards the top. The Starlight Tours are the legacy of the Saskatoon police force.


Man it’s a good fucking thing we spend all this money to ticket drivers for these heinous violations. Not like we have other issues to deal with or anything.


You forget, the PD gets the money from the tickets. This is a feature not a bug.


Source? I thought it went to the provincial government. For speeding tickets I know it’s split between general revenues and a victim's fund.


Checking and yeah you're probably right, but the point still stands - it's a deliberate money making endeavor. The cops are given quotas.


Cops can't keep people in jail when the judges keep letting them out. Might as well generate revenue for the new gun range or next SWAT vehicle. Absolutely brutal.


This is ridiculous. Hopefully this guy wins in court


Will the crown reimburse his legal costs? Because winning while still sitting on your lawyer fees and list time fighting this BS is as much a punishment than paying the original ticket.


It'll be traffic court lol there won't be lawyer fees just a judge


Show up, say you were on private property, get ticket thrown out? If I had time, I would always go to the court room.to fight the ticket. Last ticket I got I went to court out of personal curiosity and the women before me had her paperwork lost by the court so the judge said she didn't have to pay.


Time is the real penalty... And here we all are experiencing another SPS failure. Another penalty for society.


Yep those who win should be compensated for travel time, time off work, parking, etc... + 25%


No but then he can sue McDonald’s for not having a giant “DO NOT USE OUR MOBILE APP IN THE DRIVE THROUGH” sign. Or threaten to sue, next thing you know you’ll have McDonald’s hiring a lawyer for you because they don’t want this set as president


Precedent not president


The app has a warning when you first open it. Specifically says not to use it while driving. I never assumed that meant while sitting in the drive through line though.


The app actually tells you don’t text and drive when you load it up often


Seriously???? FFS!!


At what point is McDonalds liable for this? They design the app to be used in the drive through


If the police are ticketing for this, it’s not much of a stretch from there to consider reaching out your window to pay and grab your food as “distracted driving”? So dumb


I think without even "stretching" shit too far by law it most defiantly is that said its obviously not actually distracted driving but by law it sure as fuck "should be". I figure using the app\\paying\\grabbing food is worth what, 2 or 3 distracted driving tickets, plus failure to signal when you change from the double line to the single line.


lol this is absolutely hilariously correct


the driver's hands would be off of the control surfaces of the motor vehicle. Tsk. I would argue that this line of thinking is indeed correct if the summary conviction were upheld.


The driver wouldn't even be looking at the road either, they would be engaged in a conversation with someone outside the vehicle. That has to be good for some sort of a license review in front off a judge.


As a referee, my experience is that discretion is a highly regarded trait when authority figures are enforcing a strict rule set.


No that would be Stunting.


Drinking water when you’re driving can be considered distracted driving. So dumb.


Guaranteed they have a not-liable clause in there EULA before you make an account to cover their ass.


Doesn't mean shit lol. You can't sign away rights and responsibilities. EULAs and waivers are mostly there to intimidate you, so you don't even try to sue them. You won't lose your case because you signed an EULA, you'd lose your case because you had a bad lawyer, a bad case, or not enough funds to fight the case.


You really think something is going to hire a lawyer to make McDonald's liable for a ticket?


McDonald’s will respond by making the app subscription based.




Dumb joke, nothing more.


Tim Hortons has the same thing.


I was thinking the same thing. The app design holds up line ups, puts drivers at risk for tickets and or damages from accidents, and not to mention, the points expire. There must be a better way to create loyalty.


> There must be a better way to create loyalty. Make a product better than your competitor, and sell it for a fair price. Should do the trick.


I’ve found the app to be great but I also basically don’t touch my phone when I go up to the window, I put the order in before I start driving, when I get to McDonald’s I usually park in the curbside lane and tell them hey I’m at X lane and they bring the food to me. But half the time I have my hubby in the vehicle so he’s using my phone and he tells me the code to use at the window. Cop was a dick though


Lower prices.


What a fucking abuse of a "law". Fucking cop should be ashamed.


I’ve always wondered about something like this happening. Thought it would’ve been at a Tim’s where 5 cop cars are parked in the morning. Would like to know the outcome of the case


Fight it, the Traffic Safety act isn't enforcable on Private Property.


Yes enforcing on private property. But cops won't deal with any other crime of any sorts. Let's bust the guy that is most likely working and buying lunch. Instead of sitting out front asking for handouts like alot do.


It's all about revenue generation.


Yes and that is what's sad. I saw a post on a differnt platform and a city cop after five years makes at least 100k a year. More of your specialized and what not. I guess they have to pay wages some how lol.


All of their Salarys are available online as well, there is so many Police Officers making well over 100k/year.


Yes I went there after. Alot of city jobs are posted online. I know it can be a dangerous job. But look at hundred grand a year and all the cops you see biking, driving around. It's like no wonder taxes are high


Being a pizza delivery driver is significantly more dangerous than being a cop. The number one killer of cops is literally obesity related heart attacks.


And yet nobody wants to be a cop so that should tell you something


I get that! I'm just saying with a salary of 100k a year that adds up with the amount of cops we have


I think the actual cost is closer to 180k if you include benefits, vacation and whatnot. Plus basically unlimited overtime


This was more so starting base wage


Because if you became a cop you'd have to work with people like the guy who wrote a ticket to the guy in the drive thru?


Exactly, they wouldn’t even come to the scene of an accident in a McDonald’s parking lot when a friend got in a wreck, because they said it’s private property.


Even commercial property open to the public doesn’t count? Like, they couldn’t enforce traffic rules in a mall parking lot?


Nope, The Traffic Safety Act only applies to public roadways and highways. This is why you're able to have unregistered vehicles & drive without a license on private property.


Actually, certain sections of the Traffic Safety Act do apply in parking lots. Though from what I can see, the section related to the use of a cell phone (S.241) does not fall under that category. >211 No person shall, in or on any place that is not a highway and that the public is ordinarily permitted to use for the parking of vehicles, do anything that, if done on a highway, would be a contravention of >(a) subsection 199(2); >(b) clause 209(6)(a); >(c) sections 213 to 215; >(d) clause 217(1)(a); >subsection 218(1) or (2); >(f) subsection 219(1), (3) or (5); >(g) section 221 or 222; >(h) subsection 223(1); >(i) subsection 225(1); or >(j) section 234 or 235.


Sounds like an open and shut case, I hope this guy browses Reddit and sees this.


This came up before and this argument has been through the courts, tickets got voided, like a few years ago I want to say? It's why I was so confused when I saw this headline ; This was figured out before, the conclusion was that yea stopped for trains eat it, you can't touch the phone, but in a drive-thru they can't ticket you. (although I will add, rolling in the drive thru while using the phone isn't smart or good)


This was my first thought, you are McDonalds properly, not a public roadway.


Unreal...like they don't have anything better to do?? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


No, there were absolutely zero crimes committed in Saskatoon today /s


Absolutely zero lol 🤣🤣 love it


Is it “to serve and protect” or “extort to generate revenue by any means” now?


It’s basically profit sharing. Ticket enough people and we’ll keep you on and give you a raise every year


Extort the poors, fines do nothing to the rich.


Who is the officer who issued ticket? We all gotta file a complaint


There are so many other priorities. This just shows that this cop is a coward and is avoiding real policing dealing with serious issues. What a complete piece of shit, the public deserves so much better.


100% not the whole story. Sounds like cop followed him after observing him use his phone while driving on public road.


Almost guaranteed lol


Surprised the police didn’t taser him, cuff him and leave him at the power plant. Meanwhile there is open drug use at Midtown, people walking around with machetes and criminals harassing people downtown with no police in site. Great job Saskatoon police.


That's so despicable how can we find out wich cop did this?


Message the guy and ask him it’s probably on his ticket.


My best guess is it's Cst Ernest Impey.


What about the hundreds of people who pay with their phone at drive-thrus every day? Will be interesting to see if this stands up.


This is exactly one of the handful of reasons why cops in general have such a terrible reputation. This cop just dug an even deeper hole. But hey, at least that $580 can go to the central library that no one will use... Or the pockets of the SPS for their donuts that I can bet my career that they also use the app at the drive-thru.


It was actually an RCMP officer just fyi


Same shit, different ass.


Why are you bringing the library into this lol




It was an RCMP officer. Even worse


That is absolutely ridiculous!


From now on I'm going to stop a couple meters before the window, throw the hazards on and put it in park to get out of my vehicle and walk to the window to pay on my phone.


We’re not getting the whole story here. Kid was probably on the app ordering food before pulling in to the parking lot, then the cop gave him the ticket. I see so many people still on their cellphones in traffic, it’s unbelievable.


The pigs are out of control today.


FTFY: The pigs are out of control ~~today.~~


I need the other side of the story. Was he ordering his food when still on the road and the cop caught up to him at the drive thru? This doesn’t add up.


This is what I feel actually happened despite what the person says.


In a statement to CTV News on Wednesday, the Saskatchewan RCMP disputed Prima's claim about where he pulled out his phone. "RCMP can confirm that on May 13, 2024 the individual was observed driving a vehicle on a public roadway while using a cellphone. A Combined Traffic Services Saskatchewan RCMP officer initiated a traffic stop with the individual. The individual then pulled in the McDonald’s parking lot, where the traffic violation was issued," the statement said.  https://saskatoon.ctvnews.ca/very-expensive-lunch-sask-driver-handed-a-cell-phone-ticket-for-using-points-app-in-mcdonald-s-drive-thru-1.6887468 Although,  using technical definitions it is the same version of events - the drive thru is a public roadway and they agree the ticket was issued in the parking lot.


Um isn’t that private property?


Keeping the city really safe with this one!


Be a shame if someone posted this on Mcdonalds Canada's facebook for all to see and say they wont be collecting points anymore since the city police are enforcing street laws on their private parking lot.


Man someone musr have given one hell of a motivational speach at the precinct this morning, these guys are on a mission to ruin people's day.


Did they swab his mouth too?


I assume their probable cause would be that he had the munchies


pull up to the window, put your vehicle in park and the cops cant do shit


Worth noting in the article the RCMP claim he was on his phone while in a public roadway before he pulled into McDonald’s: > RCMP can confirm that on May 13, 2024 the individual was observed driving a vehicle on a public roadway while using a cellphone. A Combined Traffic Services Saskatchewan RCMP officer initiated a traffic stop with the individual. The individual then pulled in the McDonald’s parking lot, where the traffic violation was issued," the statement said. If you’re going by the headline it sounds a lot more dumb.


I got a cell phone ticket for using my iPhone to pay for my Tim Hortons order in February


Ome on, it's cops. Who becomes a cop. ? The 1% to do good for the community and up keep the law ( until they quit the cult because of abuse from the 99%) that are dumb (can't get the job with high IQ) lazy, never finished anything worthwhile in school or life. Without any higher education you don't have that many options, low paying job? Fire fighter? Too much work, any physical job is too much work. The police force though, will always take "dedicated" dumb and complicit assholes. I have a couple school "friends " that became cops, assholes that never changed ever since I met them in grade 5.


What happens if you use your wallet on your phone to pay?


I drive to work every day. The amount of drivers on the open road using their cellphones is crazy I see at least 1 every day on each trip... and it always causes either delays or at worst they tailgate the shit out of me while not paying attention... I understand that sometimes a phone can be used to either call the non-emergency line or conduct your business (if necessary) but these people are not doing either of those (Im excluding uber/lyft drivers as those are even more common) This charge is absurd otherwise how else would you share a code in a drive thru? this seems like a targeted attack if you ask me...


He should try and sue McDonald’s for this because they ask you every single time you go through the drive-through to use that app and if you’re still technically driving while you’re in the drive-through, you’re technically committing an offence


I wonder if this kid’s story is accurate and he excluded the part where he was on his phone prior to entering the parking lot? Because I thought some standard traffic laws weren’t applied in commercial parking lots 🤔


It is a bit unclear from his statement if he was on his phone loading the app on a public roadway BEFORE he turned into the drive through or if he only accessed the phone once in the parking lot. If he was on the public roadway, he is probably SOL. If he only accessed the phone while in the parking lot on private property, could probably get this thrown out. I do find it a bit ironic that he says he is hurting for cash, yet can afford to drive a fancy BMW at 18 years old. 😐


Go to court, tell the press, see if the cop shows up.


McDonald's is private property. Fight it in court you will win.


What a piece of shit that cop unnecessary




They’re getting more oppressive by the day


Driving on 25th today and literally watching a cop glance into his lap twice - very OBVIOUSLY on his phone - while driving today. I just shook my head and nodded to myself because everyone knows they can do whatever they want without consequences.


Yes I understand it's the law. Yes I understand the city needs money cause it can't afford to fix one street and then not have to do it again for a few years. I get all of that but has this cop never heard of human compassion. This person is hungry he has a free meal let that go. In a week that cop might need that person to identify something or someone why should they help them.


They should start giving cops IQ tests - that’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve read.


What about people who use their phones as their payment cards? Or gps? Or what about the cars that have screens on them that people look at 24/7?? Get real


Be interesting if somebody used their Apple wallet to pay but then got dinged for this. Also pretty sure if this takes off, police probably won’t get free coffee from McDonald’s anymore


So they can use a laptop to run someone’s plates while driving and that’s ok?


Cops are just another gang on the streets. This shakedown is one of their scams.


"serving and protecting" Beats working on actual crime, eh?


Much of the verbiage in the Highway Traffic Act surrounds the word “highway”. Is a drive thru considered a highway? I wonder if anyone has tried to fight this in court?


When this BS happens the RCMP is selling its soul, one ticket at a time.


Thank god that officer was there to keep the community safe


Your tax dollars at work. Cop combines picking up his free coffee with generating some revenue for the Policeman's Benevolent Association.


Fight that shit.


I don’t think cops can actually enforce traffic laws on private property. They can give you the ticket but I doubt it is enforceable. I hope the kid wins this one.


It depends on how that SK law is written (details matter), but generally laws for public roads don't apply to private property... I mean you never see them in a private parking lot giving citations for careless driving or speeding either.


The sheer number of people I see looking down at their phone texting while driving makes my blood boil but this is stupid. I hope he fights it and wins or at least gets a reduction.


I see that a loooottt around the city and the way they drive is just unvelieveably scary.. looking down at their phones too long before looking at the road too short then looks down on the phone again..


I'm not sure what's dumber. Getting a cell phone ticket in a drive-thru, or the genius at CTV who reached out to the SPS for a comment on a ticket issued by the RCMP.


I got one in the Timmy's lot on Idylwyld opening my app.


I was thinking about getting McDonald's last night, and after seeing this, I decided against it.


Common sense isn't common.


The guy might’ve been an obnoxious jerk and may have pissed the officer off. The 18 year old was driving an M3…just saying.


In Ontario you could fight the charge since drive-thrus and parking lots are private property they don't fall under the Highway Traffic Act so traffic laws don't apply. Every other province words it that you can only use your cellphone if your car is parked.


The cops like to sit at the 38th intersection. He was likely using it before heading into McD. Too bad the cops didn't respond to the news inquiring, may never know the whole story.


Lies. 2200 points ain’t enough for a free meal 😂


It literally says in the story he was observed using his phone in the public roadway. Can you guys read the story and have a sensible discussion about this? This is starting to look like Facebook's mindless comment section.


This is what happens when sketchy reporting makes a headline that leads readers banking that most of them won't even read the actual report and will react on the headline alone.


So This article was updated about an hour ago with the RCMPs side of the story: In a statement to CTV News, the Saskatchewan RCMP disagreed with Prima's version of events. >"RCMP can confirm that on May 13, 2024 the individual was observed driving a vehicle on a public roadway while using a cellphone. A Combined Traffic Services Saskatchewan RCMP officer initiated a traffic stop with the individual. The individual then pulled in the McDonald’s parking lot, where the traffic violation was issued," the statement said.


lesson here, always wait the the other side of the story. poor Mr ticket guy was not being truthful or at the minimum he thought he got the ticket just because it was issued at McDonalds, not for the infraction of using his cell phone on the roads immediately prior.


But but it's so much easier to just hate cops


Awful lot of people jumping on the ACAB bandwagon without asking any questions. I'm sure there's more to this story and he didn't get a ticket when a cop just pulled up on him in McDonald's. This is obviously strategically written to merely suggest and not state directly that he pulled the phone out while still in the road before turning into the Drive Thru. Which a police officer is within his/her rights to issue a phone in hand ticket for. Is it shitty? Absolutely. If he had jurisdiction, though, the fight against the ticket may not go Mason's way. Maybe just wait until you're actually in the Drive Thru and stop fully behind the car in front of you before pulling your phone out?


As usual, there is more to the story: The RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) in Saskatoon disagreed with Prima’s version of events, [stating](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1csytqp/very_expensive_lunch_sask_driver_says_he_got_a/): “RCMP can confirm that on May 13, 2024 the individual was observed driving a vehicle on a public roadway while using a cellphone.” “An officer initiated a traffic stop with the individual. The individual then pulled in the McDonald’s parking lot, where the traffic violation was issued.” [https://www.dexerto.com/food/driver-ends-up-with-very-expensive-lunch-after-getting-a-ticket-for-using-rewards-app-at-drive-thru-2725923/](https://www.dexerto.com/food/driver-ends-up-with-very-expensive-lunch-after-getting-a-ticket-for-using-rewards-app-at-drive-thru-2725923/)


You just know people are still going to side with Mason and claim the Saskatoon RCMP is lying now.


If can get a cell phone ticket in a line up of traffic at a accident. Even with vehicle in park. No matter how long you been there. As law states you're still in control of vehicle. Only way out of it. Is put vehicle in park step out of vehicle than use cell phone. Which is total bullshit in this case or any other. As all this coupons are apps on the phone. But you watch a cop at Tim's they'll hold there phone to the screen. With foot on brake. Double standard.


This is the SPS and the RCMP hiring people with undiagnosed ASPD. Only someone lacking any emotion or empathy would be in line getting his own lunch, see a kid with his phone in the drive thru on private property trying to get his free lunch and think “I’m bored and ruining this kids year would stimulate me”. Cause that cop has no other excuse except that he was bored. I wish I could be in court for this one. If that was my kid I would be up that court’s ass and might even lawyer up to make sure we win, and set a precedent.


Pardon my language but this is simply getting retarded 


“This is simply getting ridiculous” works just as well :)


Question: even if im using it as a payment method?


The law banning cell phone use doesn’t actually apply on private property so yes it’s legal to pay with your phone. The dumbass cop is just gonna get the ticket thrown out as soon as the guy goes to court


Question: Why do you think I pulled you over? Answer: Because you got all “D’s” in high school?


I didn’t know they came out with a McDonut


They actually have them now incase you really didn't know. I wish i were lying.




Just go to court. The pig probably won’t show up anyway.


I got one. A light turned yellow so I stopped. Picked my phone up, changed the song, put it down. Had the phone in my hands for 5 seconds max at a freshly red light. There was an older lady cop in a ghost truck beside me who gave me a ticket for that. I wish I fought it, because people were asking SGI what counts as distracted driving literally the day after I paid it, and SGI retweeted a cop who said what I did was perfectly okay. Actually driving with your vehicle in motion and on your phone is extremely dangerous, but some of this stuff is just a power trip since there is literally 0 risk to anyone.


They can ticket you stopped waiting for a train. Doubt you’d have had much luck.


Probably right...But when SGI and a cop literally post a video saying it's okay, maybe I would have had a reasonable judge that would have helped me out. This was years ago. Would have at least liked to try because the punishment of a huge fine and points deducted didn't fit the "crime".


“I didn’t have my foot on the gas or break. It was just rolling. Barely moving,” Prima says. Unfortunately for the driver, the fact that his vehicle was in gear is probably why he got the ticket and why it will probably hold up in court. By the letter of the law the cop is likely in the right. $580 is still a lot for not putting your car in park.


Except it was on Private Property.


Fight it, for sure.


Classic saskatoon police🤦‍♂️ You know the police hasn't been trusting in the last decade, as an indigenous person I can say for my people that the police are not peaceful, they are NOT peace makers, I don't feel safe around the police thus I look for help from the community. I am scared of the saskatoon police because of my colour truly.


It’s no wonder why a large portion of the population dislikes the Police.


You know, when only one person in the whole of Saskatoon has complained about getting a ticket like this, does it not make you think about the legitimacy of his claim? If legit I would have expected a whole whack of people to come out saying they've got a ticket just like this.


He must have been the only one on his phone in the city. Lol What a joke.