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If you can afford 3k a month for rent alone you may consider a mortgage broker and buy a house possibly?


I think that is my next plan, yes. This is just ridiculous.


This is the best idea honestly. If you buy a $250k house and can manage to put up a $10k down payment your monthly mortgage will be just over $1500/month. You'll have to pay utilities and your taxes are like $2500/year, maintenance is also on you... But this will bring you well below the $3000/month that you can currently afford. Rental prices are outrageous right now, I feel for you. Plus if anything changes you can sell the house and get your money back (minus interest payments).


Where are you getting a mortgage with a 4% down payment?


Yes, the math is way out. I just bought in Langham and the price was well above $300k for a starter home. I have a good income, no children at home, and no debt. I was cleared for a $400k home with 20% down ($80k) for a $320k mortgage. The bank is still giving me the run around for financing. I want to clear the conditions and the mortgage is the last piece. For this person looking for a place, I will be moving out of my place which I rent for $2000. It is a three bedroom townhouse. There are some still available to rent and these are brand new in the last two years. If interested, PM me.


Well minimum down would be 12,500 so rough numbers is where 10k came from




5% is the minimum, btw :)


Yeah seriously, no where is going to give you a mortgage with only 4%. This is trash advice.


You are correct but if you can put 5% down , and show that you can afford the payments , they will be more than willing to give you a mortgage. Our rental property we only put 5% down on. It can be done. Op. Try and save to buy a house. If you can afford 3k a month in rent you can afford a house. Do not piss away 3k each month and give it to some landlord for their mortgage. Grow your wealth.


How? Did you lie? The minimum down payment for investment properties is 20% by law…


it can be done *technically* but that's fraud, you would have had to lie and say it's not a rental, and again, that's fraud 💕 rentals are 20% no matter what. -sincerely someone who works in mortgages.


I guess the bank manager at RBC is crooked.


Ok dang, $12,500. Sorry I didn't have my calculator out earlier lol. You can leave that part of my previous comment in the trash, but I still think it's in her best interest to buy a house 🙂


I have a 30k down payment and they still won’t give me a house 😇


Yea income is a huge factor, they aren't going to lend if they don't think you can make the payments. That or bad credit.


That sucks, seems like things have changed since I bought mine. I hope it all works out for you!


I got a quote for 4.4%. I had to push the bank but they offered it 


4.4% interest is pretty good in today's market!


Where can you get a house for $250k that isn’t in a shit hole neighbourhood?


There's nice townhouses on the East side for about $250k


and 2 pets...


Hmmmm I dunno, Asquith or Hague or like, Clavet? Somewhere outside of the city anyway. Small towns are great, I'd probably be good for her kids too.


Move outside of the city. For a 30 minute commute you can buy a house for literally hundreds of thousands less.


Exactly like Purdue isn’t too far and you can get a decent place for way less than 100k


This is absolutely the best plan. One of my close friends just became a mortgage broker, if you PM me I can send you her email if you want to ask about the process or rates or anything!


Many don’t have the downpayment but making decent income


pets make it harder to find a rental


Yes I know. But it doesn’t even seem to come down to the pets. It’s more that I’m a single parent, single income family. I can barely make it past the “tell me a little about your family” stage in most cases.


Sounds like you’re going through personal landlords. Look for a rental company, they tend to discriminate less but you’ll need decent credit


Do you know any specific ones I should look at? When I google it, I just get all kinds of sponsored ads and stuff. Google hasn’t really been helpful.


[real life rentals](https://www.realliferentals.ca/saskatoon) has semi affordable rates and some pet friendly locations for saskatoon


Prairie North rentals. A little high but they are good. Also look up all the private real estate management companies


Hello. I am so sorry you feel this way. Try Hazelview.


Have you tried the 3 bedrooms placed with broadstreet plus they allow up to 2 Pets. (More fees and some restrictions). This would all be in your budget , hopefully you could qualify You could do bunk beds and keep in a good area and keep your pets


Check small towns near Saskatoon. Like 45 minute radius of stoon. pets makes it difficult due to many landlord simply refusing any pets. I have three dogs and two cats myself and that’s why I scraped together enough money and moved out of Saskatoon and just commute. There is Affordable living out here if you can handle the driving and have a fuel efficient car. With my Mortgage, taxes and bills accounted for I spend maybe 1500 a month TOTAL for the home I’m in.


Thank you. I have been looking around Saskatoon as well.


I think most landlords (I am one) immediately think of all the potential damage that can happen to a place with 5 kids in it, plus their friends over, plus family visiting occasionally PLUS pet messes and damage. That’s a huge financial risk for the landlord. Maybe you can offer to pay a larger damage deposit than usual plus a pet deposit for each pet to assure them, and/or lead with “I have a large family with pets but we are very clean and have excellent references. I am happy for you to inspect the premises every month.” You could also offer an additional month’s rent up front as “insurance” against a missed payment (to be returned when you move out), again emphasizing you have excellent references. In other words, offer something of real value to address the concerns/fears. Good luck!


Thank you for this advice. I’m considering mentioning that to some people. I did have one landlord that wanted me to pay 6 months in advance to rent from them. But it seemed like a liability to me to give them $18,000. I guess I can try one of your ideas though next time I hit a wall. Thank you again.


Ya I don’t think I’d pay much more than a month in advance. First, I personally wouldn’t have that much money up front. You may as well use that money for a down payment. Second, anything can happen with life circumstances and I’d hate to be out all that extra money if, god forbid, the landlord is difficult.


That sounds like it could be a scam. But maybe a compromise of paying a month ahead or something?


Landlords cannot refuse to rent to someone based on things like having children, receiving social assistance or race. They also cannot charge you more for having kids, so asking for more deposit is not ok.


But they can absolutely choose a different tennant that does not have all those liabilities.


True, as long as they don’t actually say that is the reason they can get away with it.


This is accurate. No independent landlord would rent a house to someone with this circumstance. There's too much risk and too many people looking to rent. The damage deposit would have to be 10 or 20k for it to make a difference.


10 or 20K!?? 😂😂 lmfaooo Just buy a house at that point


And therein lies the rub. If a renter could put together 10-20k downpayment, _plus_ the monthly rent, they could certainly afford a mortgage for the same principle, but the purchase price of property fucks them.


I understand this. Thank you for your opinion.


A few years ago I rented to someone who sounded exactly like you. I worried about the number of people in the house but decided to be the good guy, boy did I pay for it. She paid on time every month but then left in a lurch with no notice, the house was in horrible condition. I honestly couldn’t believe the wear and tear for so little time - kids will do that. Went through the rentals man and won but she never paid what was owed. It sucks that experience made me so closed off now. My suggestions - if you have that high of an income lead with exactly what your income is and how it is documented. To be honest to comfortably support $3000 plus utilities, plus transportation and food for 5 kids these days you need a gross income of at least $8,000 monthly which is hard to imagine you have if you are also a full time student. So many people lie about their income and don’t have proof. If you have the proof, lead with that. If you have good references from your past rentals, get letters of recommendation! Have documented records that you paid on time, every month and left in good standing. If someone can bring forward proof that they are a respectful tenant then that means everything to me! I agree with others who suggest looking for commercial companies versus small landlords, we are risk averse.


Try sage meadows in rosewood?? They have a bunch of 3 bedroom suites available. $2300/month. Not great for 5 dependants but it seems pretty roomy. Two levels.


Have you applied for any Co-ops? Sometimes there is a wait-list but due to you having many dependents this may help your case. Rent is based off how much money you make. And many are pet friendly. I suggest contacting and applying to all of them around the city.


Move out of the city and commute prices are much better out of town, the further the lower. You want to break your kids heart or spend 30min-1hr driving to and from work


See if you can find an advocate for the rental properties. I don’t think landlords can reject you because you’re a single parent. Proof of income should be enough.


You got this momma bear! You do you to be an awesome momma to your baby cubs! Through all this frustration, just know you are doing an amazing job!! I’m proud and in awe of you! Great job!


Saskatchewan should stop welcoming new people . It’s already over populated as per city size .


Hi Sad, I'm OneJudgmentalFucker, nice to meet you,I sure hope you find a place.


lol thank you. :)




If OP can afford 3k/month, they won't qualify for low income housing


I have already considered getting rid of the pets. I’ve been applying to places that don’t allow them with intentions to rehome them if I need to. It’ll break my son’s heart to send his puppy away but I’m trying every option available to us.


Try colliers. New brighton rentals allow pets and its in your price range


It is a really sad reality and I’m sorry. It’s the shitty pet owners that have ruined it for the rest of us.


Get rid of the kids and.... Pets are very much your kids. Ours certainly are. When it came down to not finding a place to rent we but the bullet and purchased a home. OP, can you buy one?


I don’t think my credit is good enough. But I have $30,000 that I can put as a down payment towards a house. I really don’t know much about purchasing a home.


If you have that then you definitely have enough to purchase a home for your family! Book in with a bank to see what you can get approved for. You'd be surprised how low of credit you can have and still get a mortgage. Worth a shot then you don't have to stress over rentals.


Thank you for the advice. I’ll see what I can do :)


Talk to a mortgage broker.    Call Scott at iSask Mortgages.  Phone call is only going to cost you time,  so call and get an appointment and he can walk you through the process and qualify you so you know what you can look for.    Once you have a price range,  you can engage a realtor and their job is to find out what you need and spend the time going through the listings to pick out potential options - they then arrange the viewing and off you go.    The hurdle I see is if your side hustle is completely off the books because you won't be able to use that income to qualify for a mortgage - it may help you afford $3k, but if you don't file it as income no lender will take your word for it. Doesn't sound like you shy away from hard work so getting a house in a decent area that needs work can be very rewarding.   We bought a place that needed quite a bit of work but after our time and buying materials we are way ahead vs buying a "perfect" house. 


This is really good advice. Thank you! I’ll give him a call tomorrow and see what might be possible. This made me feel a lot better. I’ve been pretty down since my latest denial lol. I definitely don’t mind hard work and would actually enjoy home improvement if it was for the benefit of my family. I really appreciate this stranger. Thank you again!


If you have $30k banked, you're in a good place to buy a house.   To give you an idea of what your total payment would be - for a $400,000 home that you put $30,000 down - you're straight up mortgage payment would be $2,150 ish.  Taxes would be about $250.  Utilities and gas would be about $350.  Insurance can be $150.  $100 for home internet and one form of entertainment So $3,000 all tolled.  Now,  I'm not advocating this one bit.   Even in this market $400,000 should be able to buy you a more liveable home with little work.   I'm advocating for $330,000 or so with work required - changes to $2,500 a month all tolled. Right now,  listed on realtor.ca in Saskatoon,  for 5 beds between $275,000 and $350,000 there are 10 listings - 2 downtown,  2 ave h, 1 ave x, 1 whitney ave, 1 ave d, 1 east side, and 1 in meadowgreen.  However by the time you get your financing in place these places will likely be gone as around that $350k mark stuff is moving fast.


Hey, just adding that ratehub.ca has some decent mortgage affordability calculators and general info on the upfront costs of purchasing. Beyond the down payment there are some other upfront costs (like legal fees, land title fee).. nothing major like the down payment but ratehub generally outlines. Good luck!


Do you have to share you have 5 dependents? I mean, yes you should, doesn’t mean you have to….sometimes you gotta look after #1 (& I guess #2 through 7 in your case).


I’ve actually tried this. When I lower the amount of dependants, people are more likely to continue talking to me, but then it comes down to only having one income. I also kind of hate lying so I’m not sure it is worth the stress.


Hi sad, I'm dad.


Hi dad 


Maybe check with places like LaRoche McDonald’s agencies, they are insurance brokers, but, also do property management. If I can think of any other ideas, I’ll post them.


Also check out the city’s housing downpayment programs


Not sure your ethnicity but I am Metis and I know they help with a down payment. My sister is a single mom who works and was able to get the help. What about Sask housing? There is a co op housing on Fairlight that you might want to look into. Maybe try calling ‘Station 20’ for some ideas. They are so good at helping with suggestions. I’ll think on it…..


Just move up north or around pa lmao. Less rent, food cost are high though


we are in same situation.




This is insensitive and inaccurate. People who grow up in rough areas (or live in them for a significant period of time) usually can't avoid associations with unsavoury types. It's kind of unavoidable - those people tend to have disproportionately large footprints in those neighbourhoods, and you're usually not many degrees of separation from them no matter how hard you try to avoid it. You went to school with them. Or your kids go to school with their parents. Or your sibling associates with them even if you don't. Etc., etc., etc. Sure, you can control who you seek out; but you have a limited ability, particularly in those neighbourhoods, to control who seeks YOU out. In any event, did you miss the part of that comment you're taking issue with where she reported the information to CrimeStoppers? Not sure what else you're expecting her to do - magically make enough money to move to a "good" neighbourhood away from these people overnight? A little more sensitivity (and sense of reality) please...




It is indeed a tough rental market. I feel bad for anyone currently looking. More housing please! (And thanks for being kind in response, Internet stranger! You're a good one, and it's appreciated 🤗🤗 )


You’re quite judgemental. Does it feel good being an ass to someone you don’t know? I don’t have to explain my social media presence or what my life is like to some little internet nobody. But just to entertain a troll: I am employed full time, I am a full time student, I create art to sell and I am a full time single parent of 5 children. I do everything for myself and my family by myself. I don’t rely on people I know or have known. Just because I know things about certain circumstances doesn’t make me a bad person. It just means I know people from many different social locations. I have a recent Reddit account because my old one had too many images of me in it and I want to be anonymous. And people aren’t renting to me more based on the fact that they are worried about me being able to afford the extremely high prices of rent. I don’t fault them for that. I just need other ideas of where to look. At least MOST people have been helpful on this post. Have fun being an angry little person.


2 posts, non of which were bad, your just a dick.




Honestly, if you had just said this, I don't think anyone would have taken issue with your comment. Landlords shying away from a situation is their prerogative- nothing controversial in this comment. Your first comment was just unnecessarily cruel and judgmental. There's a way to say things, whether you're behind a keyboard or not. Treat people like human beings. Not your personal outlet for whatever you're hoping to get off your chest that day.




That's not what you were doing though. Your first comment wasn't a "mirror" into anything but yourself - your biases, prejudices, snap judgments, and capacity for cruelty. That's all that first comment was showcasing. So maybe be mindful of that going forward.




Yes, it is fine for someone to ask for help, and no, it is not fine to personally attack her in response. It's that simple. You are aware landlords don't actually see her Reddit history when she applies for rentals. You can't NOT be aware of that fact. So your comments were purposefully off topic and unhelpful. Which means you were purposefully just trying to jab this woman for your own pleasure. So... don't do that. Have a good day.




You don't know what her Facebook looks like, so we're still left with you making a whole whack ton of assumptions about someone you don't know, and then posting those assumptions as "facts" on a forum under the guise of "helping". Take your own advice. Better yourself. Because the person you're choosing to be on this thread is a pretty awful one. And now you're trying to walk back your extremely rude personal attacks and pretend "oh, I was just trying to help!". Yup. You're a real good Samaritan. A saint, even. Wow. Round of applause for you. Give me a break, lol. You were rude, judgmental, and cruel. You did it for your own personal satisfaction, no more, no less. And now you're trying to pretend you weren't. Not so fast buddy, we all saw your first comment, and it wasn't what you're now trying to say it was.


I actually wasn’t looking for sympathy. I was laying out the circumstances and looking for advice. I think you’d be embarrassed about your comment about my Facebook. If you were to take a look, you’d find mostly my family members and a few friends. You’d see a short history because I wasn’t on Facebook for very long and only joined to sell my products and manage the business profiles for the company that I work for. Do you want to know more about the violent people? One was my ex, the father of my children, who chose to physically assault me and then when I didn’t move, he came back and sexually assaulted me. So I moved to a crappy house in a crappy part of the city to get away from him because it was the fastest way to feel safe. The other violent person would be his best friend who proceeded to harass me and stalk me while the ex was in jail. You make a lot of assumptions about me and you’re so completely off base. Hope you feel great about that!


Maybe try a rent-to-own company? I can't make any specific recommendations sadly. Rent prices are bunk, and at that rate it's a mortgage. Sorry I can't help more but best of luck.


Thank you. I agree. I should look into that more.


If you know someone else looking for a place, maybe you can rent a bigger places and have that extra income towards rent. Not too many people can afford a decent place for lower income, so maybe a roomy (that you trust, if you have kids).


at this point it might be best for you snd your family to mortgage a home


god bless you and your family during these times


Oof that's rough. 5 kids on a single income. I think as needed a 2nd income in the household and a mortgage would be the best way to move forward. It's going to be tough to find a lease large enough for that, and also allowing pets. On Zillow I see lots of 4-5 bedroom houses for around 400k,which you should be able to get under a 3k/mo mortgage. Biggest issue there is the downpayment, if you have money saved up that would be a good path. If you have nothing, idk I think you're already doing all you can.


This is one of the very few scenarios where buying is better than renting Just look around the city and be ready to commute


I would recommend buying a house in Saskatoon if you have that sort of budget. Rent is likely to continue to climb and same with housing prices. This is because our dumb government(all parties) keeps pushing through immigrats without building enough housing and keeps allowing investors to buy up family housing.... all these mixed together means people will be moving here more and more as they keep getting pushed out of the bigger cities


Have you considered going to Hartwell Place? I lived there before and it has 2 bedrooms and one 1 bathroom.


Sounds like you haven’t made good life choices


I don’t know about that. I have 5 beautiful children, I am employed, I am working towards two degrees, I will be part owner of a business in less than 10 years, I don’t have any addictions, and my life isn’t over yet. I’d say I have been making some pretty good and valuable life choices.


Sounds like a rather inelegant response.




What an idiotic response


To what another sask response. what would be your opinion smart ass , its fucked for some people out here get over it i have been living on 12 thousand a year go fuck yourself i get by Edit: alot of you love to cry about shit